Have you ever noticed?

Simply Me

Literotica Guru
Apr 21, 2001
That you can pm back and forth with someone of the opposite sex, just friendly talk, bantering back and forth. Suddenly they find out you are with someone..married, engaged.. and the pm's just stop? Is it really that hard to just talk without having to cyber with you? Staying up on my soapbox.
thats why i always say it at the start and that im a lesbian ... but then i usually don't get a follow up pm :)

i dont mind replying to pm's but i like to make things clear
I am a lesbian too...I always make that very clear...only it hasnt seemed to work!:D
I understand what you are saying, but why can't you just be friends with someone? Sometimes it's just one liners that are pm'd and it's kind of awkward to throw in there.."by the way, I'm engaged". But within a few pm's, I do manage to work it in there so there is no confusion as to my intentions. Then "poof".. they disappear.
what's a PM and how do i get on?

hopefully it doesn't involve getting people to want to talk to me, or actually being nice to people.
scylis said:
what's a PM and how do i get on?

hopefully it doesn't involve getting people to want to talk to me, or actually being nice to people.


You're still the man.
I wonder about that, too. I get ICQ messages all the time from people who obviously didn't read my profile. I love to talk to people, but I am not into cybering. I get very few pm's once people find out that I am in a long term relationship.
*bratcat* said:
Of course...but I have to warn you that I am not all that good at playing submissive...I tend to be a little too cheeky...I am working on it, tho.

Cheeky.. Nice pun, Sr. :D
teresafannin said:
I wonder about that, too. I get ICQ messages all the time from people who obviously didn't read my profile. I love to talk to people, but I am not into cybering. I get very few pm's once people find out that I am in a long term relationship.

I used to have it in my profile, maybe I need to put it back in. But even when it was there, the same thing was happening. Just makes a person feel like a piece of meat when they are done that way. Or maybe I'm just too sensitive about it.

I know, I know! It's a porn board..saying it before anyone else does.
Simply Me said:
That you can pm back and forth with someone of the opposite sex, just friendly talk, bantering back and forth. Suddenly they find out you are with someone..married, engaged.. and the pm's just stop? Is it really that hard to just talk without having to cyber with you? Staying up on my soapbox.

Damnnnnnn I thought you LIKED the cybering.......:eek: :p
Re: Re: Have you ever noticed?

april-wine said:
Damnnnnnn I thought you LIKED the cybering.......:eek: :p

I'm more of phone sex type of person. And I still have your number. :D
Re: Re: Re: Have you ever noticed?

Simply Me said:
I'm more of phone sex type of person. And I still have your number. :D


And for the record this 120 second thing suckssssssssssssssssss:mad:
Yep I noticed. After I tell someone I don't cyber, I can almost hear the hinges on the door after they run away.:rolleyes:
Shylady said:
Yep I noticed. After I tell someone I don't cyber, I can almost hear the hinges on the door after they run away.:rolleyes:

I have your number too, ya know..:D

Hiya! So good to see you back, and I talked with Jon about what we talked about today, and he is all for it..:)

Are you buying? :devil:
lol Simply! I am sitting here all alone feel free to use that number!

Yes! If what we talked about happens, I will buy!

Burger King ok with y'all?

Shylady said:
lol Simply! I am sitting here all alone feel free to use that number!

Yes! If what we talked about happens, I will buy!

Burger King ok with y'all?


LOL.. I travel to Texas to see one of my favorite ladies, and you offer me burger king??? I am insulted. :mad:

I like krystals. :p

I swear I am giggling here thinking about phone sex with you. Somehow I don't think either of us could stop laughing long enough to talk about who has to lick who first. :D
Oh Lord, don't we laugh enough when we talk, without trying to have phone sex too?

Well hey if you travel all the way to Texas, I will spring for Taco Bueno at least!