Knuckle Dragging Retard-Dominated States Are Already Welfare Queens


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Lots of conserviturds online are talking about going on the dole because "there's no use working when the people have voted for 4 more years of welfare". :rolleyes:

The states they control already do live off welfare. They've been using more welfare dollars than they've been contributing for years now. This includes places like Montana, which have very few black people. What now, are they going to threaten to do more of the same???

President Obama ought to cut off all welfare and Government services to the south. Let them starve, drown, burn, what the fuck ever. Choke them and wall them off until they die out and then send in the drones to mop up and take what they've left behind. Er, nevermind. There's nothing of value down there except the recyclable bricks that make up Ole'Miss.. oh wait, even that should be on fire from the white trash riots that are happening there right now.