President Joe Biden Retakes Lead from Donald Trump in Latest National 2024 Poll

I have no idea what gives you that idea. I'm as anti-Trump as anybody here.

But... eh.
Lot of people say one thing then go in the booth and vote differently

I enjoy using the 2020 dem primary as a perfect example of lying progressives "strong women! Diversity!" both well represented in the primaries....which then ended with the two finalists being old rich white men both of whom have been in politics for 50 years

White, male, rich and the establishment...all things liberals sling a lot of shit about but....
The polls that don't list next year's real candidates can be ignored as even more useless than most polls. Trump is done. Biden is even more done. He probably won't finish his one term.

Why do you think Biden is done?

He doesn't really, I'm convinced. The right just can't stand that their biggest grievance against Biden hasn't gained any traction, so they pretend it has. That is all.
Why do you think Biden is done? He seems pretty hale and hearty and he has a strong groundswell of support.
That's not at all what I see. He's a broken puppet who will be replaced with a younger puppet, and then maybe still used for a while as a scapegoat. The puppeteers will really need a scapegoat, but blaming a senile dying old man could also backfire.
That's not at all what I see. He's a broken puppet who will be replaced with a younger puppet, and then maybe still used for a while as a scapegoat. The puppeteers will really need a scapegoat, but blaming a senile dying old man could also backfire.
Gordon Gekko aka Gov Newsome.....that gel haired bastard will run and find out how much he is hated, like Hillary.
He doesn't really, I'm convinced. The right just can't stand that their biggest grievance against Biden hasn't gained any traction, so they pretend it has. That is all.
It cant get traction because the media doesnt report it and his gestapo leader Merridith Garland keeps the public off guard by issuing indictments. THE MEDIA HATES DONALD TRUMP..he exposed them and their lies in 2016. The russian hoax, the climate hoax are examples. Aside from that, runaway inflation, open southern border two wars that could have been avoided or should I say 3 wars one on energy too. Where are all those latinos making life hell for New Yorkers going to winter over??? In the streets? Gekko says Bidumb should get an A for his administration? Really?
It cant get traction because the media doesnt report it and his gestapo leader Merridith Garland keeps the public off guard by issuing indictments. THE MEDIA HATES DONALD TRUMP..he exposed them and their lies in 2016. The russian hoax, the climate hoax are examples. Aside from that, runaway inflation, open southern border two wars that could have been avoided or should I say 3 wars one on energy too. Where are all those latinos making life hell for New Yorkers going to winter over??? In the streets? Gekko says Bidumb should get an A for his administration? Really?
Are you drunk, or is this your natural style?
It cant get traction because the media doesnt report it and his gestapo leader Merridith Garland keeps the public off guard by issuing indictments. THE MEDIA HATES DONALD TRUMP..he exposed them and their lies in 2016. The russian hoax, the climate hoax are examples. Aside from that, runaway inflation, open southern border two wars that could have been avoided or should I say 3 wars one on energy too. Where are all those latinos making life hell for New Yorkers going to winter over??? In the streets? Gekko says Bidumb should get an A for his administration? Really?
lol, thanks for clearly showing us who you are. I don't think I’d really noticed your kool-aid deep gulp before but this is good to know.
^^^ That ain't no kool-aide, that's home bathtub brew 'shine.
That's not at all what I see. He's a broken puppet who will be replaced with a younger puppet, and then maybe still used for a while as a scapegoat. The puppeteers will really need a scapegoat, but blaming a senile dying old man could also backfire.
I’m a solid Democrat and there is no internal drumbeat in Democratic circles to replace Biden as the 2024 candidate. The right is trying very hard to tear him down because they’re afraid of him, but it’s not gaining any traction.
It cant get traction because the media doesnt report it and his gestapo leader Merridith Garland keeps the public off guard by issuing indictments. THE MEDIA HATES DONALD TRUMP..he exposed them and their lies in 2016. The russian hoax, the climate hoax are examples. Aside from that, runaway inflation, open southern border two wars that could have been avoided or should I say 3 wars one on energy too. Where are all those latinos making life hell for New Yorkers going to winter over??? In the streets? Gekko says Bidumb should get an A for his administration? Really?

The media has not been particularly kind to Biden all things said and done. I don't really see them talking about any of his accomplishments. Some of that however is his own damn fault and is an overall Democrat problem. You'd think after the Trump administration that they would have taken enough notes to understand how media works.

This is not me saying that Trump being online so fucking much that it was an ongoing joke when I worked at Walmart that if my phone started blowing up that one of three things happened. MY RP girl shows up, my homies were trying to get a game started or Trump did something stupid. Most of the time it was a customer three guys back "Oh Trump did this or that." like dear Gods that man was screwing up on such a regular basis that it became normal.

I don't think anybody thinks Biden deserves an 'A' however that would even be qualified.
The media has not been particularly kind to Biden all things said and done. I don't really see them talking about any of his accomplishments. Some of that however is his own damn fault and is an overall Democrat problem. You'd think after the Trump administration that they would have taken enough notes to understand how media works.

This is not me saying that Trump being online so fucking much that it was an ongoing joke when I worked at Walmart that if my phone started blowing up that one of three things happened. MY RP girl shows up, my homies were trying to get a game started or Trump did something stupid. Most of the time it was a customer three guys back "Oh Trump did this or that." like dear Gods that man was screwing up on such a regular basis that it became normal.

I don't think anybody thinks Biden deserves an 'A' however that would even be qualified.
Ask the media about the invasion across the southern border because the mainstream media is ignoring it. Over 3 million people have crossed that border and they act like it is made up by Donald Trump. You have to ask why? I think you know the answer. Calling republicans domestic terrorist and the media goes along. The Jan 6 riot was never reported or vetted by the media except to further the company lies. I would say Biden and the DNC have been treated with kid gloves, expecially the connection of the Biden family to the Ukraine and China.
Ask the media about the invasion across the southern border because the mainstream media is ignoring it. Over 3 million people have crossed that border and they act like it is made up by Donald Trump. You have to ask why? I think you know the answer. Calling republicans domestic terrorist and the media goes along. The Jan 6 riot was never reported or vetted by the media except to further the company lies. I would say Biden and the DNC have been treated with kid gloves, expecially the connection of the Biden family to the Ukraine and China.
^^^ Out and proud of it. You go girl, hit em straight!
Ask the media about the invasion across the southern border because the mainstream media is ignoring it. Over 3 million people have crossed that border and they act like it is made up by Donald Trump. You have to ask why? I think you know the answer. Calling republicans domestic terrorist and the media goes along. The Jan 6 riot was never reported or vetted by the media except to further the company lies. I would say Biden and the DNC have been treated with kid gloves, expecially the connection of the Biden family to the Ukraine and China.

That would actually be a great point. There is no invasion and yet we still constantly hear about how many people have crossed the border even if the numbers are clearly absolute bullshit.

Maybe there is a slightly more polite word than domestic terrorist though I'm not sure what would be a better term to call them. Its not as if J6 is the only time this has happened. We are watching anti-semitism rising and we know exactly who the people historically attacking the Jewish population in the US is. Hint: There is a reason why the Jewish Population tends to vote liberal/democrat. They know who at the very least doesn't care enough to wake up thinking of ways to harm them.

Treated with kid gloves? The fact that the MSM (whatever that even means the more I look into it) even covers it like it something worthy of attention shows just how few favors they are doing Biden. They could easily ignore it outright which would be much more appropriate. I don't recall the press leaning on Trump for blatantly violating the emolument clause. I mean we just shrugged collectively and decided that being the president is supposed to be something you do to enrich yourself. They platformed Trump anytime he wanted to speak, they have the complete right to ignore the hell out of him.

They COULD tell you all the things that Biden has done to improve things in the country and what the Republicans have done directly to keep things from improving in the country. A straight "by the facts, no bias" telling of what is happening in places like Boebert's Colorado district is that she voted against them and 850 jobs coming to her district. I will admit I do not know how this number is calculated so I do not know if they are high balling, low balling or just making what they consider a reasonable guess. By which I mean 850 jobs in a warehouse/factory is also going to drive restaurants, gas stations, presumably at least some people will be moving into the area so construction eventually grocery stores and the such to support new residents and I do not have access to their data points.

However I do know Bobert is proud of what is happening in her district so if Biden is high balling its not by enough for her to twist it into "Oh these are 200 real jobs and 650 temporary jobs that will also destroy our beautiful landscape or whatever.

The J6 riot/insurrection was so far accurately presented. We know what went down and for whatever reason the Right is okay with this. Even if you down play a lot of things that doesn't change that even before the elections Trump and co were coming out saying the only way they could lose was if they were cheated. Continued that up to and through the election. That right there is dangerous when done by someone with a position of power and influence.

There were constant lawsuits and they were thrown out of court left and right often by Trump appointed judges. I mean aside from thinking the entire system from bottom to top is so rigged against the Right that there is absolutely no way a white male could ever get justice in this country you have to accept the court at at some point.

The media also hasn't covered that Biden increased restrictions on China not loosened them. That's not doing him a favor. Now granted that is because they are neither on America's nor Biden's side on these issues but lets not pretend they are helping.
Why do you think Biden is done? He seems pretty hale and hearty and he has a strong groundswell of support.
Supporting ethnic cleansing and a potential genocide in Palestine, perhaps? His support among Arab Americans and young voters is bound to suffer a lot, a lot of which is in key states in the election, especially Michigan.

I simply cannot believe these people who turn a blind eye to ethnic cleansing. Are you nuts? Those war crimes cannot go unpunished.
That would actually be a great point. There is no invasion and yet we still constantly hear about how many people have crossed the border even if the numbers are clearly absolute bullshit.

Maybe there is a slightly more polite word than domestic terrorist though I'm not sure what would be a better term to call them. Its not as if J6 is the only time this has happened. We are watching anti-semitism rising and we know exactly who the people historically attacking the Jewish population in the US is. Hint: There is a reason why the Jewish Population tends to vote liberal/democrat. They know who at the very least doesn't care enough to wake up thinking of ways to harm them.

Treated with kid gloves? The fact that the MSM (whatever that even means the more I look into it) even covers it like it something worthy of attention shows just how few favors they are doing Biden. They could easily ignore it outright which would be much more appropriate. I don't recall the press leaning on Trump for blatantly violating the emolument clause. I mean we just shrugged collectively and decided that being the president is supposed to be something you do to enrich yourself. They platformed Trump anytime he wanted to speak, they have the complete right to ignore the hell out of him.

They COULD tell you all the things that Biden has done to improve things in the country and what the Republicans have done directly to keep things from improving in the country. A straight "by the facts, no bias" telling of what is happening in places like Boebert's Colorado district is that she voted against them and 850 jobs coming to her district. I will admit I do not know how this number is calculated so I do not know if they are high balling, low balling or just making what they consider a reasonable guess. By which I mean 850 jobs in a warehouse/factory is also going to drive restaurants, gas stations, presumably at least some people will be moving into the area so construction eventually grocery stores and the such to support new residents and I do not have access to their data points.

However I do know Bobert is proud of what is happening in her district so if Biden is high balling its not by enough for her to twist it into "Oh these are 200 real jobs and 650 temporary jobs that will also destroy our beautiful landscape or whatever.

The J6 riot/insurrection was so far accurately presented. We know what went down and for whatever reason the Right is okay with this. Even if you down play a lot of things that doesn't change that even before the elections Trump and co were coming out saying the only way they could lose was if they were cheated. Continued that up to and through the election. That right there is dangerous when done by someone with a position of power and influence.

There were constant lawsuits and they were thrown out of court left and right often by Trump appointed judges. I mean aside from thinking the entire system from bottom to top is so rigged against the Right that there is absolutely no way a white male could ever get justice in this country you have to accept the court at at some point.

The media also hasn't covered that Biden increased restrictions on China not loosened them. That's not doing him a favor. Now granted that is because they are neither on America's nor Biden's side on these issues but lets not pretend they are helping.
Good for you for addressing that nonsense. I'm not feeling up to that challenge today...
January 6 2021 was basically Trump doing to Congress what US embassies do in many countries across the world when they want to overthrow a foreign government. So who are the bigger villains in this case? Trump and his January 6 supporters for the coup attempt, or the hypocrites in the US deep state who support overthrowing foreign governments when it suits them but become outraged when Trump tries to do the same to them? It's laughably bad.
A third party or independent vote is at worst a nonvote. A few percent could be enough to prevent a majority, but someone will get more votes than the other and be the winner. Blaming or insulting third party voters as Trump lovers sounds like entitlement. If candidates don't earn votes, then they don't get the votes.
A third party or independent vote is at worst a nonvote. A few percent could be enough to prevent a majority, but someone will get more votes than the other and be the winner. Blaming or insulting third party voters as Trump lovers sounds like entitlement. If candidates don't earn votes, then they don't get the votes.
No vote is wasted if you vote FOR something. Democracy is about voting FOR something, not glory hunting to be "winners" by going for a "lesser evil". Political corruption is a huge problem.
No vote is wasted if you vote FOR something. Democracy is about voting FOR something, not glory hunting to be "winners" by going for a "lesser evil". Political corruption is a huge problem.

That's not how math works and democracy is a math equation, especially in the US. Even without political corruption which is almost a meaningless term these days the problem of you have to pick a side wouldn't change.