Shooting blanks mate


Sep 8, 2010
Not sure why I'm awake and reading about the end of humanity at 2.30am but things could be worse I spose.

In her consultations with patients, Genea fertility specialist Dr Kate Mcllwaine says many couples assume the issue is with the female reproductive system, “so it often comes as a surprise to patients when I diagnose male factor infertility.”

But a growing body of research about the male’s role in fertility is slowly turning the conversation away from just women. Only a few weeks ago, news that we could reach a zero sperm count in the West shocked the world, with New York-based environmental and reproductive epidemiologist Shanna Swan writing in her new book Count Down that following current projections, sperm counts are set to reach zero in 2045.

It’s an explosive claim, but one established from a 2017 systematic review which looked at 185 studies based on the semen samples of nearly 43,000 men between 1973 and 2011. Swan – a co-author – found that sperm quality and quantity has been steadily declining since the 1970s by about 1 to 2 per cent, which if continued will result in her claim of zero by 2045.
Someone needs to tell Henry the VIII that it was all his fault. :)

On a more serious note, stress is a sperm killer. As are the common "comfort" concoctions that are in general use by a large part of the population since the 1960's.
Not sure why I'm awake and reading about the end of humanity at 2.30am but things could be worse I spose.

In her consultations with patients, Genea fertility specialist Dr Kate Mcllwaine says many couples assume the issue is with the female reproductive system, “so it often comes as a surprise to patients when I diagnose male factor infertility.”

But a growing body of research about the male’s role in fertility is slowly turning the conversation away from just women. Only a few weeks ago, news that we could reach a zero sperm count in the West shocked the world, with New York-based environmental and reproductive epidemiologist Shanna Swan writing in her new book Count Down that following current projections, sperm counts are set to reach zero in 2045.

It’s an explosive claim, but one established from a 2017 systematic review which looked at 185 studies based on the semen samples of nearly 43,000 men between 1973 and 2011. Swan – a co-author – found that sperm quality and quantity has been steadily declining since the 1970s by about 1 to 2 per cent, which if continued will result in her claim of zero by 2045.

Plastics in the environment.
One current theory expands the scope of animal life, especially fish and amphibians,
and has posited the culprit may be female urine containing contraceptives since
they are not removed from the water during the sewage treatment process.

Not saying that I am fully vested in that theory,
but it is something to think about and
study further...
The species is evolving, as all species do constantly. The guys shooting blanks are flushed out of the gene pool, leaving men with more resilient sperm and possibly all of the traits you personally dislike.
Men could evolve long lasting sperm and women could evolve storage pockets for later decisions about using or rejecting sperm.
Plastics in the environment.

I truly believe that more people should be concerned about the environment. I'm glad I had the opportunity to learn a bit more about our environment when I was a teen. I've noticed that many people want to be cleaner and greener, until it affects their comfort.
i religiously read hisrapy's stories, becoming muchly excited, and shoot those badboys into a ziplock.

the ziplocks get stored in the freezer. some day the petesicles will be worth bank.
The species is evolving, as all species do constantly. The guys shooting blanks are flushed out of the gene pool, leaving men with more resilient sperm and possibly all of the traits you personally dislike.

The question here is whether or not it is a significant number of men "shooting blanks."

That is a red flag when it comes to why because that why is defeating natural selection.
Old news, male fertility has been on the decline since the 1980's.

Isn't that when contraceptive use really began to blossom
as almost a requirement for women so they could be
as promiscuous as men without consequence?
That 70s Show on steroids?
