"Gaming Losers Hate Women"

Well, Indianapolis has one so it's always fun during lunch to see the people walking around in their costumes ;)

And my ex is a gamer. I used to joke that if mowing the lawn and house repairs were a video game shit would have been DONE!

I know, right?

Actually that whole thing with The Sims and the casino is why I took on online slots instead. Until they went all illegal.
I know, right?

Actually that whole thing with The Sims and the casino is why I took on online slots instead. Until they went all illegal.

I'm certainly glad you added the last sentence.

There's no telling where that could lead.
I don't know what any of that means but it sounds really nerdy and kind of up my alley ;)

Sadly, my gaming experience is strictly limited to The Sims (1, 2, 3 and now 4). I did the Sims Online when that whole operation existed back in the day but I am pretty sure the male to female ratio was pretty equal, with possibly even MORE women than men. I call The Sims my Barbies for adults.

I have to admit I was always too fearful/intimidated to try any other type of online gaming platform because I felt they were so male-dominated.

Check out the Star Trek series then....some of it's cheesey and certainly dated but they have some great stories in there still.

Right on, and you should try...because fuck em! What are they going to do kick your ass? LOL get better at the game, smoke em' then LOL as the /ragequit. :D

He didn't feed me some bullshit about being inherently inferior. Well, not here anyway. I've definitely heard it before. Pretty sure I've told him fuck you with love also.

If not, BB, fuck you with love!

I've never claimed you or women in general are inherently inferior. I've pointed out some physiological differences between genders each with there advantages/disadvantages you may have taken as accusations of inherent inferiority but I've never said that or tried to convey that message.

I've been a Star Trek nerd for a very long time. It's kinda impossible to know ALL the trivia through all the series, but I specialize on the original series.

Like what's the Tholian commander's name and what's Kirk's middle name, sorta thing.

I'm sorry to hear that. In a way I'm really glad I got into it far before that became a thing.

But yea you can't know all of it but you know SOMETHING other than "omg Chris Pine is hawt!! Can't he do something not so fucking pathetic??"
I'm certainly glad you added the last sentence.

There's no telling where that could lead.

I found that I couldn't really get all that addicted to gambling and I had to go back to games, which had more emotional content.
I've never claimed you or women in general are inherently inferior. I've pointed out some physiological differences between genders each with there advantages/disadvantages you may have taken as accusations of inherent inferiority but I've never said that or tried to convey that message.

But yea you can't know all of it but you know SOMETHING other than "omg Chris Pine is hawt!! Can't he do something not so fucking pathetic??"

You pick NOW to take me seriously? I'm blushing.

Actually I can't stand the reboot and Chris Pine has only been redeemed by being able to sing. Hawt does very little for me, voices though...
It's fucking TERRIBLE.....I call it Bay Trek....because JJ did a Michael Bay job on Star Trek.


Yeah, I huffed and complained through the first and I haven't even had the ability to sit down through the second.

Hah! My son and I are now giggling. I haven't seen that, and now when I hear Seth Green I hear Joker from Mass Effect and that just makes it BETTER.

Check out the Star Trek series then....some of it's cheesey and certainly dated but they have some great stories in there still.

Right on, and you should try...because fuck em! What are they going to do kick your ass? LOL get better at the game, smoke em' then LOL as the /ragequit. :D

Oh, I am quite familiar with Star Trek - I just never quite paid as much attention to remember the level detail you seem to require to be considered a true fan. My sister and I were quite addicted to the original series - tried to watch the The Next Generation when it came out but just could not get into it.

And now I either spend my free time reading or harassing others on Lit. I'm also a bit bitter that my ex seemed to prefer gaming over me in the long run. Hmm, perhaps that should be a study.... :devil:

Speaking of reading, I have a book calling my name and perhaps a bit of a nap. :rose:
Yeah, I huffed and complained through the first and I haven't even had the ability to sit down through the second.

Hah! My son and I are now giggling. I haven't seen that, and now when I hear Seth Green I hear Joker from Mass Effect and that just makes it BETTER.


Yah same here. I was so excited too.....guess I should have known better.

Love Mass Effect and I aggree.

Oh, I am quite familiar with Star Trek - I just never quite paid as much attention to remember the level detail you seem to require to be considered a true fan. My sister and I were quite addicted to the original series - tried to watch the The Next Generation when it came out but just could not get into it.

And now I either spend my free time reading or harassing others on Lit. I'm also a bit bitter that my ex seemed to prefer gaming over me in the long run. Hmm, perhaps that should be a study.... :devil:

Speaking of reading, I have a book calling my name and perhaps a bit of a nap. :rose:

Oh I'm not saying that super specific shit as a requirement...=p , that's a serious level 11 fan, but knowing what TNG/TOS/DS9 mean is imo a basic fan requirement.

I'm sure there are more than a few.

Righty O' ....enjoy the nap!
Show me the study.


Colorado Tech 2008

f the male and female brains respond the same way then the reaction times will be the same. The null hypothesis was supported and rejected. One p-value was significant while the other wasn’t. The p-value for the colors was 0.82, and for the math problems it was 2.8e-4. The mean for the color experiment female was 0.92 and the male was 0.90. For the math test, the mean was 11.36 for females and 6.25 for males.

NCIB 1999

This study considered the hypothesis that on some tasks men and women might employ different information processing strategies. Twelve male and 12 female participants performed a 2- and 4-choice, compatible and incompatible, choice reaction time task that required a verbal response to a spatial location target stimulus. Results demonstrated a near-significant overall reaction time advantage for male participants.

David B. Lipps, Andrzej T. Galecki, James A. Ashton-Miller
This one at least claims 'similar'

At the 99.9% confidence level, neither men nor women can react in 100 ms, but they can react in as little as 109 ms and 121 ms, respectively. However, that sex difference in reaction time is likely an artifact caused by using the same force threshold in women as men, and it permits a woman to false start by up to 21 ms without penalty. We estimate that female sprinters would have similar reaction times to male sprinters if the force threshold used at Beijing was lowered by 22% in order to account for their lesser muscle strength.

Robert J. Kosinski of Clemson University

At the risk of being politically incorrect, in almost every age group, males have faster reaction times than females, and female disadvantage is not reduced by practice (Noble et al., 1964; Welford, 1980; Adam et al., 1999; Dane and Erzurumlugoglu, 2003). Bellis (1933) reported that mean time to press a key in response to a light was 220 msec for males and 260 msec for females; for sound the difference was 190 msec (males) to 200 msec (females). In comparison, Engel (1972) reported a reaction time to sound of 227 msec (male) to 242 msec (female). Botwinick and Thompson (1966) found that almost all of the male-female difference was accounted for by the lag between the presentation of the stimulus and the beginning of muscle contraction. Muscle contraction times were the same for males and females. In a surprising finding, Szinnai et al. (2005) found that gradual dehydration (loss of 2.6% of body weight over a 7-day period) caused females to have lengthened choice reaction time, but males to have shortened choice reaction times. Adam et al. (1999) reported that males use a more complex strategy than females. Barral and Debu (2004) found that while men were faster than women at aiming at a target, the women were more accurate. Jevas and Yan (2001) reported that age-related deterioration in reaction time was the same in men and women.

Since we're talking video games, a medium in which people actually measure frames per second and it's important to start certain actions on the correct frame fractions of a second are important. (As they are in certain sports like drag racing.) It's biology backed up by a little over eighty years of studies that at most show women are more accurate at certain tasks though never faster. Which probably goes a long way towards explaining why women seem to kick all sorts of ass at puzzle games since that's a genre where the right answer is more important than the first answer.

Colorado Tech 2008

f the male and female brains respond the same way then the reaction times will be the same. The null hypothesis was supported and rejected. One p-value was significant while the other wasn’t. The p-value for the colors was 0.82, and for the math problems it was 2.8e-4. The mean for the color experiment female was 0.92 and the male was 0.90. For the math test, the mean was 11.36 for females and 6.25 for males.

NCIB 1999

This study considered the hypothesis that on some tasks men and women might employ different information processing strategies. Twelve male and 12 female participants performed a 2- and 4-choice, compatible and incompatible, choice reaction time task that required a verbal response to a spatial location target stimulus. Results demonstrated a near-significant overall reaction time advantage for male participants.

David B. Lipps, Andrzej T. Galecki, James A. Ashton-Miller
This one at least claims 'similar'

At the 99.9% confidence level, neither men nor women can react in 100 ms, but they can react in as little as 109 ms and 121 ms, respectively. However, that sex difference in reaction time is likely an artifact caused by using the same force threshold in women as men, and it permits a woman to false start by up to 21 ms without penalty. We estimate that female sprinters would have similar reaction times to male sprinters if the force threshold used at Beijing was lowered by 22% in order to account for their lesser muscle strength.

Robert J. Kosinski of Clemson University

At the risk of being politically incorrect, in almost every age group, males have faster reaction times than females, and female disadvantage is not reduced by practice (Noble et al., 1964; Welford, 1980; Adam et al., 1999; Dane and Erzurumlugoglu, 2003). Bellis (1933) reported that mean time to press a key in response to a light was 220 msec for males and 260 msec for females; for sound the difference was 190 msec (males) to 200 msec (females). In comparison, Engel (1972) reported a reaction time to sound of 227 msec (male) to 242 msec (female). Botwinick and Thompson (1966) found that almost all of the male-female difference was accounted for by the lag between the presentation of the stimulus and the beginning of muscle contraction. Muscle contraction times were the same for males and females. In a surprising finding, Szinnai et al. (2005) found that gradual dehydration (loss of 2.6% of body weight over a 7-day period) caused females to have lengthened choice reaction time, but males to have shortened choice reaction times. Adam et al. (1999) reported that males use a more complex strategy than females. Barral and Debu (2004) found that while men were faster than women at aiming at a target, the women were more accurate. Jevas and Yan (2001) reported that age-related deterioration in reaction time was the same in men and women.

Since we're talking video games, a medium in which people actually measure frames per second and it's important to start certain actions on the correct frame fractions of a second are important. (As they are in certain sports like drag racing.) It's biology backed up by a little over eighty years of studies that at most show women are more accurate at certain tasks though never faster. Which probably goes a long way towards explaining why women seem to kick all sorts of ass at puzzle games since that's a genre where the right answer is more important than the first answer.

Your first study has a link to Pinky Pie. Was that intentional? Funny either way.

As for reaction time gap, that's interesting. We have no idea what is the cause. The studies I've seen are tiny sample sizes, like 4 people. I'd like to see some non-Pinky research, but it's cool.

But we're talking 11 milliseconds here. Is that all that statistically significant, would be the question.

There's also not much about complicated choices.

I still say your conclusion is not supported by the research, as muscle twitch isn't all that's required in a game.

There are 4 guys I can think of that I played games with enough to say that they were much better than I am. Two from years ago, the other two are my autistic son and my husband, who is just a freak of nature as far as reaction times go, considering he gets booted for cheating on servers when he's not cheating.

However, reaction times really just don't make up that much of the whole genre of gaming, if that's your hypothesis. For instance I kick ass games that might bore other people because they are interested in twitch muscle exercise and I'm interested in brain exercise. So I'd do much better at a game like Civilization or Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

When Ulaven and I played against each other in things like the original StarCraft, it wasn't a question of reaction times but strategy, and I'm good at that, and I'm patient and I have original ideas on how to utilize gaming resources.

So nah.
Starcraft is strategy, the minor differences don't hit. Fighting, Sports, Racing and FPS games are still strategy but reaction time is vital in these games. There is a reason why people will refuse to play on certain kinds of televisions because of the lag for fucks sake.
Starcraft is strategy, the minor differences don't hit. Fighting, Sports, Racing and FPS games are still strategy but reaction time is vital in these games. There is a reason why people will refuse to play on certain kinds of televisions because of the lag for fucks sake.

You just can't actually factor in or out socialization and other brain needs and make one or the other turn out as "better at." You're choosing one aspect of some games.

There are definitely certain female gamers better than other male gamers even in the games you've chosen. Practice and strategy can make a huge difference in overcoming issues like the one you mentioned.

I play different, more problem solving games. I don't get much from fast, I get more from building a strategy or solving a problem.

I don't know if the refusal of televisions is just superstition or being a primadonna. I don't know. Sounds like blaming tools, but I'd have to see info on that too.

"Games" is a huge section of human endeavor, and you can't narrow down one skill in one genre and give it an overarching meaning across all platforms.
Oh I'm not saying that super specific shit as a requirement...=p , that's a serious level 11 fan, but knowing what TNG/TOS/DS9 mean is imo a basic fan requirement.

I'm sure there are more than a few.

Righty O' ....enjoy the nap!

The nap was divine. And will admit I have no idea what TNG/TOS/DS9 means; however, I will NOT be dressing up in Trekkie attire either. Let's leave it as I have basic admiration for the show :)

Now when American Horror Story and/or Walking Dead become part of this I can play.
The nap was divine. And will admit I have no idea what TNG/TOS/DS9 means; however, I will NOT be dressing up in Trekkie attire either. Let's leave it as I have basic admiration for the show :)

Now when American Horror Story and/or Walking Dead become part of this I can play.

Saul Goodman.....

BTW they mean

The Next Generation

The Original Series

Deep Space 9
The nap was divine. And will admit I have no idea what TNG/TOS/DS9 means; however, I will NOT be dressing up in Trekkie attire either. Let's leave it as I have basic admiration for the show :)

Now when American Horror Story and/or Walking Dead become part of this I can play.

Lots of Walking Dead gamers.

AHS I dunno but it would be fun
Saul Goodman.....

BTW they mean

The Next Generation

The Original Series

Deep Space 9

Saul Goodman? From Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul? :eek: Now we ARE talking! Add in in some SOA and GoT and we have my whole world covered :rose:

Okay, and now that you SPELLED it out for me, I get it. (Pulls out Trekkie notepad and scribbles down notes....teasing).

Lots of Walking Dead gamers.

AHS I dunno but it would be fun

I guess I did forget about Walking Dead having a game. Hmmm, maybe since I'll have all that alleged free time in a few weeks....
Saul Goodman? From Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul? :eek: Now we ARE talking! Add in in some SOA and GoT and we have my whole world covered :rose:

Okay, and now that you SPELLED it out for me, I get it. (Pulls out Trekkie notepad and scribbles down notes....teasing).

I guess I did forget about Walking Dead having a game. Hmmm, maybe since I'll have all that alleged free time in a few weeks....



I've seen a few episodes that look pretty good but I haven't watched the series yet...it's on my list.

It is good. Not for the faint of heart, but really fucked up good. From an acting point of view, fantastic.

I've seen a few episodes that look pretty good but I haven't watched the series yet...it's on my list.

It is good. Not for the faint of heart, but really fucked up good. From an acting point of view, fantastic.

Now THAT is some Cosplay I could get into! Which season to choose from though? Which character? So many choices....

And yes, I :heart: AHS. I would offer to lend you my DVDs BUT parting with them would give me anxiety. Now I want to pull an AHS marathon.