In Just Five Days (closed to Steffi200051)

It was a relaxing mood which was a necessary down time for Jane. As the movie played on with its repetitive plot her phone toned a text from Adrian. She smiled thinking that it was odd that he was making contact and undoubtedly was still not back to his room. Perhaps it was he way of being on vacation, as Jane was quite sure he did not have a drinking problem.

"Fine, they are actually prospering. They even cooked dinner at home!"

She set her phone back on the bed, just as the movie took a provocative twist. The woman is sunbathing in her backyard unaware of a voyeuristic neighbor. Being outside and being observed by others was one thing that turned her on.

IT wasn't long before Adrian read Jane's reply..

"Fine, they are actually prospering. They even cooked dinner at home!"

"Good for you, good for them" was his reply.

Adrian wasn't sure what response he would receive, but the one he got suggested to him that Jane was finished being sociable for the evening.

He sipped his beer as he person-watched in the bar area, using his tablet as and when. About 30 minutes later some one from the course entered the bar, and so he made his way over to her and started to chat.
It simply felt good to be doing as she pleased without having to jump up and fix a minor task at home. There was also the thought that she could now see the extent of the course as well as the logistics and it was all good.

Her attention returned to the movie as the woman removed her swim bottoms on turned onto her tummy to remove the tan lines from her backside. This of course gave the neighbor a perfect opportunity to move closer without being noticed. It was mildly suggestive to Jane who had already given up on any feelings of guilt. She quickly lowered her briefs down to her ankles as she spread out on the bed. She checked the clock--8:45.

The movie wasn't even half over.
Wednesday Morning


Adrian chatted to Sarah and her colleague for an hour or so, before around ten pm, he decided to call it an evening. He headed up to his room, and it wasn't long before he was in bed, sound asleep.

Just after six, he was jogging down the stairs tot he lobby, and out to the park he had found on Monday afternoon. There he did 2o minutes or so on interval training before heading back to the hotel and showered.

As the time approached to text Jane, he dressed into a pair of smart Docker Chinos and a long sleeve shirt, with two bullet cuff-links. Just before he was ready, he sent Jane a text..

"Meet you in the foyer in 5 mins?"
It was one of the better scenes. The director took an abundant amount of screen time with several camera angles. The neighbor moved ever closer, before being discovered and getting her. Afterward, Jane was off to a pleasant shower! She turned in at nine-thirty.

Jane was up before the alarm and dressed slightly more casually. It was green top and plaid skirt, an older one from several years back. She was listening to the morning news when she received Adrian's text. "Good, I am really ready for breakfast."

"Sounds good."

She grabbed her carry-all, still packed and took the stairs to the lobby. The weather was a repeat of the previous day. Moments later she was joined by Adrian. He looked good and completely rested. She was aching to ask how his evening went but elected to wait hoping he would offer. Instead the walk to the restaurant was a recap of how his jog in the park was filled with encounters with wildlife.
Wednesday Morning


Adrian heard the ping of the lift as the doors opened. There were three lifts, but the lobby was still relatively quiet even at this time in the morning.

She approached in a loose green scoop next top, with a slight cowl neck neckline and a complimenting Grey patterned plaid skirt just finishing above her knees and pair of smart casual shoes. As she got closer, despite the looseness of the top, he could just about see the imprint of the lace pattern of the bra cup on he right breast.

"Morning Gorgeous" he offered full of early morning vigour. "and how lovely you look this morning too, I trust that you Slept well?"

He turned and started to walk tot he door and the small cafe/coffee house they discovered
"Morning, I trust you slept well."

Adrian held the door as she passed still contemplating his use of the term "gorgeous." It wasn't out of line, it was simply that he had never done as such previously. The breakfast was again a fine cuisine, in fact she felt it was even better. They were plenty early for the course yet there were already ten people each with a medium foam cup at hand. It was easy to see that they were indeed accountants.

Jane took the same seat and used the time to assemble her book and notes. Adrian was moving about the room apparently still feeling energized from his run. A few minutes later, Jane noticed that Adrian was chatting intently with a woman. She looked away as if distracted and returned a moment later to find they were still engrossed in conversation, with the woman smiling quite openly. Jane could make out her name tag - Sarah.

As the seminar commenced, Adrian return to take his seat next to her, but said nothing.

As they walked to breakfast, Adrian asked about Jane's family, and whether she watched a film in the end. He mentioned that he saw some one else from the course and chatted with her for a while before leaving her and a colleague at the bar around tenish.

Adrian was approached by Sarah as Jane went to claim their seats. They chatted in a continuation from the previous evening. SArah was in her Mid 40s, and wore a smart shift dress, with a high neckline, but the dress, the cutting of the dress suited her slender physique.

As the trainers started to get the attention of the participants, Adrian retuned to the chair and sat down next to Jane and turned to face her, but she looked slightly jealous he thought, though he wasn't sure, and of course she had no reason to be jealous.

The first session Was about accountancy projection, how the software package can be used to model changes in taxation, or pay rises. Whilst the features were mostly similar, it was the tools that had been enhanced significantly, something which Jane would find very useful for when determining the cost of a pay rise across the company.

He turned to face her...

"Looks very useful for you and your colleagues?"
As the session began they both noticed that the pace and the substance of the new software had been measurably upgraded. Jane really focused at times to understand the changes. It really appeared to be a good move yet it would take some real training of the others back at the office. At other times the trainers allowed the tempo to fall into a lull and Jane's thoughts drifted back to the movie she had watched. The prospects appeared good for doing another one.
At the mid-morning break Adrian made an assessment.

"Yep, this is a step in the right direction. Say, what about lunch today ..are there any ideas?"

It was just a comment to take a measure of his sentiment as Jane was hinting around to find what he had in mind and whether he might be making other plans. Adrian was certainly happily married and she had never witnessed him flirting at work. Nor had she ever been with Adrian at a conference!

Minutes later the room was half empty and Jane walked down the hall. It was a pleasant building. When she returned, there was Adrian and Sarah standing near her seat.

Adrian saw Jane approached her shortish skirt exposing her thighs - he rarely saw Jane wearing such a skirt that, whilst not short, being rather floaty almost a skater skirt, rising and falling with er stride, exposing more of her calfs then he was familiar with at work. Cute he thought to himself, wondering what they would look like in stockings and suspenders (garter belt).

Moment's later, Sarah's colleague followed from the same direction.

"Well Jane and I are avoiding the buffet and having a salad lunch next door... if you wish to join us?"

"Thanks but we wont be able to claim on expenses as lunch is provided....." replied Sarah.

And so Adrian and Jane headed to the local cafe/deli/coffee house, and soon sat on a table awaiting the waitress.

Adrian grabbed her attention and ordered the avocado and morzella salad as his eyes met Jane's....
It was nice to be in a café for lunch. There was not so much a need for food as a respite from the classroom setting. Jane had been out of school for seven years, and had not missed it. Adrian seemed to rather enjoy the class, or perhaps the idea of being away from the office. When the waitress brought coffee, Jane ordered the medium chef's salad, which included bacon.

"So, I think we are getting the essence of this program, do you think we will be able to stay a wake in tomorrow's class?"

"So, I think we are getting the essence of this program, do you think we will be able to stay a wake in tomorrow's class?"

Adrian smiled as he sipped on his Black coffee.

"good point.... but if you start to snore in my ear tomorrow I'll poke you awake..."

To emphasise the point, he reached across the table and jokingly poked her in her side.

"But will be interesting s to what we cover this afternoon, and then of course the hand's on time around 3:30pm.... Are you intending to go to that?"
"Heavens no, let's get out and enjoy the day."

Jane spoke quickly but it was an honest response. Both of them were good employees and very loyal, so breaking out a little early would not be leaving traces of guilt. Besides, they were not a home therefore they deserved a little free time. Jane continued to enjoy her salad as Adrian called off a few suggestions. They had done well the previous day, so it would be something interesting at least.

Back at the seminar ten minutes early, they both felt renewed as the others wandered about. The woman from earlier, Sarah, returned from her lunch and immediately sought out Adrian. Jane paid no attention, although she had not spoken to any of the other participants.

The class leader began right on time. In light of the fact they had covered over half the manual it appeared that the remaining two days were going to be something of a lull. Jane remained attentive with a great effort, glancing at the wall clock at regular intervals.

Adrian finished his salad, the avocado, fresh, and contrasted nicely with the fresh plum tomatoes, covered in a light scattering of freshly ground black pepper.

He watched Jane discretely as her top slid down her right shoulder slightly exposing a hint of her bra strap, before she pulled it up, her face concentrating on her food, so he was pretty sure she had not noticed his glances.

He couldn't tell whether Jane was slightly jealous earlier when he was chatting to Sarah, or rather when she seemed to be chatting to him...

They discussed a few ideas as they walked back to the training facility, and soon they were being lectured at. But finally it was hands on time...

As Adrian stood up, he turned to face Jane offering her his hand to help her up.

"So gorgeous where do you fancy going for our second date?" he teased.

He met her glance with his own and grinned mischievously

"A man is allowed a bit of fun surely?"
She took his hand only too happy that the second day was at an end and they were free to enjoy the afternoon. There was a hint of guilt about being the first to leave but she was sure nothing would be said and the office would never know. In fact their move toward the door triggered a few others. Everybody in the room was well acquainted with numbers and software so spending more hours in front of a screen can be drudgery.

"I am not the least bit hungry, so let's go for a drive--see the countryside?"

The temperature had actually gone up since lunch. They walked leisurely back to the hotel to drop off their materials and freshen-up before rejoining in the parking lot near Adrian's car. Adrian was just coming out of lobby when Jane noticed Sarah walking up the sidewalk. It seemed awkward but she pointed her out.

"Oh there is Sarah, is she by herself?"

Adrian clearly had yet to notice as he turned quickly.

Adrian saw Sarah out of the corner of his eye as she approached the main entrance tot he hotel, as he opened the passenger door to his car and offering it to Jane.

"We have a date!" he remarked in a cheeky manner.....

He watched Jane sit down, her skirt riding exposing more of her thighs.

Moments later, seated himself, and Sarah out of view inside, he started to drive out of the carpark, following the satnav feature on his phone to a local beauty spot, a large waterfall lake in the lower hills close to the town.
Jane laughed at his response and took the passenger seat. It would be a fun ride to see the local countryside as she was a geography buff. Although she lived in the state, she had never ventured to this region. Adrian appeared to be familiar with the local roads as they were soon out of town on a county road. The farms appeared to be quite large compared to her county. Adrian turned onto a smaller paved road then into a local park that featured a large lake.

"Oh cool, we can hike the shoreline."

The parking area had only a few cars. There was a couple near the dock with binoculars looking at apparently shore birds. The was a paved walkway leading to a picnic area in a wooded area.

"How did you find this place?

"How did you find this place?

As he closed the door and locked the car, he showed her the app on his smart phone.

"Searched for local beauty spots and this was the second one that came up, And I love taking landscape shots with the camera." He then opened the boot and took out a camera bag. He always kept one of his older cameras in the boot, just in case.

It was old and not as good as his other cameras, but at least it allowed him to always have a camera to hand and if the car was stolen not overly angry with the loss.

"So Gorgeous, lead the way"
"Me? Well, let's try the shoreline."

Adrian had never before used such terms when talking to her, but it was dismissed because of the setting. They headed to the lake, where several people were seen fishing, so the went toward a wooded area. They past several empty pavilions. About three hundred yards down the shore they flushed a group of ducks that flew only few yards.

Further down there was a sizeable waterfall from a large creek. "Let's get closer?"
Adrian walked by Jane's side or occasionally behind her as they walked around the path on the shoreline. It was muddy in places, and of course Adrian stopped a few times to take some photos, often kneeling for a lower angle of the lake.

They ducks made them giggle as they came from the weed beds, but soon they approached the waterfall, and as Jane suggested they headed closer, Adrian taking a few shots of the waterfall.
The waterfall wasn't much, perhaps twenty feet with as pool of water leading to the lake. With no other people in sight it seemed like a good venture and Jane led the way across a ledge of loose shale to a place where Adrian could get a decent picture.

Adrian followed Jane and watched over her shoulder as he stood behind her on the relatively narrow approach. The waterfall was not that spectacular in height, but none the less, the sound of falling water, and the spray and mini rainbows was still none the less quite spectacular.

He stood possibly too close to her as he spoke...

"Rather beautiful, peaceful and tranquil don't you think?"
There was loud rushing sound with a modest spray, which was warm. The trail led right to falls but Jane stopped 25 yards away, thinking it was close enough. The amazing part was how clean the pool of water appeared giving them a view well over ten feet below the surface.

"Oh yes. I love the way the water has eroded the rock formation. We could actually swim here."

Adrian had yet to take any pictures. Jane could only guess that he wanted to move closer and offered to swap places.

"Oh yes. I love the way the water has eroded the rock formation. We could actually swim here."

With his camera hanging down by his side, he stepped a little closer to Jane to hear her over the sound of the turbulent water, placing his hands on her shoulders/neck and give her a little massage as he spoke.

"Yes very tranquil, and the sound of the water is almost hypnotic; at least to me..."

"Time for a photo or two...."

With that Adrian stepped away and started to compose, looking through the viewfinder, and started clicking away, but taking the time to get a perfect balance of water and the surroundings. He even held his breath as he endeavoured to take some longer shutter speeds to capture the movement of the water.
It was lovely to have such a swell scene to themselves and Adrian was making the most of it with his camera clicking away. He appeared to have no shortage of intended targets. Jane moved back to give him ample room. Apparently he took notice of her when he snapped a few images of her. As a tease she lifted her already short skirt as if there were an actual photoshoot going on while doing a series of half-twists. Adrian apparently caught the ploy and played along.

"Everything is fun unless your family finds your flash drive," Jane remarked.

With the beach area largely crushed shale, Jane became brave, kicked off her sneakers and waded in up to her knees. The water was quite cold.

"It's not the lake for swimming."