Mu-Beta-Pi Sorority's New Accountant (Closed to Milkmaiden)

Yumi and I were rather enjoying ourselves. She listened to my jams before giving me a sample of her own, a Techno remix saved on her phone. "Hop in the car" Yumi said suddenly. "Listening to it on the car's sound system is much better." Indeed it was. The car had a custom stereo system complete with a subwoofer in the trunk. Yumi cranked up some more Techno beats that made the vehicle vibrate all over. Cupping both ears with my hands, I laughed even though my ears were aching. Yumi was laughing, enjoying every moment before turning it down. "I do this all the time when my boss isn't around," she said.

"You really don't like your boss, do you?" speaking while scooping out my ears with the tips of a pinky finger.

"No!" speaking bluntly, "I hate him. I'd hit him with this car if I was given the chance!" rapping fingers on the steering wheel. "I'd take the car too!" Glancing in the backseat, there sat a dark leather briefcase that Yumi scoffed at. "That's his paperwork," waving it off. Brushing her black and white dyed hair once more, "Anyway, enough about him. Every time I see him I get so angry, you know?"

"Why don't you just leave, if he makes you so angry?" I asked her.

"Can't," Yumi sighed, slumping into the driver's seat. "I'm too poor. All I got is this dead end job, a mound of Student Loan debt, a cheap apartment...this car is the only real bright spot I have."

"I'm sorry." That was all I could say on it.

"Oh? Don't be," Yumi suddenly chuckling, "It's not your fault. This is what happens when you don't plan for after college. You meet a guy, think you're in love, and then he dumps your ass and takes everything with him. Grrr." Her face turns into another scowl before turning towards me, the tension being released. "You got a girlfriend?"

"Me? No," still playing innocent. "I just moved here. I don't really know anyone yet" which is a white lie.

"Really, no one?" Yumi smiled. My heart fluttered for a bit. 'Please, don't be like Rebecca' praying that this woman didn't attack me. Yumi was attractive, don't get me wrong, it just didn't feel right for this stranger to go down on me right now. "That's a shame. You're really cute," Yumi's smile widening. Perhaps sensing my apprehension, she reached over and touched my shoulder, "That's how I can tell you're a virgin, watching you tense up like that. Don't worry," drawing her hand back. "I don't do it in the car. My boss will find out. It goes against the resale value," she giggled. "Still, he doesn't know about the times I masturbated in his office," pinching the tip of her tongue between her teeth.

"You're joking" I laughed.

"Oh? Try me!" Yumi laughed. "Done it many times. That's a little bit of a revenge against that fucker for not paying me enough."

"You...ever had sex in the office?" nervously coughing.

"No," she paused with a smile. "Not yet. I've thought about it many times. Go there, sprawl out on his desk, and have someone, someone real cute, fuck me from behind, you know?" Her tone suddenly turned low and seductive, her dark eyes staring at me, holding her smile. "Just have....mmmmm...someone..." her fingers traced down her flat stomach, over the fabric of her sweater towards her skin tight pants, down the thigh. She was getting aroused. 'Please don't turn in Rebecca and Venera' continuing to pray to myself.

But Yumi was there, at the apex. What I say next would either take her on the wild ride and hook her, or make her recoil in disgust. She was thinking of being kinky, getting revenge. Think, Robert. What would you say if you were a player? This is your moment. I drew a breath, looked at Yumi as she looked back, "and have him cum on the desk?"

Yumi loudly laughed, slapping both thighs with open palms, "Hehe...maaaybbeeee," before looking back at me. "That would be something, wouldn't it? But I wouldn't want him to see that. So, I may just eat it off the table like this," rolling out her pink tongue and lapping at the air, "Uh. Uh. Just like that." Boy, Yumi was really getting into this. Keep rolling with it.

"You would eat the cum?" I asked with a devilish grin, leaning towards her slightly, "What if he aimed for your face, just came all over it."

"I would just lick it all up, like AHHHHHHHH" Yumi said with glee, rolling out her tongue and smearing the palm on her right hand all over her face. "Have that all over me...hehehehehe."

Yumi's phone vibrated then came the 'Imperial March' theme from Star Wars. Frowning at its meaning, Yumi took out her phone and looked at it. "Damn. Sorry. That's my boss. He's on his way down now. You'll have to get out."

"Aww. That's all right" I replied, flicking my eyes briefly at the briefcase in the backseat. Damn. Can't get to it.

"Here," Yumi said, drawing my attention back to her. In the ashtray was a bundle of business cards. Pinching one between her index and thumb, she rotated her right elbow towards me with it, "Our office is not that far from here. Come on by sometime and we can talk about music and stuff."

"Thank you" I smiled and took the card.

"Best time is between 5pm and 6," Yumi said giving a wink.

Stepping out of the car, I said my goodbyes, shut the door and walked away, following the path I took when hidden in the brush. Putting the earbuds in and turning up Amanda's volume and waiting until 50 or so feet away, I whispered, "Amanda, can you hear me? I'm heading up to you right now."

Behind me I heard the car's engine being put into reverse. Don't look back, I thought. Taking the elevator up to the penthouse and swiping the key to the room, "Amanda, it's Robert!" loudly announcing so as to not alarm her. Closing the door behind me, a sick smell burned my nostrils, "Ugh! What's that stench?" stepping towards the messed up bed. The bathroom door opened and out stepped Amanda, her body wrapped up once more in towels. At first I smiled, happy to see that she wasn't hurt, then I sighed at my own failure. "Bad news-I didn't get the briefcase. Void brought an assistant that stayed at the car," before holding up the business card. "But, I think I got us a second chance!"
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When Robert came in I just needed a hug. So I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. I did not say anything I just held him and he held me back. After about a minute, we separated.

“Was it that bad?” He asked.

“The guy is a total dick. He hates women. He peed on me. I’m ok with some kinky stuff… but from him, it had bad feelings behind the kinky stuff that was hard to deal with. The guy just hates women.” I explained.

“His assistant hates him too” Robert explained.

“That is great you got to know her. Then we might be in luck! I’ll get dressed. Can you recollect up the cameras?” I suggested.

I was ready in 5 minutes and Robert reported the asshole had taken the SD card from the camera.

“Well, now let’s see what he does with the recording” I said wondering when I was going to get the blackmail call. Robert and I made sure the cleaning of the bed was paid for and we headed back to Mu-Beta-Pi.


Katerina was a foreign exchange student from Poland. Her english was pretty good, but everyone could tell she had an accent. The other thing everyone could tell is how beautiful and busty she was!

Katerina ran up to Rebecca with a piece of paper in her hand.

She said excitedly “Rebecca… check this out. A wet T-shirt contest at the upscale Two Raven Bar.”

3 WET T-SHIRT CONTESTS @ Two Raven’s Bar

“Can September, Anya, and I enter the contest?” Katerine asked.

Rebecca smiled… “With your bust sizes… you three will have no problem winning all three contests! Good Luck!!” She said.

Alpha Sigma Sigma Fraternity

Todd walked over to Fred the president of Alpha Sigma Sigma fraternity.

“Wet T contest at the Two Ravens” Todd told Fred.

“Awesome! Let’s bring the whole fraternity to this event. Oh and make sure no one tells any girls about this. I don’t want those bitches from Kappa-Beta finding out.” Fred explained

“Why?’ Todd asked. Todd was not one of the brightest students at Alpha Sigma Sigma.

“Because most of the guys here are dating those cunts. And if they find out we went to a wet T-shirt contest they'd stop having sex with us!” Fred explained.

“OH” Todd said as his football player mind figured out what Fred was worried about.
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*Amanda and Robert*

We hurried back to the Sorority and found it rather busy. So busy that no one seemed to pay us any mind. We just slinked in. Some of the Sisters were about, September was in the kitchen eating some cereal while Sam and a couple others were in the living room watching a movie. In another room I could hear Rebecca talking to someone rather excitedly.

Amanda went up and stowed her clothes away before coming back down. I poured her some orange juice and together we at the kitchen table going over what happened when the house phone rang.

"Void Financial" read the Caller ID. This was it! He was calling to make his demands. September pointed me to the phone in the living room. Drawing a deep breath, Amanda looked at me as I silently counted '1-2-3' lifting the phone at the same time. There was Void's thick, heavy breathing on the other end greeting us.

"Hello, pussy cat" Void snickered. "Did you clean yourself up? Don't get too comfortable. I may want to see you again, real soon. You see, I found your camera. I knew a filthy slut like you was into some kinky shit. Voyeur? That's something I could get into." Void didn't give her a chance to speak. Amanda stammered, pretending to be scared. "Now, I don't want your mouth to be open unless I got my cock in it."

Imagine the gonads on this guy. Right now I pictured him sitting in his office, phone in one hand, SD card in the other, a cigar in the ashtray and Yumi curled up on his lap, like some Bond villain. "If you don't want the contents of this SD card being put on the internet, for everyone to see, then I suggest we come to some sort of arrangement." He wanted wanted Amanda Saturday evening at the Seven Seas. That way they could spend hours together. "And don't wear anything complicated," warned Void before hanging up.

It would be dangerous for her to be with him again. He resorted to piss, Lord knows what he'll do if he had a few hours with her. We could do the same plan as before until I was struck by Yumi's business card.

"Hang on," I said. "I think I have an idea." Using my cellphone, I called the number on the card. The phone was almost instantly picked up and Yumi's voice, somewhat bored, answered.

"Void Financial Services, how can I help you, sir or ma'am?" she asked.

"Hi, it's Robert, the guy at the vending machine..." I nervously replied while looking at Amanda.

"Hey!" she chirped. "How's it going?"

"Good. Say, I have a question, are you business on Saturday?"

"Ugh, yeah," she whispered. "My boss is making me drive him around. I'm suppose to drop him off at a client and come back to the office to fill out paperwork. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering. I think I'll be free on Saturday evening, around 6. Perhaps I could come by and we can talk about music."

Yumi giggled, "Okay. Sure. 6 sounds fine. I'll see you."

Coming back to Amanda, I had a smile on my lips. "This may be our chance," I said calmly. "While he's with you at the hotel, I could go to his office. I'll try my best, but I may get those files. I might even get the SD card! I doubt Void would bring it with him."

That still left the matter of someone watching over Amanda. She was strong and capable, but having security over her was paramount. "Leave that to me," Rebecca said as she walked in, having overheard our conversation, her massive rack held up by a strong sports bra and wearing work out leggings. She was lathered in sweat, her redhair in a ponytail. "You go on and do your thing, Robert," Rebecca said. "Amanda, you do yours. I'll be listening in the next room. If I so much as think you're in trouble, I'm bursting through the door."


With the permission of Rebecca, Katerina rounded up her Titty Squad and explained the contest to them.

"I've never done something like this before" Anya said shyly.

"Don't worry!" Katerina placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's nothing to worry about. The water may be cold, but that just makes your nipples perk up! You get drenched and do some dancing. Act like your boyfriend is watching."

"I don't have a boyfriend" Anya whimpered.

"Me neither" September admitted.

"Then, pretend that someone is watching, RDJ or someone. Act like they're watching you and he's the only other person in the room. Do that and we got this in the bag!" Katerina snapped her fingers with a beaming smile.

"I think I can do that," Anya bit her lower lip. "But I won't show off anything else of mine. I'm saving myself."

"For who?" asked Katerina.

"For RDJ" Anya nervously chuckled.
The Whole Mu-Beta-Pi Sorority

The whole Mu-Beta-Pi sorority was making preparations for their massive party and fund raiser. Special stage and tent enclosures was being set up in the backyard, additional smaller tents were being set up for a gloryhole, best blow job, and other activities. Costumes were acquired for some roleplay, and finally one of the girl’s room was getting cameras installed. What this was about no one had a clue, except it was a “special” project from 2 of the Mu-Beta-Pi girls.

Other more regular items such as beer and food were also being brought in.

Dean Cloven Slug

All of this did not escape the watchful eye of the University Dean, Dr. Cloven Slug. He was not happy about any of it. He had called Ursula Talbot to discover more about the event. The rich bitch explained it was a fund raiser.

“A fund raiser!!” He yelled. “I thought Mortas Void stole all their money?”

“Most of it… that is why they need a fund raiser.” Ursula explained.

“Ursula… I want those “poor” and disadvantaged cunts out of my School. I don't want them throwing fund raisers!” The dean complained.

“They are out of control.” Ursula agreed.

“You need to teach them a lesson. I know just the way to do it. Most of the Mu-Beta-Pi girls are in ROTC. You will become their commander. You will be able to order them around and make them do some really humiliating things.” The Dean suggested

“But I’m not in the ROTC?” Ursula pointed out.

“You will be tomorrow. Go over to the ROTC building and get fitted for a uniform. You will hold the rank of cadet commander.” The dean explained.

Then the Dean called the ROTC commander. “Captain Harrison, I’m sending over a Ms Ursula Talbot. She will be taking command of the university’s ROTC unit from now until Friday night.”

“What? Why? And who is this woman?” The Captain asked.

“Captain, according to ROTC lease agreement and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between this University and the Department of Defense I can take command of the ROTC cadets for emergency reasons. Consider this a direct order. Ursula Talbot is their cadet commander and will be able to order around the other cadets. If that does not happen, I will ask the department of defense to remove you ASAP. Do I make myself clear.” The dean told the Navy Captain.

“Perfectly” Captain Harrison said and hung up. “WTF! This is bullshit. I need to find a loop hole to get out of this order. Sgt Kimble, get me the MOU and lease agreement with the University. Also I need to call the ROTC director in the pentagon.” He barked to his administrative aid.
*Ursula and Slug*

Ursula smiled devilishly. All sorts of fantasies were flowing through her mind about what to do with those busty cows at Beta-Pi. Those were the kinds of girls that would easily steal boyfriends, and they had. How she wanted to treat them like actual cows.

"I don't care how you do it, Ursula," Slug lamented. "I want them gone! You do that for me, Ursula, and you'll be richly rewarded for returning the prestige back to this college."

"You got it, sir," Ursula smiled. Leaving the office, Ursula returned to her sorority house that was being cleaned from top to bottom by professional cleaners. The funk was still there, prompting all of the windows to be opened. Piles of garbage bags were stacked on the street curb, spoiled clothes and other material being thrown out, unable to be salvaged.

Ursula found Jenna sitting in her room, lounged on a chair with her feet up, staring out an open window with several fans all blowing out to keep out the smell. There was a scowl on Jenna's face. Her week was ruined by that stunt. Her favorite bikini was ruined.

Ursula just came out with it by walking into the room, "Jenna, come with me. You're going to be my new aide in ROTC."

"What, aide?" Jenna sneered.

"You want to get back at those fat tittied bitched, don't you?" Ursula barked.

"You know I would do anything" Jenna slowly stood up to face her.

"Good! You're coming with me. We're going to get our tailored uniforms and we're going to whip those cows out of this college!"

Back at Beta-Pi House

Amanda, Rebecca, and I were still discussing our missions. Amanda was going to be watched over by Rebecca while I went and talked to Yumi. As I processed this, I was feeling nervous. Amanda and were close, I thought. How would she view me being with Yumi. I mean, she was with Void, but that was for the sake of the mission. Then I figured, I had to have the same mindset. If Yumi wanted to fuck, then go for it. It didn't mean anything. It was for the good of the mission. Do it and do it well. Yumi may not ask for anything other than that. Though I would feel guilty if she decided to ask for a relationship and I had to turn her down.

"What's going on with the tents and stuff?" asked Amanda.

"That's for the party" Rebecca replied. "We had to go into the red some more," Rebecca said with a hint of disappointment in her tone. "But I think that this party will more than make up for it. Besides, we have some other things that are going to be commercially available real soon that's going to need your help, Robert."

"Really? Like what?" I asked.

Rebecca smiled before holding up a finger and bending it in a 'come with me' motion. With Amanda in tow, Rebecca led us upstairs to Sam's room. A knock on the door was answered with a 'Come in'. The well-toned Sam was in her work out attire, black booty shorts and matching sports bra. She was sitting on her bed, trying on her socks when we stepped in. Not sure what to think of it at the moment we watched as the busty redhead sauntered over, sat beside, and draped an arm around Sam's shoulders. "Sam here is going to work with some of the other girls to make a little video of us."

"A-a video?" I stammered.

"Yes," Sam cooed. "We're going to make ourselves a video called 'College Girls Gone Wild'.

"Don't worry," Rebecca said, pressing her chest into me a bit more. "Everyone is going to be of legal age. And it's going to be a lot of vanilla stuff. Some straight sex, some lesbian stuff, and then we'll get kinky with some gangbang action."

"Who's going to have the gangbang?" I asked.

Rebecca's eyes first flicked to Amanda which made me tremble. That was just a dirty trick. Rebecca smiled before looking at Sam. "We're still working on that. But, that's not what we need you to do. We need you to handle the money. In order to keep things below the radar, everything's got to be in cash. We have a guy that'll make DVDs. Your job is to make the sell and mark it in your little books so we can use it as legit sales for tax time."

"What about..."

"Don't worry," Rebecca still said. "Let us worry about that. When the time comes, you do your thing, and don't worry about the others. Now, you and Amanda have your own little mission. You two run off and do that."

She shooed us out of the room before closing the door. Rebecca and Sam were heard giggling in there. Now with Amanda and alone, I nervously looked at her, " are you doing?"
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Amanda and Robert

" are you doing?" Robert asked.

“I’m doing ok. But there is no way I’m doing a gang bang!” I stated. “That is just crazy”

Robert nodded his head, but just a little.

“Do you think gang bangs are sexy?” I asked robert

“I have watched, one or two before” He admitted.

“Oh” I said. Maybe I should do the gang bang. It would turn on Robert. I want to make him happy. But it was wild, a gang bang. I’d need to give the idea more thought.

I changed the subject “I can’t believe they went into the red to pay for everything. Doesn’t that make you nervous? If we don’t make enough money the Sorority will go out of business.”

Robert was thinking about what I just said. “I need to prepare for tomorrow ROTC drill. I have not polished my belt buckle. So I’ll catch you after drill tomorrow. Good night Robert” I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Then I went to my room, to work on my uniform.

ROTC Practice

It was early morning; the sun had just started to brighten the sky. It was not above the horizon when all the ROTC cadets formed up in three units on Hooker field. They waited for the cadet commander to walk out to the front of the formation.

Drill sharpens military bearing and teaches self-discipline. Learning to execute drill maneuvers with perfect timing develops the unit’s’s cohesion and teaches the individual attention to detail. Leading drill gives cadets practice in giving clear and concise orders as well as practice planning and executing simple orders. Drill is run by the cadets and there were no instructors on the field.

That’s why there was surprise from the cadets as Captain Harrison walked to the front of the formation. With him was Ursula and Jenna, both in high ranking cadet uniforms! Jenna was carry a closed cardboard box 3ft by 3ft.

“Everyone, Dean Slug has appointed Ursula Talbot as your new cadet commander. Jenna Wilson is her aid. Please follow all the legal orders they give you.” The Captain stated. Then he walked off the field and drove away.

“What do you warmongers call yourselves?” Ursula asked.

“The Cadet Corp or just Corp” Someone answered shocked by Ursula’s very basic question.

“Corp… you are dismissed. Please get off this field as quickly as possible. The exception to this order are Mu-Beta-Pi sorority cadets. Those cadets are to remain on the field and at attention. I shall be conducting an inspection of their uniforms… and some other things.” Ursula stated with some venom sneaking into her voice at the end.

I went to my office in the basement. There was the proof of our mission, the receipts all stacked up on the desk. Damn. There was too much for me to look through right now. It could wait. After today's actions, I just wanted to go to bed early. A good shower would scrub off the funk of what happened with Void and Yumi.

In settling in on my simple bed, I thought about what Amanda mentioned earlier, about a gangbang. The sorority was putting one together, and though Amanda refused to take part, I wondered what would happen if she decided to go through with it. Hmm. They were going with a college girl gone wild and Amanda had that country girl theme around her. She could be the buxom corn fed girl, new to the city and easily seduced by the college life, fast living with drinking, guys and girls.

Somewhere in the process I thought about Amanda, wearing some jean shorts and a tied together shirt, like Daisy Dukes, with a country hat, being surrounded by all these unknown men, feeling her up. One thing leads to another and she was laying on one man, another riding her ass, their two massive cocks taking turns sliding in and out of her tight holes while she took a cock in each hand and a fifth down the gullet. Men were lined up, taking turns on her, mashing her massive knockers while slapping her ass and watching it jiggle. She was loving it, moaning in delight before she suddenly looked back at me with a smile, "I've been waiting for you, Robbie," she said, pushing the others aside before turning to me and legs splayed, "Ride me all the way to China!"

That's when I snapped awake and realized it was a dream. A good one because my boner under the sheets said it was wanking time.

Boy, I wish I could have recorded the sex between Amanda and Void. Though, in hindsight, knowing what the climax was, maybe not. Amanda was humiliated by him, but she was willing to take one for the team that it was commendable. Just wish that she could get back at him in a more personal way than what we were doing right now.

Moving him out of the way, if it were Amanda and I in that room, we have a good time, would Amanda take it in the ass? Would she go for a facial? What was it about facials that men like so much? Bet a lot of women hated it, messing up their makeup, getting in the eyes and drying in their hair.

For men, perhaps it was like marking their territory, planting their flag. In this case it was a woman. Maybe giving her a drenching facial was showing potency. What do I know, I still consider myself a virgin, even after two busty women forced themselves on me to suck me off.

Thinking for a bit, what would Yumi do to me if we were at the office? Would it just be banter or would she want to do it? What bothered me was intent. Perhaps let her make the first move because I could be reading too much into it.

GAH! I hate it when I overthink things.

*Ursula on the Parade Field*

The Beta-Pi sisters continued to stand rigid at attention as Ursula padded her words. "I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, how much longer can I stand here? Well, the answer is-till I tell you! You Beta-Pi...people aren't going to get by so easily anymore," her words hinted with venom.

Behind the rigid Sisters was Jenna, wrapped in a tight fitted uniform. She had been following Ursula around like a puppy, partially because she didn't know what she was doing. All she remembered was what Ursula said, 'Keep them in line'. After being fitted with an ROTC uniform that was near skin tight, Jenna took a riding crop from the stables and decided to follow what she saw in those military movies. As Ursula conducted her 'inspection', Jenna would roam around the other sisters and slap some imperfection and snap at them, "Suck in that gut!" slapping the leather against some Sister's blouse. "Legs together, you can do that, right?" at another. When she came up to Amanda, Jenna scanned her over carefully and couldn't find anything to snap at, so she tried, "Suck in that...ass".

"You're going have to get on your knees again to do that, Jenna" some Sister snickered loud enough for the others to hear.

For Ursula, she found herself unable to do one thing against the Sisters, and that was to get face to face with them. The problem lay that virtually all of the Beta-Pi Sisters were so well endowed that Ursula couldn't get close enough to their faces or else she touched their chests. That would be grounds enough to file sexual harassment charges. That was one reason for Jenna using a riding crop.

"You're uniforms are a shambles!" Ursula cried. "They're all from the laundry. If you're not going to honor the uniform properly, then you're not going to wear them. Everyone, in the Front Leaning Rest!" stabbing a finger at the ground. Hesitating for a moment, the Sisters slowly fell to their knees and stretched to the push up position. Another problem arose for the Beta-Pie Sisters, some had chests that were so large and soft, that they could hold up their abdomen without the use of their arms!
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Ursula and Jenna

“Start doing push ups, and I want to see your chests touching the ground!” Ursula ordered.

The front rank of the Mu-Beta-Pi cadets started doing push ups. Ursula got on her knees to make sure their chests were touching the ground.

“STOP” she screamed. Everyone stopped doing push ups.

“Front rank stand up and take off your shirts. Your big tits are making it hard for me to tell if your touching the ground.” Ursula ordered.

“This is BS” Venera said “You are out of line”

“Look BITCH… the dean put me in charge. I can kick you out of ROTC. Without your ROTC scholarship, you can’t pay for school. You're done. So do what I say!”

Venera looked very angry, but she pulled off her shirt. Jenna collected up all the shirt uniforms and placed them in the box she had brought to the field. The front row of Mu-Beta-Pi girls looked amazing. All of them had beautiful full racks!

“You girls look like cows!” Ursula complained. “Your shape is awful.”

“Your boyfriend loves my shape. He can’t keep his eyes off me” Venera said.

“THAT IT” Ursula yelled. “Get down on the grass and ready for sit ups.” She ordered.

Venera did as she asked. Then Ursula moved her uniform ass over Venera’s bent knees.

“Now, do 50 sit ups…and kiss my ass each time you reach the upright position!” Ursula ordered.

Venera did 50 sit ups, kissing Ursula ass each time.

“Stand back up” Ursula told Venera.

Ursula grabbed the riding crop from Jenna. “I hope you all saw that. Venera kissed my ass 50 times. How humiliating for her!”

“You are an Ass” someone said in the second rank.

“WHO SAID THAT?” Ursula yelled. No one replied.

“Ok… second rank, I want your shirts off.” Ursula ordered. Everyone took their shirts off. It was like a miss universe swim suit pageant. The Mu-Beta-Pi girls were all great looking.

This only made Ursula more angry, she said “Someone will tell me who said I was an Ass… or I will start to whip each girl in the second row.”

Mu-Beta-Pi girls said nothing. Ursula took the riding crop and SMACKED the first girl, Jade, right on her right tit. She aimed for Jade’s nipple.

“OUCH” Jade cried out.

“TELL ME” Ursula ordered. No one spoke.

SMACK… “OUCH” Jade gasped

“You’re black… you should be used to whipping” Ursula said. That was it the Mu-Beta-Pi girls were pissed.

“I said it” Venera declared.

“No I said it” Rebecca said.

Pretty soon all the girls were confessing to saying it. Ursula slap her riding crop on every nipple of every Mu-Beta-Pi girl.

“Now your boyfriends can’t suck on your nipples… they will be too painful for a while.” Ursula laughed.

“All stupid cunts are dismissed. You can get your shirts from Jenna at the end of class today. Enjoy going to school with no shirts on!” Ursula laughed as she and Jenna walked off the field with the box of shirts.
The next morning I was in the small basement office organizing all of the receipts for the party. We were definitely in the red doing this. Tessa was working at her desk and was all smiles, mostly because she was playing on her cellphone. Not known to me, she was texting her 'Daddy' whom wanted another meetup. Sadly she couldn't go through with it this time because of the upcoming party was taxing her time.

When I had the paperwork in order and closed the ledger, my body sank into the chair as my knuckles cracked.

"Tired?" asked Tessa, lifting her eyes from her phone.

"Getting there," I replied. "I talked to Rebecca earlier, she said that you Sisters were doing other things, like a movie and such."

"Yeah, we are!" Tessa eagerly replied. "I'm going to get in on it. So is Sam and a few others."

"What are you going to do in the movie?" I asked, sitting up in the seat as I looked across at her.

"Not entirely sure, yet. Maybe just straight sex. There's going to be a lesbian scene, maybe with Mira and Melissa. The big one is the gangbang," she said holding up a finger. "That's where Sam comes in. She's going to be doing the gangbang. She'll be doing this 'cutsy' college girl thing, you know? Knee socks, booty shorts, sports bra, be the gym scene and she gets fucked by a bunch of college boys at a party."

"That's going to hurt," I said. I've watched many pornos before and gangbangs are, while intense to watch, seem to be pretty confusing.

"It will," agreed Tessa. "But Sam says she's up for it. We have the guys already lined up and they've been checked for STDs. Rebecca is going to be on scene, fluffing them too."

"Fluffing?" I asked.

"She makes sure that they'll stay hard while they're waiting their turn," Tessa nodded. "She's real good at it."

"Where will you be in all of it?" I asked.

"Wherever I'm needed," she responded. She suddenly became quiet, looking at me across the table, "So, I've been meaning to ask, are you and Amanda dating?"

"Uh, no. No, we're not," I stammered, brushing my face with both hands.

"Oh? That's a shame. You two look cute together. Besides, she told me to say hi to you for her before she went off to drill practice this morning," Tessa smiled widely, watching as I flinched.

"Oh? She did? Well, hi...Amanda," I stammered once more.

Tessa chuckled, delighted at seeing me suffer. To try and get the subject off of me, I decided to ask about the movie the Sisters were putting together. Seems that every Sister is going to have a hand in it and Rebecca was asking them to do a lot, including having men cum on their faces. "I mean, does it bother you if a guy does that?" I asked.

"Hmmm, me? No, not me. I like it. I know a lot of other girls don't. They don't like because it gets in their hair, or their eyes and it stings..."

"Why do you like it so much?" I asked.

"It's dirty and I like the feel of hot cum. I think Amanda would like it, too" Tessa teased. "Ask her about it some time." Once more my cheeks blushed red and Tessa smiled.
Wet T-shirt Contest (Alpha-Sigma-Sigma fraternity perspective)

"Fuck yeah, let's see some titties," Isaac shouted he was already wasted. The fraternity arrived at the bar about an hour later thanks to some traffic and a pit stop for Isaac. The wet T-shirt contest was just about to get started.

There was a $20 entrance fee for each person. Brian paid for everyone out of the fraternity “petty cash” fund.

Around the corner, the entrance way opened up to a large room with a stage at each end. The place was packed, but there was several long table near the back wall the Fraternity could sit at. It was about the farthest from stage however.

"Fuck, dude, I can't see the tits from here," Isaac complained. "I'm going up to the stage. You all coming?"

Karl jumped up to join him, the rest stayed at the table as the server came and took their drink orders.

"Hey handsome," came a soft polish accented voice from his side. Brian turned and smiled politely, and would have done a double take if he'd been able to look away at all.

The woman had sparkling brown eyes and jet-black hair which fell down around her shoulders. She was wearing a skimpy white t-shirt that hugged her huge chest and then made it to her slender torso. The size of her tits caused her midriff to be bare and showed off her sexy navel. She had on daisy duke shorts and green stiletto heels.

She leaned forward, lowering her face to his level and giving him a great shot of her cleavage as she smiled, and he cursed himself for so quickly falling under her spell.

“Vote for me… I’m number 8” She said.

For 30 seconds, Brian could not say anything. Neither did anyone one else at the table. They just watched the amazing beauty visit other tables in the room asking for their votes.

“Issac and Karl are fools… with tits like those we’ll have no problem seeing them from back here!!” Brain moaned.

Wet T-shirt Contest (September’s perspective)

"Next is the lovely Number Eighteen!" A man in his mid twenties shouted and pointed towards a black curtain. The crowd of hundreds of drunken men howled loud enough to tremble the steel stage that he was standing on. "Let's make sure she feels plenty welcome! Encase I wasn't clear I want you to make some noise!"

September had never heard anything as loud as the chanting crowd. She'd already had butterflies and while several shots of rum had gotten them too drunk to flutter about, they were still in there questioning her decision.

"How the hell did I end up here?" She knew exactly how she'd ended up in the middle of a wet t-shirt contest. But she had not known that her other two friends, Katerina and Anya had won their contests. She was the last to dance of their group and all the pressure was on her.

One last deep breath inflated the blonde's already impressive chest giving her the courage to burst from behind the beaded veil and onto the stage. She'd expected to freeze with terror the moment she saw how many people were staring at her. But to her surprise it excited her. She strode out to the center of the stage taking full advantage of her long toned legs and the "stripper" heels she'd borrowed from Katerina.

Center stage was where she stopped, just long enough to do a slow turn. She wanted the crowed to get a good look at her hour glass figure. Her breasts were threatening to slip out from beneath the less than half tee she was wearing for a top and the bright pink thong wore as a bikini bottom.

"Get her wet! Get her wet!"

It was a bit late for her to be getting wet. Her pussy was almost dripping, but that wasn't what the boys were talking about. September turned away making certain to put a little extra sway in her hips as she walked to the next corner where two men with Super Soakers sprayed down her shirt. The thin fabric had given hints of her dark brown nipples before but the water turned it completely transparent. September squealed and shook her chest back and forth putting on a show for the chanting men and returned to the center stage.

The crowd was intoxicating. September could feel them in her chest sending a rush through her entire body. They wanted her so badly that they were barely like men. They resembled wild animals at the zoo! Leaping up and down and screeching their desire and it was because of her. She was the reason they were losing control.

Several years of dance was wasted on the crowd. It didn't matter to them one bit the placement of her feet as she spun around and tossed her blonde mane behind her head. A few classes in gymnastics however were appreciated especially the splits followed by her crawling to very edge of the stage and hauling the nearest man (Issac) up for a kiss then smothering him between her breasts before popping to her feet and walking back to exit.

"Number nineteen it's your turn." The announcer called. The girl was a small, curvy black girl with average tits but a great ass. The energy from the crowd had September worked up, so in the heat of the moment, instead of exiting she grabbed the small black girl by the ass and lifted her into a kiss.

That turned an already rabid crowd into a rioting horde. "Holy shit!!” The announcer gasped in joy. September’s first time kissing a woman. The other girl wasn't fighting it. Instead she twisted both of her legs around September waist, entertaining the crowd.

September put the black girl back down and walked off the stage with huge cheers from the crowd.

10 minutes later, September found her way to the table where her girlfriends sat. She was flabbergasted as she held a thousand dollars in her hands. Also every single man in the place wanted to buy her drinks!
Operation Destroy the Void

Word was received that the Wet T-shirt Contest was underway. That was our signal to begin our portion. Amanda and I piled into Rebecca's simple sedan and headed to the Seven Seas Hotel. Amanda had cleaned and dolled herself up and carried a small bag with her clothes and toiletries. We sat in silence for awhile, all knowing what was going to happen and knowing our roles. The Sorority needed us to commit to our roles, Amanda to seduce Void and for me to seduce Yumi to get the records.

First one to step out was me. Arriving at Void's empty office, Amanda stepped out with me. We embraced one last time and wished each other good luck. "Don't worry," assured Rebecca, "I'll make sure that he doesn't hurt her." Still, I felt uneasy as the two busty women drove off. All I could do now was wait. Perhaps chewing some gum would take the edge off things, if I had any.

Void and Yumi

Yumi had a scowl on her face as she drove her boss to the Seven Seas. All day Void was non-stop about wanting to bang this girl. He never mentioned a name, but figured it was the same one as last time. "Those fuckin' udders she has" Void said, his fingers moving in front as though milking a set of them. "They're big enough to suffocate you with."

"I'm sure, boss" Yumi rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna bend her over and plow that thick, round ass of hers until she's screaming, screaming I tell you! I'll make her moan my name. I'll be her daddy." Void was so eager to get into action that he spent the whole ride over with an erection. He also persisted in grabbing it and waving it at Yumi, taunting that this average cock was going to plow some college girl.

"Kill me" Yumi grumbled. Deep down she felt sorry for the client he was about to meet. These college girls, so easily seduced and corrupted. Going five-miles-per-hour over the speed limit, Yumi just wanted him out of the vehicle as fast as possible.

Rebecca and Amanda

The two girls arrived at the hotel about 15 minutes or so ahead of Void.
Approaching the front counter to find Herb working that night. He recognized Amanda as they approached that his eyes grew as big as saucers. "Hi, Herb" Amanda waved with a smile.

"Uh, h-hi!" he stammered.

"We'd like two rooms, please," asked Rebecca, holding up two fingers. For this mission she wore short-shorts a simple black bra and a Reese's Pieces orange shirt with her red hair slicked back in a pony tail. Reaching the counter, she deliberately placed her chest onto the counter so that Herb could see what she was working with.

"T-two rooms, side by side?" stammered Herb some more.

"Yes, please" winked Rebecca as Amanda stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

"If it's just for the night, it'll be $140, plus incidentals" Herb reluctantly said. "And we only take credit cards."

Rebecca's face fell, she pouted. "Aw, you see..." leans in to look at his name tag, also so her massive cleavage is shown off, "Herb, we're just poor college girls," wrapping an arm around Amanda to draw her in. "And we don't have any money. But, perhaps there's something I could do for you in exchange." She walked around the counter. Herb turned and with a bleached white face trembled as the buxom redhead sauntered over, pressed her chest against him, "Ooooh, seems like you're excited!" smiled Rebecca. "How about, for these two rooms I'll..." whispering something into her ear, Herb's eyes widened and he trembled, nearly collapsing. Amanda couldn't hear what was being said, but she figured it was something dirty. Herb agreed as she swiped the key-cards, all the while Rebecca is rubbing his stomach with one hand and whispering things into his ear, stuff that Amanda couldn't hear, but clearly sexual as Herb's blood was pumping so hard his hands shook.

When everything was set, Rebecca handed one card to Amanda, "You head on up and get ready. I'll be there shortly. I'm going to talk to this young man for a bit," grabbing Herb by the collar and lead him towards a back room.

Robert and Yumi

It was nearly 6pm and there I was waiting outside Void's office. The windows were shuttered and lights off. Hope no one calls the police on me for loitering. Yumi didn't have my phone number, but if she said she was going to be back by 6, then it'll happen. What I didn't know was happening at the same time, Yumi had dropped off Void at the hotel and sped back to the office, partially to get away from her detestable boss and the other to get back to me.

When a pair of headlights rolled into the parking lot, I was leaning against a pillar. The fine car rolled up to me and the engine turned off. Out stepped Yumi with her long dyed hair rolled down her back, toned legs in tight black jeans and a black shirt that still showed off her perky chest. "Hey!" she waved. "Sorry about that. I had to drop off my boss with another client."

"That's allright," nodded I. "I just got here."

"You drove?" she asked.

"No. A friend dropped me off," I replied. "How much time do you have until you have to go back to get your boss?"

"I don't know," she sighed. "Sometimes it's an hour and sometimes it's just a few minutes. But, don't worry. Let's go inside, huh?" walking by while fishing out the keys, I got a view of her bubble butt. I swallowed hard and thought, 'For the good of the mission'.
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Rebecca and Herb

"Um... listen," Herb stuttered while pushing Rebecaa away, "I really need to go." He had never been with a woman before, and having sex frightened him.

Rebecca grabbed his arms pushed him back against the wall.

"You're not going anywhere Herb. We're not done here yet. This is going to be your lucky day."

Herb could feel his heart beating fast. He desperately wanted to escape but felt helpless to even move. He closed his eyes hoping it would all just go away.

Rebecca leaned forward kissed his neck. Sucking hard until there was a big hickey. Despite his fear, Herb’s body responded to her advances. His cock grew bigger and bigger until it was fully erect.

Her mouth pressed against his, she kissed him excitedly. Rebecca was devouring him. Herb felt his balls churning and became concerned that she might make him cum in his pants. That would be a disaster.

Rebecca pulled off her t-shirt and unsnapped her bra. Her two perfect, big, breasts capped by light brown nipples bounced on her chest. Herb stared with his mouth open. Rebecca lifted her hands and caressed her two beauties, squeezing them with her fingers and rubbing her thumbs across the hard nipples.

"Do you like them Herb?"

He stared at the first pair of naked tits he had ever seen up close. His cock twitched and released a trickle of pre-cum. Rebecca took both of his hands and moved them to her firm breasts guiding his fingers across the soft flesh and over her hard nipples.

"Mmmmm... that's good Herb. I just love having my tits squeezed. Do it harder. Now pinch my nipples like this. Oooohhhh... yes."

Rebecca kept her hands on his so he couldn't pull them away. Herb closed his eyes and tried concentrating on anything but what he was doing to keep from shooting in his pants. He tried to think of a physics problem but it didn't work. Her tits felt too good... so soft, so warm... so alive.

"Would you like to suck them, Herb?" She asked "Go ahead Herb... suck it into your mouth. Lick it. Roll your tongue around it. Make me feel it, Herb. Make me feel it all the way down in my pussy."

Herb did the only thing he could do at the moment. He sucked her nipple between his lips and rolled his tongue across the hard tip. Then Rebecca fed him the other nipple. She slid a hand into her panties and rubbed her pussy. Herb continued to lick and suck her swollen nipple.

"Mmmmmm... that's good Herb. Keep it up... ooohhhh... yes."

Rebecca's fingers flew across her clit. Her moans got louder. Herb became more aggressive as he succumbed to the passion of the moment. He moved back to her other nipple and eagerly feasted on it. Rebecca plunged two fingers into her dripping cunt. Her gasps became more desperate. Her body began to tremble. She tensed. Then the pressure released.


Juices gushed from her pussy and flooded her panties. Her body jerked and thrashed wildly. Her finger moved back to her clit. Herb wasn't sure what was happening. He kept his mouth clamped around her nipple. Another explosion rocked her world. Rebecca finally pushed away from Herb breathing hard.

"Fuck... that was a good one... wow." She told him

Herb look at her. “Did you cum?” He asked.

Rebecca nodded “Good job stud.” She added. She unbuckled his jeans and yanked them down his legs along with his briefs. His throbbing cock sprung to attention in front of her face.

"Holy shit Herb, what have you here!! It's huge." Rebecca gasped.

Amanda and Void

Mortas walked into the lobby of the Seven Seas hotel. The desk clerk was not there. “Shit Hotel” He said and walk into the elevator.

At the penthouse suite he walked over to the south room and opened the door.

I was naked on the bed, my legs spread.

“Hi Master” I said “You told me not to wear anything complicated. Did I do alright?”

“You are a SLUT” Mortas moaned as he pulled off his shirt and took down his pants. He removed his belt. He whipped the belt against the small desk on the room. There was a loud SLAP. “I’m going to treat you like the dirty whore you are.” He growled.

“Yes Master, for 2 hours we can play. But then you’ll turn over the tape” I said

“I’LL DO WHAT I WANT CUNT!!” He yelled.

He grabbed my legs and turn me over. My sexy ass turned skyward. He fiercely slapped my ass with his belt twice. BIG RED welts appeared. I was sobbing. He was way out of control. I was really worried.

“YOU ARE A WORTHLESS, RICH CUNT. DO NOT ASK ABOUT THE TAPE AGAIN” He barked. It took a moment but Mortas got control of himself. “Suck my cock. BITCH”

I turned around and dove on his cock. I sucked on it as if I was a whore. It did not take long, until Mortas was fully hard and erect.

“Turn around again SLUT” Mortas ordered. I turned back around. He was going to use my hungry cunt for his own pleasure. He mounted me and brutally fucked into my hungry cunt. I gasped and begged him to do it harder and deeper. He thrust into me so hard I thought surely he would rip me apart. When he did not, I moaned and begged for more.

The only good thing about Mortas was he had no staying power. It did not take long before he filled my hungry pussy with his load of liquid white cream. He pulled out and watched his cum flow out of my pussy onto the bed. “Lick up my CUM” He ordered. I licked up the cum off the bed.

I thought I had come out of this encounter with Mortas with my life, and only a few bruises on my ass. But then I saw he had a big black dildo in his hand.

“Lay on your back… time for some fucking!” He ordered. I laid back and Mortas slipped his huge dildo into my already violated pussy. I gasped when the dildo stretched my pussy. He laughed and told me to open my thighs wider.

Mortas fucked my pussy "You worthless slave. You are a pathetic cunt.” He said to me “you will obey or I’ll post it on the internet.”
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Yumi and Robbie

Walking up to the front door of the blackened office, Yumi inserted the key and looked back, "I was surprised that you called," she smiled. "But, this is perfect timing. My boss being with a client in all." She gave me a glance, her black hair was still dyed with rings of white.

"You're not worried he may come back?" I asked.

"Naw," she scoffed. "Come on in." Opening the door and flicking on the lights revealed a simple office set up with the reception desk-Yumi's desk-being in front. It was a simple wood one, probably assembled from an IKEA office. Had some knick-knacks to make it hers, but it clearly wasn't her office. The place belonged to Void. He had images of him adorning the walls with many of his business partners and successful businesses. "Have a seat," walking over to her desk. When I sat down, she did so behind the desk. "You can come around here," Yumi smiled, fishing out her cellphone from her bag.

Moving the chair around to her side, Yumi started up her phone to YouTube and plugged into her earphones. Taking one of the buds and handing it over, I stuck in my right ear and together we jammed out on some Techno remixes for a good ten or so minutes, all the while Yumi continued to brush her shoulder and hips into me. It felt like she was flirting as soon she kept her body against mine.

"Want to see something dirty?" Yumi asked. Before I could answer, she went through the archives of her phone and pulled up some photographs, most of which were of her with other men.

"O-oh!" shamefully looking away. Seeing this, Yumi laughed and continued to beg me to look at it. The pictures were of her making the Japanese 'O' face called Ahegao. It was an exaggerated facial expression found in Manga, mostly for sex. She was making these wide eyed, large mouth expressions while holding up 'Peace' signs as she was being splattered with cum from an unseen source.

"I told you before, I'm into this sort of thing," Yumi giggled, flipping through other photos to show me. "Don't worry, these were when I was in college. Some were of my ex. Others were just guys I met. "My last ex was a real perv, you know?" Yumi chuckled. "I liked it. He was always ready to tap my ass."

"Then why's he your ex?" I questioned.

Her face fell a bit. "He never went anywhere. He graduated a year ahead of me, but never did anything in his life. Just crashed from house to house, a real leech. I couldn't stand for that. Though I miss him."

Her words made me think of Amanda, I hope she was alright. My phone was on vibrate should I be needed. So far, nothing was happening.

A silence fell between us. She continued to look at the glow of her phone. Looks like it would take me to break the silence. "What kind of guy do you like?"

"Me? Oh, to be honest, I like a guy that can take care of himself for one," smirking towards me. "But, if I had to just simplify the matter, I would have a white guy."

"Really? Why a white guy?"

Yumi giggled, holding a hand to her mouth, "Well, you see, I use to date all kinds of guys. Many black guys...yeah. They had some nice cocks and they loved to go down on me. But, I didn't really like it."

"Really, why not?"

"It's really a myth that all black guys have enormous cocks," she began with a sigh, "But these ones had some good ones. Problem was, they tried to ram it deep inside me. It hurt!" she gasped, still remembering it. "That's why I like white men" she said. I looked at her as she was staring back with this devilish look on her lips.

"Oh?" stammering as she rubbed her hip against me.

"Yeah. Everyone has their niche, I think that's it," looking up for a moment. "I know black guys have white girls and white guys like having women with big breasts. Me? I've always liked the interracial, you know? I like having a nice white dick pounding me, hehe". Yumi slowly stood up, pulling down the cuffs of her black shirt to straighten it out before reaching to the upper right of her desk for her pen holder, draping her chest over it and holding that pose. She was showing off her athletic body. It was nice, the view. Nice round bubble butt hemmed in by her tight black jeans, toned legs, thin hips, her black hair brained in a long ponytail that followed her spine. To compound it further, she swayed her hips slowly from left to right. Taking a simple white Ballpoint pen from the container, she sat back down, placing the white tip between her teeth and slowly rolling the tip of her pink tongue out and rolling it over the tip. I knew that look, that look of what she wanted to do to me. Yumi knew that she was getting to me, the way my cheeks blushed red and couldn't look at her straight. She continued to laugh while putting the pen deeper into her mouth.

"So, what do you like for a guy to do?" I asked, getting aroused, part of it was because Yumi was attractive, with her light brown olive shaped, Asian eyes, her half pursed lips, and her perky chest under her black shirt.

"You ever heard of hot-dogging?" she asked. Before I could answer, "It's when a man rubs his cock between a woman's tits or ass, rubbing it. I've always wanted a guy to do that to me while I'm working. I don't get paid enough as it is, and I detest my boss so much that I want to castrate him with this pen! For once, I'd like something to go my way, you know?"

"I do" I nodded solemnly.

Our fun was interrupted when her cellphone sang the Imperial March. "Fucking cunt!" Yumi fumed. She stomped over to the phone and picked up, her red face forcing to be polite, "Void Investments...oh, hey boss." Looking back at me, she pointed at the phone with her free hand, mouthing "It's him" before rolling her eyes in disgust. While talking to Void, she once more draped herself over the desk, still flirting with me while giving simple 'Yes' and 'No' answers to her detestable superior. Finally, I had enough of it and decided, if I was going to act the part of a player, then I have to start being a player. That meant give in to her flirting and do something.

Standing up, I moved behind her. Yumi's eyes followed me until I was directly behind. Unzipping my pants, I fished out my cock and as Yumi continued to talk when she suddenly jerked feeling something heavy lay across her backside before a set of hands held her firm cheeks. Knowing what it was without looking, she smiled and backed it up before slowly reciprocating her hips, all the while not missing a beat in her conversation.

"Yeah, boss. I'll get to work on that when I get the numbers, oh" Yumi said. "Ok. Ok. Ok. Yeah, boss. Ok. Bye" turning off the phone, she looked back with a smile to her half-pursed lips before opening her phone once more to pull up her camera to get some more naughty photos of herself having fun.

"You like that?" I whispered.

"Mmmmm ya" she cooed.

"For the good of the mission" I kept telling myself. "Do whatever it takes, for the mission. Keep acting like a player."

"Come with me" rising up, she grasped my cock and led me towards the back room, Void's office. It was locked. No problem. She had the key. With a beaming smile she led me in and stood chest to chest with me, cock in her hands, slowly stroking it end over end while we locked lips, her perky chest lightly pressed against me.

"How does that feel?" Yumi whispered as her smooth hands slipped down the length of the shaft.

"Mmmm, pretty good" I sighed before I went and sat in Void's chair. Smiling ear to ear, Yumi straddled my lap, grind on me, and rubbed her chest into my own.

Rebecca and Herb

The busty redhead knew she had to wrap this up. Void would be here any moment. She didn't realize that he had already arrived as was up with Amanda in their room. Even though she desired a thick, meaty cock as much as a juicy steak, she had to drive this guy over the edge in a hurry.

"You ever fucked a woman?" Rebecca asked as she gobbled his rod eagerly.

"No" he coughed.

"Well, keep on waiting," winking. "This time it's not going to be in the pussy. This time it's only going to be in the mouth. Make it quick, though. I need to get to my room and get my beauty rest" slurping his manly meat as Herb was pale white in both fear and shock as the buxom redhead eagerly deep throated him, her green eyes aflame with passion as she locked eyes with the clerk, one hand around his junk and the other reaching around and touching his pale backside. She liked it, every moment of it. The feeling of control she had over him, knowing he won't refuse and his fear that kept him in line.

Herb felt his body surge, and when he came it was so sudden that Rebecca's eyes widened and she smiled, nearly spilling some of it onto her chin. Flashing her open maw to show that he did indeed cum, Rebecca stood up and swallowed, hastily wrapping up her heaving breasts while running out the door.

"Thank you, Herb!" Rebecca replied over her shoulder as she bounded out of the room and towards the elevator, leaving a dumbstruck Herb standing in the room with his wet dick out and his pants around his ankles.
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We turn the tables on Mortas

I did not know how much more I could take of the huge dildo being fucked into my pussy. I had no control over the depth or rhythm as Mortas was holding the dildo. He was just plowing the huge rubber cock in as far as it could go. It was not a good fuck. I was being brutalized, but as he was relentlessly so I finally came. Gasping as my pussy released… gripping the dildo tightly. Mortas did not even notices.

But he did notice when he felt a colt 45 pressed to the back of his head. The gun cocked and ready to fire.

“You are so DEAD” A muffled voice said. I opened my eyes and saw Rebecca with a paper bag with eye holes over her head, holding a gun to Mortas.

“Ahh…What?” Mortas gasped as he tried to turn around.

“Don’t turn around, or I’ll kill you” Rebecca said.

“Mortas… I told my dad about what you did and the tape. He was pissed. He hired a hitman. Last laugh is on you… ASSHOLE” I told him.

“Oh fuck!” Mortas moaned “please… please…” he started begging for his life. I also noticed he wet himself, the big coward.

“I don’t have to kill you. But I do have to fix this situation. Let’s have some fun first. Get naked.” Rebecca ordered. Then she looked at me “You stupid slut. Your father is so pissed. Get some cloth on” She told me.

I got out of bed and dressed.

Rebecca grabbed the big dildo. “Now Mortas you are going to fuck yourself with this dildo until that tiny cock of yours cums.” Rebecca explained as she handed him the dildo.

Mortas lay on the bed and exposed his asshole. “What about some lube?” He asked.

“Did you use any for Amanda?” Rebecca asked.

“No” He answered shaking.

“Then NO” Rebecca said.

Mortas placed the huge dildo against his asshole and tried a few times… but it did not go in his tightly puckered opening.

“What a fucking loser” Rebecca said “help him” she told me.

I took some liquid soap from the bathroom and tossed it to Mortas. He drizzled some on his asshole and then the dildo. He rubbed it around the dildo head. He held it with the tip touching his asshole.

I started filming the scene with my phone.

"Show us," Rebecca ordered. I knew she likes to see a man fuck himself, so she watched as the dildo disappear into Mortas’ ass. He groaned as he did it. I was not sure it was pleasure or pain.

I moved into a little better position to film as Mortas worked the rubber cock into his ass. He pushed the shaft into his ass about 1/2 way. Rebecca ordered “More… ALL OF IT” He gasped and then pushed the whole thing in, until the balls of the Dildo pressed against his butt.

Now Mortas fucked himself with long strokes. He shoved the dildo back in vigorously. He began pumping it hard and deep. He moaned. "Oh yeah, fuck!"

"Say LOSER at the end.” Rebecca told him.

He was giving his ass a pretty good pounding at that point, but then he switched to shorter strokes, just three or four inches deep, so all the sensation was around his prostate. His cock got hard as he did it.

"Oh… yes I’m a big loser!" He moaned.

"Let's see some fireworks!" Rebecca ordered

It only took a few strokes, before Mortas was going full throttle, and within just a minute he erupted. Cum was flying everywhere -- on his chest, belly, and one big glob hit his face.

Rebecca waited until he was completely drained.

“Now you will call your assistance and delete all copies of the video of Amanda. Or we’ll post this video on the web. Or I’ll just kill you. Understand.” Mortas agreed. He called and gave yumi the instructions.

Now, I just hoped Robert could get the Sorority's money back.
Yumi continued to grind and twerk on my lap, dawning a pair of round-frameless glasses to give her that nerdy look. Swallowing hard as I looked at her light eyes, I smiled, "You like to fuck your boss?" forcing my virgin-self to be more, or less, a virgin.

"Oh, yes!" Yumi smiled widely, pressing her perky, shirt covered, chest into me. "I would much rather have you as my boss than HIM."

"Oh, yeah?" slowly wrapping my arms around her thin waist, locking her in. "If I were your boss, what would you do for me?"

Giggling, Yumi said, "What would you like, take dick-tation?" before chuckling at the lame joke. "Sorry. Couldn't resist."

"That's all right" I nodded. "But, would you be a good secretary or a bad one?"

"Hehehe, well, I'm always a GOOD secretary. I've never missed a day and I don't complain, at least, not publicly," leaning into to kiss the tip of my nose. "What do GOOD secretaries get?" My hands cupped her firm buttocks, sending a jolt up her body, making her moan with her eyes closed. "What do BAD secretaries get?"

Reaching out with the tip of my left index finger, I placed it against her black and dyed hairline. Her eyes looked up at it as the finger slowly traced its way down her forehead, down the bridge of her nose and to her lips, "I think you know what THEY get."

Giggling some more, Yumi rolled out her tongue as my finger wiped down its length before she leaned her head back, taking the finger in and wrapping her tongue around it. Her hot, wet mouth and soft moan was making me hard and she could feel it. We made out on the chair, leaning back as Yumi drove her tongue down my throat as my hands played with her ass. We were in danger of falling over. Yumi stood up, went to the desk and bent over. "Let's try it this way. Otherwise we'll break the chair" thrusting her round backside out. Mmmm I liked this, her thin hips, shapely ass, looking back at me with lust in her eyes. Venturing over, cock in hand, I hotdog'd her some more as she took out her camera and started taking selfies. "Don't mind me," she said. "These are just for me. I won't get your face."

"I will though" I grunted, giving her ass a spank. Yumi was kinking. There must be a tit-for-tat standard right now. If she was going to take pictures, then I had to get some pictures. Who knows, maybe Amanda would like them.

Cooing at this, Yumi continued to snap pictures. My hands held her thin hips, slowly sliding up, taking her black shirt with it. Her flesh was hot, and she shivered at my touch. When my fingers touched the fabric of her bra, she wanted to take it all over, but I refused. It was sexier this way, I thought. Cupping her firm breasts and giving them a squeeze, Yumi sighed greatly, rolling her head back. It had been a long time since she felt this way. It was only going to get better. Having teased her for so long, she wanted to get right to it. Unbuckling her pants, she slid them down just enough to show her perky cheeks. "Give me that white dick" she begged.
That was all that needed to be said. The pants were down, her underwear with it. Her twat hot and wet. She shivered as the head touched her pink pussy lips. Fingers on her camera, she snapped more as the head was pressed inside and her muscles stretched to take me in. “OY MEEEE!” slapping both palms onto the desk. Her eyes rolled back as the whole length disappeared inside, far more than what she was expecting. Her cavity wrapped around my member softly. Wow. So, this is what it’s like to be inside a woman? Wish it was Amanda I was doing this to. ‘For the good of the mission!’ that motto kept flashing in my mind.
“Harder, baby” moaned Yumi.
Slapping her ass, she yelped. I was in control. The bad secretary was going to get punished. We thumped into each other, each slap of wet flesh and meat made a distinct ‘Pat! Pat! Pat!’ as Yumi rolling voice filled the room, making faces and holding up peace signs for her camera, sentiments for later.

"You're a bad secretary," I moaned as we impacted, slapping her ass with both hands before sliding under her shirt once more to fondle her chest. Not as big as Amanda, far smaller. But still perky and fun to play with.

"Oh, yes, sir. I'm a bad secretary," pinching the tip of one finger between her jaws. "I'm bad. Terrible! I need to be disciplined. Disciplined hard! OH! Nnnnn," gripping the edge of the desk. Each impact forced the air from her lungs. The room was quickly filled with steam and sweat. I loved to tap her round, firm ass. This was not the way, though, that I wanted to lose my virginity. ‘For the good of the mission!’ Amanda would understand. Venera and Rebecca would encourage it.
We did it doggystyle for several minutes, my thumb pressing against her asshole that made her jump and moan. Not this time. Maybe next. When I felt I was ready to cum, I had the minx lay out on the desk, scattering a bunch of his junk that clattered onto the floor. On her back, hands groping her chest and sliding between her legs.

"You know how they're disciplined, right?" stroking hard with the right hand.

"Yes, sir!" opening her mouth widely. "Bad secretaries get punished!" as one hand traced down the front of her black shirt. "Please, sir! Give me that white cock of yours" rolling the tip of her tongue around the perimeter of her lips as her eyes locked onto me. "That white cum! I need it!" squeezing her chest.

I was happy to oblige. Standing next to the desk, cock draped over her face, Yumi gave it a few tender sucks before I took it in hand and began feverishly stroking it from sac to tip, feeling the blood coursing to my cock. Sighing greatly, weak in the knees, the moment came. I squeezed my cock to give it some more pressure and when the main vein erupted, the spurt of thick white cum went right onto Yumi's nose that made her squeal in delight, drawing her legs in as more rolled in thick white ropes. Yumi suspected that it would only be a couple of nice spurts and then dribble the rest, allowing her to just lay underneath with her mouth open and drink it up. Instead she got a fire hose.

Spurt after powerful spurt of semen left me and spattered rather randomly across her face, slapping her glasses, nose, and some into her mouth. Yumi's hands went up, "AH, STOP! hahahahaha!" It wouldn't stop until my sac was drained. At least ten good spurts landed on her glowing face, coating her glasses and filling her mouth.

"Oh my God!" Yumi gasped. "I-I can't see!" chuckling as both palms wiped over her cheeks and eyes. "How's it look?" To answer her question, I took up her cellphone and snapped a picture. 'A donut' I replied. Before I could apologize, she was eating the cum up, licking both palms. When her eyes were cleaned, she looked with this flare in them, savoring the taste of the spunk. "I didn't think a guy could cum so much. Oh my...God..." panted Yumi as she continued to wipe and eat the cum from her face. "You must've been saving up for it, huh?" Her eating my spunk and batting her eyes at me showed that she loved it, but my mission wasn't done.

My phone hasn't gone off with Rebecca or Amanda announcing their return. Had to buy more time. How to do that? Hmmm. Perhaps a second run? Could I do that? My cock was in pain. One time I jerked off five times in a single day, but not immediately after. Was it possible? Had to try. Yumi sat up and threw her legs over the desk, pulling up her pants thinking it was over, hoping a little to get the fabric of her jeans over her perky buttocks. She was about out the door of the office. "I'm not done yet," I growled, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her back.

"OH!" she squeaked as her pants came down once more and she was made to straddle me on Void's chair. In a moment I had pushed my cock into her twat. She moaned as it entered and began wiggling her butt onto me, eyes closed, savoring it as I became hard once more. "Oh, mmmmmmm!" Yumi moaned, thrusting her chest into my face as my hands slapped her cheeks, "OH! OW! Yes! Fuck!"

Looking at her stained face, tongue licking up the salty remnants around her lips, Yumi's hands pawed my chest as she rode me hard and fast, "Oh, unnnn mmmmm yeah!" Each slap to her nice ass made her yelp and moan even more until the walls shook, disregarding trying to keep this meet up quiet.

"Dirty girl" I growled into her ear.

"Oh, yes! I'm dirty. Fucking filthy," Yumi purred, trying to keep her phone in hand as she was being plowed.

It hurt me rather than her. Trying to push rope for a few minutes before it became hard once again, and painful. Slapping her ass made her moan and groan. The dirty secretary nibbled my ears then pinched my lower lip and pulled back before letting it and snapping it. Her spunk coated face stared at me as my cock rippled and came. It was so sudden that I didn't feel it until Yumi's eyes widened, feeling it fill her womb.

"Sweet baby, I can feel it," touching her stomach. "You came so much. How? Did you take Viagra?" teasing me.

"No. All natural"

Yumi slid off and stood up, "I gotta get me some more of that later. But I gotta clean up now." When she left the room, I looked around at what was left. Yumi had left the keys in the door lock. Looking at them, they were labeled, and one said, 'File Key'. That maybe it. Looking down the hall and hearing the door close, I quickly plucked the keys from the lock, jumped to the file cabinet and pressed the key in. To my relief, it opened. The files were rather thrown in there haphazardly. But they were labeled. "Comet Cleaning, Richard-Edwards Estate, Mu-Beta-Pi! This was a heavy file, much more than I expected. Damn. I can't sneak out of here with this! Can't fax it, the machine would take too long and cause a lot of noise. That's when it hit me, take it outside!

Shoving my dick back into my pants, I pulled the whole file and snuck out of the building and hid the whole file in some brush on the other side of the parking lot. Hopefully no one saw me do this. I hustled back and sat down in Void's chair as Yumi finished cleaning up and came back. She had blushing red cheeks and a smile as she entered the room and started to clean things up.

"This is Rebecca. We're heading back to you now. Be ready to go" the text said.

"Oh, shit" muttering under my breath. "My friend is heading back to pick me up."

"Yeah. I got a text from my fuckin' boss about ten minutes ago. He needs his ride," rolling her eyes. "That was right about the time you were cumming in my ass," winking towards me.

"I hope you liked it. I've never done anal before," I smiled back.

"It was great. I feel like a dumpling, my center filled with meat" patting her stomach. That caused me to blush some more. Together we cleaned up Void's office and sprayed it down with a cleaning agent. She cranked up the AC to purge out the funk.

Together we walked out of the office, Yumi turning off the lights as we went. Not a word was spoken between the two of us, but she continued to flirt by bumping me with her hip as I cupped her ass. Stepping into the cold, calm, night, she locked up the place. "My boss doesn't sound happy. He has this code about him, if a meeting was successful, he boasts how great he is. If it goes bad, then he is vicious."

"Does he take his anger out on you?" I asked, becoming disturbed by his erratic behavior.

"Naw. Not really. He just yells and throws things in his office. Don't worry, he won't do anything to me," Yumi said before giving me another kiss to my lips that brought up into a brief makeout session with her tongue going down my throat. Grabbing her ass with both hands and giving them a squeeze made her moan into my mouth.

"Easy there, Tiger" Yumi said, lightly pushing me back. "Maybe next time. I'll see you around" giving a kiss to my cheek before leaving.

When she was well down the road, I could finally text Rebecca back, "Secured the files. Waiting for you." Now I felt like a real secret agent; infiltrated the enemy den, wooed the girl, secured the files, took photos, and now make an exit. Granted it was a dramatic exit with guards and dogs chasing after me as I ran to a helicopter. But a sedan with two busty women would suffice.


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Mortas Void

Mortas felt like shit. His plan had backfired and someone had made a fool out of him. Now there was a video of him literally fucking himself and spraying cum in his own face. He texted Yumi to come get him. But he was not out of the game yet. The “hit woman” wore a bag over her head, but she did not hide her huge tits. He did not know who it was, but he was sure it was one of the Mu-Beta-Pi sorority girls.

He started to develop a plan to get the tape back and screw over all the sluts in that sorority!

Rebecca and Amanda

“Nice going… that was awesome!” I told Rebecca.

“Thanks” Rebecca said as she drove around the corner and saw Robert. She pulled over and he got in. Under his arm was a large file.

“Got it” He grinned.

“I think Mortas got fucked twice tonight!” I said with a smile. Robert asked what happened and Rebecca and I told him everything including the part about how Mortas whipped my ass with his belt.

“How did you do?” I asked “Did you go all James Bond and seduce the girl and snatch the file while you fucked her?” I asked.

“Oh, something like that” Robert answered “I remembered a snatch was involved” He joked. But I could tell he was worried about hurting my feeling.

“Don’t worry, I know you did it for the good of mission” I told him.

He smiled then said “Give me some time with this file… and I’m sure I can recover all the Sorority’s money.”

As we pulled up to the Mu-Beta-Pi Sorority, September, Katerina and Anya were waiting for Robert. All three of them had huge smiles on their faces. They also looked like they just came back from a wet t-shirt contest. Each was wearing a white t-shirt… some half white t-shirt and bikini bottoms, or short shorts.

“We made a ton of money!” Katerina stated in her Polish accent. Handing Robert over 4,000 dollars.

“I think tomorrow’s party is on!!!” I said in excitement looking at all the money Robert was now holding.
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Robert and Amanda

We came feeling like heroes. The money, some of it wet, was thrust upon me with the smiles and hugs of the contest winners and by Amanda. What we did was like something out of a movie. When Rebecca explained how she held Void at gunpoint, I seriously laughed at this, not only for the image of the dastardly man being made to cower, but also the image of a busty Rebecca holding him at gunpoint with a bag over her head. How did that work? It just did. Still, Void would try to find a way to get back at us, if he could figure it out. And how long till he noticed the files were missing? Yumi wouldn't turn us over, she hated him as much as we did. There was going to be a lot of paperwork to go through, but my crotch was aching as we entered the Sorority House to the cheers of the other Sisters. Ice was needed for my nether regions, water, and a nap.

Still, I felt that I needed to talk to Amanda about what happened with me, at least personally wise. I mean, we weren't in a relationship, but I felt that she deserved to know that what happened between Yumi and I wasn't personal. Though the sex was fantastic, it wasn't what I was going for. It was strictly for the mission to get the papers. Other than that, Yumi wasn't in the picture.

"Hey, Amanda, would you like to join me in my room? I have some things I'd like to talk about," lowering my head slightly and trying to whisper so that the nosy Sisters won't hear. "After I get some ice."

We went downstairs and I dropped off the files into the lock cabinet in our small office before going to my small room where we sat side by side on my bed. Drawing a deep breath, I let it out with some pain. "You allright?" I asked. "Void didn't hurt you, did he?"

Void and Yumi

The ride back to the office was stiff and awkward. Yumi was all smiles, not just for what happened to her, but with what Void was doing, slumped to the passenger window, staring out at the street lamps as they went by. The smell from him screamed 'sex' but it was on his face, too. Yumi said not a word the whole trip, but knew what happened, he was humiliated. He would be looking for a way to get back. If he only knew the whole truth.
Amanda and Robert

I was still wearing the clothes I wore to the Seven Sea Hotel. It was a strapless little black cocktail dress. I had taken it off before Mortas came in the room… but wore it to the room. I sat next to Robert on his bed when he asked if Mortas hurt me.

“I have two pretty good welts on my ass cheeks, but I must say Rebecca making him fuck himself… was worth it. The guy is a real asshole. I mean the way he treats Yumi is not unique. The guy is a prick.” I explained.

“About Yumi” Robert said with some guilt. I look in his eyes.

“Robert… sex is just rubbing body parts together. Love involves a deeper emotional connection. I think we have that kind of connection. Please don’t feel bad about what happened. I had to fuck Mortas… I hope you are not worried about him.” I said. Then a big smile crossed my face “Beside… what you did with Yumi might turn me on” I said with a naughty look on my face.

“Are you sure you won’t get upset” He asked.

“I’m sure” I answered.

“I have some pictures…” Robert added taking out his cellphone. I was so hot, just thinking about what he might have done to her, and I could see pictures too, I could not stand it.

“Tell me and show me” I whispered lustfully to him.

“I can’t do anything tonight. I came twice already” Robert to me, seeing my excitement.

“Well, if it is ok with you, I could masturbate as you tell your story?” I suggested.
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Amanda's words struck deep. It's like what I kept telling myself throughout the meeting, for the good of the mission. Sure, it was fantastic. But it was only for the mission of getting the papers. I hope that Yumi would understand that in time. Then again, she hated Void as much as we did.

When Amanda suggested in looking at the photos I took while she rubbed herself, a cold shiver rolled up my spine. "Sure" I stammered, pulling out my phone. I took quite a few photos, and I was surprised that Yumi would allow it. Maybe she knew I wouldn't post them on some sort of website like Pornhub. Why would I? These were treasures that I may later jerk off to. Though that was before Amanda openly asked to see them and finger herself.

She leaned in till our shoulders were touching, her massive chest pressing against my side. Entering the password onto my phone and opening the photo gallery, I was surprised at the number of photos I took. In the excitement, it just didn't connect. The first was of me hotdogging Yumi as she was bent over Void's desk. Cock rubbing over her crack, rubbing against her black jeans that clung to her curves. There was glow at the top of the image, "She was taking selfies," chuckling a bit whilst point it to Amanda. "She said she wouldn't get my face."

Scrolling through some more, I was still hotdogging her ass and my cock was seen to lengthen before Yumi looked back. "That's when she wanted me inside her." There was a large gap between the time she wanted my white dick before the next photos showed us going doggystyle. Yumi was still bent over the desk, her now exposed round ass was bright as we slammed into each other. Looking at Amanda, with her lustful eyes, she had slid her left hand down her mounds, stomach and thigh to the cuff of her black skirt. Not paying attention to her as we looked at the photos, the tips of two fingers were rubbing over her wet twat. I only knew something was up when a soft coo left her lips. Looking out the corner of my eye, I could see Amanda's eyes rolling back.

She was into it, allright. Keep going! "This was the point where she was making those Japanese O Faces, you know, rolling out the tongue, going cross eyed and even holding up peace signs." Now in hindsight that was funny, at that time, though, Yumi was loving it.

Robert told the story about how he fucked Yumi… and showed me the pictures. Without a word, one of my hands went to my crotch and pulled my panties to the side. I was rubbing my clit, and further down my pussy lips. I could hear Robert’s excitement as he told the story. But with rapt attention I could not take my eyes off the photos.

Robert had a huge, gorgeous, cock! It made me drool just looking at it. My ministrations quickened as I rubbed my clit and pussy. I shuddered as I thought of Robert’s massive cock “hotdogging” my ass. My pussy lips swollen in excitement, I let out a small “coo” as I got more and more turned on.

Then I saw pictures of Robert fucking Yumi’s pussy. My thought was on how deep his cock was inside her. How filled she must feel with his massive cock stretching her pussy.

I rubbed my pussy, then let two of my fingers go inside me. I breathed in sharply, sucking in air as I sucked in my fingers. I gasped at the look of pure joy on Yumi’s face. He was really fucking her well.

Then he came all over Yumi’s face.

"OH that turns me on” I moaned to Robert getting close to cumming myself. I love cum. Some people hate it. I love the gooey mess that only a thick load of jizz can provide. The streams of warm, white fluid convey a powerful message, one that tells me someone is experiencing an extreme degree of pleasure. I love to see ecstasy as a heavy load is released.

I imagined what Yumi felt as the first ropes of cum land on her forehead. Over and over until she was drenched in his goo. I give her credit for pleasing Robert in such a way that he erupted like an uncontrollable volcano.

Making a man cum makes me feel powerful. I know that I have used my skills and sex appeal to maximum effect. Being covered in the cream that I helped produce is wonderful. Let the fruits of my labor drizzle down my chin as I celebrate the erotic pleasure that has taken place.

Getting back to my masturbation, the photo of Yumi’s face covered in cum, put me over the top. I started cumming hard. Cumming hard on my fingers in my pussy. Robert saw my jerking body and how my hand was suddenly covered with my wet juices. My pussy quivering in orgasm.

After I caught my breathe, I kissed Robert “Great story! I want some of that” I said pointing to his crotch “Tomorrow!” I giggled “Sorry that was kind of forward. See you tomorrow Robert” I corrected myself. Kissed him one more time and went to my room.
*Pleasure Night*

Amanda left me in a bit of a pickle. I was hard and my cock wasn't liking it. It was screaming at me with the ice on it. It hated me and my mind was fighting it, insisting that we could go another round. No. Not tonight. I was sore and stiff. Time for a hot shower and then slip under the covers and get some much needed sleep, after I downed a gallon of water. Boy was my mouth dry.

While standing in the shower, letting the coursing hot water spray over me, Amanda's words started to sink in. Did she think there was something between us? I hope so, I mean, we just met, maybe we shouldn't just jump into something. We had some things in common, and we had a common goal and a common enemy, or two enemies in this case, Void and the Bitches. Best right now to take it slow. Since this was my first serious, or any kind of relationship, take it slow and let Amanda lead. Then again, I also shouldn't just go into it for the sex. We have to form a solid bond and that came through trust and understanding.

"Why is it I only think this way in the shower?" I asked myself. Tomorrow also entailed going through the stack of paperwork he made himself sore to get and also deposit that 4-grand. "I just hope that I can walk tomorrow" I thought to myself.

Venera and Rebecca

In the Sister's bedroom, the busty redhead was so delight in tonight's actions that she was feeling quite frisky. So was Venera when told how Void was humiliated. The laughing turned to giggles and giggles turned to dildos. The two busty women proceeded to stab their holes with the small pocket vibrators.

Yumi and Void

Taking her boss home, Yumi put up with Void fuming, yelling, and making threats. Not towards her, but towards 'Those fuckin' sluts!' that did this to him. Yumi didn't know the full extent of what transpired in the hotel room. But she figured that the client turned the tables against him. He sat rather awkwardly, leaning away towards the door.

Void went to his place and washed himself, both physically and emotionally. He would be sore for days. In his anger he trashed his bathroom, knocking everything to the floor and smashing his mirror. 'Those bitches, those sluts! I'll make them pay! No one humiliates me and gets away with it!' All through the night he couldn't sleep. He tried to make phone calls, but no one was answering. But he had an idea and that meant getting a shovel because he was going to dig up a lot of dirt.

Yumi drove off with a smug smile on her lips. When she got to her pitiful apartment, she giggled as she took off her clothes, slipped into her pajamas, and flopped onto her bed and went back over her photos, smiling at the silly faces she was making while being plowed, then came the money shot to her face. She could still feel the warmth on her face when that cum splattered her. Settling in for the night, she took out her own little dildo and masturbated slowly, 'Oh, Robert. Robert....' she kept saying, licking the air with her tongue as she felt another cumblast to her warm face.

The Sisters

As the others were trying to 'relax' and go to bed, Katerina, Anya, and September were still go excited about their wet T-shirt success. "I've never held so much money before in my hands!" exclaimed Katerina as she shed her moist clothes, threw them into a hamper and stepped into a shower.

"Neither have I!" concurred Anya having stepped out of the shower ahead of her, her body wrapped tightly in a white towel. "Honestly, those guys were going nuts over us!"

"And nuts for us" giggled September who was waiting for her turn at the shower, shedding her own clothes. "I think I saw a couple of them jerking off as they were watching us.

Blushing at this, Anya turned away and pretended to be doing her hair in the small bathroom mirror.

"Don't be so modest" September chuckled. "We all enjoyed it. And it was good for our Sorority. That money will get the party started."

Hearing that, Anya turned towards her friend and leaned back against the counter, "That's what I wanted to ask, the party is going to have a lot going on. I mean, aside from the usual stuff. What are we going to do?" meaning the three of them.

Wetting her lips, September smiled at her, "I had plans to dress up and do some of that cosplay stuff. That sounds like a lot of fun."

"Da!" cried Katerina as she scrubbed her hair soaked in sweat. "I want to that!"

"What about the other stuff I hear that's going to happen, the gloryholes and others stuff," Anya asked rather nervously. Having no boyfriend but curious about sex, she wanted to experiment while in college. Yet felt over her head.

"Don't worry," September assured her. "We'll stick together. You can watch us cosplay fuck for awhile and give it a try. If you want to try the gloryhole or other stuff, we'll be there with you so you're not alone. If you don't want to do anything...' waving a hand low as if sweeping the idea aside, 'Then don't do it. We won't force you do something you don't want. However, you were rockin' it at the contest."

"I was?" chirped Anya.

"Da!" exclaimed Katerina once more as the shampoo scrubbed her hair. "Most of the eyes were on you. You have the best body of us."

"No I don't!" Anya blushed beet red as her face fell into her hands. The three of them laughed together.

Next Morning

My cock did not like me. Waking up at 6am I threw the covers off and couldn't sit up. My cock was sore and it was a radiating sore. My thighs and even my knees and stomach refused to listen. It took several minutes to get out of bed and that was a step by step progress.

I took another shower hoping the hot water would help ease the pain. Not really. Took some Ibuprofen and downed a quart of water. That helped somewhat. Now I had to get to work hacking at that stack of papers and depositing the money. Sitting at the small desk, another quart of water at hand, I went to work. Peeling off page after page of Void's work showed how deep his operation went. There were receipts for virtually everything, dinners at high end resturaunts, rentals for jet-skis for 'business recruitment' where I would guess he tried to woo potential Sorority sisters. Then there were hotel rooms. That made me grit my teeth. They were often for just a single night and they were relatively close. Not the Seven Seas. But better, these were Holiday Inns or similar places just off campus. There was guest room dining and more.

All of this was considered 'business' and was tax-deductible. That's what Void did. He filed them as such. Year after year this went and by my calculations the Sorority would get a sizable refund. Yet, nothing was being deposited into their account at that time. Checks from the Treasury were being sent and received, however Void was taking them for himself. There were deposits for membership and for other fund-raisers and such. That was what was covering Void and his 'efforts'. So he was double dipping in this case. Taking from the Sorority to woo potential clients and then taking the refund money from the Sorority. And there was also the refund business he was doing on the side that was found earlier, getting less than or double the refund for return policies. It was almost genius. With him master of the paperwork, the Sorority had no idea they were in deep of debt until the time came when the Tax Man demanded their share and Void could just skip town. Venera made the mistake of not officially appointing Void as their master of paperwork and expenses. It may have been done on a friendly basis. That was her big mistake. Without an official appointee to oversee the finances, Void could easily skip town leaving the bag officially with Venera.

That bastard.
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As I came into the kitchen the next morning, the Sorority was buzzing. Everyone was making preparations for the party that night. Sam was working on scripts for the cam show. Lesbian action, straight action, and a gangbang/bukkake scene.

Tessa and Samantha were inviting all the business people, and telling them to bring cash. Katerina, September, and Anya were inviting some boys they met during the wet T-shirt contest, and Rebecca was inviting Herb from the Seven Sea Hotel.

I helped where I could setting up drink tables and getting food. I still had not decided where I was going to be… gloryhole, sex in the dark, roleplay sex with cosplayers, or the cam video.

I also wanted to talk to Robert, but he was working on the files he got. So I did not want to disturb him. By late in the afternoon, everything was ready. People would be showing up soon. I still had not decided which station to be at… so I decided to go to all of them!

That was when the party started.

I could hear the girls upstairs as they got ready, and I wished I could be with them. But duties called. After putting together the paperwork there was the total of nearly $200,000 missing from the Sorority. Void had pocketed all that and either funneled it into his business or spent it all on his lavish lifestyle. He could have gotten away with it until I realized what the paperwork was being used for-leverage. Gritting my teeth, that's what the other files were, they were businesses. Could he have been keeping files for leverage? Could be, maybe. But that wasn't mine to question at this point. Venera had to know of this. Closing and locking everything up, I went upstairs to find all the Sisters hard at work cleaning and setting up the party.

Venera was in the living room directing the traffic. The busty blonde smiled as I approach, "You look like you're on a mission" she said.

"I am" leaning towards her from the side so that I didn't bump her massive chest, "I calculated what Void took. Around 200-grand."

Venera's eyes lit up as she hissed, "Bastard!" She drew a deep breath and calmed down. "Thank you, Robert. Can you get the money back?"

"I may be able to," I replied with a shred of confidence. "But it won't be easy."

"Good. The less I know the better. I'll leave you to it, then. If you want, take Amanda with you. You two make a good pair."


"Yeah. She was asking about you last night as we were heading to pick you up. She was worried that Yumi was breaking you," with a giggle. Blushing, that wasn't how it went, but I appreciated the concern. "She's over in the kitchen. Why don't you go help as we get set up, okay?"

That's where I found Amanda, getting the refreshments ready. Her words for me to be prepared for today were still ringing in my mind. Did she want to do it now or during the party? Then again, what would she be doing during the party? I'm sure that Venera would want all hands on deck to drive up the sales. The more girls working the more money the Sorority would receive. That would make my job more important, to hide it all. Then again, would I just be counting money all night while the girls all had sex? This wasn't the right time for such questions as I bumped into Amanda. Nervously I smiled, "Hey, how's it going?" as they arrayed the cups and drinks. "Hope I'm not in the way."

"No, not at all" she replied, but her tone was a little low. "I'm afraid I'm a little busy right now, though. Sorry. How about we talk a little later, okay? You got the paperwork and money done?"

"Yeah, but...okay, I'll talk to you later. Have fun!" I said before stepping back. Leaving the kitchen I was kicking myself. Wrong time to ask.

A short time later the first of the guests were arriving. Venera had me be the money man for the event. She put me in the back where the fun was going to be. Everything had to be in cash, no exception. To help mask the fun, music in the front of the Sorority house was pretty loud. So loud that my ears were aching and I shoved wax ear plugs.

Katerina, Anya, and Tessa before the party

"You sure this is going to work?" Anya nervously asked as she tried to have her blue suit zipped up. Her bust was screaming as it was being held in.

"Trust me," Tessa said as she braided her red hair. "Rainbow Six Siege is the big game from the past few years. I can promise you that all, if not most, of the boys are playing that game. And knowing how men play, they play as women so they can have fantasies of fucking them. So, we go as these 'Operators' as they call them, we're guaranteed some action."

Anya was still nervous. Would the guys find her attractive in this? How many would want to have a turn on her? From what Tessa said, she was going as Twitch. Other than that, she knew next to nothing.

Katerina was more eager as she slipped her legs into her tight pants and stood up, the fabric clinging tightly to her body. "Okay," she grunted. "I like the idea, but this is waaaay too tight!" She fit herself into some slightly larger pair so that she wouldn't faint. Katerina was going as Ela from Siege as they were both Polish and it was rather fitting.

For Tessa, she was going as Ash as they were almost alike, she thought.


All of the Sisters were ready in the back for their first customers. At the gloryhole Mira sat in a booth with a hole drilled in at about 2 1/2 feet high, just enough for her to suck on her chair. She wouldn't see the customers, that the point, but she was going to ensure that they would get more than just her tongue.

In the dark room, several of the Sisters were prepared. They weren't burdened by cosplay and most wore next to no clothing. Outside the darkroom was a party bowl full of condoms. Safety first.

The cosplay sex was upstairs with beds. To ensure that the Sisters were watched over, one of the Sisters brought over her boyfriend, a professional bodybuilder named Cannon. Certainly lived up to that name. Guy was ripped with 24 inch diameter guns. He stood in the hallway with his arms crossed. If one of the Sisters screamed or called for help, Cannon was prepared to throw the troublemaker out the window. Such a guard duty would normally fall to Rebecca or Venera, but they were preparing themselves for some lesbian action.


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I felt so bad about what I had said to Robert. I had wanted to talk to him as well, but I was busy and told him “How about we talk a little later”

But I could tell from how he replied with “Have fun!" I knew I hurt his feelings. I needed to find him and tell him I was sorry. When I went to look for him, a sorority sister told me, he was the one collecting all the money.

“All I need to do is make some money and Robert will come by and pick it up from me.” I said to myself. I was near the glory hole, so I decided to try that first. I walked up to Nia and Jade.

“I’m not sure about this…” I said. Both Nia and Patti just looked at me. “think about it… you are sucking cock… what is there to be sure about?” Nia said. I thought about a nice cock sticking out of a hole. It was exciting to think about. I love getting a cock hard with my mouth. The way it throbs and gets so hard. Yum!! It is a marvel to experience. Soft skin over hard throbbing steel and knowing your mouth is what's caused it to get hard.

“Ok… I need to try this…” I said to Jade. Nia pointed to a door. I opened the door, It was like a small waiting room and had two holes on opposite walls. One person could be in the room or there was enough room for two.

“Jade, we can do this together!” I said with some excitement as I entered the room. I was not sure what I was to do next but felt I should get naked in case someone looked through the hole. My heart was pounding in excitement, as I felt my nipples harden and my pussy tingling in anticipation.

I slipped off my shoulder straps and the halter top fell to my waist and released my great chest. I pulled the dress over my slim waist as it fell to my feet. I still had my panties on, but that was it. My big chest swayed as I got on my knees in front of one of the holes.

As I peeked in the hole, I did not see anything as the room behind the wall was dark. But I heard a zipper being undone.

Jade said "Mmmmm - looks like you get the first one. Let's see how quick you can make him cum."

“Oh honey… don’t challenge me!” I told her back in a “black” accent. Suddenly there was a cock sticking out of the hole. I grabbed the dick and began to stroke it. It was already hard and I knew he had not come to the glory hole for a hand job. So moved my lips into position and let him thrust forward into my mouth. MMMMM, it felt great. I love getting mouth fucked.

The man behind the wall seemed to love it too. His cock got harder and I heard him moan. I was starting to understand the whole idea behind the glory hole. Sex, pure sex, without any personal connection. I had no idea what this man looked like or who he was. To me he was just a hard cock.

As he fucked my mouth I added sucking. And heard him moan louder. Then I added licking of his cock head. This made him groan in pleasure. The man fucked my mouth faster, I knew he’d cum soon. My saliva was dripping off his cock.

Meanwhile Jade was behind me. She wanted to add to my experience of the glory hole. She moved her hands to my nipples. She pinched the nipples between her fingers and tugged them in time with the fucking cock. I moaned in pleasure as her technique was amazing. The cock sliding into my mouth and my nipples being tugged and pinched. MMMM!!

I sucked hard as I got more turned on. The man was face fucking me. His cock gave a twitch as if it was begging me for more attention. I licked rapidly at the tip as he thrust at my mouth. I heard him groan “I want to cum on your tits!” I pulled his cock from my lips as it came. Cum squirted over my jugs and Jade’s hands too. His cum shots were big, as white jizz gushed over my tits.

Then my man was gone, and Jade had gotten a cock. I was jealous. I had been hoping for a big cock coming out of my glory hole, but the first one had been nice but nothing special. Now Jade had a nice thick meaty cock. I was turned on just looking at it. The only satisfaction I got was the cock came pretty quickly, too fast for Jade to truly enjoy the big fuck stick.

I turned back to my hole just as another cock started to appear. My eyes opened wide at the sight that greeted me.

"Oh my God," I managed to get out as I stared in awe at the size of huge dick.

"Sorry" I heard from behind the wall, as the man had obviously seen this reaction before.
When the party started Amanda was only a fleeting glimpse as she went into the gloryhole section. My heart dipped a bit knowing that she was going to have some fun with some strangers. Wonder if she was going to get facials or have their spunk splatter her massive chest. Had to stop thinking about it or else I'd get a stiffy.

The party was a lot like a mullet, business up front and party in the back. Up front had the drinks and the enticing girls, the Sisters that would seduce specially picked clientele to come into the back and have them pick something where they would fork over their money and have fun.

The first client for the cosplay sex came in. He was a nervous looking frat guy, probably 19. He dropped $100 in five crumpled and dirty 20s. That was for a blowjob and a facial. He went into a room and found Tessa, or Ash, waiting for him. "Well, hello there" Ash smiled as she slowly walked towards the man, swaying her hips side to side. Meeting him, she leaned in so her chest pressed against his and their weight pushed the door closed behind him. "What's your name?"

"N-nate" he stammered.

"Nate? Well, my name is Ash and today is your lucky day. I'm yours. So, what would you like to do?" as her right hand slid down his polo shirt and grasped his junk through his cargo shorts. It wasn't an impressive package, but she was playing it up. Give the customer what they want. "You know what I like? I like to give good men a good blowjob. I like it when their hard cocks slam the back of my throat." Taking him by the hand, Ash led Nate to a chair and gently pushed him onto it and immediately straddled him. Twerking on his lap with both hands on his shoulders, Ash moaned as she pressed her covered chest into his face. "Oh, mmmmmm. Seems like you've been waiting for me," feeling his hard wood through his cargo shorts. "How about I get that thing free and give it a taste?" Sliding down him, her chest rubbing down his body, Ash slowly opened his fly and fished out his 5 1/2 inch rod that was leaking pre-cum. "Mmmmm. That's nice" taking the tip of her sharp tongue from the base of his shaft all the way to the tip slowly, sending a jolt through Nate's body that made him prematurely climax in dribbles.

"OH! OH AUGH!" Nate screamed then quickly rushed out trying to push his junk back into his shorts. He burst past me. Looking in, Ash was sitting there laughing.

"He couldn't handle it" she laughed.

In the dark room, things were getting hot and heavy. Lana, Mira and Melissa had volunteered for the dark room with the latter two being bi, they were ready to accept all cummers. The first men to come in found themselves standing there in total darkness wondering what was going on until they felt these hands all over them. Their first reaction was to swat them away until the alluring voices in their ears told them to relax. Soon they had them on the floor, stripping away their clothes and fondling their junk. Mira was shy about this and was thankful it was in the dark so that she wouldn't be recognized by any classmates.

Outside the dark room, there was a growing line as men, and a few women were waiting their turn. There were only three Sisters working the dark room and the line was growing fast. Shoot. We couldn't rush the customers. We needed to get more in there. Perhaps we could also divert some of them away from that line towards the cosplayer line or to the gloryhole.

I went and found Rebecca flirting with some guys in the kitchen over some beers and whispered the problem and the idea. "Okay. I'll get some Sisters on it. Thank you."

Sure enough, she did. Five more Sisters came into the back. One of them had initially started out as a cosoplayer but was having too much fun up front to come into the back. Her name was Cindy and ironically enough, she was cosplaying as Cindy from Final Fantasy. Wearing a yellow jacket that was several sizes too small to show off her midriff, short short jeans, boots, a baseball cap over some slightly flared blonde hair and a simple bra housing her incredible bust, she flaunted herself into the line and picked two men to go into the back with her while other Sisters went into the dark room to help with the line. Cindy took her two customers into a backroom and they gave her a thorough double penetration. Payment was an after-thought to her.

For the Sisters in the gloryhole, they were getting more customers, too. They were stacking up. But again, there was no rushing them. Once word was getting to the front of what the Sisters possessed and what they were willing to do, more of the hungry men were coming into the back with their heavy rods and giant wallets.

Jenna and Ursula

"What?! You asshole!" screamed Jenna at her phone. "You promised me that you'd come over and do my homework!" It was one of her math classmates who was a member of ASS. He had offered to do Jenna's papers in exchange for Jenna talking to him for the day. Only now to find out that he and a bunch of his Brothers were heading over to Beta-Pi for a party. "What party?" she demanded. "I didn't hear anything about a party."

No amount of pleas would change the man's mind. Hanging up with a huff, Jenna sulked to Ursula's room and threw herself onto the bed. Telling her of the party, Ursula growled at the thought of those over-endowed women seducing more of their potential men. Picking up her landline phone on the nightstand, Ursula called the campus security filing a noise complaint. At first the security wasn't keen on going until Ursula did some name dropping of Dean Slug. Hanging up, Ursula smiled, "They're sending someone over right now. Let's see them deal with that gutter trash."