Life changing experience


Too young to stress
Feb 26, 2013
I'm high ishell so it didn't really register yet but I'm sure I'll be thinking about it 2mar. No lie I didn't even see it coming. While I'm walking to my car high ishell I admit I wasn't paying attention all I heard was what's sup now motherfucker. As I look up to see where the noise coming from my eyes wide in as I'm staring at the barrel of a 357 magnum. OH SHIT I thought to myself CLICK I close my eyes CLICK the next sound I heard was the scariest, two loud gunshots this is it I thought to myself. My mind racing as 100 different things running throw it. Now I hear a car door open and slam shut tires squeaking and a engine that sound like the pedal is to the floor. Wtf going on I think to myself. A loud slam as some one close they house door. Honestly at this point idk if I'm still standing or laying down bleeding out. As I open my eyes the first thing I see is two bullet holes in the front of my car. As I'm standing there heart racing thinking wtf just happened
That's horrifying!!! I assume. I didn't really understand any of that. But god! :eek:

I'll be back.

I assume one of the bullets entered your brain and destroyed your language centres. How unfortunate.
I want to feel bad.....but I can't get past the run ons...adrenaline overload...I'll pretend that's it :rolleyes:
Wow, that's some story. You ought to expand it into a book. You could title it "Revenge of the High School English Teacher".
We're all been there, *90s commedian voice* amIright?

Seriously tho, being shot at while on certain drugs is really annoying because you don't know if you're hallucinating or not.
Not sure which of the following PSAs go better with the OP:

Drugs are bad, m'kay.


Stay in School!

There needs to be a PSA on not getting fucking shot. Or not shooting at fucking junkies because it's not a goddamn sport and people seem to think it is. People have it fucking bad enough.
There needs to be a PSA on not getting fucking shot. Or not shooting at fucking junkies because it's not a goddamn sport and people seem to think it is. People have it fucking bad enough.

If you need a PSA to learn that you shouldn't get shot then maybe you should.

Unless you meant a different kinda shot. :eek:

Cool story, bro.

Might want to cut back on the hallucinogenics and the gangsta rap.

PS. Playing a black dude on the internet is as valid as any other fantasy. Trying it in the actual hood is not advisable.
If you need a PSA to learn that you shouldn't get shot then maybe you should.

Unless you meant a different kinda shot. :eek:


It's ridiculously hard not to get shot around here. It's one of our major public health concerns. We're in the news all the time because we just kinda shoot each other. I mean, I've got scars and I'm pretty good at not getting shot. But we have little kids who shoot each other and the cops are just like, "Yeah, well, whatcha gonna do?"

And the family says shit like,

"It was God's will. It was her time to go, I guess," the child's grandmother told WLEX. "I just know she's in heaven right now and I know she's in good hands with the Lord."

Edit: I frequently forget that other people don't live like that and are afraid of getting shot/guns. I posted in another thread about getting shitfaced before going hunting, because that's pretty common, and someone got pissed and was all, "You'll shoot somebody" and my default reaction was, "So?" Because... yeah, maybe? But shit happens. And... maybe I should work on that?
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It's ridiculously hard not to get shot around here. It's one of our major public health concerns. We're in the news all the time because we just kinda shoot each other. I mean, I've got scars and I'm pretty good at not getting shot. But we have little kids who shoot each other and the cops are just like, "Yeah, well, whatcha gonna do?"

And the family says shit like,

"It was God's will. It was her time to go, I guess," the child's grandmother told WLEX. "I just know she's in heaven right now and I know she's in good hands with the Lord."

Edit: I frequently forget that other people don't live like that and are afraid of getting shot/guns. I posted in another thread about getting shitfaced before going hunting, because that's pretty common, and someone got pissed and was all, "You'll shoot somebody" and my default reaction was, "So?" Because... yeah, maybe? But shit happens. And... maybe I should work on that?

Guns are illegal here. Getting/ maintaining a licence is a pain. You'll rarely see people with guns. the ones you see with guns will usually be the security detail assigned to a politician or celebrity or industrialist- those guys carry machine guns. Unless you're a particular brand of criminal the chances of you getting shot at are pretty slim.

When i read your post the greater problem, it seems, is that people get wasted and do things that require a higher level of alertness than normal.
Guns are illegal here. Getting/ maintaining a licence is a pain. You'll rarely see people with guns. the ones you see with guns will usually be the security detail assigned to a politician or celebrity or industrialist- those guys carry machine guns. Unless you're a particular brand of criminal the chances of you getting shot at are pretty slim.

When i read your post the greater problem, it seems, is that people get wasted and do things that require a higher level of alertness than normal.

We live in a "gun culture" and I guess it's dangerous, but I'm kinda... cool with it? I guess because it's normal to me? My infant daughter has a hunting rifle waiting on her; it's bright pink and specifically designed for children. She also has clothes that are pro-gun because my relatives got them for her.

And they're super cute.

Will she accidentally shoot something she's not supposed to? Probably. My brother shot my gramps's windows out of his car when he was 3. But I'm a complete dumbass and I never shot anybody. So, maybe not. But she will be around guns her entire life because it would be impossible to shield a kid that much. So she needs to be taught not to shoot people (not to even AIM at people in jest because that REALLY FUCKING BOTHERS ME) at the same time that she's taught not to sit the barrel in dirt.

So maybe that's why I don't consider the OP lifechanging. I can't count the number of times I've been shot at in jest, let alone by someone trying to shoot me. And you're not supposed to get wasted with guns, like you can't take them into bars, but there's a lot of shit you're not supposed to do that people do. So. You know. It is what it is.
We live in a "gun culture" and I guess it's dangerous, but I'm kinda... cool with it? I guess because it's normal to me? My infant daughter has a hunting rifle waiting on her; it's bright pink and specifically designed for children. She also has clothes that are pro-gun because my relatives got them for her.

And they're super cute.

Will she accidentally shoot something she's not supposed to? Probably. My brother shot my gramps's windows out of his car when he was 3. But I'm a complete dumbass and I never shot anybody. So, maybe not. But she will be around guns her entire life because it would be impossible to shield a kid that much. So she needs to be taught not to shoot people (not to even AIM at people in jest because that REALLY FUCKING BOTHERS ME) at the same time that she's taught not to sit the barrel in dirt.

So maybe that's why I don't consider the OP lifechanging. I can't count the number of times I've been shot at in jest, let alone by someone trying to shoot me. And you're not supposed to get wasted with guns, like you can't take them into bars, but there's a lot of shit you're not supposed to do that people do. So. You know. It is what it is.

I get your line of reasoning, if you're gonna be raised in a gun culture may as well learn to be responsible about it, but it still sounds less regulating and more individual's responsibility (which doesn't help if you're dealing with idiots).

I can't get over the pic of the onesie with the camo patch- ridiculously cute.
I get your line of reasoning, if you're gonna be raised in a gun culture may as well learn to be responsible about it, but it still sounds less regulating and more individual's responsibility (which doesn't help if you're dealing with idiots).

I can't get over the pic of the onesie with the camo patch- ridiculously cute.

RIGHT!? She has all kinda cute clothes that are covered in a permanent layer of filth. On the line of gun talk she has itty bitty pink noise canceling headphones for not getting that earringing bullshittery. I also made her a lot of clothes in a lot of sizes.

I've never really been worried about me shooting somebody, because when I'm drunk I don't want to hold a gun, and when I'm high I'm actually a better shot because I'm not shaking and jerking and shit, but I have relatives that are not great with their tempers. The times I've been shot were not accidental. The people that I've lost to shootings were not accidental. I've never had any accidents with guns but I guess I'm more responsible than a lot of the people around here. I mean, I even have a gun safe and shit; tho very often I'll go in there and the gf's .22 will be sitting on top of it- like why do we even HAVE the safe if we're going to keep the guns on TOP of it. Which I wouldn't care too much about except it's in the kid's closet and I just... am irked by it. I mean, she's way too little to do anything but she won't ALWAYS be.
That's not a patch, btw, it's a headband. You use them to put bows on people who don't have enough hair to support bows because we like to instill the soul crushing vanity really super early.

Edit: Jesus fucking Christ I'm one of those parents who can take a thread basically entitled, "I just almost got shot and I'm scared" and make it about how cute my kid is. You want a life changing experience have a fucking baby. You will literally tie ANY subject back to children and your childless friends will hate you.
That's not a patch, btw, it's a headband. You use them to put bows on people who don't have enough hair to support bows because we like to instill the soul crushing vanity really super early.

Edit: Jesus fucking Christ I'm one of those parents who can take a thread basically entitled, "I just almost got shot and I'm scared" and make it about how cute my kid is. You want a life changing experience have a fucking baby. You will literally tie ANY subject back to children and your childless friends will hate you.

Instilling vanity early on happens in all cultures. All our babies wear bangles and have their eyes smeared in kajal. Girls (even some boys) get their ears pierced as babies.