Obama Rewards Brutal Cuban Dictators

You and your fellow marines had a chance to combat communism in Vietnam.

You failed in your mission.
Rubio needs his head examined. He just said on national tv that the United States Constitution covers everyone in the world.

What a fucking moron.
You know you lie, that is the greatest condemnation of your cowardly words.

Marco Rubio is condemning your Liege, Obama, as we speak.

You and Rubio excel at seeing the small picture.
Marc Rubio is one of those confused guys who yearns for that white mainstream acceptance we were talking about that other day, vettie. :rolleyes: So much so, that he radically hates his native country. Clearly. Screw his "role." So what do people want Obama to do? Antagonize an enemy. Oh, yes, smart. Then when a war breaks out and we have missiles up our asses people will be calling him the worst president ever.

Oh wait. They already are. Poor guy can't win.
Marc Rubio is one of those confused guys who yearns for that white mainstream acceptance we were talking about that other day, vettie. :rolleyes: So much so, that he radically hates his native country. Clearly. Screw his "role." So what do people want Obama to do? Antagonize an enemy. Oh, yes, smart. Then when a war breaks out and we have missiles up our asses people will be calling him the worst president ever.

Oh wait. They already are. Poor guy can't win.

He's classic man without a country. Also man without a political party.

Half the republicans hate him.
Rubio needs his head examined. He just said on national tv that the United States Constitution covers everyone in the world.

What a fucking moron.

Rubio is simply posturing for the sake of the last of the Batista fascists who are still butthurt over Castro.
You are too naive, too young and uninformed to post on the subject.

I expect Obama to do what every other President since 1961 has done. Cuba is still oppressed by communism, it is still run by the Castro's. It still foments revolution and oppression in South America and elsewhere, It is advising the Venezuelan government on the oppression of it people as we speak. They are the enemy.

Oh let's add ageism to vetteman's list of biases. :rolleyes:

What does any of that have to do with what I said about Marc Rubio? (Which is true, but of course you deflect when I mention racism).
Your post shows racist tendencies.

Why the fuck are you quoting me?

And it's not racist pointing out racism. Try that trick on someone else. :rose: If I was that person of color walking around with a common-sense blindfold on, you'd love me.
As I said before. Obama views himself as an international revolutionary born to save the Third World from the evils of America. Is he asking Cuba to change? Is he asking them to renounce communism? Is he demanding civil rights for the Cuban people? Fuck no. He's enabling the communist dictatorship in Cuba and helping them to maintain control.

Please articulate the positive changes that have occurred under our existing policy towards Cuba.
As I said before. Obama views himself as an international revolutionary born to save the Third World from the evils of America. Is he asking Cuba to change? Is he asking them to renounce communism? Is he demanding civil rights for the Cuban people? Fuck no. He's enabling the communist dictatorship in Cuba and helping them to maintain control.

Think about it. Cubans earn 20 cents an hour. If Obama opens the door to Cuba Miami will die, and Miami's a huge Democrat town in Florida.
And you are standing up for Cuban communism.

I am of the opinion that if we relaxed the Cuban embargo, the pent up demand for American products will destroy Communism in Cuba.

By way of example, look at Iran circa 1999 and 2000. Hardcore religious totalitarianism was fading rapidly as Iranians clamored for American goods.
It looked as though capitalism was gonna do what military intervention could not....

Then came 9/11 and Dubya blaming 9/11 on Iran, shocking the shit out of them and driving the populace back into the arms of the mullahs.
Looks like the hardliners in south Florida are dwindling....