ClusterFu*k Nation-Knustler


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Clusterfuck Nation

Did you notice that it took just a little bit of internal chaos to alert the Party of Chaos that maybe chaos wasn’t the greatest thing to be the party of? Something went awry the past two weeks when thousands of creamy coeds on every campus across America donned the keffiyeh and, in effect, demanded submission to history’s most notorious misogynist cult. It struck a most cacophonous chord among progressives, like Kumbaya as orchestrated by Karlheinz Stockhausen. To awaken from Wokery, you see, is a brutal shock to the brain.

And so, over the weekend every big dog in the Democratic Party’s doghouse came out barking against the current direction of the Democratic Party — that is, over an electoral cliff, lemming-style. Bill Clinton lamented at the Milken Conference that “the political rewards of grievance politics and name-calling and being negative have been so immense that nobody could give’em up. That’s what this whole shebang has come down to now.”

James Carville had a veritable nervous breakdown on X: “It’s going the wrong way, it’s not working. Everything we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included.” Fareed Zakaria over on CNN confessed that “None of this is playing out the way I thought it would.” Gee, really?

None of them could bring themselves to actually name the doddering donkey in the room, “Joe Biden.” Nor did they dare call out the stage manager behind the old Joe-from-Scranton show, Barack Obama, not exactly coasting into his fourth term, as expected. They’re all surprised the way things are turning out. And, of course, “JB” himself did not come out of his Rehoboth Beach hidey-hole after declaring no more bullets and missiles for you, Israel, which landed amongst the Party’s donor class like a tear-gas bomb.

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Joe Biden is engineering the greatest political failure in U.S. history.

Don't you already have a Carville thread? Yes, you do...guess one isn't enough

Don't you already have a Carville thread? Yes, you do...guess one isn't enough
I know it's painful but it wasn't me who chose to surgically attach your lips to Biden's ass.
I know it's painful but it wasn't me who chose to surgically attach your lips to Biden's ass.

You post more references to homoeroticism than any other political poster on Lit, and you're pretty high up there compared to members in general as well.

Interesting. 🤔
Clusterfuck Nation

Did you notice that it took just a little bit of internal chaos to alert the Party of Chaos that maybe chaos wasn’t the greatest thing to be the party of? Something went awry the past two weeks when thousands of creamy coeds on every campus across America donned the keffiyeh and, in effect, demanded submission to history’s most notorious misogynist cult. It struck a most cacophonous chord among progressives, like Kumbaya as orchestrated by Karlheinz Stockhausen. To awaken from Wokery, you see, is a brutal shock to the brain.

And so, over the weekend every big dog in the Democratic Party’s doghouse came out barking against the current direction of the Democratic Party — that is, over an electoral cliff, lemming-style. Bill Clinton lamented at the Milken Conference that “the political rewards of grievance politics and name-calling and being negative have been so immense that nobody could give’em up. That’s what this whole shebang has come down to now.”

James Carville had a veritable nervous breakdown on X: “It’s going the wrong way, it’s not working. Everything we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included.” Fareed Zakaria over on CNN confessed that “None of this is playing out the way I thought it would.” Gee, really?

None of them could bring themselves to actually name the doddering donkey in the room, “Joe Biden.” Nor did they dare call out the stage manager behind the old Joe-from-Scranton show, Barack Obama, not exactly coasting into his fourth term, as expected. They’re all surprised the way things are turning out. And, of course, “JB” himself did not come out of his Rehoboth Beach hidey-hole after declaring no more bullets and missiles for you, Israel, which landed amongst the Party’s donor class like a tear-gas bomb.

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Joe Biden is engineering the greatest political failure in U.S. history.

I'll admit it's chaotic but it's not wokism run amok. The democratic party over the past few decades has pretty much ignored their base, and now acting all surprised when the same base is ignoring them. They have this thing called the internet so they can't use their friends in msm to gaslight them anymore on this.
This is Lit, where real fucking would be more appropriate for a clusterfuck thread. In the PB, the cluster could be Hillary Clinton and Kristi Noem pegging some guys in puppy outfits.
I'll admit it's chaotic but it's not wokism run amok. The democratic party over the past few decades has pretty much ignored their base, and now acting all surprised when the same base is ignoring them. They have this thing called the internet so they can't use their friends in msm to gaslight them anymore on this.
I think their traditional base has changed to encompass a majority that favors and supports the issues of the radical left. My grandmother would not recognize today's Democrat Party.
I think their traditional base has changed to encompass a majority that favors and supports the issues of the radical left. My grandmother would not recognize today's Democrat Party.

And the Republicans base has shifted further right too. I don't see the issue. My grandmother wouldn't recognize the Republican party of today either. What's your point?
It would be interesting if Rightguide ever joined the rest of us on this plane of existence.
The haters here use terms like Rethuglicunt, but then we see Dems get pissy about "Democrat Party." OK. We can use other terms, like Dumb Bitch Party.
Clusterfuck Nation

Did you notice that it took just a little bit of internal chaos to alert the Party of Chaos that maybe chaos wasn’t the greatest thing to be the party of? Something went awry the past two weeks when thousands of creamy coeds on every campus across America donned the keffiyeh and, in effect, demanded submission to history’s most notorious misogynist cult. It struck a most cacophonous chord among progressives, like Kumbaya as orchestrated by Karlheinz Stockhausen. To awaken from Wokery, you see, is a brutal shock to the brain.

And so, over the weekend every big dog in the Democratic Party’s doghouse came out barking against the current direction of the Democratic Party — that is, over an electoral cliff, lemming-style. Bill Clinton lamented at the Milken Conference that “the political rewards of grievance politics and name-calling and being negative have been so immense that nobody could give’em up. That’s what this whole shebang has come down to now.”

James Carville had a veritable nervous breakdown on X: “It’s going the wrong way, it’s not working. Everything we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included.” Fareed Zakaria over on CNN confessed that “None of this is playing out the way I thought it would.” Gee, really?

None of them could bring themselves to actually name the doddering donkey in the room, “Joe Biden.” Nor did they dare call out the stage manager behind the old Joe-from-Scranton show, Barack Obama, not exactly coasting into his fourth term, as expected. They’re all surprised the way things are turning out. And, of course, “JB” himself did not come out of his Rehoboth Beach hidey-hole after declaring no more bullets and missiles for you, Israel, which landed amongst the Party’s donor class like a tear-gas bomb.

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Joe Biden is engineering the greatest political failure in U.S. history.
Will take a lot to pass your guy, everywhere he turned he messed up.