Iraq's going to reject UN SC Resolution #1441 ?


Dear Secretary-General,

I have the honor to refer to the series of discussions held between Your Excellency and the Government of the Republic of Iraq on the implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions on the question of Iraq which took place in New York on 7 March and 2 May and in Vienna on 4 July 2002, as well as the talks which were held in your office in New York on 14 and 15 September 2002, with the participation of the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.

I am pleased to inform you of the decision of the Government of the Republic of Iraq to allow the return of the United Nations weapons inspectors to Iraq without conditions.

The Government of the Republic of Iraq has responded, by this decision, to your appeal, to the appeal of the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, as well as those of Arab, Islamic and other friendly countries.

The Government of the Republic of Iraq has based its decision concerning the return of inspectors on its desire to complete the implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and to remove any doubts that Iraq still possesses weapons of mass destruction. This decision is also based on your statement to the General Assembly on 12 September 2002 that the decision by the Government of the Republic of Iraq is the indispensable first step towards an assurance that Iraq no longer possesses weapons of mass destruction and, equally importantly, towards a comprehensive solution that includes the lifting of sanctions imposed in Iraq and the timely implementation of other provisions of the relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolution 687(1991). T this end, the Government of the Republic of Iraq is ready to discuss the practical arrangements necessary for the immediate resumption of inspections.

In this context, the Government of the Republic of Iraq reiterates the importance of the commitment of all Member States of the Security Council and the United Nations to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Iraq, as stipulated in the relevant Security Council resolutions and article (II) of the Charter of the United Nations.

I would be grateful if you would bring this letter to the attention of the Security Council members.

Please accept, Mr. Secretary-General the assurances of my highest consideration.

Dr. Naji Sabri

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Republic of Iraq
Dear Secretary-General,

I am Mrs. Maryam Abacha, the widow of the late Gen. Sanni Abacha former
Nigerian military Head of State who died mysteriously as a result of
cardiac arrest.

Since after my husband's death, my family has been under restriction of
movement and that not withstanding, we are being humiliated, policed
and our bank accounts both here and abroad have been frozen by the
Nigerian Government. Furthermore, my elder son who was being held
in detention by the Nigerian Government for more interrogation about
my husband's assets and some vital documents forover four years has
being released under the condition that he will refund US$1.5billion
to the Government of Nigeria.

Following the recent discovering of my husband,s Bank Account with the
Swiss Bank by the Nigerian Government in which the huge sums of US$700
million and DM450 million were lodged, I therefore decided to contact
you in confidence.

I was able to move out the sum of US20.8 million dollars, which was
secretly hidden in two sealed metal boxes for security reason and
taken out of our country. The boxes are presently being kept with
a security company outside Nigeria.

I therefore personally, appeal to you, seriously and religiously for
your urgent assistance to pay this money in your bank account in your
country or anywhere else you have a good bank account. For now I cannot
leave the country due to the restriction of movement imposed on the
members of my family by the Nigerian Government.

If you are favorably disposed to assist, you should contact me urgently
so that I can furnish you with the complete modalities and with all
details to enable you take immediate delivery of the money on our behalf.

I have resolved to offer your 20% of the total sum, while the remaining
is to be held in your bank account on trust for offshore investemnt
properties and realties and/or as you may advise

Please reply urgently and treat with confidentiality and sincerity.

Best regards,

Salim al-Koubaisi, head of parliament's foreign relations committee, recommended the legislature follow the "wise Iraqi leadership," but advised lawmakers to reject the resolution.

"The committee advises ... the rejection of Security Council Resolution 1441," al-Koubaisi told lawmakers.

Parliament's advice on the new U.N. resolution, which demands Iraq cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors or face "serious consequences," will go to the Revolutionary Command Council, Iraq's major executive body headed by Saddam.

source: foxnews
Spinaroonie said:
...I have resolved to offer your 20% of the total sum, while the remaining is to be held in your bank account on trust for offshore investemnt properties and realties and/or as you may advise ....


the Nigeria Connection still works huh ?
Iraq's parliment will vote exactly how Saddam tells them to vote. Any so called debate is completely meaningless.
PRESIDENT SADDAM Hussein has used the rubber-stamp parliament as cover for difficult decisions in the past, and the tough language does not necessarily mean parliament will reject the proposal.
After opening speeches, during which lawmakers applauded every time Saddam’s name was mentioned, members went into closed session for two hours, before adjourning until Tuesday.
The opening of the emergency meeting was broadcast live on satellite television.
Salim al-Koubaisi, head of parliament’s foreign relations committee, recommended the legislature follow the “wise Iraqi leadership,” but advised lawmakers to reject the resolution.
“The committee advises ... the rejection of Security Council Resolution 1441,” al-Koubaisi told lawmakers.
Parliament’s advice on the new U.N. resolution, which demands Iraq cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors or face “serious consequences,” will be go to the Revolutionary Command Council, Iraq’s major executive body headed by Saddam.
Should parliament recommend acceptance, as expected, it would allow Saddam to claim the decision was the will of the Iraqi people. He could then more easily retreat from previous objections to any new resolution governing weapons inspections.

source: msnbc
CNN's Jane Arraf says there was heavy criticism of the U.N. resolution from the 250 lawmakers at Monday's session.

They said the inspections order was unworkable, it imposed "impossible demands" on Iraq, and that it was mostly a plan to launch a U.S. strike on Iraq.

She said the second speaker, head of the international relations committee, Salim al-Kubaisi, said his committee would recommend rejection of the resolution.

"The committee recommends the following: the rejection of the Security Council resolution 1441 and not to approve it in accordance with the opinion of our people who put confidence in their representatives," al-Kubaisi told parliament.

He also recommended the parliament refer the final decision to the Revolutionary Command Council "to take the appropriate decision to defend the people of Iraq, their independence and dignity."

Arraf said that instead of recommending acceptance of the U.N. resolution as had been expected, it was possible that parliament might reject it while asking Saddam's command council to make a final decision -- likely to be a reluctant acceptance.

source: CNN
Dear President Bush,

If you're going to lead us into a new war, can you be point?

US Army
I've said it before, &, I say it again, we're gonna go to war. If Saddam cooperates with the resolution, I'm the fucking president. I may do a better job, at least.
android1966 said:
Iraq's parliment will vote exactly how Saddam tells them to vote. Any so called debate is completely meaningless.
Ya think?

So, then, this whole thing is part of some strategy of his, maybe?


Could be.

The dictator is stalling for time and would never follow in anything the parliment decides. Back in the day when a couple dozen of his parliment leaders went against his beliefs he marched them on stage for a rewards ceremony and abruptly had them arrested and shot in the head.
miles said:
Why hasn't Saddam been the victim of an industrial accident?

And, just what makes you think he wasn't? A non-fatal one, early in his life.
Iraq, and it's leaders, are under the impression that the people speaking up for them in the UN will become their brothers in arms the moment the Americans begin to enforce the UN sanctions.

Boy, are they in for a rude awakening as the big green two-headed monster of self-interest and self-preservation rears its ugly head.
It's all political manouvering.
The Iraqi Parliament rejects the resolution. They have registered their protest at the resolution.
But Saddam has to make the call.
He will do so - allowing the inspectors in, "overturning" the parliament's vote. Makes him look big and all diplomatic.
It's all just pot-banging until the deadline.
Jean Val Jean said:
Boy, are they in for a rude awakening as the big green two-headed monster of self-interest and self-preservation rears its ugly head.
Wow, Sin Valjean. How uncharacteristically poetic!
You HAVE been reading your Hugo, haven't you!
I don't care for world politics now

I stop reading or watching on TV about the madness of Bush, Saddam, Blair and all the other attention grabbers. I feel better this way. Yes, I do pray for world peace. :)
I hope that Sodamn Insane's generals....

Take a cue from history, a briefcase bomb in the bunker! :D
It didn't work...

That's probably what's holding them back because payback is hello there Saddam, how's the hearing? Uh, you're not smiling... Er, you don't think I was in on it, DO YOU? :(

Yeah, UN Resolution doesn't require the border regions of IRAN to be searched...

He hid the goods with his Air Force. Of course Iran can be trusted not to give all that stuff to Hamas to use :D !
4laterer said:
they're buying time

Can you say "Bait and Switch" boys n girls???

Every day stalled is another day for movement of materials into areas that UN inspectors will never even think to search, much less be allowed to.

Diplomacy is good for the world peace effort, this I can agree with. But spending precious years dicking around with this fuckwad that would like nothing better than to kill every freedom loving "INFIDEL" (non muslim) on the face of the Earth is like when we Americans allowed Hitler to extinguish the lives of millions prior to our involvement into the European theatre of war during WWII. Every naysayer then said that there was no proof as well... tell that to the survivors! Hell, tell that to the millions that were made into European asphalt!

Saddam/Adolf......... hmmmm?