Dave's Zombie Proof Bunker and Refuge for Unattached Wimmens

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Most points?

Did you read earlier where I told PL1 that I had every intention of winning? It's always my plan.
Most points?

Did you read earlier where I told PL1 that I had every intention of winning? It's always my plan.
But what's really going to put a tick in your pants is that she's letting you win... have you read nothing of reverse psychology? :rolleyes:
I hope I'm not giving away too many secrets here?
I never have any delusion of my ability to win, so it's fine. *chuckles* Mostly I just like to play. I'm a pleaser by nature, so seeing others win when they like it so much suits me just fine.

I've no problem rollin' over, so to speak. :rolleyes:
But what's really going to put a tick in your pants is that she's letting you win... have you read nothing of reverse psychology? :rolleyes:
I hope I'm not giving away too many secrets here?

I fully understand the mind of a woman and that belief that that is the means to her ends.
And speaking of a means to her ends...

Wait. Sorry. This is no time for stupid puns and plays on words.

I'm going out to take some target practice. Before it gets dark, I want to try out some of the new rounds I've hand loaded.
I fully understand the mind of a woman and that belief that that is the means to her ends.

The extent of his delusions are greater than we once feared..

Ella!!! Will we be able to save him?????

*insert hokie "dun dun duuuuuunnn" dramatic sound effect*
You have no idea what I know. The fact that I choose to act like a regular oblivious doofus is apparently lost on you.

You have no idea what I know. The fact that I choose to act like a regular oblivious doofus is apparently lost on you.

True..I don't know what youknow, however I know that any man who claims he fully understands the female mind is delusional at best.

You will have a difficult time indeed trying to convince me otherwise.
Hmmm, RA may have a point.

In general I think women have spent too long being bitched at that we're complicated, hard to please and impossible to understand. Given those things it's very possible that we will never believe a Y-chrome sort would ACTUALLY solve the puzzle...

Of course, some of us are entirely too simple as well. Which only further complicates matters. :D :eek:
How about if I say that the minute that a man thinks he has things figured out, y'all will simply change your mind to throw him off? I know that much.

And further, that you would never admit it and chastise him while you're at it for thinking he understood.
*senses a disturbance in the Refuge and sneak-tackles Dave to the ground, one hand smacking his naked ass *

What have we here? Mention of the dreaded Grammar Nazis in our peaceful refuge? We can't have that. You need to report to the woodshed for correction.

*grins and gives him a little squeeze*
*senses a disturbance in the Refuge and sneak-tackles Dave to the ground, one hand smacking his naked ass *

What have we here? Mention of the dreaded Grammar Nazis in our peaceful refuge? We can't have that. You need to report to the woodshed for correction.

*grins and gives him a little squeeze*

Where have you been? Don't make me wait so long for you, again, please!

*Tries to smile through the pain of a petite, but very insistent girl sitting on his wounded leg*
Hope you don't mind me posting this. Thought might bring out a smile at least

Where have you been? Don't make me wait so long for you, again, please!

*Tries to smile through the pain of a petite, but very insistent girl sitting on his wounded leg*
* quickly gets the heck off his leg*

Oh Dave, what happened to you?
* quickly gets the heck off his leg*

Oh Dave, what happened to you?

Sweetie, it was terrible. Indescribably terrible. And...I don't know if I'm going to heel this time...not like I used to. This is different.
I've been following Dave around all morning, not so's he'd notice but
there's something
maybe one of the other girls could help me put my finger on it
I like it here - I hope that's OK? :cattail:
I've been following Dave around all morning, not so's he'd notice but
there's something
maybe one of the other girls could help me put my finger on it
I like it here - I hope that's OK? :cattail:
Well,when you put your finger on it.. you might want to wash your hands...
Just sayin' no tellin' where exactly Dave has been lately.. :p
Then let us know what it was you figured out :D
Standing atop a small hill south of the bunker and looking back at it, I could swear that something is going on. I've had that "hairs on the back of my neck standing up" feeling all day. Can't place it, but there's something...off about, well, everything.

About an eighth of a mile away is where we fought the raiders who attempted to get too close to the bunker. They clearly were amassing there before moving to attack, place us under siege, or simply pillage the place. I know from watching them for days as they made their cautious approach that they watched the ladies working around the fields, out-buildings, or the bunker itself, that they must have thought that they'd hit the jackpot. Their night time conversations, heard by me as I crouched nearby, revealed that they planned to take the women primarily. They considered the fact that there was plentiful food a secondary item.

I remember chuckling to myself as I thought what would happen to a party of scraggly, ill-kept, poorly groomed ruffians who forced their way in and found themselves confronted by a gang of clean, beautiful, and naked women. Before their chins could hit the floor in awe of this sight--one that nobody has seen since "the unpleasantness" started--bullets, clubs, and heels would be used against them so effectively that they would be puddles of goo on the floor that would be cleaned up before dinner time and tossed into the moat, to become part of our bio-diesel fuel for our generators. All the same, I wouldn't let that happen. I don't want the ladies to fight if they don't have to. I prefer they be allowed to maintain their femininity if they prefer; I do the killing around here so they don't have to. Sure, they can join in or even initiate it if they want, but I won't put them into a position where they have to fight, if I can help it.

So, as I moved out of their direct contact and initiated an attack that ended up with most of them dead, their female hostages rescued, and their convoy of ragtag vehicles burning, I felt a certain, shall we say, satisfaction, that the ladies could enjoy the fireworks and not get their hands dirty. With no more remorse at their deaths than I would feel about stepping on a spider that had gotten into my home, I walked back to the bunker, slipped into a secret, hidden entrance, and sat down at the dinner table to eat left over chicken pot pie that Ella had heated up for me when the other ladies went upstairs to watch the "fireworks show." She knows that killing makes me hungry.

Later, when Whip returned to the motor pool garages with the tank, I helped her service it, reload it full of HE rounds, and after refueling it, I pumped its tanks full of the two components needed for its flame thrower. She whistled quietly as she worked and built up a sheen of sweat that I had to fight to look away from. She is sexy as hell when she's twisting and stretching and flexing as she works and the glistening sweat on her muscles is good for my...libido. But I hugged her tightly when we were done to congratulate her on a job very well done and then, reluctantly, let her go and headed back into the bunker, stripped and stepped into the large co-ed shower, removed all the grease and smell of fuel from myself, redressed, and slipped out to the common area.

I stopped to pet my favorite Kitten and visit for a minute, eager to see that her needs were taken care of. She's shy, curious, sweet, and so desirable that she probably has no notion that she is always two seconds away from me scratching something else for her than her ears. Another inappropriate action for the host of so many. I always have to remember my responsibilities to these ladies.

I remember pouring drinks and visiting with ladies that are no longer hanging with us. Kat, Pirate'sWench, FakeASmile, Gigglegasm, DesigningAngel...all out on patrol...possibly eternally? I can't bear to think of it. Each so special and wonderful in her own way and I remember each of them for what they drank, how they laughed, how they moved when they danced, how they lit up a room...

Geez, where's NeonKnickers, where's MedicalMuse, where's FunGatorGurl, Sunny, Serene, Minalick...?

The wind blows and it takes me out of my reverie. The temperature is dropping quickly and a rusty piece of steel in what remains of the burned out convoy squeals as it scrapes against something in the breeze. Fuck 'em, they're all dead and it serves them right for thinking we were easy marks. Out loud, I say, "Only the strong survive, bitches," in the direction of the scene of their destruction.

What was that? Something, or someone, is stalking me. I can't figure it.

I turn and begin moving down off the hill. My stalker is over to the right in a small patch of trees and tall weeds. Non-threatening, so it lives for today. Besides, it's better to learn what is going on before simply attacking and killing. I'm tired of that anyway. I'll play this game.

I wonder if RubenesqueAphrodite and TongueLust are around. If they're in the common area, I'm going to break out the ice cream as a special treat. The temp has dropped a little more and I feel it in my damaged leg. I keep the rifle slung to keep from alarming my stalker. "Yeah, big tough guy, I am...letting someone sneak up on him just because you're interested in who or why..."

I limp over a small drainage ditch running lazily with water.

"...quit worrying about it and get home so you can do the dishes, boy."
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