Obama Rewards Brutal Cuban Dictators

It wasn't designed to. It was designed to punish Cuba for allowing nuclear weapons aimed at the United States to be installed on their land. It was designed to counter and isolate the subversion of Latin America which Cuba is involved in to this day.

Cuban communist leaders jumped on this deal. It bails them out of their failure.

The embargo against Cuba has done absolutely nothing to weaken the Cuban government for over 50 years. The only people who have suffered are the Cuban people.

It's long past time to adopt a different approach. You dinosaurs had 5 decades of the same old bullshit with zero effect on the Cuban government.
Opening up free trade to Cuba is up to the Congress and the Castro brothers, Fidel and Raul will benefit, but how much the people of Cuba benefit is up in the theoretical air.

There is only so much Fidel and Raul can do to stop it from benefiting the people at least to some degree. I mean how exactly are you gonna stop the guys serving drinks from getting paid?
There is only so much Fidel and Raul can do to stop it from benefiting the people at least to some degree. I mean how exactly are you gonna stop the guys serving drinks from getting paid?

Fidel Castro is 88.
Raul Castro is 83.

It's time for a change.
vette must be up there too, huh?

No wonder he's so fuckin bitter..

He's bitter primarily for not getting his parade for finishing second in Vietnam.

He said today that he was in school in the 1940s, even taking into account that he lies through his teeth 90% of the time that would men he's got to be pushing 80.
He's bitter primarily for not getting his parade for finishing second in Vietnam.

He said today that he was in school in the 1940s, even taking into account that he lies through his teeth 90% of the time that would men he's got to be pushing 80.

And he said that pic of him in the hat was from this century...what a freakin liar!!

I am shocked. :eek:
The embargo against Cuba has done absolutely nothing to weaken the Cuban government for over 50 years. The only people who have suffered are the Cuban people.

It's long past time to adopt a different approach. You dinosaurs had 5 decades of the same old bullshit with zero effect on the Cuban government.

The Cuban people suffered because communism is a poor economic model. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union they had everything they could have wanted form the US available from the Soviet Union or an other place on the planet. They couldn't afford it because communism distributes wealth, it does not create it.

They have tourism now. Who is better at running hotels? Some two bit communist dictator and his cronies of Marriott Corp?

There is a reason that the room rates and occupancy at the Casa Magna in Cancun are higher than they are in Cuba, and they both look over the same ocean, and people travel farther to get to Cancun.
Hopefully, no one here is naive enough to think we haven't been doing business with Cuba until Castro's brother took the reigns. ADM has been flying in and out of there for over ten years at the very least. I knew the pilot for their ex CEO and the man used to supply my brother and myself with Havanas upon his return from the island. Does anyone think they were there on a sight seeing tour? They were setting the stage for what was inevitable. We will not open up and renew relations with Cuba, but at some point we will give them "preferred status". To much power in play here for ANY administration to deny them.
The Cuban people suffered because communism is a poor economic model. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union they had everything they could have wanted form the US available from the Soviet Union or an other place on the planet. They couldn't afford it because communism distributes wealth, it does not create it.

They have tourism now. Who is better at running hotels? Some two bit communist dictator and his cronies of Marriott Corp?

There is a reason that the room rates and occupancy at the Casa Magna in Cancun are higher than they are in Cuba, and they both look over the same ocean, and people travel farther to get to Cancun.

By this insane logic Capitalism doesn't create wealth it hordes it.

Who is better at running hotels is a stupid question and ultimately (in the way that the RWCJ) defines communism utterly pointless, actually by any definition it's utterly pointless. There's nothing preventing Mariott from running the hotels anyway.

The fact we can't legally go in and out of Cuba has a lot to do with it as well.
The Cuban people suffered because communism is a poor economic model. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union they had everything they could have wanted form the US available from the Soviet Union or an other place on the planet. They couldn't afford it because communism distributes wealth, it does not create it.

They have tourism now. Who is better at running hotels? Some two bit communist dictator and his cronies of Marriott Corp?

There is a reason that the room rates and occupancy at the Casa Magna in Cancun are higher than they are in Cuba, and they both look over the same ocean, and people travel farther to get to Cancun.

We have imposed 50+ years of diplomatic and economic sanctions against the Cuban government. Normally these sorts of things are done in order to motivate a government to comply with whatever demands we have asked of them. The objective isn't to punish the population, but to motivate the leadership to come around to our demands.

What exactly has 50 years of sanctioning gotten us with regards to Cuba? Fidel and his cronies didn't suffer an iota, of that you can be assured. The only ones who have been impacted by our sanctions are the people of Cuba, a majority of whom likely weren't even alive during the Cuban missile crisis.
The Cuban people suffered because communism is a poor economic model. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union they had everything they could have wanted form the US available from the Soviet Union or an other place on the planet. They couldn't afford it because communism distributes wealth, it does not create it.

They have tourism now. Who is better at running hotels? Some two bit communist dictator and his cronies of Marriott Corp?

There is a reason that the room rates and occupancy at the Casa Magna in Cancun are higher than they are in Cuba, and they both look over the same ocean, and people travel farther to get to Cancun.

Cubans suffered because theyre docile sheep.
We have imposed 50+ years of diplomatic and economic sanctions against the Cuban government. Normally these sorts of things are done in order to motivate a government to comply with whatever demands we have asked of them. The objective isn't to punish the population, but to motivate the leadership to come around to our demands.

What exactly has 50 years of sanctioning gotten us with regards to Cuba? Fidel and his cronies didn't suffer an iota, of that you can be assured. The only ones who have been impacted by our sanctions are the people of Cuba, a majority of whom likely weren't even alive during the Cuban missile crisis.

How does any of this refute what i said? They have a WORLD of potential suppliers and tourists to attract to their communist island utopia. They failed. If the US banned all direct flights to Mexico tomorrow, Cancun would suffer, but it would not be Cuba.
it wasn't designed to get us anything, it was designed to punish the Cuban people and its government. It's been effective, they live in the 50s. If they would have thrown off communism like they did Batista, and instituted democracy, the world would have come running to their assistance. Don't forget they backed that Communist revolution. The Castro brothers are still running anti-American operations as we speak. The Russians forgave 90% of Cuba's Russian debt and the Cubans allowed the Russians to re-open their signals intelligence spy base South of Havana this year.

So basically the goal was to be vindictictive bullies? If you're right them not supporting terrorism just makes them cowards not good people. Holy shit.
it wasn't designed to get us anything, it was designed to punish the Cuban people and its government. It's been effective, they live in the 50s. If they would have thrown off communism like they did Batista, and instituted democracy, the world would have come running to their assistance. Don't forget they backed that Communist revolution.

Wait, so, we have to punish the Cuban people for liking Communism?
Obama continues to aid and abet our enemies:

U.S. senator pledges to block efforts to normalize Cuba relations

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio said on Wednesday he would "make every effort" to block moves by President Barack Obama toward normalizing relations with the Cuban government.

"The president’s decision to reward the Castro regime and begin the path toward the normalization of relations with Cuba is inexplicable," Rubio said in a statement.

The Florida Republican senator, who is Cuban-American, said he would use his role as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Western Hemisphere subcommittee in the new Congress to try to block the plan.

That same Rubio who was born in Miami? Who lied about his parents and the Castro regime? That Rubio?? F-him! Viva la Cuba!
Wait, so, we have to punish the Cuban people for liking Communism?

I have to agree here. People should be free to choose any rom of governance and financial structures they wish.

Our objection at the time, I assumed was that they ad become puppets for the Soviets (admittedly we kind of drove them that way)

With the Soviets essentially dormant, and not causing mischief off the coast of Florida, they pose us no threat.

The punishment model I am all conflicted about. Same for prisons. I come from "children of an angry god" puritan stock (Increase Mather) so I am supposed to approve of such things but what does it get you? Prisoners do not come out of prison penitent and remorseful, and Cubans were not inclined to throw out the Soviets.

Be funny if this results in mass immigration of Cubans and they all vote Republican.
I have to agree here. People should be free to choose any rom of governance and financial structures they wish.

Our objection at the time, I assumed was that they ad become puppets for the Soviets (admittedly we kind of drove them that way)

With the Soviets essentially dormant, and not causing mischief off the coast of Florida, they pose us no threat.

The punishment model I am all conflicted about. Same for prisons. I come from "children of an angry god" puritan stock (Increase Mather) so I am supposed to approve of such things but what does it get you? Prisoners do not come out of prison penitent and remorseful, and Cubans were not inclined to throw out the Soviets.

Be funny if this results in mass immigration of Cubans and they all vote Republican.

See, this is a sane response to the scenario. If they vote Republican they vote Republican. Given the current political climate (Republicans don't seem en masse welcoming. To the detriment of the Democrats our leaders are once again largely silent. Rather consistent actually.) I can't imagine why they would but oh well.
Absolutely! They supported the revolution that damn near resulted in WWIII, Cuba has been a major national security threat to the US, and out interests, worldwide, since the day Fidel was welcomed into power by the Cuban people. They are not without fault. You simply have no clue.

What "fault"? Liking Communism is arguably an intellectual failing, but it is no moral offense. And Cuba is no threat to U.S. security any more. Why, they weren't even involved in the Zapatista rebellion, that's how much things have changed.
China is the enemy, you have no clue about their motives. The Chinese are attacking every aspect of our electronic infrastructure. They have stole billions in intellectual capital and have stolen much of our military technology and are putting it to use against our military. The day will come when China confronts the United States militarily.

Why? Why would the Chinese want to do any of that? What have they to gain from a military confrontation?