Forever Trapped ~ Closed for amchentai

The monster did not seem to listen to the cries of the Elf woman as it continued to pump into her. It's smoother cock slowly pushing and growing into her ass to fuck her as deeply and as powerful as it could. The vibration was getting stronger and stronger the more it pumped into her. The cock in her pussy was slowly becoming more and more smooth inside her, but was growing larger and larger as well. Pushing into her depths and stretching her out more and more. Slowly making her belly bulge out like the Weretiger had. But unlike his, the cool smoothing cock was slightly cool to her insides. The one in her ass was growing as well, but much much slower.

"Ah... The beauty of youth..."
"Ah... The beauty of youth..."

The twin voices said as the monster over all was becoming smoother and smoother rather then the rough crystal it had started out as. It took hold of her left breast with it's smooth crystal hand, the hand also having the same strong vibration the monster's cock had. Placing it's palm over her nipple the vibration seemed to spread from her hard nub of flesh through her whole orb and deep into her body from there.
Unlike with the tiger, the stretching was slightly more painful this time as both of her holes had to take it all in. The words had left her as her head rolled back to look up out of the hole instead of the demon. All the while her body shivered from the coolness of its cocks and quaked hard when she came. Each time she came, it relaxed her enough for the second cock to push in deeper and she could have sworn this was the end for her.

The felt thin the deeper they got and once more, her ribs were in the vice grip threatening to take her life. Both her eyes were glowing deeply as they helped take on the two giant cocks. The vibrations seemed to melt her mind and confused her body with the pain and pleasure. It was so much different than with the tiger beast and compared to this, she almost preferred to take him on again. At least he didn't take her in the ass like this one was doing.

Once the cocks became smoother, the pain turned into pure pleasure and she couldn't stop squirting as she came, soaking the crystal cock. Eventually she found her voice and cried out with desire and letting her body take over as it craved for more than she could mentally handle. The idea of escaping this creature floated out of the hole in the ceiling to never be seen again.
The crystal cocks pulsed with vibration as they grew inside her tight holes. Stretching her, forcing themselves deeper into her body. And the pulses and vibrations kept getting stronger, building up more and more. The crystal monster began to hum with the strong vibration and soon Kazalyea felt the tip of the cock explode hot liquid into her depths. It was relaxing and refreshing like the hotsprins water itself. But it was hot and deep inside her body, deeper then it should be. The cocks pulsed and exploding their hot water like cum into her depths, the one in her ass fallowing the first cock as it flooded her body with hot cum.

but unlike the Weretiger, the crystal monster kept pumping. The crystal becoming hot from the liquid rushing through it and into her body. Feeling like smooth, hot glass cocks were slamming into her and filling her depths with hot cum. The hot springs water cum gushed out of her around the crystal cocks as they fucked her relentlessly.
It seemed to take forever before the crystal cocks exploded within her depths and when they did, the screams were cut off and she choked for air. Her green elven eye glowed the brightest this time as the fiery liquid kept coming and grew hotter by the second. It was never painful, in fact it brought much more pleasure than the wertiger did and though it flooded from her body, she didn't feel as though she was drowning.

It took her several moments to learn how to breath again as her green eye pulsed with the beating of her heart. Her insides were fire and the cocks were so smooth now that she started to enjoy them. The vibrating overwhelmed her senses though and just when she wanted to black out, they grew stronger and more powerful that it snapped her back to reality. A small part of her hoped she wouldn't melt and be turned into crystal, unable to think reasonably in that moment, yet it was the only thing she could hope for when looking at the creature.

Her nails dug into the palms of her hands and made them bleed slightly as she gripped the vines, each time a climax rushed through her, the grip became stronger. Her hand were trying to lift her up while the other vines pulled her feet down, helplessly hanging there as her insides were burning with desire.
The vines held tight as the crystal monster fucked her. Filling her with refreshing hot springs water inside her depths. Pumping her fuller and fuller of the hot cum. Leaving her body feeling fresh in a way she didn't know she could feel, yet it felt dirty having the pulsing, vibrating cocks driven so deep into her womanly body. The whole monster was slowly becoming smoother, it's smooth hands taking hand fulls of her bouncing breasts. But at the same time, the monster held her hips still. The monster had grown another set of arms and those hands were the ones holding her breasts now. The four armed crystal monster fucked her like a machine over and over.

"Youth and lust... Beautiful!"
"Youth and lust... Beautiful!"

The dual voices seemed to be stronger now, and the monster seemed to be overall growing in size. And as it grew, it thrusting became more and more powerful, the vibrations feeling like it could shake her apart through her orgasms as it fucked her.
All the pain and discomfort had completely left her body as the crystal creature kept getting smoother. It felt so incredible that she couldn't help the flush of embarrassment burning her cheeks. This pleasure quickly overwhelmed her, and unlike the with the werebeast, its water like cum was easy to handle. In fact, she had gotten to the point of not knowing if she was cumming or not.

The vibrations alone tossed her into a completely different world, almost as if it was shaking the reality from her mind. Even the hole in the ceiling with the fresh air and sunlight no longer seemed real to her. All she could do now was savor the pleasure this creature provided. She wanted more, so much more, craved it more than what she wanted from the werebeast.

The heated smoothness against her skin wasn't anything like she's felt before and was glad that he didn't remain rough. It had hurt when he first impaled her, the discomfort lasted far longer than it did with the werebeast and she didn't think at the time that she could handle it. Now however, the doubts and questions were quite literally shaken right out of her.

A hidden part of her mind, deep in the corners couldn't believe that she could enjoy this. It almost screamed at her to keep fighting, although it ended up being her screaming out her orgasms. She could feel herself squirting and cumming, however, it wasn't her juices that flowed from her, it was his cum that washed it all away.
Time passed and the Crystal monster showed no signs of slowing down. Endless amounts of the hot springs water cum was pumped into her, washing away everything. The cocks inside her seemed to have stopped growing, or was it the vibration and water was smoothing it all out too quickly, either way it fucked Kazalyea for hours and hours. She would at some point black out and when she woke up she would once again be in the great hall of the old castle. Yet another bag of gems and this time gold coin as well lay next to her. The smell of food already floating through the air, another meal to help her regain her strength before she found a way out.
The vibrating prevented her from fully passing out for a good portion of those long hours and it wasn't until she couldn't take anymore, that she finally blacked out. She slept on the hall floor for the better part of the day as her body twitched and jerked with the after affect of the ordeal. The scent of food reached her and reluctantly woke up to find more jewels, the diamond and a gold coin. So much confusion ripped through her exhausted mind that she couldn't think of how to answer her own questions.

Looking through the jewels, she found the perfect one to mark this diamond. Taking a few moments to find her own feet, she carefully placed the diamond back on its stand and put a clear crystal with blue specs under it. Going back to where she left the rest of her gems wondering where she can stash them. It wasn't like there is anyone else here and the tiger eye gem remained where she left it. Setting the jewels and the gold coin on a shelf for now, she went to go eat her fill of the food.

Once she was done eating, not nearly as wild as the first time, she laid down on a cushioned bench. Between the tiger and the crystal creatures, her body ached more than she ever knew it could. Krystal slept for nearly three days, only waking up to the scent of food and ate before crashing again. It was nearing the end of the third day before she woke up feeling refreshed and decided to proceed with her search.

As it was before, there were no doors that opened to the outside world, every door she tried would be a dead end. She spent a couple of hours searching for a way out, avoiding the diamonds that taunted her. Eventually she gave up the search and looked down the hall with all the diamonds on their stands. She noticed the two diamonds from before were glowing again, however, she knew where they lead.

For as afraid as she was to pick another diamond, she started to understand that this is the only option she had to go with. Moving down the wall towards the end of one row, she picked one that seemed to call to her the most and like before, the walls around her shifted. This time all she saw was pure darkness, nothing gave light and for the moment, there were no sounds to indicate where she was. The darkness surrounded her and made it difficult to know if her eyes were open or closed until she saw a spec of light in the distance.

It appeared to be to far away for it to be a normal room, sadly it was her only source of direction and very carefully, she went towards that spec of light.
The light seemed so far away from her, always seeming to be just out of reach as she walked, jogged and ran towards it. It was like she was running but never getting closer or the light kept moving away from her. It seemed like forever till the spec of light seemed to be getting closer. But up until now there had been no sound other then the sound of her own breathing. But as she kept seeming to get closer, at what seemed like a very slow rate even if she broke out into a fast run, the sounds started to fill her pointed ears. Sounds that at first she could not make out. But the closer she got the more clear the sounds were, and the sounds she heard sent shivers down her spine. Moans of women, but the closer she could the more clear the moans were, but it was when she started to hear screams of women that got her worried. But then again she was running on pure blackness. The feeling under her feet was like soft grass as if it was alive, yet it was as firm and hard as if she was running on smooth stone. The moans and screams and soon the sound of heavy sex joined them as Kazalyea got closer and closer to the light.

When Kazalyea finally got to it she found a small hole seeming placed in the blackness almost the sound of a large coin. The sounds were coming from there and when she looked down her perception changed. Looking into the hole was like she was then standing on the edge of a huge circle leading into a huge pit. In the pit were women of all kinds, Elf, Human, Drow, Orc, you name a race there was probably one of them down there. Yet if she tilted her head up it became the small coin sized hole she could only see a deep red fiery light from. She looked down again and her magic seemed to show her. The women in the pit, mostly Elf and human women, all naked and being fucked by huge black tentacles. Bugling their slender bodies and twisted up inside their bodies. Screams of pain and pleasure echoed out of the small or huge hole depending on how she looked at it, and her eyes showed her the poor women were being fucked to death. The Black tentacles ever so slowly fucking their life force away.

"Do you enjoy what you see?" A female voice from behind her asked. It was heavily laced with power and lust in almost equal parts. And it both sent shivers of fear and lust down the mixed Elf's spine. Turning around she would see nothing, at least not till after the burst of flame and a woman, a stunning woman with the body of a goddess appeared in front of her. Large heavy breasts, and clean shaved pussy, and a mane fire for hair on her head. Eyes that burned the deepest of crimson and a body that seemed to be made of liquid fire a bright orange/red/white color. The heat from her standing there was enough to make her think she was standing far to close to something on fire. It almost hurt her eyes to look at the woman she glowed so bright and hot. Feeling the heat waves wash over her getting any closer could burn her.

"It has been a while since anyone has cum... to visit..." Hearing the word cum almost made Kazalyea wet herself with lust, the fire woman's voice carried powerful magic on it, powerful enough to effect her elf body like nothing she has even felt before.

"So what brings you here little Elf?" The fire Demoness asks her, watching her carefully as she carefully and seductively runs her hands down her body.
This place terrified her and compared to the last two rooms, she wanted nothing more than to get out here. There were times when she ran towards the light in hopes of reaching its end. Other times ran out of total fear just to get out of the darkness. When she looked behind her, in hopes to go back the way she came, nothing was in sight. Forward seemed to be her only true option, any other direction would send her circles after a while.

Her raced so hard she swore that it would literally burst from her chest and just end things here and now. After what appeared to be a never ending run, she started to question this place. By now something would have shown itself, or she would have been getting stuffed by a giant cock by now. Yet nothing came from this darkness. There was only one indication that told gave hint to being outside was the grass beneath her feet. Even that didn't seem real to her, not after running it for so long, no dirt, no rocks, nothing that has tripped her so far.

A few times she had to stop running and catch her breath, constantly looking around for any other signs of life. The last time she stopped, came the sounds of screaming women. For a moment she thought they were her own screams from other two rooms, perhaps this place was mocking her. There were too many though and they sounded too real.

Eventually she came up to the pit, curious by the different angles it took and she wasn't too certain of what to make of it. It all terrified her to actually see the women in the pit, some were writhing in sheer pleasure while others were clearly in agony. Kazalyea shook her head and tried to back up from the pit, in fear that someone will push her into it. She wanted to get as far from it as possible as nothing but fear consumed her.

A form finally appeared from behind and she almost bumped right into the flames as it spoke to her. Kazalyea carefully stepped to the side while turning around to face this new demon.

"No.... No I do not like it.... Please... don't put me in there.."

She tried to back up facing the darkness to keep a distance between her and the pit. What stopped her was a single word that poured from the demoness lips.... cum. Kazalyea practically fell to her knees and gasped as it felt like that is exactly what she did. Luckily she didn't quite land on knees and kept standing, though she the trickle of her juices trailed her trembling legs.

"The... The diamond brought me here.... I am seeking a way out of here..."

She glanced back towards the pit, flinching at some of the screams and yet getting highly aroused by the other moans of pleasure.

"You are going to make me go in there.... aren't you?"

After everything she has seen so far, she wouldn't be surprised if this is what she had to survive next..... If she'll survive this one. Her purple drow eye had a soft glow to it the more aroused she became, preparing her for the challenge. Mentally however, she screaming in so much fear and slowly attempted to go back the way she came.
"Ah, you seek to escape... Hehehehe" The fire Demoness laughed as she looked at the elf try to run. She could run all she wanted, she would not make it more then 5 feet away and then like trying to find the light,she would find she could run no father no matter how hard she tried.

"And what price will you pay for your freedom? And don't bother offering the trinkets He gave you... I have no need for such things...." The fire Demoness looked at the Elf and thought for a moment. A moment later she clapped her hands. The sound of the echo seemed to carry on and repeat over and over as if this area was huge yet enclosed some how. But a moment after the clap a dazed and naked short haired human woman appeared next to the Demoness. Her soft brown hair swinging back and forth as she seemed to stand there unsure of what was going on. Her blue eyes looking off into the darkness as if looking for something. The Demoness was now holding a large flaming dildo in her hands and offered it towards Kazalyea.

"Your freedom for her soul.... But she must be fucked to death by your hands Elf.... Or do you wish to bargain for your freedom some other way?" The Demoness asked Kazalyea.
Kazalyea couldn't understand this place, it made no sense at all to her and that alone terrified the most. It didn't take long before she gave up trying to run, finding it useless, much like the previous rooms from before. She kept her back towards one of the barriers, thinking it was a safe wall as she listened to the demoness.

"I couldn't off them anyway, I don't have them with me...."

Just as she said that, the girl seemed of come out of no where, similar to the demoness and they both stood in front of her. Both seemed to taunt her with an erotic beauty, something Kazalyea would have never noticed in another female. She hadn't even been attracted to a female until now, though it could simply be the power that came off the demoness, or the sex that filled the pit. Either way, Kazalyea looked at the dildo and had a sudden hunger for it, she wanted it inside herself. A selfish feeling, one she couldn't understand, but it has been a few days and her body did ache for attention.

"I can not take the life of another... Even if means my freedom."

It was very tempting, one she couldn't deny taking, however, she would live with the guilt for the rest of her life... no matter where they may lead now. For all she knows, the rest of her life could end here and in that pit for all eternity. Or a play thing to this castle, whichever came first.

"Take me... Do as you please with me... If I survive after.... after 48 hours... I earn my freedom...."

She figured if she can survive having to massive cocks wearing her like a condom, one of which practically drowned in his cum while the other turned her insides into a waterfall... She can survive whatever this demoness dishes out.

"One condition though.... It is you that takes me.... not just throwing me in that pit for two days... The pit doesn't count... and only two days.."

Kazalyea couldn't believe the words that came from her lips and two days suddenly felt like a forever kind of deal.

"I will what you ask of me... no questions... for two solid days.. starting now.."
"Freedom from this realm I can promise... But I can not free you from the castle with out the use of another soul..." The demoness warned her. Then the dildo in her hand melted away, and she clapped her hands and the human woman disappeared. She stood and walked around Kazalyea looking her over.

"Two wonderful days.... Hmm interesting...." The demoness smiled and Kazalyea could feelt the burst of lust raise in the room almost as if it was the heat waves coming off the flaming woman's body.

"I will accept your offer... So to begin let me see how you can pleasure a woman..." She said and stood with her back to the put. Standing as if she was standing over the pit itself, making Kazalyea wonder if she could even get close enough from the heat coming off the demoness with out falling into the pit itself.
"I understand."

Kazalyea spoke quietly, almost disappointed that it only meant the realm, however, she didn't expect anything more either. Who ever this 'him' guy is, is the one that would most likely set her free from the castle, although, she doubts that will ever happen.

She watched the demoness move around her, sizing up her prey it seems and Kazalyea almost came again from the sudden intensity of the air. Watching her closely and waiting for something to come out of the darkness that will snag her, yet nothing came.... not yet at least. Then the first request came to the demoness' lips and watching as she moved towards pit.

"I know I said no questions... but I have not been with another female. What happens if I fail you?"

The fear of the pit did make her hesitate slightly, although that was part of the bargain and she had no choice but to trust this demoness. Kazalyea walked up towards and the heat did feel as though it would burn her hand off as she reached out to touch the flaming demoness.

"In fact, my only experiences have been with some overgrown tiger and a crystal with split personality... I don't know what to do."

The flames themselves were entrancing and her fingers played in a few that licked at her. It did burn and the instinct to pull away was there. It also brought immense pleasure unlike she's felt so far with a single touch. The fear of the pit faded as she became more focused on the demon, trailing her fingertips over her curves. Slowly she leaned in and took a flaming nipple into her mouth, not knowing what compelled her to do so, she just wanted to do it.
"You will have to learn and learn quickly... But your a woman yourself... Unless your one of those elves and don't know how to please yourself..." She said it with such venom as she looked below her large flaming breasts into the pet at the Elf women who knew nothing of pleasure below.

"Should you fail to give me enough pleasure... Then you will end up like them..." She said and pointed down into the pit, to a Elf woman on her last bits of life energy as a thick black tentacle bulged her belly as it slam fucked the woman she looked like a rag doll as her mind seemed lost to the lust and she hung limply and with a blank look in her eyes, cumming over and over again her body was almost numb to the black tentacle.

"Mmm but your not off to a bad start..." She hissed as Kazalyea took her nipple into her mouth. She grinned as she let the small elf girl drink her hot milk, letting the super hot liquid rush down her throat into he belly to spread a heat through out her body, one of madness and pleasure. It felt like she was drinking soup that was far too hot, yet it gave her pleasure. The milk was slightly sweet but also was hot like some of the peppers humans grew in their fields. The Demoness had 2 days with Kazalyea and she did plan to use her in many ways. This was only the beginning and she wanted to see what the Elf had, she didn't want to break her new toy too soon after all.
Kazalyea couldn't respond as the heat rushed through her like lava, unlike anything she has felt in her entire life and her eyes glazed with pure lust instantly. No, she hasn't ever pleasured herself before, never had the need or want, let alone make time for such things. Not only that, she never felt worthy enough to receive pleasure before, the idea of having someone in her life was ripped away from her as a child. Needless to say, her Elders were very abusive with their words and planting unhealthy thoughts into her.

Luckily, Kazalyea did learn things quickly and for as much as she wanted to keep drinking the hot liquid, she glanced down into the pit. The fear no longer there as lust consumed every fiber of her being, even watching the one female losing her life almost made Kazalyea cum. A few other females caught her attention, and though they were being ravaged by the tentacles, they were latched onto eachother. They mouths between the others legs and feasted on the cum that flowed from their bodies. From this angle, she couldn't see exactly what they were doing or why they were doing it, but it brought a need to do the same thing.

There were no more questions, the answer and threat was enough to force her to learn quickly and also, her own body ached for attention. It guided her as if it knew what to do, leaving the mind behind for a while as Kazalyea kissed her way downward. Taking her time to make it as sensual as possible, using what she saw in the pit as a guide until she landed between the demons legs.

Kazalyea looked up the flaming body, curious to know if she was doing things correctly, without much hesitation, her mouth instinctively latched onto the flaming pussy. Her own hunger and desire took control as she started to feast on the flames.
The fire demoness looked down and smiled at her. She was not great, but she was not bad for a beginner. She felt the light kisses and then felt the Elf girl's lips wrap around her pussy and moaned softly as the elf began to feast. Her hot lava like sexual juices flowed into the elf's mouth, burning as it slide down her throat and sent waves of burning pleasure through her small frame.

"Mmm not bad for not being with a woman... But I'm sure you can do better..." She said, placing her right hand on top of Kazalyea's head. The touch was hot, almost burning. But yet the fire did not burn her skin as it should and the heat carried a demonic lust with it as well. She forced Kazalyea even closer, and bucked her hips lightly against the Elf. All the while Black tentacles that only she could see in the darkness sprung up ready to strike when the time was right.
The burning hot liquid that freely flowed down Kazalyea's throat felt wonderful, it burned and she could feel it streaming down her center. Also, it became the most arousing thing she has yet to feel, it excited more nerves than either demons from before. This one made her hunger for more, forced her to actually want to pleasure her just to taste her cum. She couldn't breath easily when the demoness pushed her harder, though Kazalyea didn't seem to mind and greedily feasted.

She wasn't very good at all, for a while her actions were timid, full of uncertainty and all things considering, she was basically eating fire. As her hungering lust grew however, her mouth and tongue quickly became eager, searching for the sweet spots that gave the most reaction. Her tongue diving as deeply as it could into the flaming pussy as her teeth gnawed on the clit, sucking hard at the same time. All the focus was soon on pleasuring the demoness in front of her and nothing else seemed to matter, not even her own lust.

The desire that filled Kazalyea can be seen as her hips rolled, juices flowing her from her own pussy and streaming down her trembling thighs. It is difficult to say how many times she silently came, yet, the proof that she had done so was clearly seen by anyone looking.
The demoness moaned out loud for Kazalyea as she feasted on her. She felt the elf's teeth and looked down with lust filled eyes. Sensing that greed, that lust, that dark spark of something. She wondered now, she smiled and pushed Kazalyea's head up against her pussy as hard as she could. but she had to know what that was, that feeling as the Elf's teeth racked across her clit. The demoness's hair burst into a blaze atop her head, the heat and lust coming off her body grew as her eyes began to glow bright like the sun itself. The liquid sliding down into Kazalyea hungry mouth melding together into a thickness, a tentacle of pure hot liquid pleasure. It caused a spike in the pain, but also doubled the pleasure as it slowly seeked out the darkness inside the Elf to unlock it, to see what would happen if whatever protected it and hid that dark spark from the world broke and it was unleashed from her core.

"Now my dear... Let us see what you have been holding back!" The demoness's voice was a bit deeper now, a bit more laced with power and lust. A powerful sexual aurora around her as she picked at the magic or seals around that darkness, to free whatever was trapped deep inside the Elf.
Kazalyea suddenly had a crashing climax although it was far more painful than any orgasms she's had. There was the most sharpest, piercing pain that reached into her very soul. It made her cum a few times as it proceeded to break through hidden seals that were ancient and very powerful. However, once they were broken, Kazalyea no longer felt the intense pleasure it had moments, instead it became sheer pain and her screams pierced into the darkness.

Her eyes were the first to change, going from the elven style to a solid green and purple that glowed powerfully. The purple one slowly became more reddish, bloodlust burgundy where the green one turned more earthy and lighter. Kazalyea fell back as more pain wracked through her head and her hands covered her ears as the screaming women in the pit became too much. Letting out another piercing scream and this time it's a mixture of angels and demons that flooded into the darkness as horns slowly grew.

They grew thick and long while curling back around her ears and soon four little horns emerged above her eyebrows. Beautiful bracers decorated the horns, the two at the base had different ancient markings that came from both angels and demons. The other bracers were encrusted with gems, one side matched her purple eye with glowing rubies while the other side were the purest blue of the heavens.

The screams didn't stop anytime soon, a cross between an angel scream and that of a demon, as if her body couldn't decide which direction to take her in. Her back arched painfully as the tattoo markings glowed brightly, one side white and pure and the other black as the darkness that filled the surrounding area. Both were made of mist that forced the bones to rip from her shoulders and grew into wings. However, they were deformed wings, the demons wing was of bone and no flesh as if it has been skinned at one point in her life. The angel wing just as deformed, the beautiful feathers were thin and sickly looking also it appeared as if there were meant to be multiple wings where there is only one.

Eventually the screams had stopped as the pain finally ceased and the shock took over her body and she fell to the ground. Although her skin and hair start to change as well, feeling the lust and desires that filled the room, the aura filling all her senses from the women in the pit. The drow elf coming in nice and clear as her skin turned pale blue and her nails grew into long claws. The hair turned white, at first the way a drows hair would be white as snow, however it kept getting brighter like that of the heavens, far more silky and perfect unlike any drow. Soon she subconsciously started to feed on the auras that filled the room, although, it was a weak feeding and difficult to tell what she fed on.
The Demoness watched and smiled. So few mixed breeds even existed. She didn't even feel the feeding from her. The lust and power pulsing through out the room. Tentacles as black as the darkness around them coiled around her wrists and ankles, listing her off the ground slowly. They pulled her into a tight X above the pit. The demoness smiled a wicked grin and walked over between Kazalyea spread legs. A burst of power and her hair exploding into flames before it died down a bit. And slowly the fire Demoness grew a massive sized cock.The demoness held nothing back as her cock grew and grew till she could suck herself off if she wanted to. She smiled and with both hands lowed her massive meat and aim it's tip toward the changing Elf's body. the flaming cock was so big and so hot it would have ended Kazalyea's life if her true power had not been unlocked. She could sense the power and knew she did not have long to take advantage and control of this before she could grow beyond her own power. She pressed the burning tip of her cock against the sweet smooth lips of the changing elf's pussy and began to step forward and slowly work her way into Kazalyea even if it hurt her.

"My my... Such a treat... Who knew... But you will be mine my dear sweet elf... Make no mistake..." She hissed as she tried to work the flaming red hot rod of flesh into the tiny tiny hole of the changing elf.
For a few good moments it seemed as though Kazalyea wasn't mentally here and didn't feel her own body being strung up. There were too many voices ringing in her ears, mostly from the women in the pit. Something whispered in the darkness, laughing, taunting, yet she could make no sense of it. The souls in the pit were all innocent before coming here, some were fresh while others were close to their end, all of which their souls were crying. She could hear the begging and crying with her angel ear, while her demon heard them begging for more, enjoying the tentacles.

Finally she let out a demonic scream once the flaming cock split her open and pushed its way in, her demon eye pulsed intensly as it did before. Allowing Kazalyea's body to accommodate such a massive cock, it was more than she could honestly handle and yet somehow she wanted more of it. The heat of it replaced the pain with pure pleasure and her hips rolled, writhing to invite the cock deeper into her body.

She had promised to give this demoness two days, it would take sometime to get her strength anyway and learn how to use this power. The succubus in her needed to feed, needed to grow stronger as did the angel within her, needing the strength to save the souls in that pit. Until then, the succubus is willing to toy with this demoness, make her think that she has won a prize, only to strike hard and prove her wrong.
The demoness let out a loud moan as she slowly slipped her flaming cock into the changing Elf. Feeling the tightness of the woman's flowing stretch out around her as she slowly stepped closer and closer. Inching her way deeper, feeling the female body under her give way to her cock as she pressed on into the womanly body. She laughed as she slowly kept going, her flames burning with demonic lust as more and more of her cock disappeared into the elf, the only sign the growing bulge that was her cock as it slowly rose higher and higher from between her legs. The hot demoness's flame brought both pain and lust as it drove deeper, filling Kazalyea's already full head with more unknown feelings.
It did send Kazalyea in a whirlwind of confusion and filled with multiple sensations that rolled her into waves of orgasms. The succubus within her began to subconsciously take full control over the body. The mind right now was of no use and being traumatized, but the demon soul enjoyed that sort of thing. She wanted to play with this fire, some mind games would be entertaining. Curious to see how far she can push this demoness, what kind of tricks does she have?

The pain still clearly showed and the bulge of where the giant cock could be seen in the writhing body. However, that bulge never went past the belly, it never pushed into her rib cage like it should be. No matter how much the elf took, it seemed as if it was quite literally disappearing. Although, she could feel that her entire cock still remained, the size never changed, yet it never pushed passed the little elf's womb.
The demoness didn't notice the lack of bulge or how no matter how much she pushed the elf was taking it all. She was wrapped up her own lust and pleasure, the tightness wrapped around her cock dove her mad with lust. The cock began to grow hotter as the demoness slowly hilted the Elf's body. But that didn't last, moments after every last inch of her cock was impaled inside Kazalyea, she began to slam fuck the smaller woman. Using her magic to pound into her like a machine, some how almost pulling all the way out before driving it all the way back in like a normal sized cock now. but only being able to move her hips back so far from the changing elf's body. The darkness around spawned two more tentacles and these coiled around Kazalyea's breasts like snakes. Coming out of the darkness under her. They moved slowly, winding around her orbs of flesh and squeezing them roughly as they crept up around her orbs.