Reading Books For Pleasure

caela said:
Me neither but it doesn't come out in a regular paperback (just the large ones) til November. I'm weird and like my books to match so I won't buy it til then but if I get desperate enough I may hit the library for it.

I've got it on e book. :D

And by the way it was awesome. I finished it last Saturday. I am now caught up on the Merry and Anita books, so when the new ones come out I will know what's going on. :nana:
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I finished Gone by Jonathan Kellerman. As with most of his stuff it was good and kinda scary!

Fury :rose:
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graceanne said:
I've got it on e book. :D

And by the way it was awesome. I finished it last Saturday. I am now caught up on the Merry and Anita books, so when the new ones come out I will know what's going on. :nana:

Where do you get these e-books and how much do they cost you? If you mentioned it before I missed it.
caela said:
Where do you get these e-books and how much do they cost you? If you mentioned it before I missed it.

I looked this up last night at Amazon. One of the books I wanted was just as much as a hardcover book would be about $20.00. There are some sites that have books you can read on site free though.

I like the idea of not taking a whole box of books to the beach but since those books are free and most e books are not, that isn't going to happen in my life at this time. Viva la library!

Fury :rose:
Ooh, another bibliophile here! Okay if I join in?

I could desperately use a little reading for pleasure. The only things I've read in the last week that aren't online were the newspaper, two Shakespeare plays for the survey course I'm taking, and some scientific papers and journals (work related).

I tried to read through the thread, but 16 pages turned out to be a bit daunting and I started to skim ... could someone catch me up to what we're reading now, if anything?


Carillon said:
I tried to read through the thread, but 16 pages turned out to be a bit daunting and I started to skim ... could someone catch me up to what we're reading now, if anything?



Pretty much we just talk about books we've enjoyed here. Giving each other ideas and such if we haven't read something. There is a book club thread floating around here somewhere where they actually pick a book each month to read and discuss.

Which of the Bard's plays did you have to read. I try to read at least one a year (a friend bought me a very nice hardcover copy of his complete works and I adore it! but alas it is packed at the moment).
Hi everyone. Okay, I LOVE to read and usually go through several books a month. My Husband keeps saying that should make me a shareholder because he's sure I'm keeping them in business. I have read all of LKH's Anita Blake series and cannot wait for Danse Macbre. If you are interested, LKH has posted the first 3 chapters on her website. I have read several of the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon and really love those too. I understand that in 2007 she's supposed to dedicate 2 books to Acheron and I really am dying for those. I have the first 4 books in the Meridith Gentry series on the way from Amazon right now. I just finished Megan's Mark by Lora Leigh. I really liked it and I think I'm going to Barnes and Noble today to get Jacob's Faith. I have read both of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books. The first one is pretty good, the second one is really good and I think the third one is going to be fantastic. I have also read all the Carpathian novels by Christine Feehan. I really liked most of those too. Obsessed with preternatural romance much? Yes I am - lol.
ImSkye said:
Hi everyone. Okay, I LOVE to read and usually go through several books a month. My Husband keeps saying that should make me a shareholder because he's sure I'm keeping them in business. I have read all of LKH's Anita Blake series and cannot wait for Danse Macbre. If you are interested, LKH has posted the first 3 chapters on her website. I have read several of the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon and really love those too. I understand that in 2007 she's supposed to dedicate 2 books to Acheron and I really am dying for those. I have the first 4 books in the Meridith Gentry series on the way from Amazon right now. I just finished Megan's Mark by Lora Leigh. I really liked it and I think I'm going to Barnes and Noble today to get Jacob's Faith. I have read both of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books. The first one is pretty good, the second one is really good and I think the third one is going to be fantastic. I have also read all the Carpathian novels by Christine Feehan. I really liked most of those too. Obsessed with preternatural romance much? Yes I am - lol.

LOL Sounds like you fit right in.

As for the three chapters - I know. ;) LOL I already read them twice! Have you read any other of C. Feehans stuff? Cause she doesn't just write on Carpathians, she's got her Jaguar books, and her sisters books. All prenatural. :nana:
graceanne said:
LOL Sounds like you fit right in.

As for the three chapters - I know. ;) LOL I already read them twice! Have you read any other of C. Feehans stuff? Cause she doesn't just write on Carpathians, she's got her Jaguar books, and her sisters books. All prenatural. :nana:


Yes I have - I have read the Jaguar books and the 3 books in the Ghostwalker series. Really liked them too. I read Oceans of Fire also. I have read the 3 chapters twice also - lol. How big a bitch is Ronnie? I love the way Nathaniel handled her though, I am dying for this book!

Carillon said:
Ooh, another bibliophile here! Okay if I join in?

I could desperately use a little reading for pleasure. The only things I've read in the last week that aren't online were the newspaper, two Shakespeare plays for the survey course I'm taking, and some scientific papers and journals (work related).

I tried to read through the thread, but 16 pages turned out to be a bit daunting and I started to skim ... could someone catch me up to what we're reading now, if anything?



Here is the BDSM Book of the Month Club thread.

For the month of June we are reading Small Town by Lawrence Block.

In this thread, it's just about what you have read and did you like it!


Fury :rose:
ImSkye said:
Hi everyone. Okay, I LOVE to read and usually go through several books a month. My Husband keeps saying that should make me a shareholder because he's sure I'm keeping them in business. I have read all of LKH's Anita Blake series and cannot wait for Danse Macbre. If you are interested, LKH has posted the first 3 chapters on her website. I have read several of the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon and really love those too. I understand that in 2007 she's supposed to dedicate 2 books to Acheron and I really am dying for those. I have the first 4 books in the Meridith Gentry series on the way from Amazon right now. I just finished Megan's Mark by Lora Leigh. I really liked it and I think I'm going to Barnes and Noble today to get Jacob's Faith. I have read both of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books. The first one is pretty good, the second one is really good and I think the third one is going to be fantastic. I have also read all the Carpathian novels by Christine Feehan. I really liked most of those too. Obsessed with preternatural romance much? Yes I am - lol.

Sounds as if you like some of the same books most of us do! *hugs*


Fury :rose:
We do seem to have a penchant for werewolves, vampires and all other manner of preternatural creatures here don't we???

My latest obsession are the "Women of the Otherworld" books by Kelly Armstrong. I've just blasted my way through the first 5 and need to make a trip to the bookstore if I have the entra money from my next unemployment check ( I need a job just to support my book habit lol ) after I pay the bills and buy groceries of course.
caela said:
We do seem to have a penchant for werewolves, vampires and all other manner of preternatural creatures here don't we???

My latest obsession are the "Women of the Otherworld" books by Kelly Armstrong. I've just blasted my way through the first 5 and need to make a trip to the bookstore if I have the entra money from my next unemployment check ( I need a job just to support my book habit lol ) after I pay the bills and buy groceries of course.

Yes we do Caela!

Those sound like yummy books!

I'm nearly done with Grave Sight and liking it very well.

Fury :rose:
FurryFury said:
Those sound like yummy books!

I was actually rather surprised at how well I liked them. I kind of expected them to just be a fluff read but they're very plot and character driven and while there's a sexual tension between some of the characters there's actually very little romance or sex.
caela said:
Pretty much we just talk about books we've enjoyed here. Giving each other ideas and such if we haven't read something. There is a book club thread floating around here somewhere where they actually pick a book each month to read and discuss.

Which of the Bard's plays did you have to read. I try to read at least one a year (a friend bought me a very nice hardcover copy of his complete works and I adore it! but alas it is packed at the moment).

Hi Caela,

The last two plays I studied were Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream. We're now onto The Merchant of Venice.

I think the course does 12-14 of the "big" plays. Eventually we'll get to King Lear, Hamlet, Macbeth, The Tempest, etc. but it runs all the way till October and I don't have my schedule handy ... luckily, the plays don't take much longer to read than they do to perform, so they're pretty quick reads, even though you do need to be thorough for this course.

I've read most of Shakespeare's plays before, though. They made us study quite a few in school, for one thing. Do you have a favourite?
FurryFury said:
Here is the BDSM Book of the Month Club thread.

For the month of June we are reading Small Town by Lawrence Block.

In this thread, it's just about what you have read and did you like it!


Fury :rose:

Thank you, Fury. I felt a bit silly when I realized I had overlooked the other thread. I guess I'm still getting used to this forum.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I'll be sure to check out the book club thread, but will definitely be following this one closely as well.

ImSkye said:

Yes I have - I have read the Jaguar books and the 3 books in the Ghostwalker series. Really liked them too. I read Oceans of Fire also. I have read the 3 chapters twice also - lol. How big a bitch is Ronnie? I love the way Nathaniel handled her though, I am dying for this book!


I've often wondered why she puts up with her. I mean, with friends like that who needs enemy's?

I've read every single book that C. Feehan has written. It helps that I got into her books back when she only had one published book, so I can read them as they come out.
Carillon said:
Thank you, Fury. I felt a bit silly when I realized I had overlooked the other thread. I guess I'm still getting used to this forum.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I'll be sure to check out the book club thread, but will definitely be following this one closely as well.


No problem!


There is so much going on there it's perfectly understandable!

Fury :rose:
graceanne said:
I've often wondered why she puts up with her. I mean, with friends like that who needs enemy's?

I've read every single book that C. Feehan has written. It helps that I got into her books back when she only had one published book, so I can read them as they come out.

I never noticed or maybe it's just been so long since I've read any of the Anita books that Ronnie was such a bitch until the preview of the next book. Something I wouldn't normally read but I was waiting for a long time with little to do so I read it. In it Ronnie was such a bitch! Wow!

I was also shocked by how often she'd willing fucked Richard. I've disliked him from day one. WTF is she thinking? Bad choices much?

Fury :rose:
Carillon said:
Hi Caela,

The last two plays I studied were Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream. We're now onto The Merchant of Venice.

I think the course does 12-14 of the "big" plays. Eventually we'll get to King Lear, Hamlet, Macbeth, The Tempest, etc. but it runs all the way till October and I don't have my schedule handy ... luckily, the plays don't take much longer to read than they do to perform, so they're pretty quick reads, even though you do need to be thorough for this course.

I've read most of Shakespeare's plays before, though. They made us study quite a few in school, for one thing. Do you have a favourite?

I know there are teachers out there that will kill me but I don't really like Romeo and Juliet. I do however love Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Much Ado About Nothing. That last is probably my favorite however.

I can't say that I've read most of them and while I'm actually in the mood for them right now I can't get to them. ~pouts~ I'll probably read them voraciously once I get a job and get settled somewhere that isn't my folks place lol.
FurryFury said:
I never noticed or maybe it's just been so long since I've read any of the Anita books that Ronnie was such a bitch until the preview of the next book. Something I wouldn't normally read but I was waiting for a long time with little to do so I read it. In it Ronnie was such a bitch! Wow!

I was also shocked by how often she'd willing fucked Richard. I've disliked him from day one. WTF is she thinking? Bad choices much?

Fury :rose:

I think that she chose Richard cause he's more 'normal' than any of her other choices. Remember she originally wanted one man, a house in the 'burbs, etc. While Richard my be a were-wolf he's also a Jr. High teacher. He wants one woman, and a house in the 'burbs. She'd probably go for humans, but she knows too well that humans are too vulnerable for someone who's made her lifechoices. The vamps would have loved to take out the mate of the 'executioner'.

As for Ronnie, she hasn't been much a part of the books, but her snottiness over all the guys Anita's seeing, and then in the last book she was seriously rude at one point.
caela said:
I know there are teachers out there that will kill me but I don't really like Romeo and Juliet. I do however love Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Much Ado About Nothing. That last is probably my favorite however.

I can't say that I've read most of them and while I'm actually in the mood for them right now I can't get to them. ~pouts~ I'll probably read them voraciously once I get a job and get settled somewhere that isn't my folks place lol.

I like them all. The one's I most recently saw and read were Midsummer's and Twelfth Night.

Fury :rose:

graceanne said:
I think that she chose Richard cause he's more 'normal' than any of her other choices. Remember she originally wanted one man, a house in the 'burbs, etc. While Richard my be a were-wolf he's also a Jr. High teacher. He wants one woman, and a house in the 'burbs. She'd probably go for humans, but she knows too well that humans are too vulnerable for someone who's made her lifechoices. The vamps would have loved to take out the mate of the 'executioner'.

As for Ronnie, she hasn't been much a part of the books, but her snottiness over all the guys Anita's seeing, and then in the last book she was seriously rude at one point.

Like I said bad choices. I've always felt she needed a normal guy or perhaps another animator.

Fury :rose:
FurryFury said:
I like them all. The one's I most recently saw and read were Midsummer's and Twelfth Night.

Fury :rose:

Like I said bad choices. I've always felt she needed a normal guy or perhaps another animator.

Fury :rose:

I think a 'normal guy' would make her the happiest, but I think that it would also worry her, having someone who's so fragile around her. I kinda had hopes for Edward, but he's a bit too psychotic, and he's about to marry that chick with the kids. I think a man like her, who's got a conscionce but can defend himself would be just right. But frankly, it's moot point now that she has the adeur. *shrugs*
graceanne said:
I think a 'normal guy' would make her the happiest, but I think that it would also worry her, having someone who's so fragile around her. I kinda had hopes for Edward, but he's a bit too psychotic, and he's about to marry that chick with the kids. I think a man like her, who's got a conscionce but can defend himself would be just right. But frankly, it's moot point now that she has the adeur. *shrugs*

Edward was one of my picks for her too!

Fury :rose:
FurryFury said:
Edward was one of my picks for her too!

Fury :rose:

Great minds and all that.

I wonder if Laurell K Hamilton has the same problems with her characters as I do. She plans one thing, and they do the exact opposite. lol