The 2024 Geek Pride Story Event: Official Support Page

As predicted, the first comment:

"No score
I am sure there is some reason you published this on lit - i just can’t imagine what it might be."

Ah, well. Can't win 'em all.

Okay. It's recovered a bit.

Good. I like this one, but it's not for everybody. I'm glad it's begun to find an audience of sorts. I do love the Geek Pride challenge; the readers have always responded.
Let me know when you submit it and add the Geek Day tag and I'll ask Laurel to include it in the event page

Hi Chloe - I finally got my story submitted yesterday, it was one of those ones that was so plot-heavy and detailed it just went out of control. It's been approved to be posted on 31st May and I did use the Geek Pride tag.

The story is called 'Bigfoot in the Bennington Triangle', set in 1971 about two cousins Betsy and Glen, preppy college undergrads who aspire to attending medical and law school respectively. They attend a music festival in Vermont, which proves to be a debacle like some other infamous music festivals like Bull Island, Woodstock 1999 and more recently Fyre. Things only get worse when a group of Bigfoot abduct Betsy from the woods when she goes to relieve herself and take her away into the deep, dark, forests ...

I doubt the IT fans will like it given how long it is, that I have scenes in there intended to make people laugh (oh the humanity!) and that a major plot point is that Betsy has her period, not great when one is attending an outdoor festival with terrible bathroom facilities, and much worse when one is abducted by ferocious apes, but hopefully some will enjoy it.
I doubt the IT fans will like it given how long it is, that I have scenes in there intended to make people laugh (oh the humanity!) and that a major plot point is that Betsy has her period, not great when one is attending an outdoor festival with terrible bathroom facilities, and much worse when one is abducted by ferocious apes, but hopefully some will enjoy it.
This sounds absolutely insane (in a good way)! No wonder the plot ran away from you! You were trying to corral a bunch of sasquatch. :)
is abducted by ferocious apes

Nice. :cool:

As for my own story; @ChloeTzang - I didn't manage to finish it yet, unfortunately. In fact, I am thinking of adding an entire second arc to the story that I had not planned for at first, so probably won't be submitting it for this year's event. It's unfortunate, truly, but I want to do this one justice because it's dealing with some very sensitive and emotional subjects, and how to love can help with healing trauma. Still super kinky though, so it likely won't appeal to the Romance crowd much, but that's okay. I'll find somewhere to stick it. :ROFLMAO:
Nice. :cool:

As for my own story; @ChloeTzang - I didn't manage to finish it yet, unfortunately. In fact, I am thinking of adding an entire second arc to the story that I had not planned for at first, so probably won't be submitting it for this year's event. It's unfortunate, truly, but I want to do this one justice because it's dealing with some very sensitive and emotional subjects, and how to love can help with healing trauma. Still super kinky though, so it likely won't appeal to the Romance crowd much, but that's okay. I'll find somewhere to stick it. :ROFLMAO:
I'm working on what's kinda the second half of my story, because I didn't have time to write more than the meet-cute and a shag (via cunnilingus in a library). The 'just a minute, you did stuff with my kinky best friend - what do you mean, you dont care about that?' and ending up in a long distance relationship of increasing commitment, still needs to be told.

Not many stories about functional LDRs, I feel.
I've discovered that you can download a csv document with stats for your stories by clicking that "download" button in "My Works" page (which leads to

And the interesting note is that my story had 4.57 at the beginning of the week with 120 votes, and it still has 4.57 now, at 380 votes, which means that there was almost a perfect ratio between users giving 4s and 5s (or 1~3s but then more of the fives?) And it has been going like that for the whole week, between 200 different readers who had no way to communicate with each other, but somehow still ensured that my score stays at 4.57 - and not 4.56, or 4.58. (That, or site's counter is broken, but I don't believe that.)
My late story to the contest 'Bigfoot In The Bennington Triangle' flopped in incest/Taboo, appearing close to the bottom of a long list of other IT stories posted on Friday, and with few views and low scores to date.

Maybe the readers here firmly subscribe to the theory that erotic stories about first cousins and Bigfoot should always be mutually exclusive?
Mine had done pretty well and I'd like to thank @ChloeTzang for getting this together and Laurel for getting them all out there
it's one of my most commented and viewed stories and i've even had people pm me to say they liked it.

the contests and challenges sure do get the people in to look. not sure i can do another, unless the theme fits in with something in mind... this was similar to a story i had in mind, but ended up completely different (the original is still waiting to go) and it was a challenge to fit the category.

well done all who entered and thanks again for the challenge
Nice. :cool:

As for my own story; @ChloeTzang - I didn't manage to finish it yet, unfortunately. In fact, I am thinking of adding an entire second arc to the story that I had not planned for at first, so probably won't be submitting it for this year's event. It's unfortunate, truly, but I want to do this one justice because it's dealing with some very sensitive and emotional subjects, and how to love can help with healing trauma. Still super kinky though, so it likely won't appeal to the Romance crowd much, but that's okay. I'll find somewhere to stick it. :ROFLMAO:

Not to worry - mine is still a work in progress as we speak.
Maybe the readers here firmly subscribe to the theory that erotic stories about first cousins and Bigfoot should always be mutually exclusive?
If I had to hazard a guess, it's because 'first cousins' don't ignite as many fires as siblings and parent/child pairings do. Taboo, but not taboo enough, perhaps? Theoretically could have been offset by a barrage of sasquatch fetishists doing what they do, but probably not a good idea to rely on that crowd specifically coming to any individual story's rescue. ;)
Hmm. My score took a significant jump sometime yesterday and today, with the number of votes unaffected. Odd.
Hmm. My score took a significant jump sometime yesterday and today, with the number of votes unaffected. Odd.
Maybe a sweep erased a few 1's and they were, coincidentally, replaced with an equal number of higher votes?
Maybe a sweep erased a few 1's and they were, coincidentally, replaced with an equal number of higher votes?

That was my assumption, though I'm at the point in that story where I'm only checking once every 30 hours or so. So I'm not sure about timing or counts or anything like that.

The jump was substantial, from what I could remember. Interesting.