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Re: Re: is it there...

Holly Delight said:
Yes. That's where I'd look first.

Next I'd check the bathroom, wouldn't you?

Did I tell you I have bean burritos for lunch?

and i was just in the you might not want to go in there...
Re: Re: Re: is it there...

JInCT said:
Did I tell you I have bean burritos for lunch?

and i was just in the you might not want to go in there...

Ewwwwie !!!:(

Let's get out of here.

Shall we go outside and watch TOG streaking?

Re: Re: Re: Re: is it there...

Holly Delight said:
Ewwwwie !!!:(

Let's get out of here.

Shall we go outside and watch TOG streaking?


Do you think they'll be any shrinkage?

(it's kinda cold today)
Re: Re: Re: Re: is it there...

Holly Delight said:
Ewwwwie !!!:(

Let's get out of here.

Shall we go outside and watch TOG streaking?


are you still watching?
isn't it just like the aurora borealis?
MistyBluEyes said:
Only a few years? Doesn't that make you young too?

Isn't one's apparant age relative to the number of stupid people one runs into on a given day? And is there any ice cream left? I'm feeling around 100 today.
good evening -- anything good to eat yet?
or do i have to pop over to the blue moon again
and eat alex's scrumptious victuals?
TheOlderGuy said:
good evening -- anything good to eat yet?
or do i have to pop over to the blue moon again
and eat alex's scrumptious victuals?

where is the blue moon located?

do they serve dessert?
TheOlderGuy said:
and why haven't you been there yet?

alex has the best menus in the world.

btw, how's your head, love?

Why didn't you mention it earlier?

my head isn't my true problem, it's the aching in my jaw. I have a large wisdom tooth problem that has to be put off until mid-December. It creates all sorts of side-effects, including migraine-like pain in my sinuses. All in all, I'll live:rolleyes:
Celtic Princess said:
Why didn't you mention it earlier?

my head isn't my true problem, it's the aching in my jaw. I have a large wisdom tooth problem that has to be put off until mid-December. It creates all sorts of side-effects, including migraine-like pain in my sinuses. All in all, I'll live:rolleyes:

so sorry - pain is no fun to live with.

i did bring it up a few times,
did you miss the memos?
TheOlderGuy said:
so sorry - pain is no fun to live with.

i did bring it up a few times,
did you miss the memos?

:eek: you sent memos??

pain I can deal with, it's my lack of control over the pain that's killing me. I have to work, and go to class, ect. so I can't take the pain meds like I should.
WHAT are yeh doing in my swamp?

sorry, my two year old is watching shrek for the fourteenth billion time -- good thing we love that movie
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