Does the U.N. need to send more Inspector Guys to Iraq?

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
If, say, France, sent 10 people here to California to look for weapons of mass destruction, I'm pretty sure I:

1) could hide them without a whole lot of effort.
2) wouldn't think much of the world's determination to look.
YOU can hide weapons of mass destruction? Is that like the disappearing woman trick?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
If, say, France, sent 10 people here to California to look for weapons of mass destruction, I'm pretty sure I:

1) could hide them without a whole lot of effort.
2) wouldn't think much of the world's determination to look.

I don't think you should have Weapons of Mass Destruction, DCL. I think you should notify the Office of Homeland Security and turn yourself in immediately.

I mean, if Californians don't like smoking, I doubt that they would want WMD in their state.
Re: Re: Does the U.N. need to send more Inspector Guys to Iraq?

zipman7 said:
I don't think you should have Weapons of Mass Destruction, DCL. I think you should notify the Office of Homeland Security and turn yourself in immediately.

I mean, if Californians don't like smoking, I doubt that they would want WMD in their state.

WMD and cigarettes are acceptable provided you do not use them in a public building.
The only weapon of mass destruction I have is the fart I get after eating California Cuisine two nights in a row.

I'm telling you, if I had an atomic bomb I could hide it in Burbank under an ice cream stand and I swear you'd never find it, not with only 10 people looking from Mexico to Oregon.
Can the UN find the WMDs in Iraq?

Four words.

Hans Blix, Swedish Diplomat!

There is your answer!:mad:
Re: Can the UN find the WMDs in Iraq?

busybody said:
Four words.

Hans Blix, Swedish Diplomat!

There is your answer!:mad:

The frownie face always makes me giggle.

tee-hee :)
Seems like a lot more then just a diplomat.

Dr Hans Blix studied at the University of Uppsala, at Columbia University, and at Cambridge University, where he received his PhD. At Stockholm University he attained a doctorate in law and served as a professor in international law. From 1963 to 1976, he served in the Swedish foreign ministry, and in 1978 became Sweden's Minister for Foreign Affairs. From 1981 until 1997, he served as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In 2000, the UN Secretary General appointed Hans Blix to his present position as head of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC). He has written several books on subjects associated with international and constitutional law. He received an honorary doctorate from Moscow State University in 1987 and the Henry de Wolf Smyth Award in 1988. In 1997, he was awarded the Gold Medal for distinguished service in the field of nuclear affairs by the Uranium Institute, the predecessor to the World Nuclear Association. In 2001 he became Honorary Chairman of the WNA.

Just shows to go ya.......a resume full of useless shit.

He was also the guy who was FOOLED by Iraq when he was the Inspector for the NUKES.......

Didya know that IRAQ ASKED for this guy to lead the UN Brigade?
Re: ASSwipe

busybody said:
Just shows to go ya.......a resume full of useless shit.

He was also the guy who was FOOLED by Iraq when he was the Inspector for the NUKES.......

Didya know that IRAQ ASKED for this guy to lead the UN Brigade?


"Hey, did you guys know that I have a huge male German Shepherd licking peanut butter off my nutsack at this very moment?

Wheeeeeeee! Faster Schultzie!"
Azwed said:
Seems like a lot more then just a diplomat.

Dr Hans Blix studied at the University of Uppsala, at Columbia University, and at Cambridge University, where he received his PhD. At Stockholm University he attained a doctorate in law and served as a professor in international law. From 1963 to 1976, he served in the Swedish foreign ministry, and in 1978 became Sweden's Minister for Foreign Affairs. From 1981 until 1997, he served as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In 2000, the UN Secretary General appointed Hans Blix to his present position as head of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC). He has written several books on subjects associated with international and constitutional law. He received an honorary doctorate from Moscow State University in 1987 and the Henry de Wolf Smyth Award in 1988. In 1997, he was awarded the Gold Medal for distinguished service in the field of nuclear affairs by the Uranium Institute, the predecessor to the World Nuclear Association. In 2001 he became Honorary Chairman of the WNA.

His credentials are meaningless for the task at hand. He's in favor of appeasing Iraq and has an empty nutsack.
Re: Re: ASSwipe

Problem Child said:

"Hey, did you guys know that I have a huge male German Shepherd licking peanut butter off my nutsack at this very moment?

Wheeeeeeee! Faster Schultzie!"

Chunky style?
