"Gaming Losers Hate Women"

I'm not denying that cosplaying takes work. (Though I would argue Chun Li is super easy to pull off recognizably if not well) That however makes you a talented artist, seamstress, and model. Not a gamer. Just like the guy who paints my figurines doesn't know how to play Warhammer. And I can't paint to save my life. If I try to paint they at best look like I hired a blind donkey. This has nothing to do with disrespecting their talent nor their passion.

Half of your disagreements aren't even things I said. IT's not about time spent playing but knowledge of the field. Feel free to disagree with my entitlement. That's your perogative. I dont' care that she's getting attention, I do however understand why others are. Whether or not I should be getting her attention isn't really the point here. IT's really more a matter of if she should be there to begin with.

I don't give non-confirmed anybody respect nor do I ask anything extra of women.

Call it jealousy if you like. You're not wrong. But 90% of everything in humanity is driven by jealousy so I'm simply not going to cry about that.

Oh, I get what the problem is. I think it's largely exaggerated for one, easily explainable in many cases for two, and yes in need of fixing. Hell half the problem you run into in some games is there is no effective way to solve it. You can't defend the woman because then you're only stepping up because she's a woman if she weren't you'd let her deal with her own shit. Which is debatably true. I tend to just have a "THAT'S ENOUGH" and I don't care who started what gender, sex, screwing up the game whatever but I see why I've gotten my head bitten off and it does make me more likely to sit back and assume she'll figure it out or sign out and either way problem solved.

(Though decades upon decades of research show that women are inferior gamers when all is said and done.)

Well, everybody knows the best Chun Li was Jackie Chan.


Oh, and fuck you.

With love, of course.

Clearly all is not said and done.

Anyway, I do think that anybody who wants to critique gamers needs to be aware of the culture. Had I an actual ego about my gamer cred, I'd be upset. I'm not upset, I just have a different opinion.

Clearly I enjoy people attempting to harass me, which puts me in excellent gamer field and usually when I kick someone's ass either in a game or in a conversation, I get respect from most people, male or female.

The problem is with a minority of men. The problem is experienced by a majority of women.
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Jackie Chain is a damn sight better than. . Mila Kunis I think it was? And we don't even talk about the Raul Julia movie.

I give as well as I get. There is a minority of genuine racists online and in gaming as well. I don't see blacks getting all uppity about the endless stream of nigger monkey comments though nor do I see where the genuine difference is.

I'll take your word for it that as my male privilege I simply don't notice some of the things that happen to women. I try not to do it myself. I still see more women getting flirted with than anything else. Though I suppose you can make a strong argument that someone trying to get in your pants while you're trying to capture the flag is harassment. And it's sure as fuck distracting. For me. The only person in world who matters.
Jackie Chain is a damn sight better than. . Mila Kunis I think it was? And we don't even talk about the Raul Julia movie.

I give as well as I get. There is a minority of genuine racists online and in gaming as well. I don't see blacks getting all uppity about the endless stream of nigger monkey comments though nor do I see where the genuine difference is.

I'll take your word for it that as my male privilege I simply don't notice some of the things that happen to women. I try not to do it myself. I still see more women getting flirted with than anything else. Though I suppose you can make a strong argument that someone trying to get in your pants while you're trying to capture the flag is harassment. And it's sure as fuck distracting. For me. The only person in world who matters.

There are bad gamer movies. BAD...bad...gamer movies. moving on.

Don't know what gamer communities you are active in, but I definitely see African American push back to language and attitude, same as I see people pushing back on gender insult.

I give as good as I get. My defense usually was to go strict roleplaying and interact with roleplayers. I'd tell assholes I couldn't make out their accent or I'd shred them depending on my mood.

I started online gaming when it first started and I met tons of people, lots of phone, lots of inviting a whole bunch of people from all over the country to a party, and people came. I dispelled any fears or legends about gamers in general living in their parents' basements, being socially inept. Gamers were fairly normal people, but tended to be smart, funny and tell great stories. I'm self selecting because I didn't invite everyone, but 30 people showing up and hanging out several times a year was a nice sample size.

As for the things that happen to women, it's available to be seen on Lit, at least the tip of the iceberg.

Someone new gets here, either hits it off or finds a friend or does their own thing, immune to community.

If you're a guy you might be ignored. Although I will say when I roleplayed a guy, I had trouble scraping women off, so attractive, smart guys get attention, just not anywhere near as much as attractive, smart women. Absolutely granted.

Anyway. As a female what happens as a gamer the same way it happens to Lit:

1. Introduction
A. If you're a guy you're on your fucking own, mostly ignored. If you're extra special, you get male jealousy first and some female attention.
B. If you're a girl there is a crowd poking and trying to figure out if boobs are real. Advice and intimidation is attempted on Lit. In a game, men will offer to take the girl out, get her some stuff, show her the ropes.

The devil is in the follow up.

Navigating the advice, intimidation, attention and jealousy is key. Do not fucking complain about any of it.

The thing is to turn down getting help, because getting help and being given stuff is a trap, it's like being taken out to dinner.

Check out advice. Test friendship.

What I see is the jealousy about how much attention a woman gets, but that is where the privilege thing comes in. You see the public attention, you do not see the private wrangling, guilt, intimidation, rejection and harassment that comes from not immediately falling under someone's sex spell.

That's why there are all those text screen captures about a guy being nice and then saying "Fine, you're not worth my time you fucking ugly bitch, why don't you just die."

Every tiny overture of a male toward a female character has to be mostly ignored until you build some actual level of friendship because it's just an attempted chisel trying to make a crack.

So men start conversations with women easily, give them up front attention - that's just that tip of the iceberg where the ugly side is some sense of proprietary ownership.

About 99% of niceness and kindness and help comes with a hot-potato drop of disinterest if not abuse if the sex isn't on right away. And for every disingenuous act of supposed devotion, you should be incredibly polite through the entire thing until you can't and you have to say a direct no, because if you are not polite, you get that vengeance, spurned-asshole thing you see.

So the trick is, be smart, be nice, be distant, and do not allow the 99% of crap coming your way pull you off course of having fun.

Not everybody can pull that off. You should get that not everybody thinks that should be necessary. I do it because polite and smart are things I can do, but just as you can sympathize with a guy feeling jealous and put upon, I can sympathize with the women punching people and yelling at them to fuck off and in general not being 'ladylike' because they're sick of the whole disingenuous dance.
Cosplay takes a lot of work. If you can tell that they are Chun Li at all...and that's harder that Tifa, who is mostly long hair and a pair of shorts and gloves.

I'd say putting together the outfit counts as effort.


I disagree with the preciousness of your time spent playing. I disagree with the entitlement you feel. I disagree with being upset that a woman is getting attention. I disagree with your sense that you should be getting the attention she's getting because you're a real gamer or that you should be getting her attention because you are a male.

That's the crux of the problem and has always been - the unwillingness to give a non-confirmed woman respect and the unwillingness to allow a confirmed woman respect or status.

It's all bullshit. From what I see about the whole Cosplay thing, it is pretty much just about attention and jealousy.

It's not like you personally are going to insult her or give her shit, but you've expressed the exact problem, in its larval form.

When it has evolved like a petty, cruel and vicious Pokémon, it's a different story.

It's true there is a lot of that.....a lot of it. I'm not trying to defend it and I like you sat next to more than one woman for an extend time playing games and gone to comiccon/conventions with women before and see how they are treated. So while I might miss some there I've got a decent side perspective.

But I'm with Sean in some respects too.....there is an entire segment of nerd hoes who don't know shit about gamer culture or general nerddom because actually Beverly Hills/Palo Alto Princess either getting paid to be in a costume to sell something and/or looking for a techie to use as an ATM.

And the easiest way to find out if a nerdy girl is legit or not is to ask her about the brand of nerddom she's flying. If she's dressed up in a Trek uniform but doesn't know what TNG means much less what the cruise velocity of an Intrepid class star ship is or what powers a D'deridex class warbirds warp core that's a red flag for either hoe or not interested in shit just doing her job selling whatever with her sex appeal. Because obviously not much of a fan.
It's true there is a lot of that.....a lot of it. I'm not trying to defend it and I like you sat next to more than one woman for an extend time playing games and gone to comiccon/conventions with women before and see how they are treated. So while I might miss some there I've got a decent side perspective.

But I'm with Sean in some respects too.....there is an entire segment of nerd hoes who don't know shit about gamer culture or general nerddom because actually Beverly Hills/Palo Alto Princess either getting paid to be in a costume to sell something and/or looking for a techie to use as an ATM.

And the easiest way to find out if a nerdy girl is legit or not is to ask her about the brand of nerddom she's flying. If she's dressed up in a Trek uniform but doesn't know what TNG means much less what the cruise velocity of an Intrepid class star ship is or what powers a D'deridex class warbirds warp core that's a red flag for either hoe or not interested in shit just doing her job selling whatever with her sex appeal. Because obviously not much of a fan.

Okay, but nobody cares if a model is paid to hang out in a Comicon booth. Why does someone care if a girl shows up with a costume? Are there really lots of cases of a guy being financially dragged through the mud because he couldn't resist a smokin' Bayonetta cosplay?

Is that an actual gaming issue? I want to sleep with a girl and she may not be the right girl for me?

Doesn't that happen everywhere, not just at conventions?
Okay, but nobody cares if a model is paid to hang out in a Comicon booth. Why does someone care if a girl shows up with a costume? Are there really lots of cases of a guy being financially dragged through the mud because he couldn't resist a smokin' Bayonetta cosplay?

Is that an actual gaming issue? I want to sleep with a girl and she may not be the right girl for me?

Doesn't that happen everywhere, not just at conventions?

Nah....and the ones that happen had it coming...because morons.

No it's not a gaming issue but it is a social one inside the general gaming community.

Yea pretty much. But you two were talking about telling legit folks from fakers, that's where my 2c was to land.
I turned Heathyr Hoffman into a Skyrim character.

This is the ultimate compliment and show of appreciation.

Nah....and the ones that happen had it coming...because morons.

No it's not a gaming issue but it is a social one inside the general gaming community.

Yea pretty much. But you two were talking about telling legit folks from fakers, that's where my 2c was to land.

Yes, because morons.

From my dorky, nerdy Tumblr side of things I see a LOT...a fucking lot of work go into Cosplay and I couldn't do it. I have a lot of respect for seeing how people build full sets. It also looks like an awful lot of fun. From some of the stuff I've seen, I consider it art. I also know that there's a starting point for everyone and I am willing to give someone points for enthusiasm. I don't understand the 'wanna be ho' part of it.

People suck at playing games all the time, they still want to try, why be a douche about it?

It's a game. Okay, sometimes, depending on what you play, it can involve fake rocket science, but it's still a game. Why get that worked up?

I don't look at human beings, male or female, as someone that should potentially be giving me attention or getting mine. It does break down to that. Why is a non-gamer woman in a costume more or less deserving of getting or giving attention?

"I don't like it because she won't sleep with me" with trivia sprinkled on top as justification is not an acceptable answer.
I turned Heathyr Hoffman into a Skyrim character.

This is the ultimate compliment and show of appreciation.

Heathyr needs armor, Mike.

The ultimate show of appreciation would be ARMOR.

She needs a decent, well crafted set of enchanted dragon bone and weapons. Give her a good bow to start with, that bitch needs range.

She's going to be fucking cold and miserable, which is okay because she's not going to last long and Sheogorath is going to LAUGH.
How come Bot doesn't get a fuck you? I thought we was homies.


I'm gonna go start my own thread.
With blackjack
and hookers.

On second thought forget the blackjack.
and the thread.

And yeah my fem alt does get all that same lit crap. I find it hilarious at times because I'm apparently as oblivious here as I am irl to whatever differences there are between a woman making fun of me, being polite to me and genuinely wanting my attention. I'll get pms all the time about "well I was hinting you should message me" and I'm like "nope, never message lit chicks. If they wanted your attention they'd pm you. Otherwise they've already gotten 20 messages today and will get 20 more before the sunsets. If were them I'd simply delete all without even glancing.
And the easiest way to find out if a nerdy girl is legit or not is to ask her about the brand of nerddom she's flying. If she's dressed up in a Trek uniform but doesn't know what TNG means much less what the cruise velocity of an Intrepid class star ship is or what powers a D'deridex class warbirds warp core that's a red flag for either hoe or not interested in shit just doing her job selling whatever with her sex appeal. Because obviously not much of a fan.

I don't know what any of that means but it sounds really nerdy and kind of up my alley ;)

Sadly, my gaming experience is strictly limited to The Sims (1, 2, 3 and now 4). I did the Sims Online when that whole operation existed back in the day but I am pretty sure the male to female ratio was pretty equal, with possibly even MORE women than men. I call The Sims my Barbies for adults.

I have to admit I was always too fearful/intimidated to try any other type of online gaming platform because I felt they were so male-dominated.
How come Bot doesn't get a fuck you? I thought we was homies.


I'm gonna go start my own thread.
With blackjack
and hookers.

On second thought forget the blackjack.
and the thread.

And yeah my fem alt does get all that same lit crap. I find it hilarious at times because I'm apparently as oblivious here as I am irl to whatever differences there are between a woman making fun of me, being polite to me and genuinely wanting my attention. I'll get pms all the time about "well I was hinting you should message me" and I'm like "nope, never message lit chicks. If they wanted your attention they'd pm you. Otherwise they've already gotten 20 messages today and will get 20 more before the sunsets. If were them I'd simply delete all without even glancing.

He didn't feed me some bullshit about being inherently inferior. Well, not here anyway. I've definitely heard it before. Pretty sure I've told him fuck you with love also.

If not, BB, fuck you with love!

Can I crash your thread? Please? I promise to insult you more!

I've been there roleplaying as a male. Plus an online partner of mine would let me take out his character for fun to see if I could impersonate him. Holy crap that dude.

Anyway. Remember that women get attention, can't help it. Even if they are not trying. Some of them like it and try very hard. Then they get more attention, but the bigger that attention thing gets, the more ugly comes with it.

Don't be jealous, it's actually very petty.

Think how much Heathyr would love all this attention.
It's not bullshit! It's science! Long standing over decades. Tis nae my fault.
I don't know what any of that means but it sounds really nerdy and kind of up my alley ;)

Sadly, my gaming experience is strictly limited to The Sims (1, 2, 3 and now 4). I did the Sims Online when that whole operation existed back in the day but I am pretty sure the male to female ratio was pretty equal, with possibly even MORE women than men. I call The Sims my Barbies for adults.

I have to admit I was always too fearful/intimidated to try any other type of online gaming platform because I felt they were so male-dominated.

I've been a Star Trek nerd for a very long time. It's kinda impossible to know ALL the trivia through all the series, but I specialize on the original series.

Like what's the Tholian commander's name and what's Kirk's middle name, sorta thing.

I'm sorry to hear that. In a way I'm really glad I got into it far before that became a thing.
Why is a non-gamer woman in a costume more or less deserving of getting or giving attention?

She is less deserving because she is a fuckin' poser.

If you want to dress up in T6 gear set from WOW for example, cool do your thing. But you should at least know some basics about the game/character/class w/e. If you don't you're a fuckin poser and you should be scorned as such. Just my opinion.

And for me it's not about her being a woman either....because I've antagonized the shit out of guys way more often than women for being posers. For the simple frequency factor alone.
I've been a Star Trek nerd for a very long time. It's kinda impossible to know ALL the trivia through all the series, but I specialize on the original series.

Like what's the Tholian commander's name and what's Kirk's middle name, sorta thing.

I'm sorry to hear that. In a way I'm really glad I got into it far before that became a thing.

Oh, I've obviously gotten over my low self-esteem issues. I just now like to control the lives of overs and destroy them at will so I stick with the Sims.

Of course, due to others in my life I've been introduced to the wonderful world of Minecraft and Terraria unwillingly. I'm sure through the years my horizons will broaden. And at some point I'll be required to attend Comic Con (sans costume obviously as there is great animosity apparently) ;)
She is less deserving because she is a fuckin' poser.

If you want to dress up in T6 gear set from WOW for example, cool do your thing. But you should at least know some basics about the game/character/class w/e. If you don't you're a fuckin poser and you should be scorned as such. Just my opinion.

And for me it's not about her being a woman either....because I've antagonized the shit out of guys way more often than women for being posers. For the simple frequency factor alone.


That's pretty much their whole job.

You're a bad person :D
Oh, I've obviously gotten over my low self-esteem issues. I just now like to control the lives of overs and destroy them at will so I stick with the Sims.

Of course, due to others in my life I've been introduced to the wonderful world of Minecraft and Terraria unwillingly. I'm sure through the years my horizons will broaden. And at some point I'll be required to attend Comic Con (sans costume obviously as there is great animosity apparently) ;)

I played loads of Sims. I played online a bit when it came out. Had fun building and running a casino.

I'm just finishing a long Dragon Age/Mass Effect obsession period, I couldn't really get into The Witcher but I'll try again later, and I have to run through all of Fallout which I haven't played before, because they're finally doing a new game and I'm not missing that.

I'd really like to go to a convention, but I've never made it. Did go to a really nice lecture in San Francisco once by an animator and sat next to a really, really awesome guy who drew me a version of "Potato Salad Man" on the spot because the animator said not to make up your own proprietary character named "Potato Salad Man."

TROY IF YOU ARE OUT THERE...well...I'm married now but...I MISS YOU TROY.

I've had great experiences with male gamers. Really great experiences. Married one, by the way. Met him in a game.
Heathyr needs armor, Mike.

The ultimate show of appreciation would be ARMOR.

She needs a decent, well crafted set of enchanted dragon bone and weapons. Give her a good bow to start with, that bitch needs range.

She's going to be fucking cold and miserable, which is okay because she's not going to last long and Sheogorath is going to LAUGH.

She's a sexy lady and loyal hosuewife to Balimund the blacksmith from riften. They make love on an almost nightly basis and occasionally the female housecarl will join in for some 3-way action!

Heathyr also mothered two children with her husband Balimund.

Her days of combat and dragon slaying are over, now she's just a mother and housewife.
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I played loads of Sims. I played online a bit when it came out. Had fun building and running a casino.

I'm just finishing a long Dragon Age/Mass Effect obsession period, I couldn't really get into The Witcher but I'll try again later, and I have to run through all of Fallout which I haven't played before, because they're finally doing a new game and I'm not missing that.

I'd really like to go to a convention, but I've never made it. Did go to a really nice lecture in San Francisco once by an animator and sat next to a really, really awesome guy who drew me a version of "Potato Salad Man" on the spot because the animator said not to make up your own proprietary character named "Potato Salad Man."

TROY IF YOU ARE OUT THERE...well...I'm married now but...I MISS YOU TROY.

I've had great experiences with male gamers. Really great experiences. Married one, by the way. Met him in a game.

Well, Indianapolis has one so it's always fun during lunch to see the people walking around in their costumes ;)

And my ex is a gamer. I used to joke that if mowing the lawn and house repairs were a video game shit would have been DONE!
She's a sexy lady and loyal hosuewife to Balimund the blacksmith from riften.

Heathyr also mothered two children with her husband Balimund.

Her days of combat and dragon slaying are over.

Oh. Well.

Okay. Balimund is a decent guy. He's actually a really, really good guy, and I always brought him fire salts and he helped me with my smithing.

I of course run the Thieves Guild in Riften's ratways and I owe my immortal soul to Nocturnal. I also got a mod so I could marry Brynjolf because I like it when he calls me lass and he is the only guy in the whole place without a crappy accent.