The 2024 Geek Pride Story Event: Official Support Page

It's looking less and less likely that I'll manage to finish my story on time. I want to do it justice. 🤔 If I cut out some of the side-plots and supporting characters then I could probably wrap it up today, but I feel like it would take away from the story overall, so maybe I'll have to save mine for next year. Looking forward to reading the other entries though!
My second story is now sitting in pending too...had a lot of fun returning to some fantasy storytelling... barbarian ravished (ravaged?) by man-eating mermaid! Yum! 😋 Looking forward to all the entries!
OK, I've halved the story and it's nearly there. Anyone want to beta read 11k words of two scientists getting together, in the next 12 hours?!

All heterosexual and vanilla...
It's looking less and less likely that I'll manage to finish my story on time. I want to do it justice. 🤔 If I cut out some of the side-plots and supporting characters then I could probably wrap it up today, but I feel like it would take away from the story overall, so maybe I'll have to save mine for next year. Looking forward to reading the other entries though!
I don't think you should do anything that you feel will take away from the story. Look at it this way: you've got a whole year to hammer it out to perfection, then you can let everyone else worry about the deadline while you cruise right on in. :)
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Mine's approved for the 25th. Whee.

I like it, but I wonder whether it'll find an audience. Whatever.
Story submitted. It'll need a sequel, but should work OK as a standalone for people who like conversation, teasing, and sex in a library. Must be at least three of those, right?
Sex in the library... an enduring phantasy, can't wait to read it. (N.B. astonishingly, there are over 500 Lit stories with the 'library' tag - hope that catalog term is attached to yours.)

Two other tangents (cannot resist). I had a fellation occur in one of my stories, in the library area (Library of Congress classification) devoted to sex:

"You know this part of the library?" Trina turned to face me, looking into my eyes.

"Sure, this is the area on sexual matters. Arousal, sexual pathologies, masturbation, gay sex, male and female sexual behaviors. I'm a psych major after all."

She smiled. "My favorite part of the library." She squeezed my hand.

She turned and gazed at the various titles around us. My eyes followed hers.

"See that book up on the top shelf?" She pointed. "HQ71.B351?"

I tilted my head and squinted at the title. "Sexual Deviance?" She nodded.

"Would you reach it for me?" she asked a bit breathlessly.

Lastly, a google search on 'library pulp fiction' covers turns up some splendid results, here's one:

good luck to all... i hope you have your towels at the ready too.
I look forward to being told the following from various corners:
  1. How dare you include a murder in your story?
  2. How dare you imply that some villains are just people that ended up in bad situations with no way out?
  3. How dare you require me to understand Greek mythology, even if you spoonfeed it to me?
  4. I only read halfway through the story, and here's my opinion.
Story submitted. It'll need a sequel, but should work OK as a standalone for people who like conversation, teasing, and sex in a library. Must be at least three of those, right?

I had sex in a library once. It was very cool.

Look forward to reading this.
I'm out of the contest unfortunately, work commitments and a plot heavy story were just too much in the end, but I'm still going to post my story in coming days.

To be honest it never really fit very well as a Geek Pride story anyway. The two main characters Betsy and Glen are cousins, and more square and conservative than true 'geeks' being college students who are studying to get into medical and law school respectively. The early 1970s setting isn't really a geek era, in fact if anything it sort of falls into a lull in geek culture, between the sci-fi craze of the mid-late 1960s and the arrival of Star Wars in 1977. A chaotic music festival that degenerates into anarchy is really not the sort of place one associates with geeks, and while science fiction/aliens are common in these types of stories, this involves Bigfoot, and therefore more of a comedy/horror involving monsters rather than a sci-fi/geek one.

Plus its going into Incest/Taboo and being a different type of story, it probably won't score or review well anyway.
It's looking less and less likely that I'll manage to finish my story on time. I want to do it justice. 🤔 If I cut out some of the side-plots and supporting characters then I could probably wrap it up today, but I feel like it would take away from the story overall, so maybe I'll have to save mine for next year. Looking forward to reading the other entries though!
Well, if you can finish it this weekend, submit it late and let me know and I'll ask Laurel to add it in. It's an event, not a competition.
I'm out of the contest unfortunately, work commitments and a plot heavy story were just too much in the end, but I'm still going to post my story in coming days.

To be honest it never really fit very well as a Geek Pride story anyway. The two main characters Betsy and Glen are cousins, and more square and conservative than true 'geeks' being college students who are studying to get into medical and law school respectively. The early 1970s setting isn't really a geek era, in fact if anything it sort of falls into a lull in geek culture, between the sci-fi craze of the mid-late 1960s and the arrival of Star Wars in 1977. A chaotic music festival that degenerates into anarchy is really not the sort of place one associates with geeks, and while science fiction/aliens are common in these types of stories, this involves Bigfoot, and therefore more of a comedy/horror involving monsters rather than a sci-fi/geek one.

Plus its going into Incest/Taboo and being a different type of story, it probably won't score or review well anyway.

Let me know when you submit it and add the Geek Day tag and I'll ask Laurel to include it in the event page
Mine just went up!

The Oooh! Signal
A crew of astronomers at a remote observatory receives what might possibly be a radio signal from an extraterrestial intelligence. As they try to decipher it, they notice that strange things start happening to some of them...

At almost 20k words, this is my first foray into sci-fi here. We'll see how it goes :)