Bunny's Stuffie Corner

Much happening in your life, bunny.

I had the flu awhile back. First time I have been sick in well before Covid hit in 2020. Been lucky.

Good luck on your business, bunny.
Much happening in your life, bunny.

I had the flu awhile back. First time I have been sick in well before Covid hit in 2020. Been lucky.

Good luck on your business, bunny.

It's always something around here, lol.

I'm sorry you had the flu. That's never fun. Glad you're feeling better now!

And thank you! I'm gonna need all the luck I can get.
I was weak. I texted Daddy. :(

He's not doing well. Abscessed teeth, diagnosed with neuropathy in his legs, in pain all the time, and, worst of all, stroke-level blood pressure that he can't get to go down.

He says he's been in and out of doctors' offices for three days.

I tried not to let it bother me that he didn't fucking let me know what was going on. But it does. I asked if he needed anything, and he said no. I told him to go lie down in a dark room because that's what they had me do at the doctor's office when my blood pressure was that high (after giving me meds to drop it down, obviously). He said he would, and I told him I'd check on him tomorrow. I don't know what else to do.

I wish he would take better care of himself. Mentally and physically.
Daddy says he wants me to come over this afternoon if his blood pressure will stay down. I really want to go. I haven't seen him in months. I know I'm a fool for just giving in to him, but I can't resist it when he turns on the charm. I really hope he lets me come over.
Aaaaand as quick as he said I could come over, he changed his mind because "he's tired." He's claiming he'll come here tomorrow, but I don't believe it.

I'm sure I've said it before, but when I die, let that man lower my casket into the ground so he can let me down one last time.
Y'all, it's hot as hell here already. 95 degrees today. Luckily, the humidity was only 55%. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to breathe out there.

A couple of years ago, the property management people had my old electric central heat/air unit (that kept crapping out) replaced with a newer one. The newer one is more energy-efficient, which is good, but I'm also pretty sure the unit is not big enough for this tiny-ass apartment. I have less than 1000 square feet here (not sure exactly the size, honestly), and this thing is struggling to keep up already. It's only June, y'all. July and August are going to be pure hell.

I'm sorry to bitch about the weather, but I'm a.) asthmatic, and b.) on several drugs that effect your heat tolerance. I hope I'll make it through the summer! 😑