Okay, now that Trump has won the election...

SSSSSSSshhhhh... be vewy vewy qwiet. Ahm huntin' wascaws...

And again.
SSSSSSSshhhhh... be vewy vewy qwiet. Ahm huntin' wascaws...

And again.

Funny how you support Throb when he does it...
Revisionism at its finest!

Back when Butters was Chipbutty, she took issue when teh Chief called Haitians subhuman. Chief Lee Obese squealed like a pig for three solid days, saying he did no such thing, he "only" called them "less than human", which is COMPLETELY different from "subhuman" dontcha know. :rolleyes:

And then virtually the whole board laughed at AJ. He lost face, which is a fate worse than death for Kung Pho black belts. He's been bitter ever since.


1."One more single, white trash slut with a half breed baby."
"Hood rats".

2."I hope you never had children or rented any gooks."
"What contributions to modern society have prairie niggers made? The Mohawk? Peace pipes? Mocassins?
Rent a gook?"

3."It smells like a 3rd world samosa wagon up in here." "What a dumb, stinky paki."
-- "X goes on raping sprees and used to rape his mother behind the samosa wagon".

4."Stfu, gook."
-- "Whiny jew fag and fat prairie nigger unite!"

5."Maybe he took the easy way out of the relationship like yours did?" (fortunately for that person, he got it wrong)
- "Was your dead child transgender, is this why it had to die?"

6."Here are most of queerbait's posts in this thread. He sure fantasizes about somebody a little too much. Talk about living rent free in a meth head!
-- "So let's say Russia has the emails, queerbait.…"

7. etc. etc.

And these are just a few quotes from one of your attack alts.
I haven't included the numerous pae*do *ph *ic inuendoes and racist slurs,
You subhuman
Revisionism at its finest!

Back when Butters was Chipbutty, she took issue when teh Chief called Haitians subhuman. Chief Lee Obese squealed like a pig for three solid days, saying he did no such thing, he "only" called them "less than human", which is COMPLETELY different from "subhuman" dontcha know. :rolleyes:

And then virtually the whole board laughed at AJ. He lost face, which is a fate worse than death for Kung Pho black belts. He's been bitter ever since.

I remember that. Thanks for the reminder, my political team member! :D

1."One more single, white trash slut with a half breed baby."
"Hood rats".

2."I hope you never had children or rented any gooks."
"What contributions to modern society have prairie niggers made? The Mohawk? Peace pipes? Mocassins?
Rent a gook?"

3."It smells like a 3rd world samosa wagon up in here." "What a dumb, stinky paki."
-- "X goes on raping sprees and used to rape his mother behind the samosa wagon".

4."Stfu, gook."
-- "Whiny jew fag and fat prairie nigger unite!"

5."Maybe he took the easy way out of the relationship like yours did?" (fortunately for that person, he got it wrong)
- "Was your dead child transgender, is this why it had to die?"

6."Here are most of queerbait's posts in this thread. He sure fantasizes about somebody a little too much. Talk about living rent free in a meth head!
-- "So let's say Russia has the emails, queerbait.…"

7. etc. etc.

And these are just a few quotes from one of your attack alts.
I haven't included the numerous pae*do *ph *ic inuendoes and racist slurs,
You subhuman

I started a whole thread some time back of Throb's open racism and violation of forum guidelines buy it meant nothing to Laurel or to the Democrats and Liberals because he is attacking approved targets. They put the political before the human.
SSSSSSSshhhhh... be vewy vewy qwiet. Ahm huntin' wascaws...

I'd say, off the top of the head, low IQ...

If it's true what butters and that pig keep accusing AJ of - I'm not stoked about what he said either. Those are unacceptable racist comments.
But those comments were made in 2007, and I suspect that he learned his lesson after people got outraged.

It's much more productivr to concentrate on ehat's happening NOW on this board.
As of now:

JBJ, Busybody: -- frequent negative racist stereotyping and general slurs
Ishmail - occasional negative racist stereotyping
RobDownSouth and his alts: stalking individual posters with racist slurs and other lovelies
AJ -- I haven't seen racist slurs from him since I joined.

So if you idiots want to have a go at AJ or anyone else for the matter,
it would be nice to see quotes or other evidence as in what he'soing NOW, instead of rehashing things from 10 years ago.
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I started a whole thread some time back of Throb's open racism and violation of forum guidelines buy it meant nothing to Laurel or to the Democrats and Liberals because he is attacking approved targets. They put the political before the human.

As I said, I highlighted + + Rob's NUMEROUS pae *d *ph *ic slurs and attacks on your, miles's alive children and on Ish's dead child.

1.When I expressed my outrage, I was ridiculed by the progressives: "attention seeker, drama lama , the female impersonator wants butt sex" and so on. Plus the inevitable: "You have no right to express an opinion, because You're a "racist" scumbag".

Although other posters like Noor, BablingBrooke, yossi and so on directly or indirectly condemned Rob's comments.

2.I reported them several times, but Rob never got even a "Hey, tone it down please".

My conclusion is that RobDownSouth is considered royalty here on the GB, and he's allowed to do as he pleases including breaking -repeatedly- forum rules re underage stuff.
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Qoting what that crud (RobDownSouth) just said in the other thread:

Poor little prairie nigger, always the victim. What a pathetic excuse for man. He couldn't even father a child so he had to rent one.

I guess attitudes such as the above, from the likes of pookie and Adre make him feel invincible and above Lit. rules.
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If it's true what butters and that pig keep accusing AJ of - I'm not stoked about what he said either. Those are unacceptable racist comments.
But those comments were made in 2007, and I suspect that he learned his lesson after people got outraged.

It's much more productivr to concentrate on ehat's happening NOW on this board.
As of now:

JBJ, Busybody: -- frequent negative racist stereotyping and general slurs
Ishmail - occasional negative racist stereotyping
RobDownSouth and his alts: stalking individual posters with racist slurs and other lovelies
AJ -- I haven't seen racist slurs from him since I joined.

So if you idiots want to have a go at AJ or anyone else for the matter,
it would be nice to see quotes or other evidence as in what he'soing NOW, instead of rehashing things from 10 years ago.

I don't have to justify my friends, maybe you should think about your choices.
Another 'liberal' racist defending their spokesperson.
No, that's my Halloween makeup.
I have excellent make up skills and can look like five different people of different ages.
I just felt like gloating.

Of course I don't look even near to that IRL, so my h8rs will be disappointed that they won't be able to trace me online.
You're good at being a moron, not being faux mean and snarky. Stick to what you're good at.
I started a whole thread some time back of Throb's open racism and violation of forum guidelines but it meant nothing to Laurel or to the Democrats and Liberals because he is attacking approved targets.

They put the political before the human.

Yup. The GB progressive mentality in a nutshell.

If it's true what butters and that pig keep accusing AJ of - I'm not stoked about what he said either. Those are unacceptable racist comments.
But those comments were made in 2007, and I suspect that he learned his lesson after people got outraged.

It's much more productivr to concentrate on ehat's happening NOW on this board.
As of now:

JBJ, Busybody: -- frequent negative racist stereotyping and general slurs
Ishmail - occasional negative racist stereotyping
RobDownSouth and his alts: stalking individual posters with racist slurs and other lovelies
AJ -- I haven't seen racist slurs from him since I joined.

So if you idiots want to have a go at AJ or anyone else for the matter,
it would be nice to see quotes or other evidence as in what he'soing NOW, instead of rehashing things from 10 years ago.

Here are a couple from just the past six months ...

One nigger is not lots of niggers...



Damned auto-correct...

Lib'ral NIGGER dick!


Zipperhead! MAH NIGGAH!


We just finished off our fried chicken and waffles, wid a little collard green on the side when Mammy broke out the watermelon.

NO SEEDS! That ain't right..., I just love spitten' seeds at my niggers.

And here was your reply to that one ...

I see that you cooked up the perfect challenge (your av.)to point to those double standards.
I'll go grab some popcorn.

How was the popcorn while you supported and enjoyed his racist tirade?
YOU my dear Pookie, might be young, blonde and pretty, but that doesn't negate the fact that you're clearly a racist and a bully. Particularly against native americans.
You have selective memory too, and aren't that great at manipulating the truth either.

I remember clearly that saga that totally disgusted me.
You started to hound AKJ with racist inuendoes about native americans, which you linked "jokingly" to your 'red face' 'Pookahonta' av. By itself, the av. wouldn't have been racist; all your added inuendoes and'jokes' made it so.

Of course, when AJ expressed his disapproval with what you were doing and asked you politely to taked down the av. and stop the racist inuendoes, Shocker! you played the clueless victim and the progressive mob Disgustipated, Rob, Adre and a few others joined in to harass and derride him.

It all went on and on for days until AJ lost it and posted that av. in retalliation, and said: "I'll only take down my M.L.King av. If pookie takes her red-face av."

From that point, the harassment of course morphed into "bloody AJ is a racist"
It went on for many days after that too, and the other liberal racist RichardDaily even started a thread to mock AJ,

As I said, I was absolutely disgusted by your and your ilk's racism and bullying.
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