Electric cars.

^Manchild explaining to the world why he's right and everyone else, including the government, safety experts and electrical engineers, is wrong.

Grow the fuck up.


Fuzzy has a degree in electrical engineering and he is TELLING Derpy that Derpy is WRONG. (Of course Derpy doesn’t even know what the original argument was anymore.)


Grow up and start acting like an adult.


Derpy admitting that Derpy was / is WRONG about the original argument would be a good start to Derpy growing up and acting like an adult. (Don’t hold your breath.)


👉 Derpy 🤣

You’re the one who is saying 56 volt battery backpacks are shock hazards to the users.

Let’s not forget that this is in the context of workplace safety where the alternative is pumping, pouring, and transporting gasoline - a volatile, easily ignited, spillable, and potentially explosive liquid.

Which is safer, counselor? 🤣

Deflection doesn't help you. High voltage is high voltage and an electrocution hazard.

That's not ME saying it, it's the actual electrical experts and engineers as well as the government.

You, OTOH, are trying to tell us that high voltage can't hurt anyone. Which is a bald faced LIE and you know it.
That's not ME saying it, it's the actual electrical experts and engineers as well as the government.
You're exchanging messages with literal electrical experts and engineers, and they're both telling you you're a dumbass.

As for me, one of my degrees is in an adjacent field, and I can tell you that while the spirit of your position is correct, in context you're being a dumbass.
Deflection doesn't help you. High voltage is high voltage and an electrocution hazard.

That's not ME saying it, it's the actual electrical experts and engineers as well as the government.

You, OTOH, are trying to tell us that high voltage can't hurt anyone. Which is a bald faced LIE and you know it.

Hey liar. Quote me where I said high voltage isn’t dangerous.

Do you consider 56 volts to be high voltage? 🤣

Our exchange here is in reference to the safety of battery backpacks for landscaping tools. Did you already forget this?

Are you old like Don and Joe, bro?
Hey liar. Quote me where I said high voltage isn’t dangerous.

Do you consider 56 volts to be high voltage? 🤣

Our exchange here is in reference to the safety of battery backpacks for landscaping tools. Did you already forget this?

Are you old like Don and Joe, bro?

^Manchild now attempting to deny his own pictures.
^Manchild now attempting to deny his own pictures.

You can’t follow what’s going on in the picture, can you?

What voltage do you consider to be “high voltage” for the sake of contact safety?

What do you base your poor knowledge on?
You're exchanging messages with literal electrical experts and engineers, and they're both telling you you're a dumbass.

As for me, one of my degrees is in an adjacent field, and I can tell you that while the spirit of your position is correct, in context you're being a dumbass.

If you scroll back to the origins of this "argument" (there really is no arguing the facts) you will see that Derpy has no valid position and is simply being a dumbass.

Context is EVERYTHING in this instance.

Just like context is usually EVERYTHING in every Derpy / RWCJ fuckup.

Cars are giant dicks. Electric dicks were invented, and ten seconds later the electric dick fights started.
Some people are just broken. (Back to page 9 where I left off and now resume)

It was said, too bad we’re not energy independent. I point out that under Trump, we were independent but Biden reversed those policies. Then someone steps into the fray (a Canadian, a not-so-warm-and-fuzzy guy) to proclaim, “You’re exporting oil!” I point out that we import oil and exports oil “products.” Then Canada spikes the ball proclaiming that I have stupidly proven his point. He ignores the “product” part of it. In short, we do something to the imported oil, we process it, turn it into a petroleum product and then export it. Now if Mr. warm-and-fuzzy Socialist were to be drawn into a discussion of a VAT he’d be the first to scream that Big Oil was getting “subsidies” from its buddies in government because it wasn’t paying its fair share of taxes for turning the new oil imports into a finished product.

We, currently, are not a net exporter of oil.

We export products that are derived from oil.

A lot of it is imported oil because the greens do not want to open up new drilling to meet ever-increasing demand and gleefully closed other areas forcing the "pollution" to other countries.

I mean, that electricity for “green” cars has to come from somewhere and the green types just fucking hate nuclear power…
How fucking stupid are you????
Manchild, it's possible to touch high voltage without being electrocuted. Ask the bird on the powerlines outside your house how it's done.
When a bird sits on wire it becomes part of a series/parallel circuit. Since the wire has next to no resistance but the birds feet do have high resistance 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000099 ( or you could use Ohm's law to calculate the amperage value) of the potential current only flows through the bird. The remaining
current flows in the wires.

THE problem here is that
You know nothing about electricity, and are too fucking stuborn to drop the conversation and move on Electric Carbon Water Boy....oh yah and it's way to late to try your, "I'm just punking you" line.
You can’t follow what’s going on in the picture, can you?

What voltage do you consider to be “high voltage” for the sake of contact safety?

What do you base your poor knowledge on?

dudly I consider ANY power source to be potentially lethal regardless of how much voltage it produces.

Somehow you've decided this is a dick skinning contest and you're trying to put your Vienna up against the Ballpark and your losing your shit over the results. Why? Because you've realized that you don't have what it takes, and never will, to be what you're trying to make everyone believe you are.

The truth is; you're a fool with a Napoleon complex.
Cars are giant dicks. Electric dicks were invented, and ten seconds later the electric dick fights started.

The cord on my electric dick is thicker and longer than the one on your electric dick.
The Tool Guy was just here, he gots some fancy new fangled high voltage tools just for working on them fancy lectricities the city folks like so much

3/8ths drive metric 9 socket set 260 dollars

The Tool Guy was just here, he gots some fancy new fangled high voltage tools just for working on them fancy lectricities the city folks like so much

3/8ths drive metric 9 socket set 260 dollars


Look at you, crowing about your "tool" all over the place all unsolicited like.

For shame. At least you didn't post a pic. That would be unacceptable.
dudly I consider ANY power source to be potentially lethal regardless of how much voltage it produces.

Somehow you've decided this is a dick skinning contest and you're trying to put your Vienna up against the Ballpark and your losing your shit over the results. Why? Because you've realized that you don't have what it takes, and never will, to be what you're trying to make everyone believe you are.

The truth is; you're a fool with a Napoleon complex.

You simply can’t ever admit that you’re wrong, ever. Can you?

You’re bullshit. You’ve proved again beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re utter and complete intellectual garbage.

If you aren’t bullshitting then you are senile or just plain stupid. Either way, it’s a very bad thing if you truly are/were a judge. Hopefully you have fully retired from the bench, because if not, every judgment you’ve made in recent years should be thrown out. It would be a legal necessity if you were evaluated.

Your credibility is naught. Your understanding of electrical power is below grade school science level.

I’m not losing any shit, I’m just stepping in the copious flow coming from your posts.

You’re a fuckless idiot.
You simply can’t ever admit that you’re wrong, ever. Can you?

You’re bullshit. You’ve proved again beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re utter and complete intellectual garbage.

If you aren’t bullshitting then you are senile or just plain stupid. Either way, it’s a very bad thing if you truly are/were a judge. Hopefully you have fully retired from the bench, because if not, every judgment you’ve made in recent years should be thrown out. It would be a legal necessity if you were evaluated.

Your credibility is naught. Your understanding of electrical power is below grade school science level.

I’m not losing any shit, I’m just stepping in the copious flow coming from your posts.

You’re a fuckless idiot.

^meltdown #2. (or is it #3?)
Deflection doesn't help you. High voltage is high voltage and an electrocution hazard.

That's not ME saying it, it's the actual electrical experts and engineers as well as the government.

You, OTOH, are trying to tell us that high voltage can't hurt anyone. Which is a bald faced LIE and you know it.
Ok, below is the chain, I posted it here to refresh your memory. You're old and forget shit, so I thought I'd help refresh your memory. BTW if quite drinking Electrified Carbon water, you might recover some memory function.
Commercial landscapers can get backpack battery packs for all of their power tools - blowers, hedge trimmers, weed eaters, chainsaws… one battery back can last half a day, then exchange it and keep going.

So much quieter! No gas handling or storage, some of the tools are way more powerful.
So after Alex posted this, you HisArpy jumped in with the post below. Starting the whole conversation and making yourself look like a fool in the process....
And the risk of electrocution is much higher. Especially if it rains or the sprinklers turn on while they're working.

But hey, the boss has worker's comp insurance. Right? That $25k work comp insurance settlement will fix everything for the survivors.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stick to subjects you know something about. Electrocution is two folds, at low currents say around 100-120 militvolts the heart's electrical sinusoidal signal is interrupted, leading to heart attacks. At higher voltages, usually over 600 volts, burns and muscle constrictions occur causing traumatic injury or even death. Over 10,000 volts and death usually occurs from burning or cooking of the flesh.

We can calculate this using our old friends formula called Ohm's law. So using Ohm's law, for say 50 Vdc and the average skin Resistance of 16,000 ohm, we can see if indeed you can be Electrocuted.

50/16,000=.003125 amps, or 3.125 milliamps. Far below the threshold of death or even a mild shock....

That could be a concern except that the battery packs are typically 56 volts.

You can safely touch 56 volt battery terminals with a bare hand. 😉 In my extensive experience with many battery technologies I can’t feel anything by touching DC power until > 70v, even then it’s more of a tingle than a shock until around ~ 80vdc.

Someone doesn't understand that VOLTS alone won't kill you. AMPS however are sneaky fucks. They hang around with electrons, which are free radicals and untrustworthy as all hell.

You don’t have a clue about using electricity do you?

This is a 40.8 kWh lithium battery bank:

View attachment 2344224View attachment 2344225

BTW, this is part of an off grid solar power system that is used to charge up to 180 miles/day for Tesla EVs while the sun is shining and still has enough for powering a home at night.

A stun gun at a million + volts won't kill you. 1 to 4.5 amps is enough to possibly drop you deaders. 10 amps will kill you.

Which only proves that YOU don't know shit about electricity.

That battery bank I’m touching with my bare hand on the positive and negative terminals is ~56 volts with thousands of potential amps.

How is a 56 volt battery backpack a shock hazard?

Go fuck yourself, your honor.

Amps/ Volts /Resistance, that's what determines what combination kills people. Sorry you're a fucking dummy, but my Electrical Engineering degree agrees with my comments. Again the human bodies average resistance is 10,000 ohms (dry skin) Using Ohm's law to deliver 10 amps through a human body you need 100,000 Volts.
https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/te...hpt-2/voltage-current-resistance-relate/Which only proves that YOU don't know shit about electricity.

Neither do you, stick to Lawyering, or whatever the fuck you call it.

Yeah, no. Quit clutching your two tiny pearls.

Most passenger EVs get 3 miles/kWh in addition to accessories.

Charging at home over night works best. Some models and equipment even provide home backup power incase of utility power outages.

Batteries are now designed with core heaters that keep the battery ready or quickly warm it to receive a high current charge even in cold conditions.

Ever been somewhere cold enough to use a block heater for an ICE vehicle?

Why are you so bought in to petroleum stupidity? Do you like supporting the most profitable, subsidized, and polluting industry in the world?

Good little corporate cuck.

How can birds sit on high wires and not die?

Same deal with your battery setup; no current flow.

It's like you think the world is stupid and you can pull a fast one on it without anyone catching you.

dudly, even the tool companies WARN about possible electric shock hazards with tool pack batteries. Even the early ones that were 7.5 volts.

What the fuck are you smoking that you think people believe your bullshit?

Yes, and those warning relate to the charging device, not the batteries themselves. Have you tested how well carbon based water conducts electricity yet?

Lol, manufacturers warnings, OSHA guidelines, and the undeniable public knowledge that you can't arc across terminals without risking electric shock kinda prove my point.

And here you are trying to tell the entire world that electricity won't kill you if you fuck around with it.

Manchild, you need to just stop before you hurt yourself.

NO the warnings against shorting terminals is to prevent explosion and or fire. But you're a guy, so I doubt you have ever actually read the manual.

Maybe read up a bit on Gustav Robert Kirchoff, then you might understand how shorting out terminals with wire will not electrocute a person.

Of course electricity can kill you, but a 54 volt DC battery won't, even with a cut or hands wet with carbon water.

And you need to stop before you hurt us....damn my diaphragm is so sore after reading your posts....

Let us introduce the newly minted Electric Carbon Water Boy!!

dudly, it's NOT volts you have to worry about, it's AMPS.

A 1 million volts stun gun won't (generally) kill you because there's very little amperage in it. It's designed that way.

OTOH, 4-10 amps WILL kill you.

There are more than enough amps in a 12 volt car battery to do the job. The average car battery has 500+ cold cranking amps in it. A average battery pack has sufficient amperage too. For example, an 18v Ryobi lithium tool battery has 7 amp hours in it. That's nearly double the minimum required amperage to kill.

And of course now you want to deflect to the point that the warnings on batteries are supposedly to prevent explosion. They're not because they specifically warn against ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD but even if you're correct it's like you idjits believe being killed by an explosion is better than electrocution. :rolleyes:

Honestly, you fucking turds are ridiculous.

No it's not amps, it's voltage.

A stun gun (Taser) isn't a million volts. It's 50,000. Why, because Ohms laws says that all the voltage you need to shock but not kill.

Actually 4-10 amps will burn you. 100 to 120 miliamps will kill you.

LMFAO...here do some reading before you further embarrass yourself....

PS Alex has already posted a picture of him crossing the polls of a 48 Kw battery bank.....

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2763825/#:~:text=The skin contact resistance will,the skin, and other factors.

Well I gave you the opportunity to get out of this electrical discussion before. This is my final warning that you cannot claim to be punking us after we burn your ass cherry read over a subject I have a degree in, and Alex may have too...

lol, you have no fucking clue what you just posted....btw read the red bold above....

More ignorance of electricity on display above........Whole E Fuck thanks for the laugh, I'm almost in tears....

No the issue is a combination of three things....Voltage, Coulombs and Resistance.....E=I x R that is the law, and you Councillor should read up on it....the law that is.....

The claim to be Punking has left the building....let the meltdown begin!!

tl;dr;LOTS of BULLSHIT designed to try and extricate yourself from the lies you intentionally spread in your zeal to somehow prove yourself "smart" when you obviously aren't.

lol your last TL/DR is coming back to bite you in the ass.

lol, you can't punk your way out of this one Arpy, or should I say Electric Carbon Water Boy....
The sheer number of little disasters that a good insulating layer of rubber can prevent is almost mind numbing.
Rubber hasn't been used as insulation for individual wires for decades....they use PE. Just another fact of electricity you're deficient in.
Some 5 days ago BYD the worlds second biggest maker of batteries for EVs announced that their updated Blade battery now has a capacity of 180 to 190 watts/kilogram, an increase of 27% giving a range of up to 850 Km(530 miles) still charging to 100% The battery pack will be 25% lighter and having the higher mileage can be reduced further in overall size for urban applications. Batter prices have now reached the point where BYD are selling them to other car makers for between $55 and $60 Kw/hour. ICE vehicles cannot compete with this on price.

Not to be out done, CATL the worlds largest auto battery maker (40%), announced a few days later that their version 2 car battery had exceeded BYD's in performance and now has a capacity of 230 watts/Kilogram giving a range of 1000Km+ (620 miles). Even more interesting CATL announced that their new Condensor battery which was thought to still be in design has already been installed in a fleet of trucks and used to power a small commercial airliner. It will be used in cars in which instance it will fully charge in 10 minutes, have a range of 2000 Km and will operate with no more than 10% performance degradation at -20 celsius.

These technical advances will kill ICE vehicles.
Some 5 days ago BYD the worlds second biggest maker of batteries for EVs announced that their updated Blade battery now has a capacity of 180 to 190 watts/kilogram, an increase of 27% giving a range of up to 850 Km(530 miles) still charging to 100% The battery pack will be 25% lighter and having the higher mileage can be reduced further in overall size for urban applications. Batter prices have now reached the point where BYD are selling them to other car makers for between $55 and $60 Kw/hour. ICE vehicles cannot compete with this on price.

Not to be out done, CATL the worlds largest auto battery maker (40%), announced a few days later that their version 2 car battery had exceeded BYD's in performance and now has a capacity of 230 watts/Kilogram giving a range of 1000Km+ (620 miles). Even more interesting CATL announced that their new Condensor battery which was thought to still be in design has already been installed in a fleet of trucks and used to power a small commercial airliner. It will be used in cars in which instance it will fully charge in 10 minutes, have a range of 2000 Km and will operate with no more than 10% performance degradation at -20 celsius.

These technical advances will kill ICE vehicles.

With that driving range/charge capacity most drivers will be able to charge opportunistically. Since most people drive less than 100 miles / day this means they will be able to charge from the grid during off-peak hours when power is cheapest or when intermittent renewables are available.

Using AI controlled chargers will make the grid more stable while saving end users money.

There is a high peak demand (and higher billing rate) on the electricity grid in many areas in the early evening- when many people get home from work. If they can come home in the evening and plug their car into a bi-directional charger they can avoid higher peak time of use pricing for their home power usage. In some areas this can provide a big cost advantage in addition to providing a significant amount of backup power.