Military Agrees That Election Was Fraudulent, Questions Biden’s Mental Health

I didn't address fraud but the cognitive decline of the man in the White House.

The scent of fraud is discernible by the dissection of the reporting on the election
by the paid, pure partisans of the press corp that was able to sway some voters.

The decline into senility is easily observable.
The Democrats did their country a disservice.
“a disservice”? From a tRump supporter?

Have you ever read and reply and thought to yourself “that person doesn’t have the IQ of a crayon”? I have…..
Like fucking gods!!!

This is all because public education was given to leftist and ignored for generations.
😂😂😂 That kind of lie and/or stupidity should be a capital offence. Calling you dumber than a box of rocks would insult the gravel in my driveway!
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Jesus some of you conspiracy theorists have the intellect or a brain damaged chipmunk.

The military... had no part in the elections. Have no idea of what is fraudulant. Fucking idiot. At least make up believeable shit.
And now, that he won the GOP primary in New Hampshire, retired Brigadier General Don Bolduc has seen the light. Flip-floppers using the conspiracy to win over Trump's base and then changing their tune. Good luck in the general election, man. Quite the patriot, eh?
If the election was a fraud, why the FUCK aren’t the BEST lawyers in the US proving it!??

If Trump is innocent, why doesn’t he have the BEST lawyers defending him!??

Is the right wing that dumb?

Ohhhh no, it’s got to be a conspiracy of ALL the lawyers!! All of them, except the ones Trump sees on TV. Suuuuuper Genius!!!