How long will the world let Bush survive?


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
Victory (?) in Afghanistan, a backward, non-industrialised state...

A probable victory in Iraq against hardly any resistance (at the moment anyway)...

Has made Bush a very confident and thus a very dangerous man. How much longer will he be allowed to continue on his path of invasion of sovereign states on the flimsiest of excuses before the international community decide that he must be stopped?

But then of course if that time ever comes, the rest of the world will have to overcome the incredible over confidence of America in itself. The US will probably go to war against the rest of us just because they don't believe they could ever lose.

And that way lies Armegeddon...

I've heard many people on this Board talk about the British appeasement against Hitler and that if we had acted earlier then the Second World War may not have started...

Well in Bush's case I think those people are correct. If we act early enough, from within as well as from without the United States, then Bush will probably not get a chance to drag the world ever closer to a Third World War...

Hmmmmm, so you are using some of the same reasoning that Bush used to go to war with Iraq to recommend that the world take Bush out? Amazing how you can denounce the American use of force on one hand and advocate the use of force against a "sovereign state" and its leader on the other. Do you realize how much of a dunce you are or are you oblivious?
Some people just don't understand irony or sarcasm.
I wouldn't expect Bush to go after any other countries unless he is re-elected. Then he knows he only has 4 years left no matter what.
I don't think the citizenry will allow another war after this one. Look at how hard it was to whip up support for this war. How can he whip up support for another, or another.

Chances are he won't be there after next year. Look at the economy.
Why am I not surprised that p_p_man hasn't changed... In all honesty though, I'm sad that for once I can't argue with him.

And TWB, Dubya has already said basically that he doesn't care whether the american people are behind a war or not. The guy is going power-crazy, he's not listening to his advisors or anyone anymore.

I'd like to end this, my first post here in quite a while, with a snippet from my AIM profile:

"To all the non-Americans reading this:
Remember, only half of us voted for that asshole cowboy, and only half of us support him. He's not America, he's a jerkoff who bought his way into our cockpit.
I Fucking Voted for Gore."
Hi ppman . . . lurk on over to the Trading with Saddam thread and I think you may find a good reason for the U$-Iraq Imperialist War of Conquest to Control Undeveloped Middlea East Oil Reserves.

The fight is about control of oil reserves, but more importantly , about the financial aspects of the world trade in oil. The developing importance of the EU means that they will exceed the U$ oil demand by 35% within two years. Now being astute businesspeople, they will want to trade in Euros rather than the $us, which has been the standard world trade currency since 1945.

This means that an awful lot of $us will be dumped on the market while an awful lot of Euros will be required to replace them as reserves for trade deals. Consequently, the $us could drop about 40% over the next two years , especially as other oil producing nations are also keen to write business in Euros.

The economic collapse in AmeriKKKa would be resounding and on a scale similar to the Asian or Japanese economic collapses this decade. Goodbye to the present AmeriKKKan way of gross consumerism, hello reality. :)

Meanwhile PR China continues to have an 8% pa economic growth taking manufacturing jobs from continental AmeriKKKa and providing goods for the AmeriKKKan market for U$ corporations. Oh how the money flows into the pockets of AmeriKKKan ccorporate executives exploiting cheap Chinese labour. :)
p_p_man said:
Victory (?) in Afghanistan, a backward, non-industrialised state...

A probable victory in Iraq against hardly any resistance (at the moment anyway)...

Has made Bush a very confident and thus a very dangerous man. How much longer will he be allowed to continue on his path of invasion of sovereign states on the flimsiest of excuses before the international community decide that he must be stopped?

But then of course if that time ever comes, the rest of the world will have to overcome the incredible over confidence of America in itself. The US will probably go to war against the rest of us just because they don't believe they could ever lose.

And that way lies Armegeddon...

I've heard many people on this Board talk about the British appeasement against Hitler and that if we had acted earlier then the Second World War may not have started...

Well in Bush's case I think those people are correct. If we act early enough, from within as well as from without the United States, then Bush will probably not get a chance to drag the world ever closer to a Third World War...


You are raving, and probably mad.

Get help

Damn, you appeasers still don't get it!!!!

The time has come, and now is, for you to form a consensus and a "coalition of the willing" and invade the US to remove Bush and restore the Constitution to its rightful place as the supreme law of the land.

I'm quite sure that you would be greeted as liberators, at least by some liberals and Democrats.

After your rapid victory, which would go down in history as the greatest military operation of all time, you could form a tribunal and try all the administration and Congress and the Supreme Court as war criminals. Hell, you could haul Reagan's Alzheimered self before the bar, too.

Sounds like a plan, boys. What the fuck are you waiting for?

God help us all.
Re: Re: How long will the world let Bush survive?

Cherry said:
The world and whose army???


Roughly interpreted it means p_p and several bottles of bacardi!:D
Re: Re: Re: How long will the world let Bush survive?

bluespoke said:
Roughly interpreted it means p_p and several bottles of bacardi!:D

If he's not swaying too badly, I can hit a fifth of Bacardi at 100 yards.

I wish he'd graduate to whiskey. Rum is so 19.
Re: Re: Re: Re: How long will the world let Bush survive?

mbb308 said:
If he's not swaying too badly, I can hit a fifth of Bacardi at 100 yards.

I wish he'd graduate to whiskey. Rum is so 19.

I wish he'd graduate to malt whisky, the real stuff!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How long will the world let Bush survive?

bluespoke said:
I wish he'd graduate to malt whisky, the real stuff!

And a single at that.

Let's kick the rummy's ass, shall we?
A vast right-wing it that much different than an executive leader that tries to purvey his extremist ideology every waking second (luckily he sleeps a lot). Ari's a slimeball, how many people around the world really buy his BS?
70/30 said:
A vast right-wing it that much different than an executive leader that tries to purvey his extremist ideology every waking second (luckily he sleeps a lot). Ari's a slimeball, how many people around the world really buy his BS?

Ari's just the monkey...

Not the organ grinder...

Come to think of it, who is the organ grinder?

He's the spokesperson, if they were on the up-and-up they wouldn't employ an obvious snake-oil salesman.
TWB said:
I don't think the citizenry will allow another war after this one. Look at how hard it was to whip up support for this war. How can he whip up support for another, or another.

Chances are he won't be there after next year. Look at the economy.

You got that right. The economy is in the tank and if it does't improve, people are not going to be in a good mood.

Presidential victories overseas have rarely been rewarded unless the economy was cooking along.
Heya Don,

Don K Dyck said:
Hi ppman . . . lurk on over to the Trading with Saddam thread and I think you may find a good reason for the U$-Iraq Imperialist War of Conquest to Control Undeveloped Middlea East Oil Reserves.

The fight is about control of oil reserves, but more importantly , about the financial aspects of the world trade in oil. The developing importance of the EU means that they will exceed the U$ oil demand by 35% within two years. Now being astute businesspeople, they will want to trade in Euros rather than the $us, which has been the standard world trade currency since 1945.

This means that an awful lot of $us will be dumped on the market while an awful lot of Euros will be required to replace them as reserves for trade deals. Consequently, the $us could drop about 40% over the next two years , especially as other oil producing nations are also keen to write business in Euros.

The economic collapse in AmeriKKKa would be resounding and on a scale similar to the Asian or Japanese economic collapses this decade. Goodbye to the present AmeriKKKan way of gross consumerism, hello reality. :)

Meanwhile PR China continues to have an 8% pa economic growth taking manufacturing jobs from continental AmeriKKKa and providing goods for the AmeriKKKan market for U$ corporations. Oh how the money flows into the pockets of AmeriKKKan ccorporate executives exploiting cheap Chinese labour. :)

Y'all have it right about the oil in part. The U.S. does want all oil traded in U.S. dollars. They also want a better handle on supply to markets other than their own.

As far as China goes, some protectionist members of Congress are looking to bring in new trade sanctions and tariffs. It's Smoot-Hawley all over again. China is only one of many targets. Even the British were complaining pre-war about the punishing duties and trade impediments.
How many organizations will that make the Junior's run into the ground?