If you were...


Sep 21, 2000
standing on a step stool with one leg in the air, and your hands full of plastic baggies, what color would you be?
Why? Why that color?

And what are you doing in such a ridiculous pose in the first place?
I’m sorry if you don’t already know, it simply means you are far too innocent to be told
Damn. Missed out on some juicy gossip once again.
I'll have to make my own.
I'd be bright pink with embarrassment at being caught standing on a stool with one foot in the air, my hands full of plastic baggies.

Or I'd be in white with a red apron stocking the shelves at my local supermarket...
I'll go with fusia... being that I don't know why I'd be doing a move that resembles the karate kid, that might as well make in confusia. :rolleyes:
Green....I'm on a plane, an attendant - getting barf bags down from the overhead bunkers.
OK, I'm thinking I'd have to be some sort of modern art sculptures

However, I want to be one of those live ones where you get to move every few minutes and make your own pose.

I'd want to paint my totally nude body in some sort of design. Maybe some sort of vine with flowers entertwining over me and covering the "naughty bits".

Something festive with red and green for the holiday season.

Or hold out til the new year and paint a giant champagne bottle on me....again it covers the good parts.

Body paint sounds good. I'd have to be totally drunk to go out in public though.