Forever Trapped ~ Closed for amchentai


Playing with demons
Apr 12, 2003
Kyllah was the name they had given her when they found her. Through out the years she has gained a very popular nick name "scynful". The nickname came from her constantly getting herself into trouble in some fashion or another. Also had a way of finding herself in hunter traps. The main reason she is always getting caught in the traps is because they are traps and she doesn't like them. Kyllah doesn't like seeing anyone or anything get trapped, if it is of her people, they get sent off as slaves, if it is animals, they are killed more often than not.

One of her biggest advantages is the simple fact that she is small. Smaller than most elves she has ever met. Even the elders that took her in do not know exactly what breed she is, Her eyes were multicolored, one eye is that of Drow, color of amethyst while the other is deep green. At the same time she has hint of wood elf in her as well by the color of her fair skin and slender form. The color of her hair is mixed as well, blood red with white as snow highlights. On her shoulders it appears she is suppose to have wings, however, they either never developed, or haven't yet. Or just simply she never learned how to use them. The Elders never did figure out where the tribal marking came from, or who placed them there.

This last trap Kyllah ended up cutting things a tad bit too close. She normally can get out of any trap she has gotten into so far and this one was one of the easiest ones to get out of. As she dangled in the air upside down, she heard voices and dogs in the distance. Quickly as possible she cut through the thick rope, sometimes this took some work and when she falls to the ground, it always stuns her for a few moments. Kyllah knew the voices of these trappers, these were the slaver types always looking to catch the elves that are out in the woods. The elves were exotic and very valuable to the humans who caught them.

"Sounds like we caught ourselves a good one boys!" as the dogs began to get more and more excited. This forced her to quickly get on her feet and run into the bushes, there was no time to climb the trees like she normally would.

"Damn it, not another one!!!!" this was a new voice, perhaps the son on his first (hunting) trip. "This is the 4th one today that has been destroyed"

Kyllah knew she couldn't stay here, it wasn't safe and dogs were narrowing in on her very quickly, pulling their humans to her scent. Couldn't take it anymore, had to take the chance and she took off forcing the dogs to get excited again.

"Release the hounds, they will catch her!"

Little did they know that she knew how to get into places where the hounds couldn't fit into, also, she had a slight head start on them. It was enough to find her first (rabbit) hole of sorts, enough for her but not so much for the hounds. They had to find other options to get around the bushes she went into.

After running and hiding for what seemed like forever with the hounds still on her scent, Kazalyea came upon a beautiful castle in the middle of no where. She has only heard stories of a castle in these woods, however, this one didn't fit those stories at all. This one was in its prime, bright and full of color, the most beautiful garden she has ever seen in her life. It entranced her for a few moments till the hounds brought her back to reality. She ended up prowling along the hedges for a way in, a place to hide and when she finally found a hole in the hedge, Kyllah slipped inside. As soon as she was in, the outside world grew silent. The hounds had stopped, the yelling of the men had stopped, it was as if there was nothing outside the hedges.


From the stories she heard, this place was suppose to be dead and falling apart. The stories of this place were used to keep children from seeking it. As she got older, the legends told a different story and claimed there is treasure to be found within the walls. Diamonds the size of a mans fist, gold and jewels beyond anyones imagination. Although there were many different versions of the stories, they all had one ending.... No one ever returns. People knew of others that went in search of the treasure only to never see them again.

Before too long, she started to work her into the castle, after all, that is how she gets into trouble..... Curiosity is her greatest weakness. The diamonds were the first thing she saw when opening the main doors and they seemed to light up to tempt her. The large fist sized Diamonds were on small holders all over the inside of the castle and they tempted her the most.

When she reached up to touch it, to hold it and perhaps make off with it... Kyllah found herself in another room before she could react.
It was as in the grand hall around her ran away from her, the walls seeming to be moving father and farther away in the blink of a eye, and then new walls seemed to close in on all sides. Almost as if reality itself was bending and warping to some unknown force around her. It all happened in moments, and she soon found herself in a lavish room, thick carpet seemingly appearing under her feet and the soft glow of candles against the dark colored walls. The room had the scent of flowers of all kinds and to her left towards a next to a door was a round table with a large vase filled with many different kinds of flowers. The odd thing about the door just beyond the table though was it had no way to be opened from the inside. But before she could think much beyond that or even look around any more she heard a loud snoring coming from her right. She would find a large bed, with black silk sheets, and atop that bed was a monster. A Weretiger lay on the bed. Even though the bed was huge, the size of the Weretiger made it seem small. His noise twitched as he lay there and then the huge monster began to stir. Slowly sitting up Kazalyea got a good look at him as he stretched his arms up into the air. Well toned muscle under the soft short fur of black and white. He sat up fully and got to his feet almost hitting his head on the ceiling. His face was that of a tiger, but a bit flattened over all to take on a more human shape, but the row of sharp teeth were there still and as he yawned she got a clear look at them. He was huge compared to Kazalyea. He looked down at the odd Elf and smiled.

"It has been a long time since I have had a visitor... What brings you here?" He looked but saw huge Diamond in Kazalyea's hand.

"Ah I see.... It has also been a long time since I have had a meal... Though you seem a bit scrawny though... " He deep thick voice almost echoed off the wall. He towered over her as his eyes took in the small Elf in front of him. No windows around the room and the door had no way to open it from the inside, she was trapped in here with him.
The entire transformation of the walls paralyzed her until she found herself in what seemed like a pleasant room. It had all the furnishings of a typical room and she did notice the door right away. The natural instinct was to run to that door and slip out of here quietly. That is until she heard noises coming from the other side of the room. Once more her limbs became paralyzed as she watched the giant beast roll over and stretch.

Kazalyea tried to will her legs to move, to get to the door before the beast would notice her. One foot managed to move half a step before his voice filled the room. There was little chance for her to respond to his question before he made the comment of his last meal, then pointing out the fact that she was scrawny. Here is where she managed to force her feet to move towards the door, attempting to put the table between the beast and herself.

"I am no meal... and you are right... I am too scrawny to be fulfilling. I am nothing but skin and bones. A toothpick for you."

When she did reach the door, the diamond dropped to the floor as her hands felt for a knob, for anything at all to open the door. Her heart pounded when her hands discovered nothing at all, the fear filling her eyes as she realized there is no way out.

"What are you? The guardian or the Lord of this castle?"

Her hands never stopped searching the door, trying to pry her fingers inbetween the door and the wall. The entire time she never took her eyes off him either, not trusting the situation she fell into.

"How do I get out of here?"
He laughed a deep belly laugh as he listened to the Elf woman. He almost doubled over in his deep heavy laughter.

"No my dear... I know the Lord... But let us say he is not one someone such as you would enjoy meeting..." He raised to his full height again as he looked and took a moment to think.

"Hmm.. As for leaving... You must fulfill me... And seeing as your not a meal... There is only one other way to do so..." He looked down between his own legs. And he was sure the Elf's eyes would fallow. His cock was huge. It hung like a slab of meat that was thicker then Kazalyea's thigh was. His sack behind his meaty cock was huge as well, and the amount of cum they could put out would be more then anything she could imagine. And her Drow like eye could see the dark magic aura around them. Her other eye could see the magic runes that ran across the length of his cock. Both were different in some way and both could only be seen by her one eye.
As she listened to him laugh her hands slowly stopped their searching for a way out, he spoke some more to answer her questions. When he looked down, her eyes did follow and trailed down his massive torso, taking in every detail of the beastly form. Soon her eyes fell upon what laid between his legs and she backed up what little she could against the door, almost falling to her knees.

"I.. know nothing of that kind of.... fulfillment... You might as well cook eat me as an appetizer or snack."

For as much as tried to pry her eyes off that giant cock, they wouldn't leave the sight before her as she soon saw the rune markings with eyes. Each eye took in different markings and she had a strong feeling that they intensified his lust. Eventually she looked back up to meet his gaze and began to inch away from the door, keeping her back to the wall as her fingers searched for another way out.

"Even if I did know how to pleasure a male. That thing between your legs would rip me in half before you even got started."

Kazalyea tried her best to sound tough and not intimidated, although the hint of fear did get caught in her throat with a couple of her words.
The weretiger took a step back and sat on the edge of the ben flashed Kazalyea a toothy grin. He watched her as the runes on his cock began to glow, and the dark aura around his balls seemed to glow a black and red. He watched the Elf from the bed and spoke.

"You will not find a way out, but feel free to do so... You have till I get too hungry to take my other offer..." He told her, watching her like a hunter would watch prey. The room like most other rooms of a rich noble. Lush carpet, lavish bed, silk sheets. The Large Diamond had fallen from her hand and lay on the carpet waiting, no glow of the magic that teleported her here in the first place.


Through the power of his dark magic the lord of the castle watched the Elf through a magic circle in the middle of the air of his thrown room. He smiled and raised his hand and motioned towards the image. His dark power shot out like a beam of pure black light. A darkness that glowed with evil and lust. His magic slowly filling the room with the Elf and Weretiger to boost the woman's lust. He then returned his hand to the side of his thrown as he watched and waited.
Her purple drow eye flashed as it caught the glowing runes along with the aura that seemed to consume them. As he moved back to the bed, her feet and hands guided her along the back wall until she found herself cornered. The fear was fading when a new a feeling crept up along her spine, a tingle in areas that she's never felt before. Before she realized it, her eyes were roaming over his naked form with a new kind of hunger. The drow eye had a soft glow to it and she licked her lips without fully being aware of how seductive it must of looked.

He said there was only one way out of here and so far his words were proving to be right as her hands couldn't find anything else. There were some hopes that a secret brick or something would get her out of here, then she glanced at the diamond, almost willing it to get her out of here. No such luck as her attention was brought back to the tiger beast.

The bed looked so inviting and his cock grew hard right before her eyes, a small shift of her feet sent a shiver through her. All the while her clit ached and nipples grew so painfully hard and she couldn't understand why her body was reacting this way. Then a thought came to her and with an almost challenging glare into his hungry eyes.

"Go ahead and eat me then.... I've heard that elves were sweet, at least that's what humans say... They say elves are sweeter than female humans....."

It of course had double meaning and she was curious to know how he would take the challenge. Although, she was hoping he wouldn't actually cook her and eat her on a plate.... No, she suddenly wanted to know what that tongue of his would feel like. Even if she couldn't understand why she wanted to feel it, but she did.

"I dare you..."
The runes on his cock and aura around his balls pulsed with the dark magic they could not see. Feeling his hardness grow, knowing his new bigger hard size would scare the elf, but that feeling inside him. And then the words. He scowled and stood. He walked over to her, his cock standing up and twitching with need. But he would not let this go and so he picked up her in one hand like a over sized doll. Although his muzzle was still smaller, it stlll extended off his face some and he lifted the Elf up and opened his mouth.He moved the Elf up and tilted his head back, and pulled her left leg away from her body with his free hand. He then slide his tongue out and moved her closer and closer. But he was only so much in control of his lust and being a bit rougher then maybe he intended, slammed Kazalyea down onto his tongue, sliding his rough, thick tongue up into her slit. Tasting the sweet Elf to see if her stories were true or not. He worked his thick tongue in and out, around inside her pussy, trying to scoop out her insides or it might have felt to her as he lapped up all the sweet juices.
She knew the mistake of the dare the moment he grabbed her, picking her up high off the ground as though she was nothing. Of course, to him, she was nothing and no matter what amount of struggling she did, he man handled her so easily. The closer she got to his opened mouth, a mixture of fear that he would literally eat her. As well as a tiny hint of curiosity as his tongue reached out. With ever fiber of her being, she knew she should be panicking right now, somehow she wasn't. Her body was eager and betraying her by each passing second.

Once more, her limbs wouldn't listen to her as he so easily lifted her leg up, wanting to kick, to do anything. However, her body was so hungry with a desire that the moment she felt his heated breath, she melted in his hands. All too soon, she felt the rough tongue impaling into her very core and there was no stopping screams of sheer pain pierced into the air.

He would quickly discover that she was truly a virgin and his tongue broke right through the thin barrier. The stretch alone in the tight little hole was enough to send her quickly into shock. It was more pain than she ever expected to feel and this is seriously not how envisioned losing her virginity.

At the same time, her body reacted to the torment by writhing on his tongue as the pain slowly faded into pleasure. Kazalyea quickly fell into a world mixed with pain and pleasure, barely comprehending in that very moment that this beast had just barely gotten started. The rough tongue felt like sand paper to the tender walls and somehow it brought out more pleasure than she could ever imagine. It didn't take long before she was reaching the heights of her first real climax.
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Her scent, her taste, the bit of virgin blood on his tongue was wonderful. He let his tongue stretch her, open her, taste her every bit as he took her virginity. A low purring sound joined the cry and scream at first. His cock twitched under her even though she could not see it. He was after all a monster and pain and pleasure both stirred him in many ways. He continued to lap at her, letting his strong tongue scoop out all her juices and enjoyed the sweet taste of the Elf woman in his hands. His teeth grazing her skin and giving her that reminder he was both man and monster.

Taking his hand off her leg, he slowly brings it down to his pulsing member and begins to stroke himself as he pushes her closer and closer to her first climax. Pushing his tongue deeper and deeper, tasting her depths.


The Demon lord watches and smiles. His eyes glowing red as he lets his power flow through the portal he watches this all on in his thrown room. The dark room only aglow with the scene on the portal that hovers in mid air in front of the thrown. And the demon lord sitting and watching, though he enjoys this, he seems a bit bored to anyone who might be watching him, though at the moment he is alone on the thrown watching the would be thief and the weretiger.
It took her several screams before fully comprehending and accepting the real pleasure, as if her mind hadn't caught up to what her body truly felt. She writhed and moved right along with his tongue as if begging for it to go deeper, savoring the nerves that he touched. Nerves and sensations that she never knew existed and it sent fireworks off all through her tiny body.

The moment came when she couldn't handle the pleasure anymore and her whole body tensed in anticipation for the soul shattering climax. His tongue could feel her depths squeezing very tightly as she held on until the very last possible second, her breath caught in her throat for a moment or two. The next thing she knew, her entire body was quaking as she flooded his tongue with her juices.

Her scream was dry and hoarse at this point, though it still filled the room, letting the walls themselves know of the pleasure that just consumed her. Any reasonable thought she had when entering the room fell into darkness and all she could think of now is that she wanted more of that feeling.

"More.... I want..... need more.... Don't stop eating me..... it feels sooooo good..."

For some reason he didn't scare her anymore, the idea of his cock splitting her half no longer there. She may not understand why there wasn't much pain when there should have been, but she knew that enjoyed that first earth shattering climax.
He gave himself a moment to lap up all her juices, the sweet nectar of her mind blowing orgasm flooded his mouth and he let it run down his throat. He pulled her off and looked her in the eyes, his own glowing a faint yellow. He then slowly moved her to the tip of his hard cock. The runes glowed, and the dark aura around his balls could be seen by her different colored eyes. He growled as he pressed the tip of his mighty cock up against her tiny slit, his tongue was large for her, it was nothing compared to the size of his cock.

"Now the real fun can begin!" He said, and smiled a tooth grin as he began to push, feeling the tip of his cock begin to spread and stretch the small Elf's pussy open wider and wider. And even in the back of his mind he wondered if she would split in two, but at this point, with the lust building up inside him and the fresh taste of her juices on his tongue, he could not control himself and held her in his iron grip as he slowly began to work her down onto his monster cock.


The Demon lord watched with a growing grin as he watched. He wondered what the outcome would be, but honestly he had seen many he thought could take him, not be able to. Would this elf become one of those long forgotten women, or would she surprise the demon lord himself? Only time would tell, but he watched and waited filling the room with his dark lust.

A pair of glowing blue eyes watched from behind the thrown far above near the large window that some how did not allow light in at all. The eyes watched and waited, watching unbeknownst to the Demon lord himself.
Her purple drow eye glowed brightly as she gazed into his eyes, about ready to beg him to put his tongue back. She wanted more, so much more of that beautiful tongue and she could still feel it inside of her. Although before any words could pour from her quivering lips, he placed her onto his cock.

To her surprise there was no pain and she expected the sheer pain that his tongue had caused. Instead, there was only discomfort as her drow eye glowed more brightly towards the uncomfortable stretching. It wasn't anything like his tongue, it was hard and much to thick for her to handle.

By the time he got the head inside, she had climaxed and soaked down the rest of his cock as she squirted. Her body jerked and writhed as she felt the impossible stretch reaching further into her depths. She couldn't scream, the sound caught in her throat as she gasped for air. Her fingers clawed into his pawed hand while her eyes rolled shut, unable to mentally handle what was happening to her insides.
He purred for her, his huge cock pulsing inside her. Hot hard flesh stretched her beyond what should have been normal, beyond what her body should be able to take. It felt wonderful to him, feeling her tightness wrapped around his head. He closed his own eyes and slowly continued to pull her down, stretching her pussy wide, whole making a huge bugle from his sheer size. She felt the magic of the runes on his cock, felt the power just behind it. For his part he moved slowly, impaling her like nothing she could have imagined before. But that dark magic was there, pulsing, waiting. His claws dug into the carpet under his feet as he pushed more and more of his hot cock deeper and deeper. He hit her cervix and growled once before he put both hands on her hips and with a grunt pushed past into her womb. The runes on his cock began to heat the member even more, bringing a powerful sexual heat wave with ever inch of his cock being pushed into her body. And the dark aura began to make the tip of his cock pump pre cum into her inside, hotter then his cock, almost burning, but in a sexual way.
Her mind kept telling her that this was impossible, this is just a really strange dream that she seriously needed to wake up from. But when she opened her eyes, the heavily glazed look saw the beast and his own eyes were closed. His purring had a strange comfort to it and seemed to urge to continue, not that she had a choice.

It wasn't easy to tell how many times she came and squirted before he reached the deepest barrier. It hurt when the tip of his head pushed against it and some sharp pain ripped through her as he shattered the cervix. In the end, it wasn't enough pain as it should have been, it felt the same as when his tongue slip open her hymen. Somewhere in the very depths of her mind she knew it was suppose to be more painful than that. Although, it was a fleeting thought as the burning sensations filled her body.

In her tiny body it felt as though the tip of cock would push right through her chest and spear out of her mouth. With his size, she tried desperately to convince herself that was impossible, then again, not being split in half right now was impossible and yet here he was. She had no idea how more of his cock she can take and she struggled to breathe as she came over and over again. The heat grew so intense that she could have sworn it would melt her insides, if he wasn't capable of splitting her half, then whatever is burning would surely end her life right then.

No matter what her body went through, there was never enough pain to panic and all she could ever feel is the sheer pleasure that consumed her.
The magic and runes kept heating up, fulling her with a fullness and sexual burning that drove her mind and body over the edge time and time again.his pre cum felt like it would melt though her body at any moment. He felt like his cock should burst from between her breasts any moment and spray pre cum over her breasts like some alien tentacle. But still he kept driving into her, pulling her down closer and closer to hilting himself inside her depths. The bulge in her belly clear as the head of his cock disappeared behind her breasts as her pussy should have been split in two now, stretched beyond anything she should be able to take. But no broken hip bones or bleeding flesh. His balls began to swell under his cock, more pre cum poured into her, spilling the liquid sexual fire everywhere as his cock head pieced into her depths like a spear. And then after what seemed like forever he hilted her, she was fully impaled on his monster cock, her belly swelled like she was a living condom.

But her ordeal was far from over. He gripped her hips with his powerful hands and then began to lift her almost all the way off and then slam the slender elf all the way back down. His pre cum burned as it was spread across her insides over and over again. He found it pleasing that she was not like the others and he fucked her as hard and as deep as he could slide his cock, feeling the end quickly building up inside his own balls, he would fill her, and then he would do it again and again till he was satisfied.
She had not conscious thought after he pushed passed her belly and into her ribs, filling and stretching her chest. Her mind wanted pass out and slip into the darkness of her own world, leaving this one behind as her first experience was beyond overwhelming. And yet, she couldn't slip into that unconscious world that called to her and when her eyes opened, both of them were glowing as he began to pound hard into her.

Everything in the room turned into blurry forms, even the beast that was right in front of her as tears swelled in her eyes, slowly caressing her flaming red cheeks. As he moved within her, it seemed impossible for her to catch her breath each time he plunged back in. The pressure on her lungs felt as though she was drowning and she gasped for air whenever a moment allowed her to.

Each and every nerve in body was on fire and she could feel the swelling of his cock to indicate that fire would turn into molten lava at any second. She couldn't even begin to question how she's still alive, let alone still be writhing and craving for more. It wasn't easy for her to move with him having complete control and she was sure the writhing of her hips were barely noticed. Through it all, she could feel it all, right down the tingle of her toes, all the ridges and veins within his cock, everything.

When he did climax the first time, all she saw was a blinding white light consuming her vision and choked on the scolding seed that flooded up into her throat. There wasn't any air to be found and for reason her body came so hard and jerked along the entire length of his cock.
He came and in doing so let out a deafening roar as his cock swelled and he began to pump hot cum into her body. It felt like it was melting through her, blinding her senses. It felt like her whole body was on fire, a sexual fire that spread from her core. But so much cum it had to go somewhere, her head bobbed and she tried to scream but the lack of air and the amount of cum filling her prevented that, and all that happened was cum oozed down onto her breasts. Breasts that began to swell with cum, her nipples leaking cum as the Weretiger filled her.

But that was the first of many times he came into her, used her body. Minutes, hours, days, the fucking went on and on the Elf passed out many times during it all but finally the Weretiger was done, pulling his cock out and spraying the Elf with the lava like hot cum all over her swelled body. He watched as almost instantly her pussy seemed to shrink back to normal, though the belly full of cum and cum oozing out of almost every other part of her body was the only signs she had been fucked so hard. The magic runes began to fad as the Weretiger moved back to the bed and lay down. Back to sleep till the next person wandered into the castle.

When the Elf would wake this time should would find herself back in the castle's grand hallway with the fist sized Diamond next to her, and a small brown leather bag filled with rare gems. The only other signs of it not being a dream would be of cooling Weretiger cum all over and inside her body.
Time fell into a whirlwind of pleasure as the beast became the center of her world. A few times when she woken, to find him still pounding into her, fleeting thoughts of remaining here with him made her climax. The outside meant nothing to her during her time with the tiger beast. There was so much pleasure from the heat of his cum and the pounding of his cock, Kazalyea didn't want it to end.

It ended all so sudden though as the last time she blacked out and woke up, everything had vanished. The room, the weretiger beast, just gone as if nothing had happened. Although she could still feel him inside of her, filling every inch of her lithe body. Her eyes were no longer glowing and as his cum cooled down, she began to shiver uncontrollably from the loss of his heat.

After several moments of getting her barrings, soaking in the new surroundings her hand touched the bag of gems when she sat up. The gems confused her as they were not in her possession when she arrived here and she never picked them either. She glanced at the diamond before looking around the grand hall, uncertain of what truly happened after she had found it. The memories were fuzzy and the ground seemed to spin under her feet as she stood up and looked around more.

The bag of gems felt like a reward for some reason, uncertain of any other reason they would be here. Instead of picking them up, she proceeded to look around first. The need to escape this place nagged in the back of her mind, leaving the gems and diamond on the floor for now. Her search for a way out before anything else happens took priority over treasure. At least, that's what she told herself as she kept looking back at the bag, resisting the temptation that called to her to keep her reward.
Everything seemed to take a back seat in her mind as the smell of a wonderful spread of food soon filled the air. If Kazalyea fallowed her nose she would find the grand dinning hall. At the far end of the room she could see what looked to be a maid round the corner and head back to what must be the kitchen. But even if she rushed over to fallow her she would find it only leads into a dead end little hallway. But the table was long and made out of smooth oak wood. The hanging chandeliers lit the room up brightly and the food was hot and steaming on the table. The end closest to the far end where the maid went had a large matching chair, the chair however was much larger then anything for a human or even a troll. It was pulled back away from the table and seemed out of place. The two long benches along the rest of the table were empty, all this food set out, yet not a soul could be seen or heard anywhere near the dinning hall. Large plates with almost every animal known to be used as good lined the center of the table, and sides of every kind or want sat around them with empty plates as if set for a whole group of people.

And if she sat and waited for the people she would find no one would come, and yet the food seemed to stay hot and steaming no matter how long she waited. The maid never returned, but the goblets on the table she would find would not ever run out of whatever sweet liquid they were filled with. It was almost as if this feast had been laid our for her and her alone.
All was put on the back burner, in fact she hadn't even realize that she was running around the castle naked since the weretiger shredded her clothes. The scent of food caught her attention rather quickly and her gut rumbled loudly as it hasn't been fed in a few days. Or at least that is how it felt to her all the sudden. Before continuing, she took one last look at the diamond and noticed it wasn't glowing like before, the bag of gems spilled onto the floor tempting her.

"Ahh hell with it...."

She grabbed the diamond and the gems as she felt she deserved them. Although, she didn't want to keep the diamond, it caused her enough trouble so she found the stand it was on and replaced it. After a moments thought, she dug through the rare gems in her pouch and pulled one that resembled a tigers eye. It was more beautiful than any tigers eye she has seen which made her doubt it was that simple, with a sigh, she placed it down on the floor against the stand.

"Don't ask me why, but if I'm stuck here, I'm going to start tracking you... Hopefully one of you diamonds will lead me out of here."

She put the rest of the gems back into the pouch and proceeded to follow the scent of food, catching sight of the maid. The maid disappeared before she could even get a word out, out of curiosity, she did follow the direction only to find a dead end. Kazzalyea grumbled something under her breath while walked back out to the food, after waiting for almost five minutes, she couldn't hold back any longer. Quickly grabbing any food she could and consumed it like a wild beast that has been starved.

It didn't dawn on her that her goblet never emptied as she drank cup after cup of the sweet liquid, not caring what it was. It wasn't long before ate her fill and started to slow down, picking at desserts and some fruit. And yet, she didn't feel bloated, only satisfied and for as much as she consumed, she should have a swelling belly but didn't.

"I guess it is time to pick door number two....."

Kazzalyea honestly didn't know if what happened was the diamonds doing or not, considering it had stopped glowing, she can only assume. So far she hasn't seen any other way out of here either. Getting up from the table she went back to where the diamonds were and carefully selected one. It was as if it knew what she wanted, however it wasn't like any room she has seen before.

"It seems I was right... it you diamonds that do this... Why couldn't you be the one to get me out of here?"

There was an outside feel to it, no walls that she could see only a cave with a hot spring in the center. Vines with flowers and fruit hung from the walls, which she smelled and took a fruit. She did have quite a bit of hesitation before even moving, yet not seeing anything in here, only the inviting spa that beckoned her. Eventually she went to it and stepped in.
The hot springs was wonderful. It was relaxing and also made her slightly horny just by being in the hot water. As she relaxed in the spring she looked up to see that there was a huge hole in the cave, and that the cave itself was not very far from the surface of where ever she was. Sunlight beamed in and her eyes fallowed the beams of light to the center of the spring, deep under the water there was a large crystal formation that seemed to absorb the light and reflect it into the pool around her. Could that be what was heating the water? But other then hole in the roof of the cave and the small way area she was standing in when she was warped into the room there seemed to be no other way out. She thought that maybe one could use the vines to get out, but they were all thin and did not seem like they could support her weight. She would soon find out how wrong she was about that.

As she was taking in the area she did not notice the vines that hung in the water moving ever so slowly. And even if she did, there was some type of current in the water that she could feel, so if anything she would think the vines were moving with the current. But she was more focused on the fact that the water itself was making her feel relaxed, horny, and made her skin tingle all over, in a good way.

The water start to get hotter and hotter but before Kazalyea could get out the vines struck like snakes. They wrapped around her arms and legs and pulled her from the water to hold her slightly above it in a X. Her arms pulled up towards the hole in the roof of the cave and her legs feeling like they were trying to be pulled back into the water. Each thin vine had unimaginable strength to them as they coiled around Kazalyea's limbs to hold her dripping naked body above the water.

Below the water in the center of the hot springs the crystal that Kazalyea had saw before began to move, to change shapes to rise from the water itself. It changed shapes into a human like shape with a rather large cock between it's semi transparent legs. There were good spots where the crystal was super smooth looking and others that looked a bit rougher. It looked up at Kazalyea. It was shaped like a human or elf but had no eyes and was some what clear looking. She could see right through it.

"Now what do we have here?"
"Now what do we have here?"

It spoke as if it had two voices, male and female but as one. It pulled it's left food out of the water and stood on the top as if it was glass or ice. It pulled it's other foot up till it was standing in the center of the springs looking at Kazalyea hanging in the vines. It wasn't as big as the Weretiger, but still bigger then Kazalyea herself. Standing on the water and still looking slightly down at the hanging elf above the springs now.

"And what brings a Elf to this place?"
"And what brings a Elf to this place?"

It asked as it's rough right hand reaches out to let it's right index finger trace from Kazalyea's jaw down her left side, and across her left nipple as it waits for a answer.
That's all she really wanted was to relax and hopefully take a bath after all that transpired. While she soaked in the spring, she took noticed of everything around her and bathed in the sun that fell on her face. Something she thought she'd never see again. Unintentionally the washing of her body became a bit more erotic that she normally would and groped her breasts, pinching the hardening nipples. Things that she typically doesn't do and right when she caught herself the water heated more.

It appeared that the nice soak and relaxing wouldn't be possible at this time as she made a move to get out. All too quickly she was grabbed and stretched in mid air, unable to hide from anything. The exposure and the air kissing between her legs and nipples increased her arousal. Kazzalyea was panting with desire by the time the crystal creature emerged. Despite the ever growing desires, her eyes grew wide at the sight before, another insanely monster cock stood straight up at her.

"I... I just wanted a bath and was sent here..."

Her body twitched and strained against the vines and she looked up at the hole in the ceiling, coming up with an idea she knew would fail.

"If you make these vines lift me higher, I'll be out of your way... It'll be like I never entered here. I can crawl through that hole. I truly didn't mean to disturb you."

She looked at the crystal crystal with pure lust burning her eyes, but she hoped her little bargain would allow her to escape here. Even if it was a long shot and knew better, especially as it touched her in such a sensual way that made her body react instantly. Her nipple grew painfully hard and throbbed as his finger glided over it and drew in a sharp breath from the sensitivity of her nipple.

"Please... I beg of you.. Just lift me up a little higher. You can have my bag of jewels over there."

Of course she knew full well that this creature had no use of jewels, with false hope, it was worth a try as she looked back up to the hole.
The Crystal monster said nothing to Kazalyea as it listened and thought. It let it's finger trace down her smooth body to her pussy, finding it wet with her sexual juices it tilted it's head before stepping closer to her. With out another word it grabbed her hips and moved it's rough crystal cock to her tiny hole. It said nothing and then slide itself inside her tight wet slit. the roughness of the crystal might have hurt a bit, but it was not rough enough to cause any damage. The monster looked up into Kazalyea's eyes and then began to pump in and out of the Elf woman's body.

"Your words say one thing and your body says another."
"Your words say one thing and your body says another."

It speaks as it pumps in and out of Kazalyea as the vines hold her tight. The sound of rocks or crystals moving and soon she feels that the crystal monster has grown another cock of some kind and is getting ready to fuck both her pussy and ass at the same time. At least this new cock seems smoother then the first or at least the head of it as it pokes at her. The other fact is that the crystal monster seems to have a slight vibration to it, making the cock driving into her pussy feel different then anything she had felt before.
"No.. no.. pleasssseee.... I... I just want....."

The words were cut short when he began filling and stretching into her causing a flood of screams to echo through the cave. Just like with the tiger, it was an impossible stretch and much discomfort, yet no serious pain. Unlike the tiger though, this cock was rougher and seemed to grind her insides. It was a pleasurable pain unlike she could ever possibly imagine, let alone describe.

"It's too much..... Pleasse... let me gooooooooohhhhhh...."

The last word erupted into a hard climax the instant the creatures thrusts became harder and the vibrations reaching her core. The vines hurt as her body strained and tensed as she came and squirted unlike anything before. A fleeting question of whether or not this creature could actually cum or not passed and if it did, what kind of cum will it be? It was then she felt something poking and teasing her ass, instinctively she clenched it tightly. Which in turn had her squeezing very tightly on his cock.

"Not there..... don't.... take.... my.... ass.... please...... too much.... I can't... handle... this...."

Her pleas were a mixture of moans and panting climaxes as her body shook and quaked within the vines. The purple drow eye had its bright glow to it and the green with its softer glow as he pounded into her.