Religio/Ethnic cleansing on the West Bank?


Literotica Guru
Aug 29, 2004
The media is engrossed with blood, explosions and death being meted out in Gaza, anything spectacular for the evening news bulletins; but in the last few days there has been some interesting news from the occupied West Bank. After a relatively quiet period, would be Jewish settlers have started to attack and drive Arabs from their homes where many have lived for centuries. Some 89 people have been killed in the past two weeks. What is unusual is that Israeli defence forces have "supported" the settlers protecting them in their theft of property and lives. This culminated in the bombing of a mosque which Israel says was controlled by Hamas? Odd, because Fatah is the group in charge of West Bank politics, not Hamas.

Meanwhile one Israeli ministry has announced that their priority in Gaza will be to destroy infrastructure particularly the water supply system and the electricity used to de-salinate seawater. At roughly the same time another ministry announced that in future (after the war) no services, water, food, electricity, of any description will be allowed from Israel . Gaza will be permanently cut off.

I think that we are seeing the beginnings of a systematic ethnic cleansing. However, a mere 10000 or 20,000 deaths will not be enough to convince the Palestinians to leave en masse . Especially as they have no where to go.
The media is engrossed with blood, explosions and death being meted out in Gaza, anything spectacular for the evening news bulletins; but in the last few days there has been some interesting news from the occupied West Bank. After a relatively quiet period, would be Jewish settlers have started to attack and drive Arabs from their homes where many have lived for centuries. Some 89 people have been killed in the past two weeks. What is unusual is that Israeli defence forces have "supported" the settlers protecting them in their theft of property and lives. This culminated in the bombing of a mosque which Israel says was controlled by Hamas? Odd, because Fatah is the group in charge of West Bank politics, not Hamas.

Meanwhile one Israeli ministry has announced that their priority in Gaza will be to destroy infrastructure particularly the water supply system and the electricity used to de-salinate seawater. At roughly the same time another ministry announced that in future (after the war) no services, water, food, electricity, of any description will be allowed from Israel . Gaza will be permanently cut off.

I think that we are seeing the beginnings of a systematic ethnic cleansing. However, a mere 10000 or 20,000 deaths will not be enough to convince the Palestinians to leave en masse . Especially as they have no where to go.
No, you're NOT seeing any 'cleansing.' What you're seeing is something that should have been done YEARS ago. The Palestinian authority is going to have to spend all of that 'relief' monies on building services infrastructure instead of guns, explosives, rockets, etc. and if they don't want to do that....................fuck'em.