Military Agrees That Election Was Fraudulent, Questions Biden’s Mental Health

There's no selling it. We will never again fight the kind of war where victory goes to the side that can put more troops in the field.

The draft will bring in people with all sorts of mindsets. Right now the military is becoming a "family tradition" that leans heavily conservative.
The draft will bring in people with all sorts of mindsets. Right now the military is becoming a "family tradition" that leans heavily conservative.

That is tolerable so long as it remains entirely subordinate to civil government, however far left the latter leans.
We all know how much of the military actually in the business helped Donald Trump with his coup attempt.
The thoughts, the fears and the failings, of a bunch of geriatric military has beens is no great concern in itself. However, what is concerning is the fact that I do not believe for a second that these people did this without some encouragement from the present military heirarchy. Examine them for a moment, it is very concerning. The joint chiefs are all over 60 except one. Their chairman is the 63 year old 3rd choice who like most of the other chiefs has a long record of determined service in pen pushing to recommend him. Wars are not won by old men - never have been.

Defence Secretary Austin is even more ancient - pushing 70 and the OP of this thread should have remembered, that roughly the same group of retirees called for the firing of both Austin and Milley 6 weeks ago over their incompetent management of the Afghan disengagement.

That call was right, but it does not deal with the fundamental problem at the top, not just of the US armed services but all of the Western nations. The Generals, Admirals and Airforce chiefs are almost all too old, they learned their soldiering in the 60's and 70's. They are past, way past their use by dates unfitted for the future wars.

When George Marshall was appointed to Chairman way back in 1938 he sacked/pensioned off more than 100 generals within two years. The armed forces are many times bigger now than then, but a similar operation is desperately required.

Will it happen- almost certainly not, because it would demand priority from the Commander in Chief, and I doubt whether Joe Biden has the slightest idea of who or how to identify either the problem or the necessary reformer.

Meanwhile you can console yourselves that Lloyd Austin is still keen to have his troops undergo "sensitivity training" and General Milley has only put aside for the moment his campaign to re-instate the old "green and pinks.'
Or, it's a pure reaction to the current military leadership
which is staffed full of political types which concerns
the former combat military types...

That brass is still there and old because they played hardball politics.
Or, it's a pure reaction to the current military leadership
which is staffed full of political types which concerns
the former combat military types...

The current Secretary of Defense is a military man. That isn't supposed to be--for very good reasons. I don't know where you get the idea that the DOD is staffed by political types. It isn't staffed toward that as much as it was designed to be.
The current Secretary of Defense is a military man. That isn't supposed to be--for very good reasons. I don't know where you get the idea that the DOD is staffed by political types. It isn't staffed toward that as much as it was designed to be.

This is the best and most important point on the thread. No Minister or Secretary of Defence should ever be ex-military, precisely because they come to the job with the baggage of their past military experience and past military associates. It is completely necessary for a state of tension to exist between the Secretary and his brass.

Macarthur was taught the lesson the hard way. It needs teaching again and again to all the top military servants.

I served for 20 years and the fossilized minds of senior military men are a permanent problem in all armed forces.
I served for 20 years and the fossilized minds of senior military men are a permanent problem in all armed forces.

I think it was H.G. Wells who remarked that is always a problem because no intelligent man "would willingly imprison his gifts in such a calling."
Or the US military has been run by idiots who don't understand how an election is won. That is worrying. If that many are so stupid that they think the election was stolen, perhaps the President needs to sack most of them forthwith.

The leaders of the U.S. military do not know how to win a war. For twenty years they had the best equipped, best financed military, and they could not defeat the Taliban.

The U.S. military is an expensive government spending program that does not work.
The leaders of the U.S. military do not know how to win a war. For twenty years they had the best equipped, best financed military, and they could not defeat the Taliban.

The U.S. military is an expensive government spending program that does not work.
This is just my observation, I don't claim to know more than anybody else or to be an expert in military operations or the way the leaders control how wars are fought. But it seems to me in my memory that over the time I've been alive, 57 years today as a matter of fact, that wars became more difficult to win and adversaries more difficult to capture not due to poor leadership of the Brass but from the Liberal government staffers and the Liberal citizens of this country putting ever more constricting pressure on our troops and those commanding them to be more civil and polite in how we treat those who are a threat to our nation and the people who live here. In other words just be nice and they will stop being bad guys. Try learning their thought processes and look at us through their eyes and give them kindness instead of bullets and maybe they won't fight anymore.
That's the type of crap that has dragged us down the path to where we are now.
This is just my observation, I don't claim to know more than anybody else or to be an expert in military operations or the way the leaders control how wars are fought. But it seems to me in my memory that over the time I've been alive, 57 years today as a matter of fact, that wars became more difficult to win and adversaries more difficult to capture not due to poor leadership of the Brass but from the Liberal government staffers and the Liberal citizens of this country putting ever more constricting pressure on our troops and those commanding them to be more civil and polite in how we treat those who are a threat to our nation and the people who live here. In other words just be nice and they will stop being bad guys. Try learning their thought processes and look at us through their eyes and give them kindness instead of bullets and maybe they won't fight anymore.
That's the type of crap that has dragged us down the path to where we are now.
I guess my question is why did you dig up a 10 month old thread that you were never a part of? Seems odd to say the least.
sorta kinda CUTE how this is IGNORED and DERIDED


when TV psychiatrists said the same about Trump they were treated seriously

So you're comfortable with letting your auto mechanic give you a medical diagnosis? Let me know how that turns out, okay?
