Pizza Hut online


Dec 18, 1999
Hey, is anyone able to order Pizza Hut online yet? I keep going to the fucking website thinking this will be the day that I can order food without having to talk with some minimum wage earning moron who gives me the wrong pop and doesn't send the fucking credit slip with the damn order and then the idiot who delivered it has to drive the 4 blocks back to our Pizza Hut to get the damn thing so I can sign it, but it just hasn't happened yet!!!



Check Pizza Hut Online and let me know if you can.
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Quit whinning. I no one will deliver to my house. I'm 300 yards past all delivery routes. I live in the no-pizza zone. I'd actually consider moving to an area where I could get chinese without having to leave my fucking couch.
Same here. I would love to have someone be able to deliver ANY food to my house. Being in the country has its drawbacks sometimes.
We have four Pizza Huts in our town,

Apparently none of them have online capability,

How uncivilized...
Simply Me said:
Same here. I would love to have someone be able to deliver ANY food to my house. Being in the country has its drawbacks sometimes.

Yea, but I'm not willing to move for it. It's still worth it to have to drive 20 miles and eat there if I want to eat it hot.
roxie said:
Yea, but I'm not willing to move for it. It's still worth it to have to drive 20 miles and eat there if I want to eat it hot.

Yeah, but I'm a "laying on my sofa, watching a good movie, chomping pizza" kind of girl.
Pizza Hut (Pappa John's, whatever) is crap anyway. You want a pizza, get a real pizza. From a pizzaria. Not some corporation with whirlygigs on delivery cars. Does Famous Rays delivery? Fuck no. You might as well just pour Ragú over the fucking cardboard box.
Simply Me said:
Yeah, but I'm a "laying on my sofa, watching a good movie, chomping pizza" kind of girl.

I agree, and Dijornio (sp?) just doesn't cut it. Of course, that's probably why I always have a house full of junk food.;)
Some of us have no choice. One day I will eat a really good pizza, until then I will have to settle for the ragu soaked cardboard box.
kotori said:
You want a pizza, get a real pizza.

Nope, I don't really want a pizza.

I just want to be able to point and click and have some schmuck bring shit to my house.
Lasher said:

I just want to be able to point and click and have some schmuck bring shit to my house.

There's a schmuck on his way to my house as we speak!


I ordered Pizza Hut online just before logging onto Lit. What a coinky-dink.
DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had to call the bastards. They brought Sierra Mist instead of Mountain Dew. WTF is Sierra Mist??
They're just sticking it to me anyway they can.

I'd rather have Fresca.
Lasher said:
I'd rather have Fresca.

I dig Fresca.

It doesn't give you the jitters like Mountain Dew does, though.

Blue - I think he was just commenting on places you can order pizza from online. PJ's and PH aren't the same company (yet? lol).
Nope, I can't order it online, either. Of course, I think it has been maybe 2 or 3 years since I've had Pizza Hut pizza, so it won't break my heart if it takes awhile to get online ordering to my city. :D
I was wondering as I was driving home from work, trying to decide if I should a.) cook b.) do fast food c.) order something from a real "restraunt" and pick it up or d.) skip food and head straight to the liquor; why no drive thru pizza places? How cool would that be? You could get a couple of slices hot and ready to go in 2 minutes.
cybergirly1989 said:
I was wondering as I was driving home from work, trying to decide if I should a.) cook b.) do fast food c.) order something from a real "restraunt" and pick it up or d.) skip food and head straight to the liquor; why no drive thru pizza places? How cool would that be? You could get a couple of slices hot and ready to go in 2 minutes.

Um... we have drive through Pizza Huts. For $6 you can get a personal pan pizza, three breadsticks, sauce, and a soda.

red_rose said:
Um... we have drive through Pizza Huts. For $6 you can get a personal pan pizza, three breadsticks, sauce, and a soda.


That's it! I'm moving outta California.
red_rose said:

PJ's and PH aren't the same company (yet? lol).

Nope. Not the same company. I don't remember the whole story, but one of the bigwigs from PH left to start his own company I think because he wanted large toppings on his pizzas, and PH wouldn't do try it for him.

Hence the birth of PJ's.

Um...both stink, actually. I like PJ's bread sticks, though, with the garlic butter sauce. Makes me ill, but I love the taste of it.

Real Chicago pizza is the only way to go. I'm gonna have to bribe some local restaurants out of their sauce recipes before I move to Boston.
cybergirly1989 said:
That's it! I'm moving outta California.

Gawd, California pizza *shudder*

When I lived in San Fran, there was only Chuck E Cheese and Godfather's pizza. They actually had the NERVE to put cheddar cheese on pizza. Can you believe it???

Yes, I am a pizza snob. I can't help it.
I've ordered from Papa Johns online before. I hate calling those places too I would rather spend twice as much time online than talk to those goobers.