New Middle Eastern Thread

And seriously??? Am I actually having to defend the existence of anti-Muslim hate in this country?? When a man like Trump is the republican front runner?? When Ted Cruz, presumably less hateful and more PC than Trump, says we need to surveillance of Muslim communities? When hate crimes against us are happening every single day? When my hijabi friends tell me they can't sleep, are afraid to go out in public? Seriously, I'm kind of pissed now.


Sorry that you have to go through this. It's horrible, but it's true. I know of one guy who wasn't even a Muslim, but because he was Middle Eastern, he was called a derogatory slur by someone who thought that he was Muslim. There have been Sikhs beaten up and killed for being mistaken for Muslims. I have Muslim friends who fear what might happen if Trump wins, comments like, "If he wins, I'll get kicked out of here."

So, yeah, I know for a fact that it's real. Hell, back in 2004, I was singled out for a "random" inspection at the airport because I looked "like a Muslim." (Must have been the beard.) I don't doubt for a second that anti-Islamic bigotry is real. Sad to say that this is nothing new here....whenever we go to war, all kinds of innocent people get hurt right here in America. Germans in World War One. Japanese in World War Two. Muslims nowadays. Another reason why we literally need to pick our battles and not rush into wars.

I have former friends who tried to convince me that all Muslims were bad, but I've worked with Muslims, eaten meals together with them, helped them with homework, talked to them, person to person. My best friend in high school was a Shia Muslim. I made a point of buying and reading a Quran to understand his religion better. Hell, just look at the General Board some time here on Lit. 'Nuff said.

Just look at all the bashing of President Obama because of his Muslim Kenyan father, as if that somehow makes him less of an American. And the absurd rumors about Huma Abedin, Hillary's aide. It's disgraceful. :mad:

The time has come to stop being "us" and "them." Time to remember that we're all people, flesh and blood, human, and all have the same troubles in life. This is America, folks. We should be better than that. :eek:
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Lovely women there. :cool:
Having lived in the middle east I can attest for the beauty of the women there. They may be wearing a hijab or more but what they have on underneath, or don't have on, is something else. What happens at home is another matter as these ladies show. Wonderful pics.
Having lived in the middle east I can attest for the beauty of the women there. They may be wearing a hijab or more but what they have on underneath, or don't have on, is something else. What happens at home is another matter as these ladies show. Wonderful pics.

They are rather sexy pics indeed.
I've lived for the last two years in an incredibly densely populated Muslim area, though there are lots of other faiths here too. The women here are stunning. I could get lost in their eyes for days, and those who dress less conservatively have stunning bodies as well. My GF has a very close friend who is Muslim and is absolutely, 100% utterly gorgeous and I honestly have fantasized about her many times. Long may this thread continue, and I any middle eastern women who would like to chat are free to PM me.
Sounds very sexy for sure.....yeah, some of the sexiest women that I've met have been Middle Eastern, whether Muslim, Christian, or Jewish.
i just skipped through the thread - what a group of lovely ladies.

i have nearly a fetish for hard dark nipples....

and i have always preferred dark hair and darker eyes...
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Is this Mickey D's, because I'm lovin' it;)
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