President Joe Biden Retakes Lead from Donald Trump in Latest National 2024 Poll

A vote for Stein is not a vote for Trump in my case, because she's not pulling my vote from Biden.
Sorry, but anything except a vote for Biden is effectively a vote for Trump. You sure as heck don't have to like it, and you've got every right to do what you can to help change the system. But it's not going to change by next November, and if you don't vote for the only person with a plausible chance of stopping Trump, you're voting for Trump. At least please own it already.
That’s how retarded most people are these days. Just listen to any recent words from biden. He’s clueless if he’s even real at this point. Trump is a Jesuit billionaire. I’m not into billionaires and certainly not into Jesuits. Read their history. 🤤
trump is a Jesuit billionaire? What on earth are you talking about? Please ‘splain yourself!
for all those making noise about President Biden being 'too old', particularly those who claim to vote Democrat, would you vote for VP Kamala Harris instead? If not, it's not the age issue, is it?
Mmm, if I’m reading your question correctly, probably not. It’s hard for a VP to shine and get the nomination and she’s been effectively invisible to the public eye. So maybe harder to say what the true issue is. Shes not particularly likable and seems to misstep a bit in appearances, though note I’ve not seen many at all.
Words have meaning. Learn them.

The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu; abbreviation: SJ), also known as the Jesuit Order or the Jesuits (/ˈdʒɛʒu.ɪts, ˈdʒɛz(j)u, ˈdʒɛs-/; Latin: Iesuitae), is a religious order of clerics regular of pontifical right for men in the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome.

What part of this makes trump a Jesuit?
Fordham University.
Fordham makes trump a Jesuit? I would love to spend a few minutes in the should skulls of you insane fuckers. It would be just me, a few tumbleweeds, and the Domino's Noid.

You know what? Fuck you. I've managed to avoid that fucker for nearly 30 years!
Sorry, but anything except a vote for Biden is effectively a vote for Trump. You sure as heck don't have to like it, and you've got every right to do what you can to help change the system. But it's not going to change by next November, and if you don't vote for the only person with a plausible chance of stopping Trump, you're voting for Trump. At least please own it already.
The polls that don't list next year's real candidates can be ignored as even more useless than most polls. Trump is done. Biden is even more done. He probably won't finish his one term.
The polls that don't list next year's real candidates can be ignored as even more useless than most polls. Trump is done. Biden is even more done. He probably won't finish his one term.
Why do you think Biden is done? He seems pretty hale and hearty and he has a strong groundswell of support.
Sorry, but anything except a vote for Biden is effectively a vote for Trump. You sure as heck don't have to like it, and you've got every right to do what you can to help change the system. But it's not going to change by next November, and if you don't vote for the only person with a plausible chance of stopping Trump, you're voting for Trump. At least please own it already.
lol. Can’t back up your assertion, can you big guy?
you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Keep up your fight keyboard warrior! You will be shocked by the madness that’s yet to come.