The Death Mark (Closed)

He stopped moving his hips as he looked to her.

"Well my love, if we do it that way, than... well you have to be in control than my love... Bellatrix, was rather demanding... and she took what she wanted."

He kissed over her exposed neck as he held her tight and moved his cock a bit more.

"If you want, than take what you want my love... show me that side if you can. If you feel you want to use spells, than feel free."

He lowered her to her feet and he took a step back. He moaned as he felt his cock pull out of her pussy.
Bell looked at him hearing what he said it was a side of her she had never even touched, unsure if she had that kind of part to her. When he lowered her on the ground, she looked down for a moment and began to see him and Bellatrix having sex, looking up at him she swung her hand to the side tossing him onto her bed. she vanished then appeared straddling his waist. Looking into his eyes she smiled, and slid back down on his cock groaning. And then she began to bounce on his lap groaning.
Tom looked to her and grinned, but was surprised as he was flung across the room and onto her soft bed, he looked to the side and saw she was gone, than felt her moist pussy gripping on his cock as she appeared on top of him as she impaled herself on his cock. Tom moaned as he reached to grab her waist.

"Mmmm what power Bella... you are soo good Bella my love...mmmm yes..."

He reached around and spanked her ass again as he watched her face. She moaned in passion as he watched her, a smile on her face, her eyes watching him, closing every now and than. She was magnificent .
Feeling the way he made her feel again was incredible and everything was as it should be. Her heart was pounding as she felt lost in every little thing. Moving her head back a bit as she began to ride her lover. Even as she saw the new form of Tom Riddle, she still saw the man she was faithful to and in love with. All Bella wanted was power which was why she would never be anything but Tom's toy. But Isabella knew she was much more then just a piece of ass, she was his other half.

"Mmm Tom..." She groaned.
Tom looked up into her eyes and he saw her feelings expressed through her lust. He saw all the love she felt for him., it sent a feeling of sorrow through him, knowing how when he left her how she felt. He sat up amd burried his face in her tits as he hugged her and licked over her large rack. He was really holding her, he wanted her to know how he was sorry. He took one of her nipples into his mouth as he swirled hos tongue over it. He felt her shake as she rde his cock and he too felt his release coming.

He looked up at her as he took both of her tits in his hand and fondled them.

"Ohhh Bella you are going to make me cum..."

He moaned as he watched her move. The feelings of her pussy was so intense. He loved it. Just like h loved her.
She smiled but could see something within his eyes that made her rather sad, but she showed him just how much she loved him. Her eyes and body bending only to his will, that was the kind of woman she was. But watching as he sat up, which made her move her legs so they were behind him. Moaning loudly as she felt his lips then hands against her breasts, moving her hips into him, she heard what he said and that was what she wanted. "mmm Tom" She groaned happily thinking so happily.

She wanted to give him a child one day but for the future, not for now. Her heart was beating so quickly and she kept moving her hips up into him. Smiling and enjoying every moment of now, her eyes rolled in the back of her head groaning louder. Gripping his shoulders as her pussy just sucked him in and even pulsed around him. "Mmm baby give me your seed" She groaned and leaned in kissing him deeply. Wanting so much to feel him explode inside of her, making her feel whole again.
Tom started to buck his own hips into her, he wanted her to cum as well, he wanted her to release her own juices all over him, let his flow out from her pussy. Tom groaned in passion as he tried to hold back, but it was like she was milking his cock for that very seed.

"Mmm together my love.... Bella, I want to feel you cum with me, I want you to release on my cock."

He held onto her tits as he thrust his cock into her pussy in time with her movements, the sounds of there bodies mashing together was making a harmony throughout the room. Tom was so close he looked into her eyes and felt it from his balls tightening, to the cum rising in his shaft up to the head and than the release, he moaned out as he screamed with passion from the explosion into her womb.

"Bella I love you..."
Tom meant the world to her and could not help but smile a little bit, it was nice to be able to take moments like this. And the more he bucked his hips into her, the more everything felt so damn perfect. Now came the time where she would be able to do so much with him, she knew love wasn't a weakness but strength. It was the strongest emotion along side with anger, but if you fought for someone you loved, you couldn't lose. Which was something she wanted, to keep Tom and even herself safe.

But she heard what he was saying and her orgasm was rushing out and when she felt him explode inside her young body. She moved her head back as she cried out "Oh god Tom!" She cried out very loudly. Allowing every ounce of his cum to go into her body. She smiled a little and hearing that he loved her. She placed her hand on his cheek, gazing into his eyes. She could easily detect lies. But saw the truth and she smiled even more seeing that truth, she sighed happily to him.

"I love you to more then anything"
He smiled at her as he looked up at her. She was a good lover, she would fulfill everything all his needs as a lover and more. He could not see anyone else as his lover but her. He hoped he could live up to be as good as a lover as she was to him. He already failed her how many times now? One to many times.

"Do you believe me when I tell you that you are the most precious thing to me and I love you with all my power and being as a wizard?"
Isabella looked up at him hearing what he said to her and could not help but smile, he truly was sweet at least to her. He had been cruel to so many but special for her, it was like he was two different people and that always made her curious. But she loved moments like this, being with him made her feel important. Loving him she could not help but nod stroking his cheek looking into his eyes. "I know Tom and I believe you" She said with much love and kissed him softly on the lips.
Tom smiled at her as he sat up.

"Bella my dear. Let us decide what we will do now my love. But my manhood feels so good inside of you. I do not know if I want to take it out."

He said that with a grin and he moved his hips a bit as his half hard cock moved inside of her. He groaned at the feeling and he waved his hand as he was standing now and had her in his arms. He walked with her to the shower amd he turned the water on amd let it run over hos back as he leaned down to kiss her.

"I do not know what to do with my life now. Maybe I was wrong in my ways. What should we zdo now my love?"

He held her close and the water warmed as he set her down amlnd began to wash his body off.
She smiled at the man she loved and could not help but chuckle a bit, how he loved her and wanted to stay within her. Everything he did surprised her and really it was something that surprised her, a man like him going soft? But knew with how he looked he would never fit in but she knew of something to make him look more human, the way he use to look. It was hard to think that he would be alone, but now any more. When he asked what would they do she did not have any answers to that.

Moaning as he took her and smiled a bit "I don't know what we can do sweet heart, there is a spell I can do to make you look the way that I remember it. So you can blend in better with the others. Your old form has been lost for so long no one remembers what Tom Riddle looks like, the way I remember him" She smiled moaning a bit and kissed him softly. "Settle down maybe have a family. But when the others come to kill you, I wont let them touch you" She stroked his cheek with much love.
"You would rather me look as I did before?"

He smiled at her and if he was to put his past behind him and start anew. He would have to start first with that.

"You are right my love. Lord Voldermort is dead, but Tom Riddle will be reborn!"

He looked to her.

"Anything for you lover, a family..."

He thought about that and was lost in images flashing before him of the past...
Isabella smiled "I love you the way you were and the way you are now. And the way you were I am thinking just how people will react to you. If you want to fit in the way you look now, people are so based on appearance" She looked at him and thought for a moment, looking at him and sighed a little. Looking into his eyes she placed her hand on his cheek, thinking of a spell to do. She began to speak it but it was in parcel tongue and his face changed the way she remembered it, but just older since he was 70 but wizards and witches aged differently.
Tom looked to her and knew the spell she was casting. He was fine with this, he has finally accepted his fate. No longer was he Lord Voldermort, no longer was he seeking such powerful status. He was here for one reason only now. Isabella.

"Bella, I know I seem very different now. That is because that foolish wizard and blasted boy Dumbledore and Potter, I have seen the error and I feel this is my second chance, to do different. To just love you Bella."

He looked deep into her eyes.

"Bella... I love you."

He interrupted her spell as he kissed her.
She looked at him as she kept it up but she heard what he said to her and the way he looked at her the way he loved her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she returned the kiss, but she managed to keep saying the spell mentally and as they kissed the way she remembered him could form. Pretty soon her fingers was in dark brown hair as she kept kissing him and loving him. She knew many would come and no one would be able to kill her lover, she would never allow it.

Looking into his eyes she smiled at him, stroking his cheek she could not help herself and kept stroking his cheek. "I love you to more then anything in this world"
Tom felt the spell wash over him. Saw the color of his skin change and felt hair grow from his head. He smiled at Bella.

"Is this what you wanted Bella. Anything for you my love. I might look young, my mind does not match the body. It is quite amusing though.

He took a step back and saw his form. He never would have changed back to this if it was not for her. His form changed with his madness after all. Every soul he took from someone changed his form as he made horcrux's.

"Tom looked to her as he drew his wand and recited a spell amd he was back in his school attire from all those years ago. He smiled as he looked to her. He could hear her thoughts.

"No one will come for me Bella. If we stay under the radar, we will be ok. I plan on changing things. Potter was right. I chose wrong and now that I have you, maybe this is a sign of change. To live differently."

Now that he has accepted his fate. What was left of him now.
She smiled a little bit at what he said stroking his cheek it was really nice, loving him very much it was nice. Looking into his eyes she heard what he said. And grinned a little, it appeared that he had learned to be human at that time. It was really nice however to know that really, because she loved him and hoped no one would know that he was alive. Though she knew Albus was dead so he wouldn't come, but knowing the Potter boy was still alive and kicking and Tom was in trouble.

"I am just glad you are here with me Tom, when you died my whole world was destroyed you meant everything to me, and I just love you more then anything. Sometimes I tried to figure out why I loved you, but I dunno just something in the way you looked at me. How you spoke to me, or maybe it's just the British accent that did it for me" She giggled a little stroking his warm skin. And right now it was just so different, and it was nice to know such things. But she just did not care she loved him and that was that.

"We can be a family now"
"You forgot one thing Bella, my love."

He walked right up to her and leaned down to kiss her with his lips, showing how filled with passion he was.

He broke the kiss and moved back.

"You forgot my kiss. Silly goose. Now you get one of these."

He spanked her bare ass.

"I have an idea..."

He looked to her as he waved his wand and a thick black smoke surrounded them both as they flew from the room and appeared in a lush forest area. Tom looked around and grinned as he saw Bella was still naked. He looked at her with lust in his eyes.

"Welcome to the forest of somewhere I do not know. Cause I do not know America... but I think you look beautiful in the nude in a lush green forest. But do dress yourself lover, hikers are around"

He took a step back and watched as he dropped a suitcase for her to dress.

"It is a fine afternoon is it not?"

The afternoon was warm with a heavy breeze, the sky was blue with few clouds and the sun was turning itself down as it was nearing evening.

"People are abundant here today. Wonder what we can do here?"

He said with a evil grin on his face.
Bella wasn't use to him being like this, here and being playful? She had never seen him in such a way, before it was to gain power and destroy things. But now he has turned into something else, and knew that her magic had nothing to do with it. It was different to see him like this, but even while she was still nude he waved his wand and took her where he did. At first it did not connect with her that it was real. Since she knew that he could do magic of the mind, but she felt the chill and knew.

She smiled a little bit and knew where they were, when he said he did not know America she could not help but shake her head. "Green Mountain National Forest, its by the Finger Lakes. My parents took me here once" She said simply and when he made the comment about clothing, she snapped her fingers and the cloth vanished from the suite case and appeared on her body. She had on dark brown hiking boots, black jeans and a dark blue tee-shirt and looked at her lover smiling a bit.

But then something hit her deep down, she was thinking about what little she knew about Tom. He had once told her when his birthday was. December 31st 1926 and with the date that it was, he was no longer in his 70s. "You know Tom I just figured how old you were, I think its a damn good thing you are a wizard and grow older much slower. Because for a man who is 85 you look 40 years younger" She grinned to him. Looking into his eyes stroking his cheek and kissed him, then took off.

"Come on slow poke think you can out climb an American?" She smirked. "Well a British/American mix" She chuckled.
"Well I did figure you would dress a little more revealing... I mean I have missed all these years of teasing and you being a naughty little kitty cat."

He swiped his wand and her shirt tightened and half was ripped off to reveal her bare midriff and than his second swipe took half her pants to reveal a pair of short shorts.

He saw she was wearing nothing underneath and he grinned as he saw her breasts perk up and her nipples poking beneath her shirt.

"There we go, I love a good tease now Bella."
She watched him do what he was doing to her and she placed her hands on her hips rather annoyed. "Tom Marvolo Riddle don't make me kick your ass, I think I was the only one that was never afraid of you so don't think I wont kick your ass around the globe" She grabbed his shirts looking very serious and could not help but feel her heart in her throat thinking about all sorts of things. And could not help but show a softened face and chuckled a little bit and kissed him on the lips.

"You are just lucky I love you so much"
"You kick my ass love?"

He kissed her back.

"I think not, what you do not like the outfit change? Whats wrong love?"

He gripped her ass as he looked to her.

"You dare threaten me love, most would tremble at the notion in there head. You may think I have gone soft, but I have just shifted my priorities my love."

He grinned as he kissed at her neck, gripping her ass as he than fondled her luscious ass.

"I love how playful you are."

He slid his hands up to her breasts.

"Why do you not like my changes"
She looked at him and he seemed surprised a bit she wasn't afraid of him, or sure he had more power then any wizard or witch she had ever seen. But it was just hard to explain and right now she just wanted things to go her way for once. Right now everything just seemed rather different, and now was the perfect time. But when he kissed her and groped her he wondered what was wrong and she sighed a bit. Looking into his dark eyes she smiled weakly and did not know how to tell him.

"I don't have a body that should be flaunted to many flaws, and I have never really wore clothing that was tight that hugged my body. I have never liked my body at all, but I will wear it for you" She said softly. God knows she loved the man but she just did not know what to do with herself any more. She had no idea what would happen now, everything around her just seemed different, right now it was quite, but what happened if someone saw how she was dressed? she spent more time worried about what people thought.

He had a very sharp tone in his voice, on the edge of madness and anger, but still calm and cool.

"Please never talk down about yourself to me, or ever, you are the lover of Tom Riddle. You should feel better about yourself. It saddens me that you feel that way. You are beautiful Bella, you have no flaws in my eyes, and if people see a flaw in you, than I will kill them."

He shook his head as he took a step back and had sadness in his eyes now.

"Bella, why can't you see?"