Deep Cover (closed)

I battered my way into the deepest recesses of Liliya's womb. Despite the obvious pain, my wife always screamed for more. I did my best to oblige.

This time she came first. Her legs tightened around my torso as she trembled with pleasure. Her nipples felt hard as diamonds against my chest.

Despite her clear exhaustion, her legs held tight to me. Her stamina was truly impressive.

I carried her across to the couch and managed to sit down with her still impaled upon me. "When you get me this big and hard, I can scarcely move in and out of you," I mock-complained. "Why do you have to be so sexy?"

I winked at her as I lifted her up a few inches and slid her back down. Her pussy felt almost too tight, but her extreme dampness made it possible to still move my massive girth within her.
I kissed his throat, feeling his pulse race under his skin. I planted my feet on the couch and began to ride him in earnest. I cried out softly as he filled me again and again.

"I want to feel you cum inside of me. I want you to claim me, to own me, my love. Other men may use my body, but none of them will own my heart like you do."

I reached down and toyed with my clit as I slid up and down on his massive cock.
Liliya placed her hand over mine and guided my fingers to her belly. Within, I could feel my rock hard cock beneath her taut muscles.

"I want to feel you cum inside of me. I want you to claim me, to own me, my love," she whispered. She then began to gyrate against me, her warm, wet flesh an obscene delight against my own.

I could easily have yielded immediately, but I knew she loved pushing me as far as I pushed her. I groaned with need as I held out for nearly a minute against her sexual onslaught.

Then I called out, "Now, my love!" moments before my loins unleashed. Torrents of my seed flooded into her as I came and came.
I clung to him, powerless, breathless and wordless as he filled me. I was shuddering and shivering in his arms.

"My love, my love." I whispered. I hid my face against his throat.

"Don't let go, please." I begged softly.

"Is it like this for you, with other women?" I asked softly. I had to know.

Together we sat quietly, catching our breath. Liliya's breasts and belly lay against my naked torso as she clung to me.

My love, my love, " she whispered to me, face against my throat. . "Don't let go, please."

I smiled and stroked her dark hair. "Very well," I replied. "I won't." She hugged me tighter with her arms. Even her internal grip seemed relentless, keeping me buried deep inside her.

Is it like this for you, with other women?" Liliya inquired softly.

"No," I consoled her. "Not like it is with you. There is sex, of course, but it is not the same. Not like this. Never like this."

I rested my head on his shoulder and melted into his body.

"I know that I have to use my body to trick other men, but my darling, I give myself to you because I want to." I whispered against his warm skin.

It was true. Somehow, as we had worked together, he had claimed my heart.
"I am glad that you do give so willingly to me, my sweet," I replied, smelling her hair as she leaned into my neck. "

" I also do not know if I could long go without it now. Before when we shared a bed but not our bodies, I was merely tempted. But having felt your touch and tasted your flesh, I cannot fathom going without it. I think I might do most anything to have you."

I pushed gently on her shoulder until she sat back far enough to look me in the eye. "You must promise me that you will be cautious, Liliya. Soon you know Control will task you again to seduce one of these men because you do it so well. But you must temper your power. Your charms could drive a man to madness. Even violence."
I nodded at his warning.

"Jack Kent. I am sure, he will be my next target. I can tell he already wants me. I could tell from the first night we met. But he actually is well trained and very strong. He is the first target that I am actually afraid of.... if he suspected me, or found me out... he could snap my neck."

I wasn't being melodramatic. I had seen the medals we wore in his uniformed pictures and I recognized the backgrounds of those pictures. Jack Kent was a man that had served his country in the most remote reaches of the world.
I nodded. "He indeed could be dangerous. Even if he does not suspect your true role, you will have to tread carefully. Sometimes you arouse my passions such that I could envision doing terrible things to have you.

"But I am tempered by my love for you." I gestured at the unseen. "Kent will have no such bar on his behavior."

"I wish that you did not have to take this risk. But you are a soldier in the service of a great cause. We must sacrifice much for it to succeed."

I stroked her hair as I pondered the possibility. Either one of us might one day misstep. No matter how hard we trained, you could not overcome every obstacle. Something could always go wrong.

" What is your next step with Kent?"
I sighed deeply.

"He likes to be strong and protective. I need to get him to see me as a damsel in distress."

I slipped to my knees and knelt up between his feet. I took his softening cock into my mouth and licked my taste from him.

"Maybe we need to host a cook out. Allie and her husband, the Kents, maybe another couple. Perhaps, we can brew some tension that will get him feeling protective of me and getting his guard even further down."

I teased and licked and took his deep, it was so much easier in his semi soft state.

"We will get word from Control soon." I offered with a shrug.
I nodded. "A communal setting would be a good idea. A few drinks into them should lower inhibitions. We might be able to find a bit of leverage with his guard down."

I groaned slightly as my wife began to swallow my flaccid cock. When erect, it was a torturous affair that threatened to choke her once my massive girth got partway down her throat. But when soft, she was able to force air in with modest effort. Consequently, she had nearly 3/4 of my shaft inside her with a smile in her eyes.

"I just wish that we didn't have to invite Allie. She's getting reckless with her libido and a party here would only encourage her to try again. Never mind that her husband is in the next room."

I sighed. "But you're right. We can't do it without her. There's no way you could hide a party from her and she'd be offended if we didn't invite her. We can't afford to upset her like that. She has to be invited."

I looked down at Liliya and smiled. "Hard to talk with your throat full of cock, I bet. Shall I take it that you agree with me?"
I nodded with my mouth full of his cock. I slipped him from my mouth and returned to his lap. I curled up against him.

"I will call all the wives and make plans for this weekend. It is too cold for a cook out. Maybe we could do a casual dinner party. I will show off my cooking skills and wear a low cut top. All the other husbands will be jealous." I teased him softly.
"Tsk, tsk," I chided. "What kind of Russian are you who worries about a little cold?"

I winked at her and then made a silly face to make her giggle. I loved to listen to her laugh.

"We shall compromise. I will cook outside. These Americans will apparently stand around a charcoal grill in a raging blizzard so long as they have a beer in hand. You can occupy the women inside and we can dine together. Perhaps you can find an opportunity with Kent along the way."

My prediction proved accurate several days later. While there was no snow, the night was indeed quite chilly. Nonetheless, the husbands and I all stood eagerly outside listening to the sound of searing meat, talking about sports, and drinking beer.

Liliya and the women gathered more sensibly in the warmth of the house. I found myself envying her, though at least out here I was safe from Allie.

I kept a careful eye on Kent. He lacked the breadth of my shoulders, but he was taller by a few inches. He looked reasonably fit, too.

I felt a familiar unease at the prospect of Liliya seducing him. Kent seemed slightly dismissive of women in his behavior. He might take liberties if given the opportunity. Such as if a dark-haired, busty housewife showed an interest in adultery.

I turned my attention back to the grill. Liliya was skilled at manipulation. She could handle him when the time came.
I would have given anything to be outside with the men. The women were gossiping and talking about their kids. I was the only one that didn't yet have babies. Mrs. Kent had a child of her own, and two stepkids from Jack's first marriage. Allie had her two little ones.

Allie smiled at me wryly. "When is Max going to get you pregnant, Ginny? You would make such pretty babies." I brushed off the comment and took another round of beers out to the boys.

I didn't put on a coat, and knew my nipples would harden even through my bra and my sweater.

I sidled up to Max and gave him his beer and offered beers to the others.

"Max, does she always know just what you need? She is a godsend in the office. The other guys keep saying she is too good to be true." Jack Kent offered with a grin.

I blushed shyly and looked up at Jack through my eyelashes.
"You are too sweet to me." I whispered softly.
"Oh, yes, she just can't resist helping out," I replied. Seeing someone in aching need just fills her with a desire to satisfy that person. "It's just in her nature to be good to her fellow man."

I glanced over at my wife. She'd worn something demure that wouldn't have the women chattering about her, but her figure was hard to fully disguise. Absent her coat, she clutched her hands around her upper arms for warnth, which subtly thrust her breasts forth. The cold had turned her nipples into thick towers.

Kent laughed knowingly. "I wish my wife were more like that. I mean, she's just great when she tries. Sometimes she just needs a little motivation to kick her into gear, if you know what I mean."

I chuckled like I knew and agreed with his sentiments. My opinion of the man hadn't improved with our time together. Would that he wasn't so important to Control.

"Ginny, I think we're going to need to ice down some more beer," I continued. "I'd go, but I need to tend to the grill. Everything is out in the garage But it's heavy, so you'll probably need some help; maybe take one of the guys with you?"

To the surprise of no one, Kent spoke up almost immediately. "I'll go. Can't have Max here doing all the work. Lead the way, Ginny."
I lead Jack to the garage. I could feel his eyes on my ass as I walked. He playfully tugged my ponytail as we walked. I took him to the garage. I opened the deep freeze and showed him the bags of ice.

I got one of the pails off of the shelf, I grabbed another twelve pack of bottles and put them in the pail.

"Jack, can you break up the ice and pour it in here?" I asked softly, looking up at Jack. I was doing my best to read his face. I wasn't sure how quickly he was going to proceed. I didn't know if he was going to play with his prey for a while, or if he planned on devouring me right away.

"Jack, is everyhing okay?" I looked up at him innocently with my big brown eyes.
"It just seems a shame that your husband treats you like that," Jack mused as he hefted the pail. He made sure to do it one-handed to emphasize his bicep. His college football days were long behind him, but he still had some muscle where it counted.

"I mean, a pretty thing like you shouldn't be dispatched to run errands like that. You deserve a gentler touch."

His eyes ran down her frame. Ginny dressed much more conservatively at the office. Not that her present outfit was particularly scandalous, but she definitely was showing a hint of cleavage and a bit more calf than usual.

Granted, he'd wanted her from the moment he first laid eyes on her. Who wouldn't with a face like hers? But seeing her like this only spurred him on.

"Of course, some women do like a man with a firm hand," he continued as if puzzling out a problem. "Is that what you like, Ginny? A firm hand?"
I looked up at him through my lashes. I knew what he wanted. He wanted soft and feminine. He wanted delicate and breathless.

"He is just distracted. He wants to impress you and Roger." I offered softly. I laid my hand on his arm and lost my balance just a little, my ample breasts brushing against his torso.

"He knows I am a little taken with you." I said biting my lip.
Jack grinned confidently. Of course she had a little crush on him. All women did. Her husband obviously couldn't satisfy her. Dumb moron.

"Taken with me?" Jack murmured with a lascivious grin. "You don't say. Do I turn you on, Ginny?"

Jack stepped towards her. With the garage freezer behind her, she could only press against the metal door as his chest leaned into hers. He felt a thrill of arousal as her firm bosom brushed against his shirt.

He leaned his head down to hers and whispered again. "Do I turn you on?"
She looked up at him through her eyelashes, allowing herself to look shy. She bit her lip and took a deep breath.

"I don't know if I should tell you." She looked down at her feet. "I have this recurring fantasy. I misplace a file, and you call me into your office. And you bend me over your lap and spank me for being a very naughty girl." She whispers, her breath catching in her chest. "I know it is a very wicked thought... but I picture it when I am in the shower."

Inwardly, she was ever so pleased that they had researched his internet surfing preferences.

I resisted the urge to look at my watch. Had the two merely went to retrieve those items, they'd have been back by now. They must have gotten sidetracked.

On the one hand, that was a good thing. Liliya was confident that she could advance the mission by manipulting Jack using his libido. She just needed the right opportunity. And if she was right about his desire to cuckold other men, then he'd be doubly tempted by the opportunity she'd created for him.

Still, I found myself uneasy about it. I didn't like the idea of Liliya being alone with him after he'd been drinking. Jack had a dark side to his shiny, clean public image.

But I had to trust her. Liliya had been trained for this. She also knew and accepted the risks. I had to let her handle this alone.

"Really?" Jack inquired, his big smile curling into a leer. "You like to get spanked, Ginny?"

Jack tilted his head as he stared hungrily at Ginny, shifting his gave from her amazing tits to her taut swell of her ass. God, he loved the sound of his hand against a woman's ass. He also liked the little squeals the hits elicited when he really made it sting.

Alison had been into it when they'd just gotten together. He used to light up her little cheeks till they glowed. But having kids had changed that; she just wasn't as interested in his kinks these days.

Neither had his multiple affairs. Oh, a few didn't mind him slapping their ass as he pounded into them, but none had been inclined to bend over and let him smack their cheeks repeatedly.

But if Ginny was not only into him but into his favorite little fetish . . .? Yes! He had to bed this woman. God, he was already getting hard over this.

Jack closed the distance till he was mere inches from her prominent chest. "If you like to get spanked, Ginny, I'd be happy to help," he declared with a grin.

His right arm reached around her and clamped a hand on her left buttock. He squeezed hard to show his dominance. "I can help you right now." He pointed to a nearby stack of of boxes. "Lean over that and hike up your skirt. Then tell me how naughty you've been."
She looked at Jack over her shoulder shyly.

"it has been years since I have been spanked. But I fantasize about it. There is something about you that makes me feel so soft and girlish." She whispered.

She daintily laid herself across the boxes and wriggled her skirt up over her hips. Underneath, she was wearing baby pink bikini panties. The cut seemed to emphasize the lush curves of her ass.

"I have been a very bad girl, Mr. Kent. I am a married woman and I have been thinking about my handsome boss spanking me." Liliya whispered. She bit her lip, looking like the consummate innocent in over head.
Jack leered at Ginny's ass as she hiked her skirt up. He'd hoped she wore something truly daring, but the the semi-modest bikini cut left a fair amount of rounded butt cheek on display. And if anything, her ass was even more spectacular than he'd imagined.

"Oh, that definitely sounds bad, Ginny," he chided. "It's not appropriate for you to have such thoughts about your boss like that."

He laid his right hand on her left buttock. Dear Lord, it felt so good. Plush, but with a firm musculature beneath. His cock throbbed angrily in his pants as he swept his hand downward to cup the pale roundness from beneath.

"Yes, a bad girl like you must be punished," he declared. He drew back his right hand as he spoke, holding it high in the air. "Let's start with three and see if that's enough."

Jack's hand swung in a swift arc and connected with Ginny's left cheek. A sharp crack sounded as he made contact. This was no playful slap to make the flesh jiggle; he struck with sufficient force to make the flesh sting.

" One, " he declared, admiring the way her flesh responded. He paused but a moment before drawing back his hand again. He applied the second and third with similar force, counting them out each time.
With each swat of his hand, I moaned and pressed my ass back. I could feel a little heat in the pinkened skin of my ass.

I felt his hand wrap around my ponytail and I couldn't help but whimper.

"Just a few more, please Sir?" I asked ever so softly, trying to feed his ego.
Jack's cock throbbed in his pants at the her words. "More? But of course!" he declared eagerly.

He rained nearly two dozen blows on Ginny's ass, making sure to land each one with a hearty smack. He targeted his efforts across her cheeks, spreading out the blows. By the time he finished, the exposed flesh glowed a bright pink.

"There," he huffed, his breathing still elevated. "Now I'm done punishing. But I think you've got a ways to go to make it up to me." Jack pointed to the slender bulge at the the front of his pants. "I want you to take put my cock and suck it."