I need to rant...


Really Really Experienced
Feb 27, 2002

First...why do some people have to bitch about everything and do nothing the fuck about it?? If you're gonna bitch at me or in my vicinity then fucking take an active part in changing what's eating you.

Second... I hate absolutely hate working nights. It makes me mean and I am not normally mean.

Third... Whatever happened to the 'Do unto others' rule??? I'm so over assholes who think they're cute I wish I was a skilled criminal who specialized in castration... <ok, not really> But I think assholes who think they're cute deserve punishment worse than death.

Fourth... To all you guys out there! If a chick says she doesn't want to date you for WHATEVER reason. Leave her the fuck ALONE. She might have to get a restraining order, otherwise. She has told you she doesn't want to date you... reason is inimportant at this point. Now is the time to quit telling her how cute and cool and all that bullshit you think she is. Because you know it's bullshit, you just want to get laid.

Fifth...people shouldn't pretend to give a shit when they are just being nosy. Don't fucking call my house to see "how I'm doing" if you've never called me for aything ever before... Especially if I'm working nights...

Sixth... If there's a sign on the door that says do not disturb, I am sleeping... then that means GO THE FUCK AWAY!

Seventh... Don't fucking tell me to see the first thing because this is my thread and you were forewarned that I needed to vent.

Thanks have a great day...

and BTW...Tip of the day is this...don't be an asshole it's unattractive.
They all sounds like pretty fair things to me.

Rant on... its always good to get it out of your system. :)
I am completely with you on the being an asshole is not cute.

I too hope your day improves
lilpriss said:
Christophe, ther's more room outside than inside.

gets messy outside though... better use drop-sheets to save on the cleaning bill ;)
Venting is a good thing, thank goodness you are not a volcano. :)

I would try and swap shifts or look for a new job. Simply put it may seem but if it is affecting you as much as you say it is worth consideration.

If people bitch in your vicinity but seem to be doing nothing about the prob? Say so or move out of hearing. Less hassle.

Assholes are unattractive, yet some are drawn to them. :)

I hope your day gets better.

lilpriss said:
Christophe, ther's more room outside than inside.
Forces of nature cannot be bottled up indefinitely. When managed they can often be effectively controlled. Vent on.
lilpriss said:
Fourth... To all you guys out there! If a chick says she doesn't want to date you for WHATEVER reason. Leave her the fuck ALONE. She might have to get a restraining order, otherwise. She has told you she doesn't want to date you... reason is inimportant at this point. Now is the time to quit telling her how cute and cool and all that bullshit you think she is. Because you know it's bullshit, you just want to get laid.

i think it's unduly harsh to classify all us men by the actions of a few BOYS you've had dealings with, although I am sorry for your bad experience.

real men arent like that, so please don't hate us all for it, it ain't fair. I've met a fair numbre of women who were horrible bitchs and were totally evil, but I dont hate them all for it.