Fucked versus Used

Like many of the woman here, I crave being used. In my mind, used means the sex is for the guys benefit and he uses my three holes however he wants for his enjoyment, and I'm just there for the ride and I have no say-so in what happens. I just find it very refreshing not to have to think and just let things happen.
Like many of the woman here, I crave being used. In my mind, used means the sex is for the guys benefit and he uses my three holes however he wants for his enjoyment, and I'm just there for the ride and I have no say-so in what happens. I just find it very refreshing not to have to think and just let things happen.
You don't have to be a woman to enjoy being used by a lover. What you describe is exactly how my trans girlfriend treats me sexually. It is refreshing to let her take control for her own enjoyment.
I enjoy sex of most flavors and definitely want to be loved, cherished, and pampered. That said, what really blows me away is when I'm being used.

Used versus fucked: My definition is, the man (or men - yeah I love that also!!!) is using my body for his/their pleasure and amusement with no thought of my own enjoyment or even compliance. To him/them I am just an object, a thing to satisfy need to copulate. That to me is used.

Anyone else prefer used to fucked?
I do and I love ur definition. Bravo
I like being used a lot. One time, I was required to stand there with my hands behind my head at the edge of the bed. She was raunchy after not showering for a couplle of days (which really turned me on). She yelled at me to just stand there, shut up and be used. She fucked on my dick. if I began to thrust, she chastised me and I had to return to being frozen as she used my penis for her pleasure. After she came, she gave me ten seconds to cum. when I did, she pulled off me and my spew went onto the sheets. My face was pushed into it. I wore some and ate some. The most exciting part was her yelling at me to shut the fuck up and just stand there and be used.
This thread has me thinking about FWB arrangements. I have been in several of those over the years and they seemed to be mutual. Both people enjoy each other for their pleasure.

However, what @lowcollar mentioned above and others on this thread the turn-on seems to be when it is more one-sided. You fuck that person,get yourself off with little or not much thought to your partner's pleasure.

In my original post on this thread, I mentioned a woman who fucked/used me for several hours and then had me take her home. Every act we did in the bedroom was about and for her pleasure, not mine. I had a couple of orgasms sure, but they were on her terms, possibly for her amusement, mostly to get me hard again for her enjoyment.

When you are in a relationship and you get to see this side of your partner on occasion, I think it is really hot. It strengthens your emotional bond I feel.
I agree completely. The first time I was totally used, I realised afterwards that I craved the intensity and degradation. I found myself almost bored with "vanilla" sex and sought out men who would indulge my needs. It wasn't hard to find them or, perhaps, they found me.
I’m a big fan of intense, rough sex where everyone is clearly enjoying themself. Scenes where the woman is encouraging the man/men to get harder. Maybe a little fear on her face, from the intensity of what’s happening, but more the sort of fear when you willingly do something risky and exciting. The ‘thrill seeker’ sort of fear. Of course, a big smile and dirty talking back. Not so much into porns where the woman just lays there like a sex doll. I want to see her involvement and enjoyment in what’s happening.

It sort of plays out in a kinky fantasy I have. About a college-aged son of about 23yo comes home to give his mother a surprised visit. Get’s home incredibly late but sees the living room lights on. Peeks in and stunned to see his mother the center of a wild gangbang from guys younger than himself (18-19yo).

She’s always been a pretty woman but never put a lot of effort into day-to-day makeup and hair, unless it was some big event or party. Seeing her makeup and hair so emasculate and what little clothes she still has on. This was not some spontaneous thing. This was clearly some planned event she was excited for. The surprise of seeing this secret side of her, a side she never imagined her son would see. A woman with wild desires and thrills. Most importantly. Him seeing how much she’s enjoying being used.

I especially like the guys being so much younger than her and a little younger than the son. Not friends of his or anyone form the neighborhood. Creating questions of how did he meet them or this turn into such a kinky affair? Seeing how they move and act, this isn’t the first time. Maybe if the son keeps watching they’ll say something to fill in the gaps.

I don’t imagine it as a cukcolding situation. More in the surprise of suddenly awakening that his mother is a sexual and wild woman. Seeing her in this new light. There’s a saying in how sometimes you see a person’s true character in how they act when they think no one is watching and are free of consequences.
My two cents…. Women who are used regularly at their own will are very far and few

Ladies who want to be used but are fucked are mostly married wives.
To me there are 3....made love to, fucked and used. Made love to is the touchy feely romantic sex. Fucking is the hot passionate got to have each other raw sex and used is when it is all about him and what he needs sex
True. I love being used when she doesn't even bother to wake me up. She just pulls my underwear down far enough to get her cock in my ass. It's then I feel that my hole is being used to satisfy her hungry cock's need to cum in a hole.
I love following the women’s want or need. I can make love to you or use you. Both are fun. My wife has been used many times and loves it. When she asks to be used she knows that I am going to fuck her lick a Fucktoy and leave her a mess.
I love following the women’s want or need. I can make love to you or use you. Both are fun. My wife has been used many times and loves it. When she asks to be used she knows that I am going to fuck her lick a Fucktoy and leave her a mess.
sounds like a FUN woman :)
Fucked is when it's for the sexual pleasure of both (or all) partners whereas used is just for me. My lady, for example, loves sex and likes getting fucked. But there are times when she sees I'm having either a really bad day or a really great day and she lets me relieve myself with her body. I'm using her and getting off with her mouth or her pussy. She's not going to cum from it but she loves it and she'll relive those moments later to pleasure herself. Using her is me taking control, doing what I want, exploding in her, and letting her clean up so I can go about my day. I get to be selfish.
Yes! Getting used is the other person getting off and walking away/sending the one being used away. Getting fucked is usually rougher, maybe some mutual consideration, but with some tenderness periodically during or after. And love making is its own thing lol