Let's talk about you...

Today I have reached stupid excited levels... I hot my tickets to the Stars game this weekend which means I get to hang with one of my closest friends this weekend AND we get to hang at a hockey game in seats that ate close enough to the ice we could end up on TV or at the least the jumbotron!
Today I have reached stupid excited levels... I hot my tickets to the Stars game this weekend which means I get to hang with one of my closest friends this weekend AND we get to hang at a hockey game in seats that ate close enough to the ice we could end up on TV or at the least the jumbotron!

That is super exciting!!!!!!!!
Dearest people-- thank you so much for visiting. Thank you so much for being "present"- honest, sincere, and open to sharing yourselves.... So in the interest of getting to know y'all a little more, follow up questions! (Answer them or not- it's all about getting to know one another)

You are lucky... do they know that is how you feel? Do you tell them?

I am very lucky, but I probably don't tell them as often as I should.
Answering your question: I see that you say you are sappy and emotional (something that I think you should be proud of, BTW-- I am wondering when the last time you cried for joy was?)

Sadly, I cannot remember. I do commonly have a happy tear, when dealing with my little one. But as far as something so good that I've cried tears of joy, it has been a while.
I started my second to last semester of college, for the time being. That means ill be taking ecology, fungal biology, human sexuality, intimate relationships, and audio/visual 1. The last three are electives.

As for books that piqué my interests. Usually things of a sic-fi/fantasy nature, although in general, most fiction will end up beig read if it is suggested to me. I don't really delve into biographies or political readings, but how to books can also be fun.
Evening, lovely people.

Lots going on today, but I wanted to post and thank everyone for their comments.

I am dying to get back and follow up- but alas, it will have to be tomorrow.

Love reading all the comments, but I just had too much tonight to respond well to them.

Be well, I will catch you soon!
Hey Daddy-O!!

Wanted to stop in and see how your evening was going. :D

Just got home... long day- don't I remember something about a beer?

Evening is going well.... just a lot of stuff up in the air and needing to be taken care of right now.

Hope you are having a nice, calm evening, yourself.
I started my second to last semester of college, for the time being. That means ill be taking ecology, fungal biology, human sexuality, intimate relationships, and audio/visual 1. The last three are electives.

As for books that piqué my interests. Usually things of a sic-fi/fantasy nature, although in general, most fiction will end up beig read if it is suggested to me. I don't really delve into biographies or political readings, but how to books can also be fun.

YAY for being almost done! Sounds like quite a mix of classes... how do you keep all the random bits in your head????

Do you have a favorite author? What was the last recommendation that you took that you found to be really good?
Just stopping in to say hello *waves.... I have been enjoying this thread from a far... but perhaps it is time to join in?
Hope everyone is enjoying their evening :D
Today I have reached stupid excited levels... I hot my tickets to the Stars game this weekend which means I get to hang with one of my closest friends this weekend AND we get to hang at a hockey game in seats that ate close enough to the ice we could end up on TV or at the least the jumbotron!

Stars?!? And stripes? Moons?

Oh--- sports again. Shoot. I need to bone up on my teams if I am going to hang with such well versed women.
Just stopping in to say hello *waves.... I have been enjoying this thread from a far... but perhaps it is time to join in?
Hope everyone is enjoying their evening :D

Welcome! So glad you joined us. So tell us something interesting? Favorite movie? Or book?
Welcome! So glad you joined us. So tell us something interesting? Favorite movie? Or book?

Something interesting... hmmmmm well, I'm a natural redhead... both parents were reds and my husband is a red. I think we are trying to stick together lol I don't have a favorite movie... but I'm a huge Nicholas Sparks fan (before he became famous and the crappy movies) and my favorite book I would have to say is To Kill A Hummingbird
Evening all you wonderful people!

Hope everyone is doing well- I have so appreciated getting to know everyone here and all the sincere and honest replies I have been getting- you have truly helped me gain a perspective and I can honestly say I am feeling a little less funky.... Thank you.

So- we have talked about sounds, we have talked about sleep (or at least waking...)

So let's talk texture!

What textures do you like to touch? What textures can't you stand? Food textures that make you cringe? What textures would you wrap yourself in and never emerge from were it not for that damn alarm clock that so many of you fight?
Something interesting... hmmmmm well, I'm a natural redhead... both parents were reds and my husband is a red. I think we are trying to stick together lol I don't have a favorite movie... but I'm a huge Nicholas Sparks fan (before he became famous and the crappy movies) and my favorite book I would have to say is To Kill A Hummingbird

Thanks so much for posting in the thread! Are you sure that you want to mingle with those of us who are less "recessive." For the record, I don't think I have that many read-headed people in my whole city! That is seriously impressive!!!!

On a more "real" note: I did like "To Kill a Mockingbird" and Nicholas Sparks is a pretty impressive writer! Have you ever read Tom Robbins? If I could speak to women with half the skill of those guys, I would be a happy man!
Evening all you wonderful people!

Hope everyone is doing well- I have so appreciated getting to know everyone here and all the sincere and honest replies I have been getting- you have truly helped me gain a perspective and I can honestly say I am feeling a little less funky.... Thank you.

So- we have talked about sounds, we have talked about sleep (or at least waking...)

So let's talk texture!

What textures do you like to touch? What textures can't you stand? Food textures that make you cringe? What textures would you wrap yourself in and never emerge from were it not for that damn alarm clock that so many of you fight?

Evenin' Daddy-O!

I am actually a huge texture person. I cannot eat cottage cheese because of the texture. I shudder just thinking about it.

How are you doing' tonight?
Evenin' Daddy-O!

I am actually a huge texture person. I cannot eat cottage cheese because of the texture. I shudder just thinking about it.

How are you doing' tonight?

I'm well, my friend.... you? I'm still thinking good thoughts for you!!!!!

Funny- the whole texture thing... I know people who won't eat slimy things (like mushrooms or cucumbers)

Hey- I thought I remembered something about a beer... you want to bring it by my place, or should I swing by the bar?
I'm well, my friend.... you? I'm still thinking good thoughts for you!!!!!

Funny- the whole texture thing... I know people who won't eat slimy things (like mushrooms or cucumbers)

Hey- I thought I remembered something about a beer... you want to bring it by my place, or should I swing by the bar?

Ahh.. I feel bad. I have been so busy jumping through my ass for Wed. and then making cupcakes today, I didn't post a cover today. Can I bring the beer here? I could use some kick back time. Whatcha like?
Afternoon everyone!

Hope you are all doing well... Wondering about everyone today- what has you all excited this fabulous Saturday?
Hi nice to meet you

A little about me I am 49 and happily married. I have a wickedly sarcastic sense of humour, tend to be shy until i get to know you than you can't shut me up. I have an opinion on everything but don't share them until asked , which makes me the peace maker in my family.
Feeling more confident about myself as i age and being more forgiving too.

Textures: creamy things like pudding
also love to pop some bubble wrap about now but who wouldn't?
evening C4C-

So glad you stopped in. Isn't it funny how we get better with age? I love it.

I would love to know more about your opinions... so I am going to throw out a real quirky one: what do you think of getting rid of the penny?
Interesting thread. :)

Something so beautiful it makes me cry would be my daughter. Every day I am blown away by her sweetness and strength.

She makes me strong, she gives me a reason to keep fighting, but she is also my Achilles' Heel.