Cougars and Cubs

Cubs are so yummy!! I like being the one to give them coaching and experience.
I'm in my forties and think I would consider under 30 as a cub but not sure if there is a defined age obviously has to be over 18 though

They say that half your age plus 7 is the youngest you should go for!
Who is they?

I've no idea, but I read it somewhere and it sort of makes sense.
18 = 16
30 = 22
40 = 27
50 = 32
60 = 37

You can work out where you sit in all this. If you're 45 for example, you might be picked up by a 76 year-old - that's the downside unless you like older men!
I've no idea, but I read it somewhere and it sort of makes sense.
18 = 16
30 = 22
40 = 27
50 = 32
60 = 37

You can work out where you sit in all this. If you're 45 for example, you might be picked up by a 76 year-old - that's the downside unless you like older men!

It works for me xx

Who is they?

LOL! I hate to be dating myself, (but as "they" say - after fifty age is a state of mind),... that calculation was around when cougars and cubs were something you saw on Wild Kingdom...

Maybe it is time for a Wild Kingdom series re-boot!
my two cents...

As i approach the dreaded 40...i would be flattered by the attention of a college student...19, 20
i for one would love to be with an older lady. come and get me ladies :D