The 2024 Geek Pride Story Event: Official Support Page

Me, a weakling: "I'm afraid that the readers might get bored, I need to throw away as much as possible, and try to fit a story within a single page" (I failed, by the way)

@Duleigh, an absolute chad: "I'll write an eleven page story and publish all three of them, because I feel so"
Mine seems to be mostly gathering dust right now, which I’m not entirely surprised about. At 20k, it’s not the shortest thing to get through, and there’s a ton of great works this year. My Read Later list is only getting longer 📖
And the "1 Bombers" have started. Eh...
I've also gotten a few "haters" as the kids say. Now I know that I have finally arrived!
Haters are freaking idiots. I remember when they bombed my stories Courtney Crowe and Fire Woman last November. They’re still good stories I did a lot of work on, same for all my other stories that got low ratings, but there’s a lot of dicks out there with nothing better to do than one-bomb I guess.

Oh well, just remember your stories (like mine) are good no matter what haters say. Shake it off, keep writing, good luck.
Mine seems to be mostly gathering dust right now, which I’m not entirely surprised about. At 20k, it’s not the shortest thing to get through, and there’s a ton of great works this year. My Read Later list is only getting longer 📖
In the US, this is also a holiday weekend, so I imagine a lot of people are doing things other than reading, especially when it comes to stories long enough to require a significant time commitment. :)
Nah, they might enjoy that. Don't fuck 'em. Or, like, tease that soon, so very, very soon, you will fuck them. Any minute now, the fucking will commence. Aaaaaany minute now... :)
This is my associate, Mr. Hamatula. [A large spike-covered devil appears and bows.] He will be doing the [bleep]ing. Have fun, y’all.

In the US, this is also a holiday weekend, so I imagine a lot of people are doing things other than reading, especially when it comes to stories long enough to require a significant time commitment. :)
Someone told me my story was too short. Ah well, no accounting for taste.
Me, a weakling: "I'm afraid that the readers might get bored, I need to throw away as much as possible, and try to fit a story within a single page" (I failed, by the way)

@Duleigh, an absolute chad: "I'll write an eleven page story and publish all three of them, because I feel so"
Hey, don't write for the readers, I write for me, then I invite the readers on the journey.
Forever confused as to why stories do well or don’t. This time a story I really didnt expect to go anywhere has taken off, while I really didn’t have much expectations for performance lol. Oh readers you fickle lot.

Same here. Thought mine was going to do pretty well, and so far it has been… uh, not completely terrible I guess?
same here. i thought it might get a reasonably decent reaction, but it's done way better than i expected.

My stories are quite long (30k words) which are traditionally troll bait (if they're not reaching for the hand lotion half way through page one it's a one-bomb) but I've been getting good scores. Not many, but I have received the most confusing complaint I've ever read. At the beginning of each story is the notice: This story was written in the style of 1950s science fiction, it was inspired by the great writers of the 1950s"

Someone wrote: "This is too much like 1950's science fiction. It's a walk down memory lane, I don't like that kind of story."

Is that a win?
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I was shocked too - in just 10 hours my story gathered more "hearts" than all my previous entries (since February) combined, and by now it has more ratings and views too. I believe I saw those trolls, when the story tanked from ~4.7 to just 4.51, barely clinging to that red "h" letter, but since then it recovered.

I was wondering if it's the category (I'm "throwing stuff against the wall" by trying a new category each time), or the combination of "First in the list alphabetically + very simple premise that fits in the name", or something else.

Well, either way I see this as an absolute win :)
It feels like the readers have responded quite well to this challenge. I've had a lot more views on my story than I anticipated and more comments/engagement, too. Maybe the 25th falling at the start of the long weekend has helped?

Sigh does that mean I need to start trying to aim my stories for publishing on a weekend? Lol