"The Reluctant Roommate"


Literotica Guru
Jan 5, 2015
"The Reluctant Roommate"


St. Gregory's School for Girls wasn't usually the first choice of most parents looking for a choice education for their daughters. But with its lower tuition rates -- often subsidized by the State to deal with troubled girls -- were the lowest on the West Coast. Oh sure, the education was better than that provided by the neighboring public schools. But it wasn't the education that made many parents hesitate. It was the reputation of the student body of being ... what was a gentle way of putting this ... of being rather free with their student bodies.

"We're getting a new roomie today," Angela pointed out, peeking around the quad for prying teachers before lifting a pint bottle of vodka to her lips. She grimaced, causing her two friends to laugh. Suffering through the alcohol's effects on her throat, she growled, "Was in the office ... heard she's a transfer from St. Anthony's, in the city."

"Bible thumper," Barbara spat out before snatching the bottle and more easily taking a drag. She said with obvious distaste, "That school's full of them."

"You don't know that," Candice responded, taking her turn on the bottle without so much as a squint. The girls' history with other St. Tony transfers was in contrast to Candice's comment. The girls from the more religious, more regulated, more regimented school were ... well, they weren't the girls gone wild of St Greggie's. She laughed, took another big swig, and dared, "Ten bucks says she quotes from the bible within five minutes of meeting us."

"Three!" the more skeptical Barbara countered.

The bell atop the Main Administration building signaled the start of their first after-lunch class. They finished off the bottle between them, tossed it into the shrubs, and hurried inside to finish their first day of the school week.
Jenna had been attracting the wrong sort of attention or at least her father Reverend Thomas thought so. It seemed overnight the 18 year old had blossomed into womanhood, but instead of looking like her slender delicate mother, she was a throw back to a curvier generation.

So innocent Jenna was being sent to an all girls school in the hopes she would be able to remain uncorrupted, and be a virgin bride to the man of her father's choice. He already had several men interested, but that's not important at this time.

So Jenna was sitting in the principles office, he was the only man she'd seen on campus, evidentally the teachers were all women as well.

She blushed faintly and listened to the rules, and got her course schedule. Student housing, she hadn't realized she'd be living here, and she bit her lip in frustration. No off campus trips except holidays, so no church on Sundays with her family.

So she was waiting for one of her room mates (there were 3 of them) to come escort her to her new home. She frowned as she realized her dad had known as she had one piece of luggage, packed by him. It seemed to stare at her as if telling her she was a bad girl and deserved to be punished in this exile.


of course she is primly dressed, but this is her body source
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(OOC: Keep in mind that the first girl below is in an altered school uniform, as linked below. The other two girls are dressed as in their pics.)

Father Campbell opened his office door, looking to Jenna with a polite smile, then looking past her to the hall beyond the school office. He made an inviting curling finger gesture, calling, "Candice, please ... come in."

Candice was the leader of what Father Campbell humorously called the Alphabet Girls because of the first initials of the trio. She wore the school's standard uniform, but wore it in a very non-standard way: the blouse's top three buttons were unfastened and the tie's knot clear down to just above the top button of the vest; and with her plentiful, young "D" cups boosted by an underwire, sexts of her breast's cleavage could have been easily confused with vacation pics of the Grand Canyon. Below her vest's lower hem, Candice wore her skirt to just a bit higher than mid-thigh, despite the school's rule that it be no more than two inches above her knees. She tried to make up for the higher skirt by wearing her stockings up above her knees, limiting the amount of bare skin. And she finished the sexy outfit off with a pair of three inch heels -- the school's firm limit -- on which an appreciative and satisfied male friend had spent the equivalent of half a month's tuition to St Gregory's.

Candice stood over the new girl for a moment, letting her gaze walk over the teen, checking her out before smiling devilishly.

"Candice...?" the Principal called from his office.

Candice strutted to the man's office, closing the door as directed. They chatted for a couple of minutes, with each of them glancing to the new girl occasionally. If Jenna knew anything about emotions and gestures, it would have been pretty obvious to her that the Priest-slash-Educator was warning the student about something while at the same time gently pleading for something from her as well.

"Let's go, new girl," Candice said as she left the office and strode past Jenna without barely even glancing at her.

As she led the girl down the hall -- not bothering to help her with the big suitcase and other small bags -- she began spitting out the rules of the school, from schedules to restricted areas to more personal stuff like which school girls to avoid: the sluts, the alcoholics, the idiots, the racists, and more, even pointing at a few of them as she passed, obviously not concerned about the response she would get from openly criticizing her less than appreciated school mates.

They left the Admin building, crossed a wide lawn via the cracking concrete of a half-century old path, and entered the Dormitory. The Admin building had been one of near silence -- with the exception of Candice's never ending monologue -- but the Dorm was a cacophony of noise: music of multiple genres, laughing and giggling, video game action sound, angry arguing, and more. Candice reached a flight of stairs, stopped short, snatched Jenna's smaller bag and purse, and said with an obviously put out tone, "Let me help you with that."

"The Dorm has rules as well," she began as she headed up the stairs, her bountiful ass swinging back and forth before Jenna. When she reached the first landing, Candice turned to look down at Jenna with a devilish smile and said, "Rule One: Do as I tell you."

She turned and started upwards again toward the third floor, continuing, "Rule Two: if you don't like what I tell you to do, refer to Rule One." She peeked back with that same smile, this time letting her gaze drop to review the girls struggling body again. She turned back to face her destination and finished, "And Rule Three..."

She stopped at the open door to a room from which spilled the loud music of a video playing on a laptop but also being projected to booming Blue Tooth speakers. Over the screaming voice of Kesha, Candice said, "...there is no Rule Three."

She entered the room and headed for one of the four closets, ignoring the two women in the room.

Dancing animatedly in the middle of the room was a tall, thin brunette in just a tiny bikini and an open denim shirt. She hesitated for just a moment to look over the new room mate before returning to shaking and spinning her body all about the room, her waist-length hair flying outward and all about her body like a heroine's cape.

"That's Barbie," Candice said over the music. She looked to the bed in one corner, where a shorter, bosomy bottle-redhead was sitting with her knees opened wide as she inspected the clit piercing on her bared pussy. "That's Angel. And you can call me Candy."

Angela looked to the new girl, ogling her with a hungry smirk as she toyed with the little gold ring. She asked, "Like it?"
"It's different," it was like hell, the part of hell with hot girls prancing around teasing sinners. But she deserved to be here, and this is what her father picked, so she was determined to thrive in this den of sin. So she basically ignored the rule about obeying her room mate, figuring it was some initiation thing.

When she opened her suitcase she would find a set of school uniforms, and white cotton bra and panties sets, oddly enough no swim suit, and no pajamas.

She found herself oogling the pussy, and pulled her eyes away to notice there was just one giant shared room, 4 closets and what had to be a bathroom.
"Put that thing away," Candice scolded Angela about her very publically displayed pussy. "We have company."

Barbara suddenly stopped dancing, reaching over to tap her laptop into silence. With a disappointed tone she complained, "I thought she was our new roomie."

Candice, who had been undressing and was now down to a tiny thong and her push up bra, just shook her head as she turned. "She is, airhead."

Angela stood, giving the Queen of the Dorm a hard glare before heading toward the bathroom.

"Stop!" Candice ordered, causing Angela to cease her movement. She said with a knowing tone, "Ask first."

"Do you need the bathroom before I go in to masturbate?" she asked the new girl with a reluctant tone. She barely waited for a response before she said, "Good!"

"Ignore her," Candice told Jenna as Angela stomped away and slammed the door. Still in just her panties set, she moved over to stand close to the fourth roommate and, as she picked through the bag, informed Jenna, "Angel's a full red blooded lezzie. Don't worry if you're not. She won't touch you unless I tell her to."

She made the statement as if Jenna would have to submit to Angela's sexual desires without a choice. As the music began again all around them, Candice lifted a pair of near-granny panties from the suitcase and displayed them to Jenna. With a critical tone, she asked, "Really? You don't have anything sexier than this?"

Not really caring whether or not Jenna answered, Candice turned away to the huge, modern style dresser taking up the wall space between Jenna's bed and what Jenna would learn was her own. She fished through a shallow drawer crowded with mostly sexy undergarments. She began tossingthongs and pairs of boy shorts -- all with their price tags still attached -- onto Jenna's bed.

"Start with these," she demanded. "I'll take you shopping tonight after class. You got any money?"

A giggle from behind them was followed by Barbara muting the music quickly, then laughing again. From beyond the closed bathroom door came Angela's rising cries of pleasure as she neared orgasm. Candice tilted her head, looking to Jenna's chest, then back up to her eyes with a smile. She said bluntly, "Angel's thinking about you sucking her pussy. You ever eaten out another girl's pussy?"
She dropped the panties as if they were on fire, who was going to care about her underwear anyway no one was going to see them. She wondered what the fuck was going on, she was in hell, her own personal hell, the hell girls go to when they turn away boys and masturbate to thoughts of women.

Shopping? she was pretty sure she was banned from leaving, but if it presented an opportunity to escape. Cash, crap she had none, her dad having set up a fund to make sure her food bill was paid, and that was it.

She only really grasped and answered the final question as she sank down on the floor.

"What? No," and after a pause that was a little too long, "Ew Gross."
Candice's lips widened in a delighted smile at Jenna's reaction to the munching of muffs. As Angela's cry of orgasm sounded from beyond the door and a moment later the music fired up again, she cocked her head and studied the teen, then laughed. "I like you. I'm gonna take care of you. You're gonna have a really good time here, I guarantee it."

She curled around her, slapping her forcefully on the ass as she commanded, "Barbie! Find something for the new girl to put on. We're going to town."

The Alphabet Girls ignored any and all attempts by Jenna to get out of slipping off campus, practically stripping her out of her clothes and redressing her in their own. Each one of the three had at least one body feature -- shoulders, breasts, waist, hips, legs -- that was similar to her own, enough so that between them they were able to dress her in suitable attire.

When the stood her in front of the full length mirror, all three looked her over with pleased smiles.

"It'll work," Candice said, her tone not entirely impressed.

"She'd hot," Barbara said, reaching out to cup Jenna's tits and boost them up.

"I'd do her," Angela said, turning to head for the door, adding, "Let's do this."

They made their way down not to the first floor but to the basement. They hurried single file, with Candice leading the way and the other two girls ensuring that Jenna didn't chicken out or flee, down the utility tunnel to a heavy, wooden door that let out into a dark courtyard.

"Wait here," Barbara told Jenna, holding her tightly by the elbow as Candice headed out into the darkness.

As they watched, the Queen made her way to the guard shack that stood at the Staff Parking Lot pedestrian entrance. It was almost fifty yards away, but the three of them had a clear view of what was happening. The guard opened the door for Candice, who immediately dropped down out view. The man's hands were obviously working his belt loose, and a moment later he reached to the shack's wall and flicked off the overhead light. Still, a street lamp beyond the little building showed the man's silhouette as he teetered and rocked to the unseen blow job taking place behind the door.

"Okay already," Angela said, obviously annoyed at having to watch the heterosexual tragedy unfolding before them. "He's done. Let's go."

"Wait," Barbara said.

A moment later, the guard slumped back against his podium. Candice's body reappeared and exited the shack, waiting and waving the other women forward.

"Now," Barbara said, grasping Jenna's hand and moving forward, the sound of four sets of heels filling the dark night as they headed off the grounds toward the nearby mall...
Jenna dissaproves

No matter how much Jenna protested, saying she couldn't wear the clothes, it didn't matter and what was worse was when the shoved her into Victoria's secret. One of them, she couldn't really remember their names fondled her breasts before calling out her bra size 36C, she blushed and when she protested, there was suggestions of making her try things on and she said just about anything just to get the hell out of there.

Hell, she was in hell, and she closed her eyes a lot on the way back to campus, figuring it was her penance to live with these sinful girls, to get a good look at what giving into the pleasures of flesh would do to her. After all these girls were so sinful, they had no moral compass, they didn't care about anything, they didn't seem to even care much about each other.

She had expected a sisterhood, and wound up in coeds gone wild triple X version
"It's nine," Barbara pointed out, checking her watch while they were standing in Victoria's Secret, practically stripping Jenna out of her clothes and forcing her into a variety of sexy, skimpy outfits. "Twenty, twenty, twenty."

The other two knew what that meant, and they quickly set about to use those 60 minutes appropriately. It took them just about twenty minutes to get Jenna out of the last of the sexy outfits, up to the register, and out of the store. When the cashier asked how they were paying, Candice had done just as they had at three previous stores -- clothing, perfume, jewelry -- pulling out her Daddy's American Express. Another twenty minutes were spent catching a cab to the liquor store where Candice bought a box full of booze, mixers, and liquor infused candies, some of which they'd consume themselves and some of which they'd trade to other students for favors. And the final twenty or so were spent getting back to the campus and through the parking lot gate before the already pleasured guard's shift ended and his replacement demanded that his own nobber get shined.

Back in their room, the four girls stored their purchases and broke out a bottle of Peppermint Schnapps and cans of 7-up. Candice could still see that Jenna was not sitting well with the way she was being treated by her new room mates. She grabbed two bottles of pop, grabbed a pint of Rum, and stuffed them all into a handbag.

"C'mon," she said, grasping Jenna by the hand.

Against the girl's will, Candice drug her out to the stairs again, but this time instead of going down, they went up, to the roof. Candice unlocked a combination lock on the door, and went out into the darkness. From here, most of the night time lighting was below them and hooded, so the stars filled the sky with glory. She dragged Jenna over to a couch sitting near the edge of the 4 story building and pushed her into it.

"Look, bitch, you need to understand something," Candice chastised from over the top of her. "I don't know what your story is, but ... you're gonna have to lighten up ... loosen up ... and learn to coop'. We're all stuck here in this shit hole ... together! I can be a friend to you, but ... you gotta get that stick out of your cunt if you're going to survive this place."

She sucked from the rum bottle, poured half of a pop out and replaced the lost soda with rum, and then shoved it into Jenna's hand as she sat down close to her. She forced the bottle up to Jenna's mouth, telling her, "Drink!"

Then, surprisingly, Candice took on a sudden, softer, compassionate tone ... and asked, "Jenna, c'mon. Tell me. What's wrong with you? I'm not being a bitch. I just ... I need to know who you are ... what yer about ... if we are going to get along." She sucked from the bottle again and offered it back to Jenna, saying, "Tell me about yourself. Really! I want to know."
She spit out the alcoholic mix as it burned, "I get it, you fucking hate me, you miss your old room mate, and you all know why I'm here and you're going to make it hell for me."

Jenna blinked back tears, "I'm tough and I can take it, so bring it on." She figured they all knew, her father had sent her here because he'd caught a boy trying to feel her up, she'd smacked the boy, but it was too late, she was damaged goods in her father's eyes.

"Could you lay off on the lesbian bull shit though, I don't think the whole school needs to know I like to kiss girls."
"I get it, you fucking hate me," Jenna said, "you miss your old room mate, and you all know why I'm here and you're going to make it hell for me."

Candice laughed aloud. "We don't hate you, Jenna. We just ... we just don't understand you." It was true. Candice, Barbara, and Angela were all hellions in one way or another, and to suddenly have this ... prude shoved into their mix was simply ... well, intolerable was the first word that leapt into Candice's head, but it wasn't really the correct one. Unbelievable, maybe.

"I'm tough and I can take it, so bring it on." Jenna said, seeming about ready to cry.

Candice tried to get more out of her about why she was here, whether she was being punished, or whether this was an honest to goodness attempt at getting her a quality education, but she didn't get much. Instead, as she saw the emotion building in Jenna's expressions and words, Candice decided to change the subject in a dramatic fashion.

"Are you a virgin?"

Jenna's reaction surprised Candice at first. She hadn't asked Are you a virgin to other females. But Jenna's reply was, "Could you lay off on the lesbian bull shit, though. I don't think the whole school needs to know I like to kiss girls."

Candice smiled again, remembering what had happened in the room earlier on Angela's bed and in the shared bedroom, as well as the multiple comments that the full time Alphabet Girls lesbian had made during the shopping about how delicious Jenna had looked in the tight fitting dresses and semi-sheer undergarments. She drank from the bottle, and then forced it up to Jenna's mouth again. Candice took it back to suck on it again, then clarified, "I didn't ask you if you'd been with another woman. I asked if you were a virgin. Have you ever fucked a guy?"

She waited for but pretty much ignored Jenna's reply, because her interest was in the last thing Jenna had said. "Have you kissed a girl?"

After Jenna's response, Candice continued, "Did you like it...? And do you want to do it again?"

She thrust the drink at Jenna again, demanding that she drink, saying, "Loosen up. This'll help."

A pair of girls suddenly rushed up through the open roof door, causing Candice to scream, "Get the fuck off my roof!"

The two hesitated, looks of fear in their faces. But they turned and descended, their cursing of the Dorm Queen barely audible. Candice looked back to Jenna again, cocked her head to study her eyes, then her lips, then asked, "Do you want to kiss me? You don't have to like me to kiss me. Just ... just do it ... to do it."
"I didn't ask you if you'd been with another woman. I asked if you were a virgin. Have you ever fucked a guy?"

"Of course I'm a virgin, aren't you?" one look at Candice told her volumes

"Have you kissed a girl?"

She stammered and ran her fingers in her hair, "Yes."

"Did you like it...? And do you want to do it again? Loosen up. This'll help."

Jenna didn't want to loosen up, and while she considered loosing herself in the bottom of a bottle simply said, "If I'm going to live in hell I want to be fucking sober for it."

"Get the fuck off my roof!"

"Do you want to kiss me? You don't have to like me to kiss me. Just ... just do it ... to do it."[/QUOTE]

Jenna stared at Candice like she had just turned into an alien, and then she turned to see if anyone was watching, if she was being set up. Then figuring she had nothing to lose she leaned in, her hands sliding up Candice's sides to gently caress her soft body before her lips landed on Candice's. She half expected Candice to laugh or pull away, but when Candice's lips parted it was Jenna who reached out with her tongue, her hands moving up to Candice's face, one behind her neck, holding her firmly in place while she kissed her.

"Fine, there you go, now you can tell me how much you fucking hated it."
Candice was thoroughly surprised when Jenna leaned in, took her head in her hands, and kissed her. It was more ... functional ... purposeful... than passionate, even though the younger woman did extend her tongue to Candice's when the latter parted her lips.

"Fine, there you go," Jenna said, "now you can tell me how much you fucking hated it."

"I hated it," Candice said quickly. Her lips spread in a thin smile. "But ... with practice, maybe next time I'll like it."

She kicked off her high heels, twisted to face Jenna, and laid back onto the arm of the old, raggedy couch, her knees up almost into her chest. She stuffed her bare feet between Jenna's nearest thigh and the couch's pad, telling her, "Keep'em warm, will ya?"

She studied the young woman for a moment, then answered the question she'd ignored earlier. "No. I'm not a virgin. I haven't been a virgin for ... well, a long time. I've been with men. I've been with women. I've been with men and women, men and men ... you name it, I've done it. You name it--" Her slight smile became a sly smirk. "--and I've enjoyed it. You will, too, Jen. When the time is right."

Of course, by when the time is right, Candice meant when she decided the time is right. And she knew that that would be sooner than Jenna wanted. But then, she didn't care. Candice always got what she wanted when she wanted it. They didn't call her the Queen for nothing.
Jenna hadn't cared for the kiss all the much herself, she'd done it mainly to prove Candice wouldn't like it. It had been tender, but passionless, there was technique but no desire, she hadn't wanted to do it, she hadn't craved it. The thought of Candice making her do more and having her enjoy it, was absurd enough that she figured she might as well take up drinking. She took a long draw from the still mostly full cup.

She finally understood why her mom drank, that like her mother she was now living in her own personal hell. Of course her mother was a prim, proper, motherly heterosexual.

And Jenna was a smart, shy, semi maternal homo. She sighed, her first and only girlfriend, if you could call a relationship that only lasted one night a relationship, she had known she was attracted to women for a while, and had been suppressing it until she met Amy. A troubled girl who wanted a mother's love, and Jenna had more than anything wanted Amy to love her, so she'd been supportive, and friendly and had masturbated to the thoughts and images of Amy suckling on her breasts, and Jenna's fingers stroking Amy's sweet pussy.

Candice was so far from anything she'd met, but she just rolled her eyes as Candice revealed just how sexually experienced she was.

She wasn't enjoying the alcohol, but she was drinking it, and figured at this point things couldn't get any worse. Little did she know that things would be getting better.
Candice enjoyed watching Jenna sip at the bottle. She had no qualms whatsoever of taking advantage of someone when they were drunk. She considered date rape -- of a male or female -- a privilege, not a crime. As she quizzed the younger woman about her class schedule, Candice again and again lifted the bottle to her lips, then pushed it at Jenna.

Between them, they finished off the first rum and coke mixture, tossing the plastic bottle off the roof, then opening the other. Candice could see that Jenna wasn't enjoying the alcohol, but she kept pushing it at her, telling her to keep up with her own consumption. Of course, what Jenna didn't realize was that while the older woman was lifting the bottle as often as the younger one was, Candice was barely taking anything from the container. In the end, it was Jenna who had finished off two thirds if not more of the pair of liter bottles.

By the time Candice decided it was time to head downstairs for more comfortable surroundings, Jenna was conspicuously showing the effect on her of the alcohol. Candice slipped back into her heels, stood, and lifted Jenna by a hand. She laughed at the younger woman's unsteady stance, hurriedly wrapping an arm around Jenna's lower backside to steady her.

"Girl, you're drunk," Candice said, laughing. She looked at Jenna's mouth, reached a finger up to press against the teen's lips in an erotic way, then asked, "Do you want to kiss me again?"
Jenna's body felt weird, and her blood was pounding making her feel aroused, having never drunk before she had no idea she would be a slutty drunk. So when Candice offered to kiss her again, she leaned into the girl, kissing her passionately, their bodies pressed together, pouring 18 years of frustration into kissing Candice.

When she finally stopped to catch her breath she felt light headed. "Did I kiss you already or did I just imagine I did?" she asked wondering how her nipples hard gotten so hard.
"C'mon," Candice said, taking Jenna's hand in hers and turning her for roof's exit. She didn't give any explanation for why she wanted to suddenly depart, only turning the teen for the door. They got only a few steps before Candice realized just how tipsy Jenna truly was. She took hold of the girl's body, steadying her as she said, "Wow, girl, you just don't hold your liquor well do you?"

They made it to and down the stairs with only a slight amount of stumbling on Jenna's part. Candice, of course, could have done an entire gymnastics routine without showing any affect after her years of practicing with the bottle. They finally managed to make it to the room, and once inside the door, Candice turned Jenna around and flattened her against it, pressing hard against her body as she once again engaged hear in a long, wet, passionate kiss. She had the girl hooked, the long simmering lust inside her now a hot burning flame. She remembered Jenna's comment about once having kissed a girl and liked it, and wondered whether there had actually been more to the teen's experience than just a kiss. She couldn't have realized just how right she was.

Behind them, the bathroom door opened and a high pitched cry of surprise filled the room. "What the hell?" Barbara asked, then laughed as she said, "Best not let Angela see this. She laid claim at the mall, remember?"

Without pulling her body away from Jenna, Candice looked back to Barbara and quietly said, "Go find Angela. We're going to have some fun."
Jenna was able to think, but couldn't really articulate words, and her mind was pretty fuzzy at how she ended up topless. But she was alone with Candice who kept kissing her and telling her everything was going to be all right, and for some strange reason Jenna believed her.

She could have sworn a few moments ago she was with her girlfriend Amy who'd been breast obsessed and had tormented Jenna's nipples. Her nipples sure looked like they did after Amy sucked them, but she was far far away from Amy.

"Candice, why are you naked?" she asked looking up to see all three of her room mates looking like vultures about to descend on their prey.
Barbara hadn't been sure what Candice meant by We're going to have some fun, but she headed out the door without hesitation. The Alphabet Girls had pulled a lot of pranks in their years together, on other students, teachers, staff, visitors, and more. And there had been more than one occasion when the "A" and "B" of the trio hadn't known into just what the "C" of them was getting them until it was too late to say no. Barbara found Angela in the TV Lounge with her laptop on her thighs, headphones on her head, and one of the bottles of Schnapps hidden in the cushions of the chair.

"I'm watching a movie, Barbie," Angela complained after being gestured to shed the headphones.

Barbara told her bluntly, "Angel, Candy's making out with Jenna in our room, and she wants us there."

Angela looked up from her movie with wide eyes. "What?"

"She wants us there," Barbara repeated.

"Fuck that cunt," Angela spat out, looking back to her computer. Her face was turning red with anger. She mumbled, "Jenna was 'sposed to be mine."

"She still might be," Barbara reassured her roomie. When Angela looked up again, Barbara repeated Candice's line, "Candy says we're going to have some fun."

"What kind of fun?" Angela asked. When the other teen shrugged, Angela asked with a hopeful tone, "With Jenna?"

Barbara shrugged again, waving her roomie to follow.

By the time the pair reached the room at the far end of the hall, Jenna was slouched back in the love seat with the new skirt Candice had bought her pushed up beyond her hips, exposing the sexy-but-not-nearly-as-sexy-as-a-thong boy shorts which were the tiniest thing to which Jenna had agreed while at Victoria's Secret. Candice was on her knees between the teen's spread thighs, unbuttoning the as-new blouse revealing the first pushup bra the Bible Thumper's daughter had ever worn.

"Candy!" Angela snapped with a tone that was 100% venom.

Candice looked back to Barbara with a wide smile. She nodded toward the closet, and said, "Get the camcorder."

Barbara hurried to the closet without question.

Candice pulled Jenna's blouse off her shoulders, then pulled her forward to continue shedding it from her arms. While she was again close to Candice, Jenna pressed her mouth to those of the older roommate's, moaning her drunken passion. Candice laughed, pulling her mouth away and telling the new Alphabet Girl, "Hold on, Jay. We're getting there."

Again Angela snapped, "Candy! What the fuck? I wanted her, but you said I couldn't have her ... she probably wasn't--"

Angela stopped talking as she watched the drunk teen reach out and grope one of Candice's bountiful breasts, laughing as she squeeze and made funny sounds, then hummed with sexual delight.

Candice looked to Angela and said, "Does it look like she isn't?" When all Angela did was stare, Candice asked, "Are you planning on getting some of this or not?"

Behind Angela, Barbara was setting up the camcorder that they'd used occasionally for school projects and a couple of other times to make home porn, wearing masks, of course, to hide the identity of themselves and the guys they'd sneaked into the Dorm. She looked through the view finder and said, "We're good to go. Everyone ready?"

When she looked up from the camera, she found Angela standing beside her in nothing but her stockings and a smile. The girl said, "I am."

Barbara laughed in sudden shock. "My God, Angel! You're a fucking whore!"

Candice had Jenna nearly naked, removing the last of her nylons as she contradicted, "No she isn't! Whores do it for the money. Sluts do it for the sex."

"I'm a slut," Angela said without shame. When Candice moved aside and gave her a waving hand of invitation, Angela didn't hesitate to move forward and take the other woman's place between Jenna's opened thighs. She looked down at the teen's wet pussy, now on full display, and murmured, "It's beautiful."

Jenna tried to focus her eyes on the too-near face and asked, "Candice, why are you naked?"

Angela smiled, saying before she leaned in to kiss Jenna, "Oh, this is too sweet."
Drunk Jenna

Her head felt fuzzy, every sensation registered but she couldn't seem to respond in time to stop anything. Her clothing was removed and then she heard/saw the other girls come in, but then she was kissing Candice again, and caressing her body. She tasted sweet Jenna thought, but the lights were really bright, and Angela looked hungry as she knelt between her legs.

She briefly thought of her Dad, how upset he would be if he knew, but then all she could thing of was sex, as fingers touched her in places she had never been touched before, by hands other than her own. She found herself saying no and yes, without meaning to either of them.

Her world was spinning in a lusty alcohol enhanced state, her thighs parting easily, her body responding unwillingly and as the first pair of lips landed on her flesh she was glad she wasn't a puking drunk as her arms and legs were heavy and unresponsive even as she could feel every feather light touch of fingers....hands.....multiple fingers and hands...her room mates.

Jenna figured she must be dreaming and had passed out after the first kiss, because there was no way in Hell they were all naked and touching her.
From off camera, Candice watched the festivities with great interest. She got great pleasure watching other people engage in sex, particularly when one of the people hadn't particularly planned on sex occurring. Jenna definitely hadn't expected to have sex this night, her first at St Gregory's. And she was so tipsy that she either didn't realize she was no longer kissing the woman she'd first kissed on the roof or didn't care.

Angela had begun seducing Jenna by simply kissing her mouth. But her hands were roaming all over the teen's naked body, and as they dropped, so did Angela's mouth. Very quickly, her wet lips and exploring tongue were making their way down to Jenna's neck, then her clavicles, then her chest, then her nipples. She was hungrily sucking Jenna's hardened nubs as her hands found Jenna's thighs, clutching her tightly very near her groin ... then moving back upwards again, until those thumbs were burying themselves in the curls of her untrimmed muff. As her mouth moved back and forth between firm breasts, her fingers finally found Jenna's pussy and began quickly toying with the wet, warm folds...
Jenna realized she wasn't dreaming, since if she was it would be Amy between her legs not Angela, and certainly not in front of her other room mates. She wiggled trying to get out from underneath the other girl, but every move seemed to push her pussy into Angela's mouth as if her mind and body were on two different wave lengths.

"No, please, no" she was gasping feeling sensations she had never even considered possible before as Angela's lesbian lips knew their way around a wet cunt.

She looked around for Candice hoping she would stop things, but she registered horror as she realized Candice had set her up, and was that a video camera?

She tried to push Angela's head away even as she longed to pull it in.

"Stop," she moaned.
Angela's mouth continued down Jenna's virginal body, and the teen's writhing below her was conspicuously showing the pleasure she was enjoying...

...or was it enduring? Candice began to see regret in Jenna's eyes. She was beginning to realize the magnitude of what was happening.

"No, please, no" she gasped as Angela's mouth reached her pussy and began sucking and licking hungrily at it.

Jenna looked to Candice, seeming to be searching for rescue. Then she looked to Barbara, who was fiddling with the camcorder to get the best recording. With her body wanting one thing and her mind wanting another, she moaned, "Stop."

Candice hurried down to her knees near the couch, leaning in to Jenna, saying, "It's oh-kay, Jay. It's okay, enjoy it." She reached out to grasp Jenna's hands as the teen tried to push Angela out from her groin. She leaned in and kissed Jenna passionately, taking the new roomie's face into her hands to hold their mouths together.
"then why aren't you enjoying it?' she smart mouthed back as the kiss seemed to heighten her awareness of what was happening.

It seemed very much like a set up and she bit her lip holding back tears as she realized that Candice was using her confession about kissing a girl to amp up the lesbian shit. She was back in hell, and she was being filmed.