Obama Rewards Brutal Cuban Dictators

How does this Obama action help the people of Cuba throw off their communist oppression? It doesn't. It endorses it.

How did the policy of the last 53 years throw off the communist oppression? It was an abject failure and you know it.
Would communism be so bad for this country? It'll certainly serve the US the humble pie it needs. :rolleyes:

What? Less time to fucking bicker on a computer under communism? Oohhhh noooo. :rolleyes:

Lenin and Stalin threw Marx under the bus first thing, if their biographies are honest. Stalin told his ma he was like the Tzar. Communism is simply tyranny from a committee of dolts and assclowns.
How does this Obama action help the people of Cuba throw off their communist oppression?

Why should it? It is not America's business or responsibility or right to put an end to oppression, Communist or otherwise, everywhere in the world. When we try, we often make matters worse. We really should have learned that by now -- remember Iraq? The neocons have zero credibility any more. It's best just to trade with dictatorships like we trade with democracies.
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What was Castro to do?

He loved america and asked us for help in freeing his country but, surprise surprise, we were in bed with the corrupt dictator. We offer no help in fact we might have helped Batista. Castro had to take the help he could get, so he took the offered aid from russia. The following few years included a failed invasion and if the rumors are true a series of failed assassination attempts.

We tried to force all of our allies not to trade with Cuba with a trade embargo. All of this started because we wanted to deal with a bad leader rather than do the right thing for the people of Cuba.

We did the same thing in Chile, when they had the nerve to elect a socialist, we staged a coup and replaced him with a man everybody hated.

We did the same thing in Iran.

It is our M.O. so to speak.

The fact that the Cuban people had to suffer under this embargo for over fifty years is a crime. I hope that they do normalize relations the people of Cuba deserve nothing less.
How did the policy of the last 53 years throw off the communist oppression? It was an abject failure and you know it.

I asked that on the first page.

It's one of those inconvenient questions that just vette ignores.
How do these brutal dictators compare to Pinochet?
We'll have to establish a safe trade route, right?
Can't have pirates stealing cargo ships of fat loot.
Is that how we'll reform Cuba?
Lenin and Stalin threw Marx under the bus first thing, if their biographies are honest. Stalin told his ma he was like the Tzar. Communism is simply tyranny from a committee of dolts and assclowns.

JBJ, tell us how those guys felt about black people, gays and feminist. :cattail:
JBJ, tell us how those guys felt about black people, gays and feminist. :cattail:

Generally speaking Lenin and Stalin were ethnocentric, hating Ukrainians and Poles and others...Jews and Germans. They weren't bigots per se. The Russians are, were, and remain imperialists and antagonistic to their neighbors and religious populations such as Jews and Muslims. But Stalin murdered everyone including his wife, her family, his friends, his supporters, etc. All were caught in his nets.
Generally speaking Lenin and Stalin were ethnocentric, hating Ukrainians and Poles and others...Jews and Germans. They weren't bigots per se. The Russians are, were, and remain imperialists and antagonistic to their neighbors and religious populations such as Jews and Muslims. But Stalin murdered everyone including his wife, her family, his friends, his supporters, etc. All were caught in his nets.

Damn, I thought you'd say something like... they saw minority groups as an obstacle, so they preyed upon them to promote communism under the banner of social progress. Then they discarded the useful idiots once they got what they wanted.
As I told him, it wasn't designed to. How does what Obama just did throw off Communist oppression, it doesn't, it props it up.

How did Nixon's normalizing relations with China throw off Communist oppression?
I am of the opinion that if we relaxed the Cuban embargo, the pent up demand for American products will destroy Communism in Cuba.

By way of example, look at Iran circa 1999 and 2000. Hardcore religious totalitarianism was fading rapidly as Iranians clamored for American goods.
It looked as though capitalism was gonna do what military intervention could not....

Then came 9/11 and Dubya blaming 9/11 on Iran, shocking the shit out of them and driving the populace back into the arms of the mullahs.

While there is a great amount of merit in what you say one must remember the government controls everything.

Foreign investment is why Cuba has been able to hold out this long. If Fidel was no more and say...his brother took over. I think the world would be amazed at the changes in Cuban/USA relations. No matter who was President.
While there is a great amount of merit in what you say one must remember the government controls everything.

Foreign investment is why Cuba has been able to hold out this long. If Fidel was no more and say...his brother took over. I think the world would be amazed at the changes in Cuban/USA relations. No matter who was President.

Um, his brother took over several years ago. Fidel is a figurehead. Raul Castro has promised to step down in 2018, and there's no clear successor in sight.

Cuba is at a turning point. It's a good time for a change.
Um, his brother took over several years ago. Fidel is a figurehead. Raul Castro has promised to step down in 2018, and there's no clear successor in sight.

Cuba is at a turning point. It's a good time for a change.

Ah, I didn't know that about Raul, still he seems a more reasonable person.
Ah, I didn't know that about Raul, still he seems a more reasonable person.

In all honesty, I wasn't sure what position Raul Castro had, until the news started blaring about it non-stop this morning.

That in itself shows how off-the-radar Cuba has been for the past few years.