Let's talk about you...

Morning Sunshine girl! I wish I could say I am. And it might be true. But I am also enjoying the conversation here quite a bit (which is a euphemism for "I am spending too much time monitoring my thread and not enough time catching up with work)

You at the library? How's your quiz coming?

Thank you... I am not without my struggles, and stress, and sadness. But I am trying to be conscious of the good. (And you make that easy with your deep and sincere questioning. It makes it easy to share the good)

We wouldn't be human if we did not ever face struggles, heartaches, stress or sadness in intervals...I know I DO as well...What helps me to find balance always in that is when I am aware of that state of being, I try so hard to make a mind shift so I can focus on the beautiful people in my life, my blessings and to my faith...

It causes me to be resilient fairly quickly, and those wonderful blessings do balance out so much in life...Just a few days ago, in fact, I was in a much different state of mind ( not a good one) and I feel much uplifted now...it does take efforts to focus to do it...not always easy...we are emotional, sensitive creatures...

Or when you see loved ones facing touch battles, health crisises and really really rough things, it really is humbling and gets me out of "me zone"...very quickly...

Something I heard recently from the Pastor Rick Warren...( his book The Purpose Driven Life is really amazing too)...

And that is...

We can't change how we feel or what we feel...But we can change the way we think...

Hence, if we start thinking differently, the feelings will follow...Feelings are a direct reaction to thoughts...

Such a simple statement, but if you really think about it-Profound...( at least for me)...

I am on my couch, on my Kindle. I was reading.....*****crastinating big time. Someone dubbed me the Queen of Procrastination. lol

I got edited. haha Procrastinate....a bad word apparently.

You got edited? By the Kindle... Now THAT's funny. What'cha reading? Anything good? (how do you like the Kindle? I should want one- but I can't- I am just to nostalgic about real books....)

We wouldn't be human if we did not ever face struggles, heartaches, stress or sadness in intervals...I know I DO as well...What helps me to find balance always in that is when I am aware of that state of being, I try so hard to make a mind shift so I can focus on the beautiful people in my life, my blessings and to my faith...

It causes me to be resilient fairly quickly, and those wonderful blessings do balance out so much in life...Just a few days ago, in fact, I was in a much different state of mind ( not a good one) and I feel much uplifted now...it does take efforts to focus to do it...not always easy...we are emotional, sensitive creatures...

Or when you see loved ones facing touch battles, health crisises and really really rough things, it really is humbling and gets me out of "me zone"...very quickly...


Well said. It sounds like you are going through a lot-- It would be impossible not to have 'bad days.' Good for you for recognizing that- acknowledging it, not diminishing it, but also dealing with it and moving past it.

I could use a lesson or two!
Something I heard recently from the Pastor Rick Warren...( his book The Purpose Driven Life is really amazing too)...

And that is...

We can't change how we feel or what we feel...But we can change the way we think...

Hence, if we start thinking differently, the feelings will follow...Feelings are a direct reaction to thoughts...

Such a simple statement, but if you really think about it-Profound...( at least for me)...


Yes--- I recently been thinking about the quote "life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it" (or something like that)

But I also heard recently (to go back to my comments about a boat):

"You are sailing and the wind changes... you have three choices:
1) You can complain about it.
2) You can hope it will change back
3) You can adjust the sails and keep moving"
Yes--- I recently been thinking about the quote "life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it" (or something like that)

But I also heard recently (to go back to my comments about a boat):

"You are sailing and the wind changes... you have three choices:
1) You can complain about it.
2) You can hope it will change back
3) You can adjust the sails and keep moving"

Well, my friends... I am off to the dentist! (First world problems, right?)

I will be back in a few hours. Share amongst yourselves! ;)
Something I heard recently from the Pastor Rick Warren...( his book The Purpose Driven Life is really amazing too)...

And that is...

We can't change how we feel or what we feel...But we can change the way we think...

Hence, if we start thinking differently, the feelings will follow...Feelings are a direct reaction to thoughts...

Such a simple statement, but if you really think about it-Profound...( at least for me)...


That is lesson I've come to realize as very important.
You got edited? By the Kindle... Now THAT's funny. What'cha reading? Anything good? (how do you like the Kindle? I should want one- but I can't- I am just to nostalgic about real books....)

Well said. It sounds like you are going through a lot-- It would be impossible not to have 'bad days.' Good for you for recognizing that- acknowledging it, not diminishing it, but also dealing with it and moving past it.

I could use a lesson or two!

it was by lit. lol

I am the same way.....I love my real books. On the other hand, I love my Kindle. I can surf the net and play Words With Friends. I can access my Facebook and Twitter too.

The book I finished this morning was called, "Ryan's Return". Chick lit....but ok.
The best part about things like the kindle, I imagine, is that people think you are reading books, and instead you are reading erotica on lit... must make you feel a bit bold and brazen!?!

I noticed your link, sunshinegirl- you are quite an author yourself! Loved the story (you have a great way with words) and I loved your poem "Passionate Anger"

How brave to actually submit something like that!

What other brave things do you do?
This is a great thread and a breath of fresh air

A little about me....
I'm an overly-optimistic person living in an often cynical world.
I cry in sappy movies although I am not overly sappy in my day to day life.
I am a sports lover.
I have a soft spot for kids.
I get worked up over politics.
Despite some bad relationships, I believe in love.
I can be quite the smart aleck, but mean no malice.
My hope is that I leave people better than I found them.
This is a great thread and a breath of fresh air

A little about me....
I'm an overly-optimistic person living in an often cynical world.
I cry in sappy movies although I am not overly sappy in my day to day life.
I am a sports lover.
I have a soft spot for kids.
I get worked up over politics.
Despite some bad relationships, I believe in love.
I can be quite the smart aleck, but mean no malice.
My hope is that I leave people better than I found them.

You have certainly left this thread better for your presence! Thank you.

You seem like a thoughtful person full of self-awareness. Not all that common. And I love that you have a little bit of sass (I hope that word doesn't offend-- seems fitting for a self-proclaimed smart aleck)

I am hopeful you will allow me a follow up question or three: (we'll start easy)
Favorite sport?
Favorite sappy movie?
What word would your best friends use to describe you?

Answer those, or share other things instead... Either way, welcome!
Well, my friends... I am off to the dentist! (First world problems, right?)

I will be back in a few hours. Share amongst yourselves! ;)

Hope your dental appointment was uneventful... and that if it wasn't you got the "good stuff" afterwards. :cool:
Hope your dental appointment was uneventful... and that if it wasn't you got the "good stuff" afterwards. :cool:

Thanks! It was relatively uneventful-- though I swear my dentist was a Roman Catholic Preacher in a former life (no offense to either, but this man has the Catholic guilt thing DOWN) "Ohhhh.... hmmm, you don't floss every day?!? Well, you know your lips are going to fall off." And "this wouldn't hurt if you did!" (which is what he said when I cringed and told him that it was the THIRD time they had flossed my teeth and that each of them had DUG in with the floss)

But I digress...

How are you today?
You have certainly left this thread better for your presence! Thank you.

You seem like a thoughtful person full of self-awareness. Not all that common. And I love that you have a little bit of sass (I hope that word doesn't offend-- seems fitting for a self-proclaimed smart aleck)

I am hopeful you will allow me a follow up question or three: (we'll start easy)
Favorite sport?
Favorite sappy movie?
What word would your best friends use to describe you?

Answer those, or share other things instead... Either way, welcome!

Favorite sport is basketball followed by football. I prefer college sports to pro.
Not sure I have a favorite sappy movie but Love Actually is up there and the first one to pop in my head.
Best friends describing me in one word.. crazy.
Favorite sport is basketball followed by football. I prefer college sports to pro.
Not sure I have a favorite sappy movie but Love Actually is up there and the first one to pop in my head.
Best friends describing me in one word.. crazy.

Crazy, eh? Care to give an example?

How would you describe them? What kinds of people are you fortunate to have as friends?

Hey Daddy-O! Poppin' in to say "hi!"


Hi Blu--- always glad to see you! and especially welcoming of a nice :kiss: from a lovely woman! Hope your evening is going well!

Anything fun or surprising for you today?
Crazy, eh? Care to give an example?

How would you describe them? What kinds of people are you fortunate to have as friends?

I have a very eclectic group of friends. Some I've known my whole life, others just a short while. They are all unique but I consider myself lucky to have them in my life.
Hi Story_Daddy. Great idea for a thread.. This sounds like fun, and apparently I could do with opening up a bit.

I'm actually shy around new people, although you wouldn't know it from the way I act on here.
I love to read, and if my interest is piqued, I can read voraciously.
I'm often quiet and reserved in large groups.
I'm pretty introverted, which again, you wouldn't think due to how I act on here.
I'm currently relaxing tonight, and just enjoying the feeling of my last night of freedom before classes :p

How's life treating you tonight, SD?
The best part about things like the kindle, I imagine, is that people think you are reading books, and instead you are reading erotica on lit... must make you feel a bit bold and brazen!?!

I noticed your link, sunshinegirl- you are quite an author yourself! Loved the story (you have a great way with words) and I loved your poem "Passionate Anger"

How brave to actually submit something like that!

What other brave things do you do?

Thank you so much!!!!!

I am glad that you enjoyed them. I had to try....and then fight for it. lol.

What other brave things do I do? I don't know....haven't thought of what I do as brave.
I'm quick, I'm smart but not overly so.

I bore easily.

I love the act of learning something new.

I have a great many friends, but very few close friends.

I will always choose quality over quantity.
Just had to do something similar for a class I'm taking...so here goes it:

first, here is one of my fav songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdSIlVZhsDw

In real life, Flirty is shy and introverted. I take a while to open up and let people in. But once I get comforatable, I will be your friend forever.
I am a sappy, emotional person. I cry easy watching movies, and sometimes TV. I will cry my eyes out watching Message in a Bottle.
My motivation and inspiration is my little one. I would be lost without her.
I like to be organized, but I'm also a procrastinator....it's frustrating.
I am definitely a night owl. It's something I inherited. I have two alarms, a regular alarm clock (music) and I use my cell, that goes off every 15 min. I hate waking up!!!

Confession: I like to watch shows like Survivor or Biggest Loser and eat foods they wish they could have! I'm evil. :D
Well good morning everyone... I need to say how much I really enjoyed the space that was created here yesterday Nd the way I fel like I learned about a few 'real' people!

i did think about y'all this morning when my alarm when off (radio- and I got up and let it play while I get ready upstairs)

So I am going to be in and out today- but I wanted to give people a space to enter into-

Yesterday the question 'what got u out of bed today' caught people- I can't predict where we will go as we chat- and as with yesterday, I am likely to have lots of questions...

So please tell me about yourself! Now- if that's too vague- then maybe start by telling me about some 'thing' in your life. It could be the object closest to you right now or the family heirloom that you cherish--

I realize I never answered your initial question.

About me.......

I can be outgoing...outspoken...but then I have a shy side. I can be very quiet and withdraw from a group.

My kids are my world. When I'm not in school...I'm usually doing something that involves them. I am married...but you know the "typical" story that is lit.......I don't see myself staying in this relationship.....but when is the right time to leave...time will tell.

I am blessed to have a good group of friends surrounding me. They accept me for all of my weirdness and flaws. I'm not perfect....and I try not to act like I am. I am funny, sarcastic, smart, and I like to think I have a good head on my shoulders.

I love and care---full out. Even when I don't want to. When you become a friend.....I love you as much as I can...and I care.

I laugh...I love to laugh. I laugh at a lot of stuff......stupid things set me off. I figure if I laugh, it means I'm not crying. lol

I really try to treat everyone the way that I would.

One thing I learned last semester were my strengths. I took this test (on the computer that was like over 100 questions long), and it laid out my top 5 strengths.

My top 5 include:

Harmony- I do not like conflict, so if I can find a way to neutralize a situation, then I do...as long as it does not go against my morals.

Developer-I look at the best in people......want to help them bring their best out.

Responsibility- I find it hard to say no. lol. I feel like I need to help out whenever/wherever I can.

Individualization- Goes along with Developer.....I see everyone as an individual. I do not like to lump them under the stereotypes.

Learner- I like to learn new things.

I realize that life doesn't always go as planned. Not everything is set in stone...and I need to be flexible (not in that way. ;))

I love football. I love to watch sports. Tonight, it was Red Wings hockey. Thank goodness they won. lol.

I LOVE smack talk....but don't engage in it if I don't have facts or stuff to back me up. I hate smack talkers who are uninformed. haha.

My favorite color is dark hot pink....I like black and red too.

And lastly, I am a dorky geek...if that is possible. LOL
Dearest people-- thank you so much for visiting. Thank you so much for being "present"- honest, sincere, and open to sharing yourselves.... So in the interest of getting to know y'all a little more, follow up questions! (Answer them or not- it's all about getting to know one another)

I have a very eclectic group of friends. Some I've known my whole life, others just a short while. They are all unique but I consider myself lucky to have them in my life.

You are lucky... do they know that is how you feel? Do you tell them?

Hi Story_Daddy. Great idea for a thread.. This sounds like fun, and apparently I could do with opening up a bit.

I'm actually shy around new people, although you wouldn't know it from the way I act on here.
I love to read, and if my interest is piqued, I can read voraciously.
I'm often quiet and reserved in large groups.
I'm pretty introverted, which again, you wouldn't think due to how I act on here.
I'm currently relaxing tonight, and just enjoying the feeling of my last night of freedom before classes :p

How's life treating you tonight, SD?

Life is treating me very well tonight-- I am really feeling fabulous about meeting new people. Wondering what classes you are starting tomorrow and which books are most apt to pique your interest? (bonus points for you for knowing it is pique, not peak!)

I'm quick, I'm smart but not overly so.

I bore easily.

I love the act of learning something new.

I have a great many friends, but very few close friends.

I will always choose quality over quantity.

I love that you call learning an "act" and not just a passive thing that happens to you! Wondering what the last thing you learned was? (you can be specific or general)....

and for a bonus- what qualities do you look for in people that you choose to let in?

Just had to do something similar for a class I'm taking...so here goes it:

first, here is one of my fav songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdSIlVZhsDw

In real life, Flirty is shy and introverted. I take a while to open up and let people in. But once I get comforatable, I will be your friend forever.
I am a sappy, emotional person. I cry easy watching movies, and sometimes TV. I will cry my eyes out watching Message in a Bottle.
My motivation and inspiration is my little one. I would be lost without her.
I like to be organized, but I'm also a procrastinator....it's frustrating.
I am definitely a night owl. It's something I inherited. I have two alarms, a regular alarm clock (music) and I use my cell, that goes off every 15 min. I hate waking up!!!

Confession: I like to watch shows like Survivor or Biggest Loser and eat foods they wish they could have! I'm evil. :D

OK- that is a bit mean! But kinda funny. Thanks for sharing about your 'little one' you are both lucky to have each other!

I see that you say you are sappy and emotional (something that I think you should be proud of, BTW-- I am wondering when the last time you cried for joy was?

I realize I never answered your initial question.

About me.......

I can be outgoing...outspoken...but then I have a shy side. I can be very quiet and withdraw from a group.

My kids are my world. When I'm not in school...I'm usually doing something that involves them. I am married...but you know the "typical" story that is lit.......I don't see myself staying in this relationship.....but when is the right time to leave...time will tell.

I am blessed to have a good group of friends surrounding me. They accept me for all of my weirdness and flaws. I'm not perfect....and I try not to act like I am. I am funny, sarcastic, smart, and I like to think I have a good head on my shoulders.

I love and care---full out. Even when I don't want to. When you become a friend.....I love you as much as I can...and I care.

I laugh...I love to laugh. I laugh at a lot of stuff......stupid things set me off. I figure if I laugh, it means I'm not crying. lol

I really try to treat everyone the way that I would.

One thing I learned last semester were my strengths. I took this test (on the computer that was like over 100 questions long), and it laid out my top 5 strengths.

My top 5 include:

Harmony- I do not like conflict, so if I can find a way to neutralize a situation, then I do...as long as it does not go against my morals.

Developer-I look at the best in people......want to help them bring their best out.

Responsibility- I find it hard to say no. lol. I feel like I need to help out whenever/wherever I can.

Individualization- Goes along with Developer.....I see everyone as an individual. I do not like to lump them under the stereotypes.

Learner- I like to learn new things.

I realize that life doesn't always go as planned. Not everything is set in stone...and I need to be flexible (not in that way. ;))

I love football. I love to watch sports. Tonight, it was Red Wings hockey. Thank goodness they won. lol.

I LOVE smack talk....but don't engage in it if I don't have facts or stuff to back me up. I hate smack talkers who are uninformed. haha.

My favorite color is dark hot pink....I like black and red too.

And lastly, I am a dorky geek...if that is possible. LOL

You, Sunshinegirl, get extra credit for such a thorough and genuine response... You have shared so much of yourself, it is hard to even follow up! (congrats on the hockey win... what would you have done if they hadn't won ;)

Here is your follow up: Why do you think so many people are in that 'typical' lit spot? (my time came last month :( ) How is it that people who love each other so much and are so committed, can grow apart like that?
I love that you call learning an "act" and not just a passive thing that happens to you! Wondering what the last thing you learned was? (you can be specific or general)....

and for a bonus- what qualities do you look for in people that you choose to let in?
Learning can be something passive but I approach any new experience as a chance to grow. I find, however, that once I master or am accomplished at an activity I tend to want to move on to something else. The actual act of choosing something new to learn and succeeding at that is very satisfying to me.

The last thing I learned in a personal sense was that sometimes it is best NOT to look at things people post on their social media page. Especially if those things are things that continually hurt you. For myself, the compulsion to look is EXTREME. By not looking, I don't feel the pain. It is a good thing!

On a more literal scale, the last thing I learned was how to say, "your cock is so big, and so long" in a foreign language :D :D :D I will be learning more phrases along those lines as my lover says the best place to learn a foreign language is in bed :)

for extra credit:

I let people in quite easily. I have no problem letting people in and I am an open book. When you prove to me that you are unworthy of that trust, that is when you are no longer let in.

I do truly believe that you will shortly know who is worthy of that trust and who is not. I believe letting them show that to you before you judge is the best way to go about it.

Sure, I've been hurt and disappointed, but when you find that rare gem of a person it is truly worth it.
A little about me..

I tend to be quiet and more of an observer, especially in new situations. Once I get comfortable then I participate more.
I look at life as an adventure. Every day brings new opportunities.
I hate conflict and do what I can to avoid it.
I love to read, mysteries are my favorite. Confession...I was adament about not getting an e-reader. I was given a kindle for my birthday and love it. I still prefer books but enjoy my kindle, it comes in handy when traveling...I don't need a separate suitcase for my books. :D
My heart is worn on my sleeve.
I have been told I am "too nice"
I am the dependable/responsible one.