Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot


Feb 27, 2017
Setting up for a SCOTUS battle for sure.
But as of now, the by the skin of his teeth electoral college president doesn’t have access to 10.
US democracy taking more batterings. Removing people from ballots by court order plays into "stolen election" narratives. The whole capitalist system in the US is unbelievably corrupt and rotten to the core, and threatens to take us all down with it.
This is, of course, the reddest of red meat to The Inmate and his base...

...not that it'll matter much in Colorado! 🤣😍
US democracy taking more batterings. Removing people from ballots by court order plays into "stolen election" narratives. The whole capitalist system in the US is unbelievably corrupt and rotten to the core, and threatens to take us all down with it.

Explain how this decision is related capitalism.

This is supporting the very core of our democracy - the constitution. He was found to have engaged in insurrection. That is a legal and factual finding. To allow him on the ballot is frankly a direct insult to our democracy.
Explain how this decision is related capitalism.
Simple. Trump is about enriching himself and his small circle, not about the big corporations as a whole, and he's not as sympathetic to warmongering imperialist adventures that spend billions and billions of taxpayer dollars as Biden has been.

This is supporting the very core of our democracy - the constitution.
Something from centuries ago? The original United States was a compromise between capitalists and slave owners, which blew up with the Civil War. And is the electoral college really democratic? Basically, any vote cast in a presidential election for a candidate who doesn't win the popular vote in that particular state, is effectively a wasted vote. And in relative weight, the smaller, less populated states, get more power.

He was found to have engaged in insurrection. That is a legal and factual finding. To allow him on the ballot is frankly a direct insult to our democracy.
So a Biden, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and military industrial complex dictatorship instead? The swamp all together.
Simple. Trump is about enriching himself and his small circle, not about the big corporations as a whole, and he's not as sympathetic to warmongering imperialist adventures that spend billions and billions of taxpayer dollars as Biden has been.

Something from centuries ago? The original United States was a compromise between capitalists and slave owners, which blew up with the Civil War. And is the electoral college really democratic? Basically, any vote cast in a presidential election for a candidate who doesn't win the popular vote in that particular state, is effectively a wasted vote. And in relative weight, the smaller, less populated states, get more power.

So a Biden, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and military industrial complex dictatorship instead? The swamp all together.

Trump... not a capitalist with capitalist interests? What are you smoking? Additionally, he's very sympathetic to Putin. A definitive warmonger and would love to have access to American corporate capital.

Yes, our constitution. The very core of the society which enables your trips to Target et al. It's not perfect but it's what we've got. Your wasted temper tantrum vote for Stein etc is just that - a wasted temper tantrum vote.

Biden is the alternative to Trump. We know you don't like it. But we don't have the luxury of redrawing reality to suit our fantasies.

You've not explained one iota how this court decision is tied to capitalism. All you've done is regurgitate the usual axe you're grinding.
all trump wants is for everybody to bow down and worship him sat on his golden throne (the shit) in what he intends to make the new presidential residence: mar-a-lago. will he keep the White House as a holiday home? if he can make cash from visitors, perhaps, but he's more concerned about remaking the USA into his own vision of tacky splendour.
Considering that elections are controlled by the state/counties then I don't see SCOTUS siding with him. My guess is they will reject the case and let the state supreme court decision stand.

I think you’re being a bit optimistic, but who knows…

This is a pretty significant ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court, and it almost demands a SCOTUS ruling.

If the SCOTUS punts on this, then that opens the door in the future for other states to manufacture justifications to keep a candidate off the ballot.

See also:

MAGAts calling every protest / act of civil disobedience an insurrection.


Yeah, I think SCOTUS has to take this up and make a decision. A clear definition of what qualifies as insurrection also needs to be adjudicated . - An assault on the Capitol during the certification of the ballots to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power / transition to a new administration definitely qualifies, but protesting the new dog catcher definitely doesn’t.

Trump... not a capitalist with capitalist interests? What are you smoking?
He most certainly is a capitalist with capitalist interests, but he doesn't care about the big business class as a whole very much. He's like J.R. Ewing of Dallas. He'd happily sell them all down the river if it boosted Trump's career, profits and image. Biden is basically the epitome of a careerist, congressional politician.

Additionally, he's very sympathetic to Putin.
Compared to Biden being sympathetic to Zelensky and neonazi battalions in Ukraine (wasting billions of taxpayer dollars in the process), and supporting ethnic cleansing and potential genocide in Israel (yet more billions of taxpayer dollars wasted)?

A definitive warmonger and would love to have access to American corporate capital.
Trump did things like bombings, assassinations, moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, but his main foreign policy weapon was trade sanctions and questioning the point of NATO. Biden's priority has been expanding NATO by provoking a proxy war against NATO, aimed at rebuking Trumpist criticism and disciplining European politicians to US foreign policy, especially the Germans (who had the delusion that they ran Europe). Biden is a far bigger warmonger in terms of getting the US involved in wars, and spending billions and billions of taxpayer dollars on it. Trump is more narrow minded, with his "America First" approach. Biden's approach is more "America is back, into Europe, into the world".

Yes, our constitution. The very core of the society which enables your trips to Target et al. It's not perfect but it's what we've got. Your wasted temper tantrum vote for Stein etc is just that - a wasted temper tantrum vote.
I vote for what I believe in. That's democracy, real democracy.

Biden is the alternative to Trump. We know you don't like it.
Tweedledum or Tweedledee is no real choice at all.

But we don't have the luxury of redrawing reality to suit our fantasies.
I vote for what I believe. That's what democracy is. The only people responsible for Biden being president are people who vote for Biden, just as the only people responsible for Trump being president are people who vote for Trump.

You've not explained one iota how this court decision is tied to capitalism. All you've done is regurgitate the usual axe you're grinding.
Everything in the system is tied to the corporate drive for profit, in the US and internationally. Trump is not reliable for the big internationalist corporations and military industrial complex, and he has ruined the reputation of establishment institutions with his actions. For example, nobody can seriously claim now that SCOTUS is above American society, above American politics, and cares only about the law.

Too fucking funny. Vetteman, tim rapey and AJ are going to be triggered by this. :)
I think you’re being a bit optimistic, but who knows…

This is a pretty significant ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court, and it almost demands a SCOTUS ruling.

If the SCOTUS punts on this, then that opens the door in the future for other states to manufacture justifications to keep a candidate off the ballot.

See also:

MAGAts calling every protest / act of civil disobedience an insurrection.


Yeah, I think SCOTUS has to take this up and make a decision. A clear definition of what qualifies as insurrection also needs to be adjudicated . - An assault on the Capitol during the certification of the ballots to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power / transition to a new administration definitely qualifies, but protesting the new dog catcher definitely doesn’t.


Perhaps but that is a heavy lift by January 5th.

Additionally he was found by two courts to have engaged in insurrection. States control all of the mechanisms of their elections, by law and by design.

In normal times I would say that insurrection is clearly defined, however we are in the time of "alternative facts".
He most certainly is a capitalist with capitalist interests, but he doesn't care about the big business class as a whole very much. He's like J.R. Ewing of Dallas. He'd happily sell them all down the river if it boosted Trump's career, profits and image. Biden is basically the epitome of a careerist, congressional politician.

Compared to Biden being sympathetic to Zelensky and neonazi battalions in Ukraine (wasting billions of taxpayer dollars in the process), and supporting ethnic cleansing and potential genocide in Israel (yet more billions of taxpayer dollars wasted)?

Trump did things like bombings, assassinations, moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, but his main foreign policy weapon was trade sanctions and questioning the point of NATO. Biden's priority has been expanding NATO by provoking a proxy war against NATO, aimed at rebuking Trumpist criticism and disciplining European politicians to US foreign policy, especially the Germans (who had the delusion that they ran Europe). Biden is a far bigger warmonger in terms of getting the US involved in wars, and spending billions and billions of taxpayer dollars on it. Trump is more narrow minded, with his "America First" approach. Biden's approach is more "America is back, into Europe, into the world".

I vote for what I believe in. That's democracy, real democracy.

Tweedledum or Tweedledee is no real choice at all.

I vote for what I believe. That's what democracy is. The only people responsible for Biden being president are people who vote for Biden, just as the only people responsible for Trump being president are people who vote for Trump.

Everything in the system is tied to the corporate drive for profit, in the US and internationally. Trump is not reliable for the big internationalist corporations and military industrial complex, and he has ruined the reputation of establishment institutions with his actions. For example, nobody can seriously claim now that SCOTUS is above American society, above American politics, and cares only about the law.

Trump is a profiteer. For himself, for his family and for his cronies. He is for sale and everything he can get his hands on is for sale. His ethics cater to and are surrounded by money. He signed into law tax cuts benefiting the richest of us all and putting the country into massive debt. Your understanding of him is... incomplete. And frankly, flawed.

"Everything in this system is tied to..." isn't telling me HOW. You made the statement, draw the lines. HOW is this court decision tied to capitalism? If everything is, then you should be able to tell me exactly how this is.
Trump is a profiteer. For himself, for his family and for his cronies. He is for sale and everything he can get his hands on is for sale.

His ethics cater to and are surrounded by money. He signed into law tax cuts benefiting the richest of us all and putting the country into massive debt. Your understanding of him is... incomplete. And frankly, flawed.
He also wields all the anger and rage in American society, combines it with own resentments, and uses them. It's important to understand what drives his voters, and even those who oppose him. A huge amount of Biden's 2020 vote was an anti-Trump vote.

"Everything in this system is tied to..." isn't telling me HOW.
Big business corporations buy politicians, judges, police, union leaders etc. How it is in The Godfather films, that's how it is on both sides of the law (legal and criminal) in real life. Michael Corleone wanted to make the Corleone family "legitimate". However, he soon found out that the legal side of the law was often worse than the criminal side of the law, like Senator Pat Geary squeezing the Corleones financially early in the second film. Michael soon became consumed with eliminating "enemies", basically any business rival, including those in the family, and even his own brothers.

Michael's personality was more like Stalin's, i.e. an iron will, and a raging anger just under the calm surface that he wielded like a weapon. Trump's personality is more like Mussolini's, i.e. a lot of bluster and posing.

You made the statement, draw the lines. HOW is this court decision tied to capitalism? If everything is, then you should be able to tell me exactly how this is.
They don't want Trump to win in 2024, and didn't in 2020 or 2016. He has been leading in recent polls, and now they want another court case out there, testing the waters of getting Trump off the ballot altogether. Follow the money trail.
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He also wields all the anger and rage in American society, combines it with own resentments, and uses them. It's important to understand what drives his voters, and even those who oppose him. A huge amount of Biden's 2020 vote was an anti-Trump vote.

Big business corporations buy politicians, judges, police, union leaders etc. How it is in The Godfather films, that's how it is on both sides of the law (legal and criminal) in real life. Michael Corleone wanted to make the Corleone family "legitimate". However, he soon found out that the legal side of the law was often worse than the criminal side of the law, like Senator Pat Geary squeezing the Corleones financially early in the second film. Michael soon became consumed with eliminating "enemies", basically any business rival, including those in the family, and even his own brothers.

They don't want Trump to win in 2024, and didn't in 2020 or 2016. He has been leading in recent polls, and now they want another court case out there, testing the waters of getting Trump off the ballot altogether. Follow the money trail.

Being that Trump will sell out anything, we can add the country to that list. National secrets etc. See missing folder that's been in the news recently. (Odd there were a bunch of asset deaths shortly thereafter...)

Sigh. How. In real life. With the people involved. How. Not a movie. Not a cliche. With the actual litigants and justices who made the decision, how is capitalism involved in this court decision? An airy fairy wave of the hand "oh you know everyone knows" is not enough here.

There's a very legitimate reason that people don't want Trump on the ballot: he committed insurrection against the country. This is both on top of and separate from the reality that Trump will sell the country down the river for profit. Trump shouldn't be on the ballot in any state. Period.

I have a hunch this will be met with the usual cliches but here goes: which specific money trail? By whom? To whom?

Yes I do realize that a lot of Biden's vote was anti-Trump. I can't answer for the polls, they are illogical. Unless Americans are a bunch of stupid idiots who can't figure out how to pull their heads out of their ass.
Trump is a profiteer. For himself, for his family and for his cronies. He is for sale and everything he can get his hands on is for sale. His ethics cater to and are surrounded by money. He signed into law tax cuts benefiting the richest of us all and putting the country into massive debt. Your understanding of him is... incomplete. And frankly, flawed.

"Everything in this system is tied to..." isn't telling me HOW. You made the statement, draw the lines. HOW is this court decision tied to capitalism? If everything is, then you should be able to tell me exactly how this is.

“Becky" is clearly a lost cause.

I give you credit for trying to pin down the soupy Jell-o that is CBT - “ Critical "Becky" Theory", but I’ve given up.

For me, "Becky has entered the realm of BabyBoomer50, TrailerHitch, icanhelp1, HisArpy, etc. - "Becky is worthy of nothing more than scorn, derision, and mockery imho.

“Becky" has earned the contempt usually reserved for RWCJ "members" by engaging in the same circular / bad faith exchanges of the RWCJ "members", except "Becky” comes from a LWCJ position.

Extremist are extremists - right or left.

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Being that Trump will sell out anything, we can add the country to that list. National secrets etc. See missing folder that's been in the news recently. (Odd there were a bunch of asset deaths shortly thereafter...)

Sigh. How. In real life. With the people involved. How. Not a movie. Not a cliche. With the actual litigants and justices who made the decision, how is capitalism involved in this court decision? An airy fairy wave of the hand "oh you know everyone knows" is not enough here.

There's a very legitimate reason that people don't want Trump on the ballot: he committed insurrection against the country. This is both on top of and separate from the reality that Trump will sell the country down the river for profit. Trump shouldn't be on the ballot in any state. Period.

I have a hunch this will be met with the usual cliches but here goes: which specific money trail? By whom? To whom?

Yes I do realize that a lot of Biden's vote was anti-Trump. I can't answer for the polls, they are illogical. Unless Americans are a bunch of stupid idiots who can't figure out how to pull their heads out of their ass.
Why do you think the constitution came into being and continues to exist? Did it just fall out of the sky as sacred text? It's there to serve the ruling class and their profit making. The government and federal forces are not neutral arbiters of fairness, but represent the interests of big business capitalists as a whole.

The US big business class don't want Trump winning in 2024, including possibly removing him from the ballot if needs be, because they find him unreliable in terms of their future profit making and the reputation of US establishment institutions.

In regards to the judge or anyone involved in getting Trump removed from ballot papers, or testing the idea. Who is he close to in terms of powerful and rich people? What are his business links? Any links between his business interests and businesses that give money to Biden's political campaigns? That sort of thing. You can ask the same thing on Trump's side as well, but Biden will have most of the big internationalist corporations on side.
“Becky" is clearly a lost cause.

I give you credit for trying to pin down the soupyJell-o that is CBT - “ Critical "Becky" Theory", but I’ve given up.

For me, "Becky has entered the realm of BabyBoomer50, TrailerHitch, icanhelp1, HisArpy, etc. - "Becky is worthy of nothing more than scorn, derision, and mockery imho.

“Becky" has earned the contempt usually reserved for RWCJ "members" by engaging in the same circular / bad faith exchanges
of the RWCJ "members", except "Becky” comes from a LWCJ position.

Extremist are extremists - right or left.

The ones who are really lost are those who believe that the federal government and its institutions are neutral arbiters of fairness. I don't think you really believe that anyway, not after the way you reacted once when I dared to question the official Ukraine narrative, with you wishing for the FBI to question me and worse. Those were the remarks of someone who knows the real function of the federal and state services, to serve big business capitalism and the imperialist military industrial complex.