Okay, now that Trump has won the election...


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
What is our path forward?

National healing and the undoing all of the Obama bringing us together or the serious and eternal charge of how the SCOTUS, er, uh, the FBI selected him as President.

Good Lord am I ever anticipating with glee the responses to this, the antithesis of the two or three dozen threads on how Hillary has already won (and the violence that will ensue...).
... the Dems will have someone to blame other than Bush!
At least for once you're honest about your trolling and baiting. As usual you don't really give a fuck because your mind is made up beforehand. Nice try troll.
At least for once you're honest about your trolling and baiting. As usual you don't really give a fuck because your mind is made up beforehand. Nice try troll.

Please elucidate a valid point or comment.

Thank you for your participation Elmer...

SSSSSSSshhhhh... be vewy vewy qwiet. Ahm huntin' wascaws...
Please elucidate a valid point or comment.

Thank you for your participation Elmer...

You're welcome, El Lardo. Always happy to support a failed thread. (Lost 10 pounds last month, putting even more distance between my BMI and yours.:D)
The wailing and gnashing of teeth that I experienced here in 2000 when Algore could not possibly lose the election...
:D :D :D

The "wailing and gnashing of teeth" over Bush's 5-4 victory in 2000 pales in comparison to your meltdown on Election Day 2008.

Remember that evening? I certainly do.

You started out oh-so-calm, lecturing us that you were going to follow Good Ole Sensei K's admonition to be "calm like water" and were going to show us by example how the Loyal Opposition should act.

That lasted all of, oh, three hours. Your happy face mask crumbled and many folks got their first glimpse of the truly nasty individual beneath. It was the first time many had seen you exclaim "Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!". (in public anyway).

It got so bad that I began to have very real concerns for the health and safety of your Chinese pet. I recalled you telling us how you used to take the day's frustrations out on smaller weaker teens at the Togo Dojo you taught at (before The Incident).
The wailing and gnashing of teeth that I experienced here in 2000 when Algore could not possibly lose the election...

:D :D :D


Gore went into Election Day as a significant underdog in the popular vote, so much so that Republicans, talk show hosts etc. were weighing how to delegitimize him if Gore lost the popular vote but won the electoral vote.

But keep on truckin' with those phony "memories."
You're welcome, El Lardo. Always happy to support a failed thread. (Lost 10 pounds last month, putting even more distance between my BMI and yours.:D)

Weren't you supposed to post a pic? Tick tock let's have it.
The wailing and gnashing of teeth that I experienced here in 2000 when Algore could not possibly lose the election...

:D :D :D


I was here in 2008. Where were you and the BroPatrol?


I voted for the Libertarian in that election too...

I'm voting for the BIG Johnson.

His supporters are BIG pussies, so...

Weren't you supposed to post a pic? Tick tock let's have it.

Bring one from this decade, psycho.
Maybe the world cleans up it's act a bit because a fucking crazy man is running the world's largest military. Or not.
Good Lord, the Dims haven't gone this crazy since their chads got left hanging...

It is rather amusing.

While I do not think this will push Trump in the White House it does appear to be increasing the odds that the senate will remain R.

We may just get to see a Clinton impeachment fly both the senate and the house.

Imagine the crazy fuckers then?
It is rather amusing.

While I do not think this will push Trump in the White House it does appear to be increasing the odds that the senate will remain R.

We may just get to see a Clinton impeachment fly both the senate and the house.

Imagine the crazy fuckers then?

I would rather see her impeached in the spring of 2017 than lose the election :D
I just want the most amusing outcome.... not sue what that is, but it's hard to imagine something funnier than the D's right now.

A good laugh or two is the best possible outcome of this whole ordeal, might as well enjoy it.

I just think her being impeached just after being elected would be the ultimate :D

YOU WON!!! SOOOOOOOO MUCH PROGRESS!!! Now you're going to prison.

It is rather amusing.

While I do not think this will push Trump in the White House it does appear to be increasing the odds that the senate will remain R.

We may just get to see a Clinton impeachment fly both the senate and the house.

Imagine the crazy fuckers then?

^^^ Wingnut Wet Dream.

"We can't elect us a president, so we'll kick yours out!"

Not gonna happen, chum.
I would rather see her impeached in the spring of 2017 than lose the election :D

A better outcome would be Trump winning in a landslide. Becoming POTUS is her lifelong dream, her grandiose vison of self entitlement. It would fucking crush her, she might short circuit during the concession speech. LMFAO.

It would be the end of Clintons in Politics. BONUS

Years of investigations of (D) corruption by the Trump Justice department. :D

The D's would suddenly find religion , praying no more SCOTUS members die off.

Rory , Phro, BND and the rest of Team (D) on Lit would wake up everyday to hear President Trump!

Lastly, #Lockherup would become a reality!

A better outcome would be Trump winning in a landslide. Becoming POTUS is her lifelong dream, her grandiose vison of self entitlement. It would fucking crush her, she might short circuit during the concession speech. LMFAO.

It would be the end of Clintons in Politics. BONUS

Years of investigations of (D) corruption by the Trump Justice department. :D

The D's would suddenly find religion , praying no more SCOTUS members die off.

Rory , Phro, BND and the rest of Team (D) on Lit would wake up everyday to hear President Trump!

Lastly, #Lockherup would become a reality!


That would be fun too, but I don't think Trump is going to win....even with all the bullshit.

(R)'s just don't do the lemming thing (D)'s do. If they can't have their brand of (R) they just don't vote.
If Trump wins the election, his path forward is going to send his supporters over the moon when they realize that it's an entirely different path than he let them assume it would be. :D