David Axelrod warns barring Trump from 2024 ballot will 'tear the country apart'

I don't know what it's like on the inside but from outside the US it really does look like the country is heading for some kind of civil war.

I hope I am wrong about this.
I don't know about a war, If Trump is elected I see the courts spending 4 years sorting out the mess. I can't see a vast number of citizens mounting any type of uprising that would even need the National Guard. A bunch of idiots maybe, who'll end up like the bozo's who are now serving time for Jan 6th. Nothing like what happened in 1860.

I can see a Presidency with Trump as being very destructive to the institutions built up to protect the democracy, and him attempting to instil himself as President for life. I can see his base to going along with that, but not the vast majority. Which would be the stopper.

Most people who vote, vote the way their parents did, they don't know the issues, they just go on, Party x is bad for us, and Party Y is good, so they vote Y.

What you see here isn't a microcosm of the US, just a few incells who can't get laid in real life, or even in cyber space, now using this as their safe place to vent out the frustration they feel against the changes in society. The white male will soon be in a minority group ( 20 years) a situation made by their own reproductive choices. They feel powerless against this change, and cling to people who tell them, they will fix it back to the way it was.

So if Trump does get reelected but either of the houses stay in a Democratic majority, expect four years of SCOTUS dominating everything. If Trump wins and the Republicans take both houses, expect four years of protests like never seen in the US before. But you won't see a civil war.
I don't know about a war, If Trump is elected I see the courts spending 4 years sorting out the mess. I can't see a vast number of citizens mounting any type of uprising that would even need the National Guard. A bunch of idiots maybe, who'll end up like the bozo's who are now serving time for Jan 6th. Nothing like what happened in 1860.

I can see a Presidency with Trump as being very destructive to the institutions built up to protect the democracy, and him attempting to instil himself as President for life. I can see his base to going along with that, but not the vast majority. Which would be the stopper.

Most people who vote, vote the way their parents did, they don't know the issues, they just go on, Party x is bad for us, and Party Y is good, so they vote Y.

What you see here isn't a microcosm of the US, just a few incells who can't get laid in real life, or even in cyber space, now using this as their safe place to vent out the frustration they feel against the changes in society. The white male will soon be in a minority group ( 20 years) a situation made by their own reproductive choices. They feel powerless against this change, and cling to people who tell them, they will fix it back to the way it was.

So if Trump does get reelected but either of the houses stay in a Democratic majority, expect four years of SCOTUS dominating everything. If Trump wins and the Republicans take both houses, expect four years of protests like never seen in the US before. But you won't see a civil war.
Hate to say it, but if Trump wins, we can kiss democracy goodbye. SCOTUS is dominated by far right partisans so they will nothing to save the Republic. Odds are that the Senate will be controlled by Republicans. The House could turn Democratic but if that happens, Trump will just ignore it and do everything by executive fiat.
Hate to say it, but if Trump wins, we can kiss democracy goodbye. SCOTUS is dominated by far right partisans so they will nothing to save the Republic. Odds are that the Senate will be controlled by Republicans. The House could turn Democratic but if that happens, Trump will just ignore it and do everything by executive fiat.
I'm not an American, so when I view the decisions handed down by Scotus since the majority changed, I don't see a blind loyalty to a party. I see decisions based upon how each Justice views the case. Roe vs Wade for example, my only complaint on the ruling ( even though I disagreed with it) is that several Justices said under oath, RvW was settled law. Obviously to them it wasn't, they lied to get the position and should have been sanctioned.

At the end, all Justices still seem to rule based upon the Constitution, and even if Trump gets in, I don't see them blindly backing each and everything he does.
I'm not an American, so when I view the decisions handed down by Scotus since the majority changed, I don't see a blind loyalty to a party. I see decisions based upon how each Justice views the case. Roe vs Wade for example, my only complaint on the ruling ( even though I disagreed with it) is that several Justices said under oath, RvW was settled law. Obviously to them it wasn't, they lied to get the position and should have been sanctioned.

At the end, all Justices still seem to rule based upon the Constitution, and even if Trump gets in, I don't see them blindly backing each and everything he does.
You won’t have to wait long to see if you are right. The 14th Amendment case from Colorado and the Presidental Immunity (which isn’t a thing) case will be decided soon. I expect both to go Trump‘s way but with the stipulation that it doesn’t set a precedent. Another Bush v Gore decision
You won’t have to wait long to see if you are right. The 14th Amendment case from Colorado and the Presidental Immunity (which isn’t a thing) case will be decided soon. I expect both to go Trump‘s way but with the stipulation that it doesn’t set a precedent. Another Bush v Gore decision
I think he'll lose on the immunity. 50/50 on the ballot. But as you say, we will know soon enough.
So, punishing him first then having the trial so you can convict him afterward is "justice"?
He could shoot your father in the face, then rape your mother, and afterwards upload the whole thing to Youtube and you would probably still think that is perfectly fine, since he "Hasn't been convicted of anything."

He committed treason. HE formented an insurrection and tried to overturn an election he lost. That, right there, is grounds for being barred from running for office or ever serving elected office again. Since you proclaim, falsely, that you are some kind of attorney (Regardless of whether anyone actually believes you since let's face it- you are not!) It should outrage and upset you that anyone who commits an egregious and blatant crime should get away with it. You were, no doubt, upset that OJ Simpson got away with murder, were you not? How would you feel if O.J. Simpson got on the ballot for mayor of L.A after buying his way out of justice? You would be pretty pissed, justifiably so (though for different reasons, perhaps, than most people, given your aversion to people of Simpson's ethnic background.)
He could shoot your father in the face, then rape your mother, and afterwards upload the whole thing to Youtube and you would probably still think that is perfectly fine, since he "Hasn't been convicted of anything."

He committed treason. HE formented an insurrection and tried to overturn an election he lost. That, right there, is grounds for being barred from running for office or ever serving elected office again. Since you proclaim, falsely, that you are some kind of attorney (Regardless of whether anyone actually believes you since let's face it- you are not!) It should outrage and upset you that anyone who commits an egregious and blatant crime should get away with it. You were, no doubt, upset that OJ Simpson got away with murder, were you not? How would you feel if O.J. Simpson got on the ballot for mayor of L.A after buying his way out of justice? You would be pretty pissed, justifiably so (though for different reasons, perhaps, than most people, given your aversion to people of Simpson's ethnic background.)

^ BIG meltdown in progress.
He could shoot your father in the face, then rape your mother, and afterwards upload the whole thing to Youtube and you would probably still think that is perfectly fine, since he "Hasn't been convicted of anything."

He committed treason. HE formented an insurrection and tried to overturn an election he lost. That, right there, is grounds for being barred from running for office or ever serving elected office again. Since you proclaim, falsely, that you are some kind of attorney (Regardless of whether anyone actually believes you since let's face it- you are not!) It should outrage and upset you that anyone who commits an egregious and blatant crime should get away with it. You were, no doubt, upset that OJ Simpson got away with murder, were you not? How would you feel if O.J. Simpson got on the ballot for mayor of L.A after buying his way out of justice? You would be pretty pissed, justifiably so (though for different reasons, perhaps, than most people, given your aversion to people of Simpson's ethnic background.)
OJ would have lost but I wouldn't have cared if he ran for office. I'm a strong believer that for starters found not guilty is good enough. More than that if you have a large enough prison population that prisoners voting would sway elections you've got an entirely different problem.
Well you should know, you've had enough meltdowns on Lit.
He never has any answer other than "GO FUCK YOURSELF" when he is called out on his bullshit and can't come up with a sensible response. (Which would, in this case, be "Okay, maybe you've got a point.")

It's the last resort of forum trolls and bullies everywhere. No, Icanhelp1, why don't you go fuck YOURSELF and maybe find a new hobby.
OJ would have lost but I wouldn't have cared if he ran for office. I'm a strong believer that for starters found not guilty is good enough.
Probably mostly, but jury nullification and settling out of court with closed records casts a pall.
As the decisions disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the 2024 election work their way through the courts, a new filing in Pennsylvania seeks the same “ballot cleansing” by barring Republican Rep. Scott Perry. It’s only the latest effort targeting congressional candidates as Democrats seek to bar opponents as “insurrectionists” for questioning the election of President Biden.

We have become a nation of Madame Defarges — eagerly knitting names of those to be subject to arbitrary justice.

“Insurrectionist” is the newest label to excuse any abuse

Until the court rejects this antidemocratic ploy, activists eager to win elections through the courts will keep using it, and it will metastasize throughout our body politic.
Awww upset that the chickens have come home to roost? I'm not thinking the Trump three on SCOTUS are going to care if they put the guy away for insurrection. They might support a Conservative agenda, but they don't support anarchy.
But they may support an authoritarian regime.
The flaw in this argument is that no one is using the 14th to convict Trump. Only to disqualify him. Which has nothing to due with "due process" or criminal conviction. That is the beauty ( IMHO) of how the 14 th amendment section on insurrection was written.

Ahhhh time to bump up your stupidity on the other,more important thread showing how Biden's made life so much better for 18%of the American public.
All I know is that now war is breaking out on multiple fronts, and I have lost a large chunk of my retirement. Other than that, life is just peachy.