President Joe Biden Retakes Lead from Donald Trump in Latest National 2024 Poll

I don't consider refusing to condone the two-party system as throwing away a vote. I refuse to chose between a shit sandwich and a bowl of shit soup just because that's the choice the party bosses gave us. I vote mostly based on character. I voted for Obama twice, because I thought (and still think) he was a good man.

By the time the primaries get to my state, the bosses will have determined their nominees and if it's Trump vs. Biden, I'll vote for Jill Stein.

President Joe Biden has retaken the lead against his presumptuous 2024 Republican challenger Donald Trump in a new survey.

A Morning Consult Poll released Tuesday showed that Biden with a narrow 43 to 42 percent lead over Trump in a hypothetical 2024 race, with 11 percent of respondents stating they would vote for "someone else" and 5 percent still undecided.

Someone check on boomer. šŸ˜³
Thanks for sharing. I find it useful to look at all the polling data out there from reputable firms, including Morning Consult.
I don't consider refusing to condone the two-party system as throwing away a vote. I refuse to chose between a shit sandwich and a bowl of shit soup just because that's the choice the party bosses gave us. I vote mostly based on character. I voted for Obama twice, because I thought (and still think) he was a good man.

By the time the primaries get to my state, the bosses will have determined their nominees and if it's Trump vs. Biden, I'll vote for Jill Stein.

Um, President Obama thought enough of Joe Bidenā€™s character to refer to him as a brother.

From President Obamaā€™s farewell address to the nation:

ā€œJoe Biden

... the scrappy kid from Scranton...
... who became Delaware's favorite son.

You were the first decision I made as a nominee, and it was the best.

Not just because you have been a great vice president, but because in the bargain I gained a brother. And we love you and Jill like family. And your friendship has been one of the great joys of our lives.ā€œ

That ^ is a pretty solid reference / endorsement.

Just because someone I admire, admires someone... that doesn't inform my personal opinion.

In my opinion, Biden is a career politician that has made millions by talking out of both sides of his mouth.

For example - I am interested in environmental issues. Biden has approved more oil and gas leases on public lands than Trump did and made the US the #1 oil and gas producer in the world. While telling everyone how committed he is to curbing climate change.

Further - he talks about unions and blue collar workers and adopts the homey accent, yet he's never been a member or a union nor has he ever had a paycheck not funded by the tax payers.

He's a typical politician that will say, pander and do whatever it takes to get past the next election,_2016/Gun_control

  • Vox published an interview with Jill Stein on September 14, 2016, covering a range of policy issues, including immigration, student debt, laws governing guns and firearms, climate change, and foreign relations.[2]

  • Stein discussed gun confiscation programs, saying, ā€œItā€™d be hard to do that at this point. So, we establish background checks and assault weapons ban as a floor. And we add to that stripping the gun manufacturers of their immunity ā€” so currently they have immunity right now from lawsuits holding them accountable for dangerous weapons, and for putting those weapons in the hands of dangerous people. Thatā€™s another tool that should be brought to bear that does not have issues with the Second Amendment."

  • She mentioned Norway as one model for how to get individuals to give up their guns, saying, "Norway really moved forward with gun control by persuading people to give up their guns, and in order to do that you need to have the proper things in place. So in Norway, among other countries, police have also demilitarized and go without guns. Not in all areas of Norway, but in many. And, interestingly, in those districts where police are not armed, they are actually safer. Itā€™s not only the public that is safer but the police are safer because they cease to become targets. I think we need to begin to move in that direction, and I do believe as a society that we need to disarm because we are now an armed garrison state, and everyone is in the crossfire right now ā€” black lives are in the target hairs, and police are also in the target hairs. Weā€™ve become a culture of open carry ā€” not just guns but assault weapons and sniper rifles."
I don't consider refusing to condone the two-party system as throwing away a vote. I refuse to chose between a shit sandwich and a bowl of shit soup just because that's the choice the party bosses gave us. I vote mostly based on character. I voted for Obama twice, because I thought (and still think) he was a good man.
In ordinary times Iā€™d support this. But trump is telling us heā€™d move the US to a basically authoritarian regime and put democracy at serious risk.

By the time the primaries get to my state, the bosses will have determined their nominees and if it's Trump vs. Biden, I'll vote for Jill Stein.
And you will have thrown away your vote, in my view. Thatā€™s what protest votes historically are, from Ross Perot to Ralph Nader to whoever.
That's the thing. A protest vote is just as valid as having to choose the lesser of two bad choices. If 81 million people did the same, we'd have a viable third party.
Not if it's a vote for a shit candidate like Stein.
You don't seem to get the point. Maybe I'm being too subtle.

If all the choices are equally bad, what difference does it make who gets elected? It's a valid position to express my dissatisfaction with the two-party system by voting for neither of their selected candidates.
You don't seem to get the point. Maybe I'm being too subtle.

If all the choices are equally bad, what difference does it make who gets elected? It's a valid position to express my dissatisfaction with the two-party system by voting for neither of their selected candidates.
I got yours but you didn't get mine. There hasn't been a 3rd party candidate worth a damn since forever.
And world leaders who already hate is sure wouldn't respect Stein.
How are Trump and Biden equally bad?

In my opinion, Biden is a career politician that has made millions by talking out of both sides of his mouth.

He's a typical politician that will say, pander and do whatever it takes to get past the next election

And Trump is a crook.
I got yours but you didn't get mine. There hasn't been a 3rd party candidate worth a damn since forever.
And world leaders who already hate is sure wouldn't respect Stein.
Because everyone votes for one or the other of the two parties! I don't even get a choice of who the nominees are because all but one candidate of each party has dropped out by the time my state holds its primary.
In my opinion, Biden is a career politician that has made millions by talking out of both sides of his mouth.

He's a typical politician that will say, pander and do whatever it takes to get past the next election

And Trump is a crook.
When ā€œboth sidesā€ narratives are deployed itā€™s always to make excuses for conservatives. Youā€™re pro-Trump.