Doesn't This Make US Look Bad?


Literotica Guru
Aug 20, 2008
We were SO willing to start a war. It took Vladimir PUTIN to be the voice of calm and reason. It is disturbing that we did not seem willing/able to obtain a diplomatic solution. And our leader won the Nobel Peace Prize. Guess who gets it this year. This seems like a case of "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." It looks like the military is our solution to every problem.
"Putin has pulled off something incredible: He’s gotten Washington to anoint him as the international community’s official peacemaker, even as he assists Iran in going nuclear and keeping their blood-soaked Syrian client in his presidential palace. Already, under the “peace process,” Putin and Assad are running rings around the dull-witted Kerry, whose Botoxicated visage embodies all too well the expensively embalmed state of the superpower."
Mark Steyn, NRO
"Putin has pulled off something incredible: He’s gotten Washington to anoint him as the international community’s official peacemaker, even as he assists Iran in going nuclear and keeping their blood-soaked Syrian client in his presidential palace. Already, under the “peace process,” Putin and Assad are running rings around the dull-witted Kerry, whose Botoxicated visage embodies all too well the expensively embalmed state of the superpower."
Mark Steyn, NRO
God! Ain't THAT the truth?
Putin wants a shiite arc to help him with his southern Sunni problem and the re-expansion of Russia into the states formerly held by the USSR.

He's playing long-term, the Islamacists are playing long term and Senator McQueeg is playing Texas Hold-em while President Obama plays golf and spades...

Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow,
It's only a day away!
They should have just let him start a huge shit storm of a war...another 15 years~!!!

I would have LOVED to see Rob, Merc, Dan, Limey Sean and the rest of the left wing dick sucks on the GB praise war and justify Obama invading Syria in every way they could, including "Bush did it!! That means it's ok for Obama!!!" LMFAO!!!

Bunch of fuckin' twats.

Plus it would fuck the economy right in the ass....go ahead an pull that bandaid off.
You’ve/we’ve been trying to find a diplomatic solution for 2 fucking years.

Bad cop put’s a gun on the table and all of a sudden things start to happen.

You really think that Assad would even be taking about handing over his chemical weapons without the gun on the table, let alone stop using them?

It doesn't make US look bad because Russia would have no hand to play unless Obama had threatened Syria.

And if Putin fails, Obama can say 'told ya so' and still bomb Assad if he wants to.

Personally I think the US should pay the Turks to sort Assad out , they're pretty good at genocide - ask the Armenians and the Kurds!
It doesn't make US look bad because Russia would have no hand to play unless Obama had threatened Syria.

And if Putin fails, Obama can say 'told ya so' and still bomb Assad if he wants to...

So this is the "talking point" from Huffington Post or MSNBC? :rolleyes:
It looks like Kerry and Barry are JUMPING at any chance to get out of this given the lack of public support for this misguided adventure, which has to stop.
They should have just let him start a huge shit storm of a war...another 15 years~!!!

I would have LOVED to see Rob, Merc, Dan, Limey Sean and the rest of the left wing dick sucks on the GB praise war and justify Obama invading Syria in every way they could, including "Bush did it!! That means it's ok for Obama!!!" LMFAO!!!

Bunch of fuckin' twats.

Plus it would fuck the economy right in the ass....go ahead an pull that bandaid off.

You know I hate this line. It's like people forget that pretty much everybody was on board with Bush's wars until it became painfully obvious that Bush was either lying to us or being lied to and buying it. Id' be more shocked if those "lefties" weren't on board for the Syria war the same way they are on board for Afghanistan and were on board for Iraq and are on board for a potential Iran war. There are no doves in America. We all love our hammer and want to hit things. There are only people who want to hit things first without asking questions and those who'd rather wait until we're sure we're hitting the right thing.
I don't know if it makes you look bad or not.

It does make your ass look fat.
You’ve/we’ve been trying to find a diplomatic solution for 2 fucking years.

Bad cop put’s a gun on the table and all of a sudden things start to happen.

You really think that Assad would even be taking about handing over his chemical weapons without the gun on the table, let alone stop using them?


True, but you can't tell me that all of this was part of a grand plan by Obama. It turned out well, so far, but no way do I believe it was all part of a plan. Not that this was a bad thing, I'm glad we didnt use force, so far. The Russians seem to stand by their man, good or bad, we should do more of that.
I have to assume this wasn't Obama's plan but according to most Conservatives he's a brilliant man who's plans for this country literally started before he was even born.
You’ve/we’ve been trying to find a diplomatic solution for 2 fucking years.

Bad cop put’s a gun on the table and all of a sudden things start to happen.

You really think that Assad would even be taking about handing over his chemical weapons without the gun on the table, let alone stop using them?


bingo...we have a winner

We walked out with an agreement...that is a win for us.
So you guys have been sucking Putin's cock and bitching for 3 weeks about Obama being a bloodthirsty tyrant etc...but now that it looks like military action has been avoided, it's STILL a bad thing?

Exactly what I said. Most conservatives over the years have accused Obama of being the smartest person in the history of ever. He apparently started plotting to take down America while he was in the womb for example something that not even Lex Luthor could accomplish.
Exactly what I said. Most conservatives over the years have accused Obama of being the smartest person in the history of ever. He apparently started plotting to take down America while he was in the womb for example something that not even Lex Luthor could accomplish.

I guess...
So you guys have been sucking Putin's cock and bitching for 3 weeks about Obama being a bloodthirsty tyrant etc...but now that it looks like military action has been avoided, it's STILL a bad thing?

Who is saying that?

The American military has killed more people than any country in the world and they continue.

People watching the evening news in the United States enjoy when their troops overseas shoot and kill people in that foreign country.

Let's face it.

Americans love watching our military shoot and bomb innocent people on prime time television news.

For you that don't know, those people shot by American soldiers have family and friends. They are protecting their homeland from invaders from a foreign country.

Americans are the invaders.