In Just Five Days (closed to Steffi200051)


Literotica Guru
Jun 23, 2015

Name: Adrian Clark
Age: 52
Height: 6 foot, broad and tall - as such carried his middle age spread well
Hair: greying and balding, cropped.
Eyes: piercing blue

Adrian sipped his beer as he stood at the ‘bar table’ in the hotel's bar as he read the article on the BBC news site; scrolling through on his tablet. He looked up every now and then to see if Jane was approaching.

The two of them were on a course arranged through work. Even though they both worked in the Finance division, neither had known the other was attending till days before the course and so had made independent travel arrangements to their hotel. They were both on a 4/5 day Accountancy Software course.

Adrian had known Jane for 5 or 6 years, since she first joined their organisation pretty much straight from university. They had always got on well, and as a result of internal organisational changes, the two had less contact than previously. But they had maintained a professional working friendship; which at times became a bit of a ‘rant’ escape, as they occasionally would have a rant to the other; with both of them having complete trust in the other; what would be discussed between them would remain between the two of them... But at the same time Adrian wasn't in her inner crowd, as far as she had never offered him her mobile number, even though he knew she had given it to overs. Not that he was upset by that, but they were a different generation.

As he finished his article, He started to ponder. Recently it had been his birthday car, and a card had been signed by quite a few members of the division, and Jane had signed it with two crosses. No other female had. He also remembered their 'last rolo; moment when he offered her a piece of his white chocolate, and both of them simultaneously made a comment about that being their 'last rolo' moment.

Returning to the real world, e looked up, sipping from his beer glass as he did so, and saw Jane’s blonde hair approach, her 5'11 height meant she was almost as tall as he was. They made eye contact and she smiled, accentuated as she saw the glass of white wine being pushed in her direction. Jane was slender, but very pretty with slender lips and green eyes. From the labels that Adrian had turned inside her tops, he knew she was a size 10, but in fairness was probably closer to an 8; with small breasts. The only time she had a cleavage to speak off was 18 months ago towards the end of her pregnancy. She was wearing a bright pink V neck baggy crochet top, that slid from one of her shoulders as she walked towards him, exposing the pink bra strap together with the nude camisole top covering, most of the pink cup of her bra. Her legs were entombed in black leggings, slightly baggy as her legs are slender, yet shapely. The shape of her legs are such that the leggings are always slightly loose, especially around her thigh and bum due to her slender build.

“Sorry I’m late.” offered Jane as she approached the table where Adrian was standing....

“I made the mistake of checking my email..... and do you know what? Simon has managed to fuck the payroll again!”

“Soo Angry with him....”

“Well have a sip of wine..... or maybe even a gulp?” he teased; Jane having pre-ordered her drink with Adrian earlier.

“Thanks” as she took the glass and sipped it, before following it with another larger sip.

Adrian watched her sip her drink and smiled, she obviously needed that. Despite her obvious frustration, she still had a sparkle in her eye. Often he would imagine it meant something more, but she was married, happily so it seemed and was brooming with affection for their 18 month child. When she walked along the corridor past his desk, she would always smile and wave through the window, but despite the odd wishful thinking realised that was her style with him. Sure they flirted briefly but it was nothing more than that; friendly banter.

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Name: Jane Williams

Age: 31

Height: 5-11"

Weight: 109lbs.

Hair: Short Blonde

Just getting to the conference had been a modest nightmare of packing and arranging things at her home for a five day absence, plus set her desk at work for the incoming data as the end of the quarter neared. She had looked for a quiet three hour drive but that didn't work out so well either, as an accident had traffic backed up at the bridge. At last she found the hotel and checked-in. The idea of traveling and staying alone didn't bother Jane, especially knowing that Adrian was there.

Adrian had been at the firm well before she started work and was well acquainted with senior managers. Therefore he was great breakwater for those stormy times when directives were handed down that lacked an understanding for how the company functioned. He could say things at meetings that others would not. She liked that kind of power.

She had time to check messages from home but it turned out to be an E-mail from the idiot Simon. He starts the payroll tapes on Monday, "hoping to free up time" for the quarterly statements, as if that would ever be a problem!

She was still mildly upset as she walked the hall to the elevator and rode it back to the lobby. The hotel was more upscale than she had imagined. She was happy not to have to travel in the morning to the course, as it would give her more time. The restaurant and bar were in a separate wing. She walked around the bar, still seething about the e-mail. It even worked into her greeting of Adrian at the table.

" It just bothers me that he gets these whacky ideas for no real gain....this isn't a mini-mart that we work for....sorry."

She took a drink. It was still cool and with a bit of bite which seemed to help. She made note to buy the next round. She did a quick scan of the room attempting to pick out other attendees with no real success.

"Have you been to where the course is being presented?"

Adrian looked relaxed and for a good reason. He knew that it wasn't work that they would be going to in the morning. She tried to think of the coming days as a bit of a vacation. The course would be new material but there would be free time as well.
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Adrian listened as Jane had her mini rant, knowing when to nod or to make an appropriate sound...

But soon she ran out of steam as she sipped her glass of wine, sighing contently.

"Have you been to where the course is being presented?"

"I have, popped out for a short run shortly after I arrived... And well it is about a ten minute walk with what looks like a lovely independent coffee house as well almost next door... So if we leave here around 8:40 will will be there in time for the 0900 registration."

As he finished speaking, he knelt and picked up a carrier bag, in the shape of a triangular box.... "Here i saw this and thought of you..."

Inside was a large bar of Jane's favourite chocolate a white Toblerone; the chocolate that was the cause of their 'last Rolo' moment a couple of months ago when he gave Jane his last Mini White Toblerone.
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"Oh ten minutes, let's hope the weather holds. It's good to know I brought sneakers."

She finished her drink as they continued to run through the logistics for the course. They both agreed that it would have been nice to informally meet some of the others prior to the start of the class. Although in general accountants can be incredibly boring to be around. It was something to do with the thought process surrounding money.

As she turned to find her purse, Adrian set a box in front of her. " didn't really...Toblerone!"

It was a welcoming gift and a really sweet thought on his part. She instantly recalled the fun they had with that. She smiled as she thanked him. They headed off together for the lobby.

Ok, now here put my number into your phone, in case we get lost. I'm in room 214. Should we meet for breakfast ...just coffee...whatever you think? You know the way

She very much wanted to be walking together, at least on the first trip to the course.
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.As they stood to walk into the restaurant for their evening meal, she stopped and turned to him..

"Ok, now here put my number into your phone, in case we get lost. I'm in room 214. Should we meet for breakfast ...just coffee...whatever you think? You know the way"

"Sure, and thanks." He entered her number on his Iphone as she dictated to him her number, and then he sent her a text simply saying 'test'. It almost instantly was received on Jane's phone.

"Sure, Happy to escort you tomorrow, I'm an early riser so I'll be t breakfast around seven thirty after a quick run...."

He offered her his arm as they walked to the restaurant, and waited for the mai·tre d' to seat them; where they ended up being seated in a small booth, as he placed a menu and wine list onto the table.

Adrian sat opposite Jane, as the mai-tre d' placed the menus onto the table...

"So another glass of wine Jane?"

Their eyes met as he shuffled on the seat, adjusting his smart biege Chinos and his pale blue short sleeve shirt.
"Oh, definitely I see they have a nice Riesling. It still bothers me that Simon would choose a time when we are both away for a week to try something. I can just hear him using his favorite phrase "'s long term accretive."

They both chuckled at the mental picture. The restaurant appeared to be upscale and Jane was very much looking forward to a fine meal. They both had access to the expense account and therefore would be nicely taken care of this week. She had in earlier times at the company audited some accounts, especially from those in sales.

"So, you like to run before breakfast? I had to use Jazz-er-size for a few weeks after I had Brody."

The waitress arrived and took the drink orders. To her surprise she also asked about their food orders. Jane quickly flipped open the menu and selected a chef's salad with the light Italian dressing. Almost as an after thought she found the Cheese-tips in the appetizer section and ordered that as well. She then watched Adrian as he ordered.

Adrian grinned as she ordered a cheeky starter...

"Can I have a tomato and Mozzarella starter please - and can I have the dressing in a jug, and not on the food please...."

He paused as he hummed and erred...

"The Sirloin please, rare..... with Chips and the blue cheese sauce....."

He looked at Jane as the waitress walked away with their orders. Her baggy top had slid from her shoulder exposing her pastel vest top and a bright white bra strap, the delicate embroidery clearly vissible...

"So how is Brody?"
"Growing and thankfully walking everywhere, now if we could just get him potty-trained."

The wine arrived and it was exactly what she wanted. It really helped her settle her mind that the hotel was working in their favor. Tomorrow would be the big test. The course could prove to be a huge waste of time. She had not been in a full class setting in almost eight years. If they were to make any corporate changes back at the office, it would be their responsibility to make it work. Jane would feel much better at this time tomorrow.

There was also the time after class?

"Glad he is doing well, and how is the other little boy in your life?" He was of course referring to Tristan, her husband.

Adrian sipped his wine tasting it and nodding approvingly.

He looked at Jane and smiled. It was such an unusual situation for them two to be in. He did find her attractive as a person, even though whilst pretty, her build was some what too skinny for him, especially her legs and bum. But she was pretty and apart from her apparent hatred of Simon, she had a heart of gold. She hadn't pulled her top back up over her shoulder exposing her bra strap and shoulder flesh.

Suddenly he had a desire to kiss it....

But he remained fixed looking at her as he listened intently to what she had to say, and no deviating glances. After all they were both happily married.

"He's doing well, the supervisor job is beginning to fall into a rhythm so he feels like he has more time finally. We will see how things go this week. The housekeeper is there all day but he is in charge all night by himself."

They had more time than usual at the break room, plus there were not any others to interject, therefore the conversation flowed quickly. At times, certain topics were not spoken of as there was the possibility of unsuspecting ears, but they were safe here at the restaurant. Jane took full advantage.

"Can you believe they expect us to have the quarterly report ready by Monday the 12th? It was different this summer when we had three interns."

It felt right to be talking about the firm as they often had that in common. But this was the weekend and it finally dawned on her that it wasn't needed. This was partly a vacation. The food arrived and she carefully took a few cheese tips. Adrian appeared to be quite adapted to traveling and staying at fine hotels. Jane was confident about the place, yet this would be her first stay alone.

Adrian listened intently as Jane talked about work nodding and speaking when relevant. But it was a Monday evening, the course was to start on the following Tuesday morning, and well on topic that wasn't on his mind was work, though he understood Jane's whinge about Simon.

As the food approached he spoke....

"Every time you mention work whilst we eat will cost you a dollar! " With that he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small notebook and pen, the notebook that Adrian took every where with him. They were those who would say. that once it was in his notebook, it would be action-ed. He spoke in a cheeky style that wouldn't be at all offensive to Jane but he also added a cheeky end to emphasise the silly nature of it..

"or a smack on the bum!"

But as the main course arrived, the conversation stopped as both parties suddenly realised how hungry they were and started to eat, the streak that Adrian had was sublime, tender despite being raw, and the chips exquisite...

But t time as he ate, he felt he was being watched, and when he looked up, Jane just smiled as she chewed. He wasn't sure if she was watching him or just wishful thinking.

Of course he was correct. If this were a true vacation, why would the office be a topic? However, that was just about all the two of them ever conversed about during lunch. Not to mention that here they had no chance of being overheard. She smiled at the notion of his notebook which brought about a clever response, "It's fine with me, I'll just add it to the expense account."

There was a temptation to scan the room to look for a familiar face but that really was not possible and Jane began to focus more on just their table.

"It's fine with me, I'll just add it to the expense account."

"And be guilty of fraud?" he replied raising his eyebrows as he spoke in a mocking serious tone, before he smiled unable to continue.

Adrian continued to chew his tender steak, and before long the meal was consumed, as Adrian refilled the glasses with wine from the bottle

They continued to make small talk, the conversation only stopping as the food was consumed, never running out of topics, though many areas seemed to be unspoken, specifically partners and family other than general questions of well being.

The waitress cleared their main course and left the desert menu on the table. Adrian shook his head, saying he was too full, as he eased some of his shirt from under the waistband of his chinos

"It is a business expense, C'mon Adrian, you know that."

She smiled at the banter and was slightly feeling the effects of the wine, at same moment marveling at how well Adrian was handling it. He was however always under control. That was something she really respected. She had watched him at conference meetings calmly explain a position to a very hostile environment and tick off point-by-point the facts.

"Wow, I am glad I am not driving."

"Neither of us are.... Just a stroll to our rooms via the bar.. possibly!"

Adrian was feeling fine, he was used to drinking, technically he was a binge drinker as he had a friend whom he would meet and have four pints in under two hours.

But he didn't drink every night, far from it. Even during the school holidays when hs wife wasn't working, she would drink but he necessary wouldn't. But his wife rarely drank mid week during term time.

Adrian had seen the desert menu and was tempted to have the cheese board, ntot that he was hungry.

"Having a desert Jane?"

"No, but please go ahead, I am just going to finish this."

With the table cleared, Jane held her wine glass and swirled it. The cheese tips had been exquisite while the salad was passible, as it always is. There were several things back at her room that needed doing, but she wanted to be polite to Adrian. Most importantly, she wanted to check-in at home. She was however, not looking forward to the first night of sleep in the hotel. It was always the same, even at a resort, she never did well the first night.

"Running has never been something for me. I like mountain biking but I haven't been doing it lately."

Adrian decided not to have any desert when the waitress came inquiring.

She cleared the table, before allowing them to continue...

"Running has never been something for me. I like mountain biking but I haven't been doing it lately."

"Opposite for me, I prefer road cycling rather than mountain biking... as you know I commute several times a week when I can - not that I look sexy in my lycra!"

Adrian copied Jane and started to swirl his wine purely for copy cat reasons....

"So any plans for the remainder of the evening?"
"Not really, I need to unpack and get set for tomorrow. Looks like we have breakfast here and then head out for the course in morning? Also, do they have restaurants in that part of town for lunch?

There were those unanswered questions that made the morning a little less certain. At that point she also realized that she was being short with Adrian.

"What thoughts do you have for the evening?

She was hoping he wasn't suggesting anymore wine as she was closing in on her limit in order to be fresh for the morning. Although it was going down easy.

Adrian paused for a moment as he thought purposefully...

"I might have a night cap at the bar, before heading to my room to retire."

He didn't add what he was thinking along the lines of ' and have a wank imagining you removing your top and kissing those petite pert breasts of yours...."

"and regarding the facilities I think I mentioned next door there is a little cute looking independent cafe coffee house place.... though I do believe lunch is provided on the course... well it should be at that price!"
"I couldn't care less about the price as long as the food is good. Not to mention we have the expense account. As for the nightcap....ya I'm in. "

She meant what she said about the expense account. After all, it was almost like they would be checking on themselves and they were being sent out of town, so why not get a few perks. She was looking at Adrian as she spoke hoping for an agreement.

Jane really didn't need another drink but it wasn't going to be a problem. Hopefully, the brisk walk to the course would set her straight in the morning. She remembered how easy it was back in college. Minutes later they paid the check and stepped out into the lobby on their way to the lounge.

Adrian followed Jane into the lobby and then the bar area, before he approached the bar.

Moments later a young looking bar steward approached.

"A Large Bailey's please yes with ice... and you Jane?

With the drinks poured and paid for, Adrian led the way to quiet table in a corner with a leather sofa on either side of the table. He placed his glass onto the table before plonking himself down.

"So a few hours of learning how to use a software upgrade that won't be much different from the current version and then boredom....." His voice was a teasing mocking voice. Sure there would be new features but knowing these companies the course will be dragged out, not that it bothers them, the price of the training came with the cost of the new contract for the upgrade. The only thing the company was paying for was hotel and expenses.

He watched Jane sit down on the opposite sofa, her thighs open briefly exposing her crutch, under her jeans.

She clearly did not need another wine but it was good to keep together. It would have been just fine to sit at the bar, but from their corner position they had a perfect view of everything. It was quite the typical hotel crowd. It was mostly men with only seven women in the place, only one who was sitting alone. She had noted that Adrian gave the barmaid a good look as he usually does when a women comes into view.

It felt nice for some reason to be in a bar without her husband. There had to be other men who had noticed her when she walked in, although she hadn't actually noticed.

"I think that worries me the most. I don't want to be schooled on something we both already know for three additional days. I somehow feel we could figure this out if they just gave us the manual."

She watched Adrian drinking the Bailey's and wondering how he could switch drinks.
"I think that worries me the most. I don't want to be schooled on something we both already know for three additional days. I somehow feel we could figure this out if they just gave us the manual."

Adrian thought for a moment before he replied. "Yes I have similar concerns, but the advantage of being shown as opposed to learning by trail and error or distance learning is that you are less likely to pick up top tips, those little snippets of information that is only learnt through experience - mostly bitter!"

Adrian sipped his Bailey's as he chatted with Jane whilst she enjoyed her final glass of wine. The travelling soon started to show its effect on the two of them, as neither of them spoke for a while.

Adrian watched her from the corner of his eye, as she sipped her glass, her tongue licking the top of her lip causing him to shudder internally.

He wasn't sure why, but he was attracted to her as a person. She was attractive, albeit not his normal type, but she was fun and had a great personality except her displeasure at Simon.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Adrian asked as he swirled his Irish Liqueur in the glass.
"I am just all in. It will all be routine by this time tomorrow, but I somehow have doubts at the abilities of others when it comes to new things."

Jane had turned slightly to face toward the open area of the lounge and slumped slightly having spent a good portion of the day sitting. She had perked up as Adrian spoke, noticing that he was looking in her direction. Tomorrow was essentially a " back to class day." The company was counting on them to bring back this new system, yet the accounting department changes grudgingly and they both knew it.

"Well, I think I am ready to head to the room."

They moved at the same moment. Once out to the hallway, the cool air made Jane feel more active and she again reviewed the morning schedule for meeting Adrian. They entered the elevator alone. It seemed ironic that Adrian walked her to her room being that they were on different floors.

Adrian towered over Jane in the lift, but moments later the lift came to a gentle halt as it stopped on the second floor. Adrian allowed Jane to leave first, and he followed her and to her side as they walked down to room 214 where they stopped as Jane retrieved her card key. He was starting to fill tired as well, and so decided not to return to the bar.

"Well good night Jane, sleep well and have a virtual hug on me!" he smiled as he made one of his usual comments.

At work Adrian had realised that offering Jane a hug when she was feeling frustrated with Simon or work more generally might be considered inappropriate. As such he would always say something like 'well considered yourself hugged Jane' or have a virtual hug on me. He still sensed a frustration with Jane, both regarding Simon and that the course could be a waste of time.