The Official AH “Pastiches de Oggbashan” Story Event Support Thread

Love the idea. I'm not even sure if I've read any of the stories but I've been reading here on and off forever.

After reading the replies would it be impertinent to suggest that the named user exclude or notate certain stories for the (un)official contest when ready?

While I don't mind reading a story that's already "pastiche" I'd probably want to select something original myself.

The bunny got into some rabbit nip.

It's looking like teaching someone to drive in Morris Minor panel van.

***Edit*** “Car Maintenance” looks promising.

Yes, once the ball gets rolling a bit, we’ll start a running list of Ogg’s stories by pastiche author.

For now, putting a pin in
Car Maintenance—Rustyoznail
The Worst Chain Story Ever Ch. 01—joeyjax
Caroline's Total—UsuallyPresent
Sister Valentine—8letters
Whorehouse Chapel—SimonDoom
Christmas Truce—ChloeTzang
Ancient Liberties—MichaelGH
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Is there a limit of one pastiche per story, or could multiple authors all take their own cut at the same one of Ogg’s tales? Or perhaps one ambitious author offer multiple alternate takes?
Is there a limit of one pastiche per story, or could multiple authors all take their own cut at the same one of Ogg’s tales? Or perhaps one ambitious author offer multiple alternate takes?

Hi, UsuallyPresent! Variations on a theme sounds great! No, there’s no limit on the number of variations/alternate versions an author writes on a selected single story.
I like this event idea. I've read several of Ogg's works and appreciate his contributions not just as an author but as a contributor to this forum. He does a lot to keep this place civil (and civilized).

Question: I assume from the way the event is described that it does not require any particular sort of connection between Ogg's source work and the contributor's story? That's how I read it. I have an idea for a story and also for the Ogg story I'm going to choose, but my story won't be a continuation of the plot in any meaningful sense of the story. The connection between the two will be quite fanciful. I assume that's OK?
I like this event idea. I've read several of Ogg's works and appreciate his contributions not just as an author but as a contributor to this forum. He does a lot to keep this place civil (and civilized).

Yup, Ogg’s beloved here almost on par with the kingly Amorite :D

Question: I assume from the way the event is described that it does not require any particular sort of connection between Ogg's source work and the contributor's story? That's how I read it. I have an idea for a story and also for the Ogg story I'm going to choose, but my story won't be a continuation of the plot in any meaningful sense of the story. The connection between the two will be quite fanciful. I assume that's OK?

Yes, that’s rule #4. Fanciful is definitely ok! The underlying plan is pastiches; imitations, variations, passacaglias etc to whatever extent the author chooses. Ogg’s given permission that the author’s work can be linearly related to his own (for example, by direct character or plot reference from one of his works), or more amorphous and freeform (such as the resonant inspiration of an idea, or the color in a turn of phrase).
Wonderful... then I'm taking a cut at a 15x50 based in the "Caroline's Total" world, revolving around her pneumatic pulchritudinous playthings.... Can't guarantee it'll be there, but I'm making a start at it at least.
I've started on retelling of "Sister Valentine". Names are the same, premise is kind of the same.
Wonderful... then I'm taking a cut at a 15x50 based in the "Caroline's Total" world, revolving around her pneumatic pulchritudinous playthings.... Can't guarantee it'll be there, but I'm making a start at it at least.

I've started on retelling of "Sister Valentine". Names are the same, premise is kind of the same.

Awesome!!! I've added you guys to the pinned story list!
So I'm not sure what it says about me that I've already finished my first draft of "The Worst Chain Story Ever Ch. "T" (I decided not to give it a number, since the chapter numbers already appear to be random for subsequent chapters, plus, my chapter has a bit of Tea fetish in it, so I thought Chapter "T" would be apropos. And yes, tea as in not-coffee. :)

Regardless, if anyone wouldn't mind editing/reviewing it for me, I'd appreciate it. (Just PM me.)

Fair Warning: If you haven't already, you probably should read Ogg's "The Worst Chain Story Ever Ch. 1" first, before volunteering, so you'll have an idea what you might be in for.

I can send an rtf version, if someone's willing to review/edit. Oh, and it's at 6158 words (a short story for me, and about 2 lit pages, I think).

I can't wait to see what this event churns out. I know I've already enjoyed it and nothing's even been published yet.
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I’m taking “Christmas Truce.” I can work that in with Biggles and the Swallows and Amazons for sure.
What do you think is Ogg’s most British story so I can write the American version of it?
Unfinished oggbashan stories...

I have decided that I will never be able to complete all my unfinished stories so I have started a compilation of some of them as 'oggbashan stew'.

There are too many and too much of them to go on the Story Ideas forum so I have submitted Part 01 with a plea to Laurel who doesn't normally accept unfinished stories. I hope she accepts them because then I can move on to more substantial stories that I hope to finish.

Part 1, already submitted, has 19 stories and is about 20,000 words. If accepted, Part 2 will be another 19 of 30,000 words to be followed by a part 3...

I have added a note that anyone can use the incomplete stories either to finish for themselves or to use as story ideas.
I have decided that I will never be able to complete all my unfinished stories so I have started a compilation of some of them as 'oggbashan stew'.

There are too many and too much of them to go on the Story Ideas forum so I have submitted Part 01 with a plea to Laurel who doesn't normally accept unfinished stories. I hope she accepts them because then I can move on to more substantial stories that I hope to finish.

Part 1, already submitted, has 19 stories and is about 20,000 words. If accepted, Part 2 will be another 19 of 30,000 words to be followed by a part 3...

I have added a note that anyone can use the incomplete stories either to finish for themselves or to use as story ideas.

Thank you so much for the permissions and for ogg stew! Fingers crossed Laurel approves. Once she does, I'll update the rules here. Laurel said that she'll probably post the event page this week instead of Monday.
Ogg - your stew sounds wonderfully mysterious, full of spooky ingredients and unexpected spices. Might it fit a halloween contest, do you think? ;)

More seriously, thanks for taking the time to gather them all together, hope they get to be a resource for the site.
O please, it's zed, don'tcha know... The harder part going the other way is to figure out wheure to inseurt the extra U's wiuthout looking Coulouniual....

Just set Word to British English and find out you can't spell...