Pulling your Pork


What the fuck, over.
Feb 6, 2007
Gotta get a nice Pork Loin, about ten twelve pounds, on sale, about twenty/twenty four bucks, don't be a cheapo
Now get two plastic bags and set them out, or saran wrap, whatever floats your boat.
Using a sharp knife (as dulls ones cut yourself) trim off most of the fat, cut into three nice size pieces, cut one into steaks about 3/4 to 1/2 inch thick, the other two can be roasts. Put the steaks in one bag and one roast in the other bag, away for the future.
In a bowl:
3/4 cup Ketchup
3/4 cups Water
3/4 cup Italian Dressing
1/4 cup Black coffee
3 bags or tbsps Soy Sauce
1/2 tbsp Fresh black pepper
2 tbsp Apple Cidar vinegar
1 tbsp Fresh Ginger
2 tbsp Paprika
3 Tbsp Sesame Oil
mix it all up.
one pair of ear plugs for each person

In a three/four quart pot sear the last pork loin roast, on all sides (sear it good too) and with a cover, you want every bit of almost burn. After that roast is seared, pour the mixture over the pork loin and cook it on medium heat for about four hours or so the longer the better, cook it covered, check it every half hour or so, turning it, after about three hours take a wooden spoon and break it apart, all apart, cook it for another hour, stir every fifteen minutes or so, after that, let it sit for a while, now get some rolls or sandwich bread and enjoy, be sure to put your ear plugs in, cause you don't want your brains to fall out as you savor your pulled pork.
Feeds about four hungry guys or six or seven hungry girls.
Ok. I'll bite.

gaaah!!! why did i open this thread?!? :(

un-see! un-see!!
Such a complicated recipe... usually I just cook it in half apple cider vinegar/half water in the crock pot, then add brown sugar near the end so it doesn't have a chance to burn. I like the plain sweet flavor better than a more savory one.